Jan C.
on 6/28/08 3:11 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well we had a surprise this morning when we awoke, the tree out back next to our shed had split down the middle and one side of it is ontop of our shed. Took pictures all around the shed and called the insurance company to see if we could go ahead and get it off of there., She called back and said yep we could , especially since I had pictures taken. And if there was any damage to let them know and they would turn it in for us.

Great company , well I guess ive never had to file a claim on them so don’t know how well they pay if it did. Lol that is what makes an insurance company great I guess .

We only had about 1/10 of inch of rain when we got up but between 7am and 11 am we had 3 inches of rain oh and yes the elect. Was off all this time, it came back on about 11am. So we really got a late start on working on the house. Joe was over there cutting the flooring boards by hand and putting it down tho.

Now that elect is back on and he can cut the boards faster maybe it will go faster, and the guy that is going to help him just showed up so hopefully anyway.

Sure put us behind, well you know what they say about best laid plans of mice and men.


Forgot to tell you that there was a tree down on the top of Andrew and Susans house too but no damage done that I can tell. They called about 8pm tonight to let me know that they had everything packed and was in a motel for tonight and that they would be here tomorrow afternoon, I told them well there was a tree down on top of your house this morning , you could hear him pause and think and wonder all at once. So I wasn’t mean I told him there wasn’t any damage . lol couldn’t make him think he had no where to go . lol

We had almost 5 inches of rain today from 7am till about 5pm lot of rain.

A bridge over the Bull Creek out close to highway 65 was completely under water and they were evacuating people by boats. Had highways shut down of course.

 We also found out that another bridge between us and Forsyth  was closed so sure am glad that we didn’t need to go to town for anything. Lol

 I really hate that we didn’t get everything done by the time they are going to get here but we will just make do. I told them we have a couple of good air mattresses if they want to sleep on those till we get the bedroom done and they can get the bed in there and sat up. But they do have a functioning bathroom and kitchen.

We bought a new dishwasher for them but it hasn’t come in yet to put in there. Wanted to surprise them with that but it wont be in till Monday or Tuesday they said. We still have trim work to paint and to put down. Anyone want to come and HELP!!!!!

Sure wish we had one of those crews from one ot the home shows…you know the ones they never show. Lol

Looks like just this one or two people do all this work in a couple of days , yeah while still looking like they just had their hair done ..I sure don’t look that way at the end of the day . come to think of it I don’t look like that when I start the day either.


I hope everyone has seen the request for and remembered to pray for our sister Cassie. Poor girl is going thru the wringer.


Also we have Lori in Joplin that is needing someone to ride to Sedalia with her and to be able to drive her back since she will be sedated for a scope and will need someone to drive. Anyone up for that????



JANET:::: Did it rain at your house today? It maybe didn’t for once, seems like you all always get the big rains well we I think got one today that was a doozie.


I hope Kenny is better and they shouldn’t send him out of there with his blood pressure like that. If they know he does that then they shouldn’t schedule him for that late in the day.

So glad that Tammy is doing better. Tell her we all said hi and are waiting for her to get back on the computer.

If I get time to stop some day long enough I will take some pictures of the inside of the house. I may do that tomorrow before Andrew and Susan get here. Still have some to really get done. Don’t know im really beginning to run out of steam. Joe had this guy come and help him today and I think we get more done than the two guys did. Lol


The tubs I use are big round ones that you can see at cattle farms. If you know of one around you some where go by and see if they have any , they come in all sorts of color, black, white, pink, orange, tan,  I will get some more of them the next time I am by there and if they are open.

I have the bottom half of an old wringer washer, that I plant wave petunias in they are almost to the ground this year.

That is the best way to learn to garden , just do it. And if you can garden veggies you can garden flowers. No difference.

Sweetie you have every right to feel overwhelmed and depressed about the bones and joints hurting but don’t let it get you down. all we can do is just keep on going. , I refuse to lay down because I hurt , that is what I did before and is what got me into the problems with being fat before. Now that it is off I don’t intend to lay down or sit down and let myself get that way again.

And I know you , you wont let yourself get there either. Not now since we know both sides and I know I like the skinny side best , lol


Wow didn’t think it was that fir to kc from your place. Doesn’t look like it would be.

That is way too far for you to be driving very often.

Does it hurt you less to drive than it does to be a passenger?


Hey that is a great first step with Steph. Hope something comes of it. At least communication at the very least.


Boy I guess I better go get my tummy tuck lined up for Sept too. All of you going to be looking sexy with flat tummies so I think I need one too. In fact I know I do.  Something funny about tummies.

Usually I just shower but tonight I was so tired , we have a Jacuzzi bathtub so I filled it up and lay back in it. Lol did you know the tummy skin floats LOL. It does .funny .




SHANNON:::: oh ok now I understand Shannon about the t.t.


Yeah I really do like the cattle tubs, I have great soil everywhere but I still like big pots of things. I have one filled will huge geraniums. Really pretty, another one is filled with this purple and red flowered vine, I have no idea what it is  but is really pretty, I am going to keep it in the tub and put it in the green house this winter, im not sure that it would over winter.

I need to take a picture of it and put it on the web site that I ask my flower questions to that I don’t know the answers too.

Two tubs I have are tan colored so just left them alone in color. I think they would be pretty painted and decorated some.

Tell Bobbie we said hi and hope she gets better soon.




DEBBIE   M:::: well it sounds like the news could have been better but things are going good too. Will keep you in my prayers still .


       We are just hoping that Andrew and Susan will be happy and content in the house and it is or will be really cute when we get done.. now they will be here tomorrow and we aren’t done so we will be working all around them. I hope and pray they can stand living in chaos for awhile.




SUGAR:::: sure wish I could have come up and gone plant shopping with you. Sounds like a lot more fun than all of this work. Joe and I both need a really good massage. Don’t know how or when we are going to do that tho.

Don’t think Lowes carries pallets of rocks  you will have to get those from a landscaping company or our in the country like we do ours lol . We go pick them up a few at a time in places . Not real sure on the size of the pump but it says on the packaging, don’t look at the actual physical size because they are pretty much the same size, except for the great big ones. They have them for waterfalls, large fountains , small fountains etc etc.

It will say on there how much rise  they will push the water and all.

Oh and one more thing, they aren’t cheap lol


Wow you are really doing a lot of landscaping lately , how come?


Donnie seems to be ok, he will be 21 his birthday in November. Wow that doesn’t seem possible does it? Yes he does have a car. And I think he is looking anywhere at all for a job, I don’t know where all he has applied but I know he has applied several places. He said he was just interested in getting some money going on right now.


I was wondering if Rick got called out. We were without elect for about 6 hours.



RENEE:::: it is great to have you back online, new computer huh? Sometimes that is good with all the new speed and new things.

Congratulations on already getting a consult date. Aug 13? It wont seem like that far off, time has a way of flying sometimes.

We will keep you in our prayers that you get the surgery soon to help with all of your health problems.

Was going to ask you what kind of puppies do you have ? are you selling them or what?




DEBBIE  D::::: so how did the hubbys company picnic go? Been a long time since I have been to a company anything. Use to love going to those things when I was married to first  husband. But then they never turned out to be near the fun I thought , always some big fight would happen because of something stupid that would happen lol

Know your is lots better. Lol

That is awful about your Christian friend having Picks disease. That is a horrible one.

Makes them not be able to remember short term or to reason either.


No everyone is asking and I sure wish we had done before pics. You all wouldn’t believe what it looked like, it was full of junk and was so nasty. We worn gloves and masks for the first two weeks of demo and clean up. We burned so much stuff and bagged so much and put so much in our own dumpster that our trash guy didn’t want to come down to our house I know.

We still have a least one load of junk in the yard that has to be hauled off too. I hate that , that didn’t get done , was suppose to happen yesterday but with the horrible rain and the trees on the buildings we didn’t get it done.

Oh boy cant wait for the surprise. Will be waiting for it to arrive. Yippee !!!!!




LORI::: sweetie don’t give up we will see if we can get someone to help you out with this problem. So hang on ok? Please someone in the Joplin area can you give a hand. HELP

She is willing to furnish the car and the gas and even give you some money.

Hope we can find you someone quick.

July 9th isnt far off.









on 6/28/08 3:38 pm, edited 6/28/08 8:47 pm - Friedheim, MO
Hello Everyone!!!  Just wanted to post real quick & let everyone know that I finally got my letter from MO Bariatrics saying that my info has been submitted.  That makes me feel much better.  So Medicaid should have it now too, so just a matter of them getting it into their system & saying yes.  Everybody cross those fingers & toes!!! Jan, you are so lucky those trees didn't cause any or much damage.  That could've been so bad.  Please tell Andrew that I'm praying for him to have a safe & uneventful move. Janet, I hope you had a good day with your hubby & kids.  What movie did you go see? Lori, I wish I lived closer I would be happy to take you for your scope, but we are all the way on the other side of MO.  Hopefully someone will help you out.  I know how you feel.  I am kinda worried about having a ride to my pre-op classes & surgery.  Hopefully it will all be when Lynn is off of work or when my parents are in from camping.  I hope everyone is doing well & has a great weekend. Love ya all!   Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Beverly B.
on 6/29/08 7:24 am - Sedalia, MO
congrats angy, mine took about 10 days til they approved..good luck. I had to call them twice. They said they would send me a letter but I have never received one from them. I just called MOBar and told Regina that I had been approved and she verified it by looking on the computer..Then it was about 3 days and I found out my class and surgery date ..good luck it will be soon....



on 6/29/08 7:44 am - Friedheim, MO
Thanks Beverly, I am really excited.  Everyone has said that it is usually a week to 10 days.  I hope so.  I can't wait, although the news on Cassie is kinda scaring me & my fiance.   Your day is coming so soon.  Next Monday, wow.  How is your liquid diet going?  Did they say that the low carb Slim fast was ok?  I've got a BUNCH of them.  Hope all is going well for you. (((BIG HUGS))) Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Beverly B.
on 6/29/08 2:12 pm - Sedalia, MO

Angy, Yes what has happened to Cassie is very scary. I am praying for her but I try not to think about it to much. It really concerns me. And when the doc talks to you in the class he scares the crap out of you to..so be prepared...made me (almost) want to get up and walk out saying thanks but no thanks...

All I can say is the liquid diet sucks big time...I am hungry..you can have slimfast low carb only, adkins advantage or carnation instant breakfast but you have to use that with low fat milk and powdered milk. I can't stand powered milk..you have to drink minimum of 5 per day plus you can have broths, sugar free jello or sugar free popsicles and that is it oh plus water and you can flavor the water with crystal light etc. I think I can handle it for another week because I am trying to keep my eye on the prize....they say after surgery it is not as hard because you really don't care if you eat or not.  I wish you luck getting a speedy approval, I know it won't be long...




on 6/28/08 8:12 pm - Diamond, MO

Good morning Jan and OH Peeps~

Actually, middle of the night-LOL....up before the birds-but actually, havent been asleep-felt real tired for awhile-started dozing....then was wide awake again! Thought I would get on and post while Im in the insomnia state of mind-because I have a lot to do tomorrow and not sure I will be able to get online. Just cooked my hamburger while I was reading some posts, and have started my speghetti sauce in the crock pot......one less thing I have to do tomorrow.

*****Before I get any further in my post-if your reading this, please take a second and say a prayer for Cassie, for her complications to be over with and that she is on the way to a speedy AND uneventful recovery. Please say a prayer for her family and friends as well-for strength and peace of mind. Thanks so much!

Mike got up about the time I finally got to sleep-4:30.. He went out and start weed eating and working on the pool and burning at 5:30 and didnt take a brea****il 11:30 when I had his brunch done. We had to get some extra chemicals in the pool because of all the rain-and it was drizzling on and off a bit here and there...well-after Mike got done eating and was getting ready to go back outside-it was raining HARD....and it did that out here for a couple of hours straight and then on and off for a couple more hours. No swimming today, well, we can swim in our yard, garden, our 2 ponds-they all have enough water!! Im not joking about that either. We took showers and then headed to town. Mike dropped me off to clerk for a couple of hours, and then he and the boys went to Hobby World for some parts Mike needed. They are having a 100% cash payout race next Sat. but we may be camping-so not sure if Mike will be racing or not. Will see.

Anyway, on the way to the motel, I asked if we could stop at Dollar General because I needed a couple of things that are cheaper there than anywhere else. Needed my magic erasers, my snuggle, and then a couple of things my dad asked me if I could pick up on my way to town for the motel. We stopped and I found the cutest onesie for the baby. Its white with pink lettering and says-"Does this diaper make my butt look big?" Jon helped me pick it out, but Im sure he doesnt understand what it said, just that it was tiny and he liked it. He also tried to get daddy (grandpa) to buy a little sundress with matching ruffled panties and a hair bow! So adorable. Red and white-with little cherries all over it!!! Mike said no more outfits unless they are either/or until we know whats she is having. Jon did the sweetest thing when he saw Megan. He ran up and gave her a big old hug-and then he rubbed her belly-then hugged and kissed it-FOR the baby-from Uncle Jon. AWWW!!! How cute was that?

Mike hung out for awhile and talked to Kenny-and Kenny is going to start going to the slot car AND RC car races with Mike. He used to race slot cars back 40 years ago-and he cant wait to get another one and go up and play! He was so excited-and of course, Mike loves talking to someone who has the same interests.

He also told me that he didnt get to check on the seal a meals last week and we laughed-because if he didnt need to check on them-he would have had at LEAST one call out there, if not more! He said it wont be long, he knows-he is called out there several times a month-so dont give up yet peeps-I WILL email all of you when I know for sure when we can get them, and will let you know, ok? He said to keep in mind that they may have gone up a little in price since we got ours-due to the cost of everything being higher due to the gas etc-BUT....said it wouldnt be a lot. Still be under $20-but may STILL be $15 since we will pick them up straight from the company and no shipping involved etc. Will let you all know as soon as I do. We got a ton of green beans and peas out of the garden and I used the seal a meal on those as well.....Im not wasting one bit of food if I can help it AND will grow as much as I can to help save money-its just getting way too expensive-I will cut costs any way I can.....We have cleaned out our 2nd fridge in the Morton building AND the deep freeze, and I gaurantee that between the garden now AND winter garden, we will have plenty-unless the rain washes it all away.

Kenny took another nasty fall last night AFTER the ER....he hurt his hip and shoulder. My mom is a wreck because she is so worried about him and dialysis and such and told her that Monday we will go in and speak to them face to face. Please just continue to keep him in your prayers. Thanks so much.

Mike called me about 5 and asked if I wanted to go to the drive in-since we didnt get a chance to go to the matinee like we wanted. When my parents called and asked me to help out-I said yes, because of Kenny needing to be watched today AND they were having a staff BBQ/Birthday party for one of their staff. Well, my dad said-Yeah, go-we will be done by then and since we have no vacancy-I was going to close the office early anyway...WOOOO HOOOO....So, mike and the boys got everything together, came and got me and we went to the drive in and saw Kung Fo Panda and Indiana Jones. We werent overly impressed with either movie-but the boys had a blast and we loved hanging out as a family.

So today, am helping my parents out again-I have some paperwork to help them catch up on-and then have to go grocery shopping etc-and then get ready to start the deep cleaning on Monday. Were going to be busy for the next 2 weeks, but it will be all worth it when we are done. Im getting Stephs room done this week too, so Mike can get his stuff moved in there and then we are taking the race track down out of the boys room (they have a huge bedroom, and half of it is race tracks...) so...when we get that taken down, we are putting a desk in there for their studying, and then I am hanging their cloth kites and airplanes from their ceiling-and I am putting a race car border around the room and painting the walls and trim. The trim is going to be red on one, blue on another and then black on the door trim...all the colors in the race cars. They have cooresponding bedding too on their bunk beds. Jons bottom bunk is full size and Darrels on top is twin....they are white, but their comforters are blue/red and then yellow and blue...reversibles. Jon likes his CARS bedding tho-with Lightning McQueen and Mater.

**Jan-I am so sorry about the tree! Split right in half? I am so glad that there wasnt any bad damage to the house or the shed! Being without power stinks-I know that first hand-seems to go out, out here A LOT...we keep the generator close at all times.

If I either lived closer OR had a economical car-I would be there helping you in a heartbeat!! I would. Dont worry about Andrew and Susan-they are not the type to be upset that its not done-they are the type that will be right there next to you helping get it done!!! They understand. They are too good of people to be fussy about it. How awesome about the dishwasher. I LOVE mine! Wouldnt want to live without one....whether its just Mike and I or when all 4 kids lived with us, it just seemed easier to get the kitchen all cleaned up after a meal with having a dishwasher, you know? They are gonna love that and appreciate it for sure!!!

Your jacuzzi tub sounds heavenly!! Mike and I have said that as soon as we buy this house-we are putting sliding glass doors off our master bedroom that go out to our jacuzzi-and there will be access to the pool right there too....that is going to be our one big purchase when the house is ours. Glad you got the pics....I love the color of the pool now...so pretty and new looking!

Yes-the mileage to the dr FROM my house was roughly 145 miles, but I had to go to Joplin, then back track-so thats another 20 miles...then do it again-so I actually put 330 miles in Thursday...and you asked about my back and being a passenger-nope-it doesnt help to be a passenger-for some reason, sometimes driving is easier-maybe I sit up straighter or something, I dont know. Maybe the way I hold the steering wheel levels me out...???? All I know is that these small cars-or the ones real low to the ground, like Megans-hurt bad. Its like my back is the shock absorber and it does me in for a couple of days. Like I am still hurting bad-but its the trip AND the weather AND doc said that I did have bruising on my muscles and tissue from my fall out of the Suburban that day and it could take another 2 weeks to completely heal from that one!

I wish I could give Lori a ride-but I just cant do the trip. I about cried when I read the post- I want to do it. I would love to help her. I am going to pray that she finds someone who can help her!

How much do those cow deals/feeders cost, if you dont mind me asking? We have nothing around here like that. Someone told me to go buy burn barrels and have my hubby cut them in half-and he just looked at me like I was nuts. He said its too big a job to do that-so we are just going to look AND have my dad and his friends looking for the items I said I wanted for the yard and planting. Im really getting into this!! I CANNOT wait to tell you about the sale I went to and what I got...I will tell you on Monday ok? LOL..Your not even gonna believe me!

Yes-your right, I DO remember being on the couch, unable to really live. I was in pain then-but too fat to do anything, really. Man, what a horrible state of mind AND health I was in before surgery. Your also right, that IS why I dont just lay down and die-even if I feel like it from the pain, I will NEVER give in, because I WILL NEVER be that person again-EVER...IF I ever do-my life may as well be over-Im NOT even joking about that. IF I ever had to go back to the way I was before-compared to my life now-I would rather be dead. I LOVE LIFE. I LOVE MY FAMILY...I LOVE THE CHANGES IN MY SOUL, I LOVE THE CHANGES IN MY LIFE! I LOVE everything now!! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!! Just stinks to hurt all the time...but, I can STILL say that this is the best my life has EVER been!!! Seems like an oxymoron, doesnt it? Mike and I were just talking on our way home from the drive in, that we both feel like its WHY we hardly ever fight and WHY I get on here every day and post etc-is because we never forget what our lives were like before we met-and we dont take each other for granted-and I never-and will never forget, what my life was like preop, and so when I see a newby post-I had those same feelings, and I know for myself-that I made a promise to myself and to God-and he got me out of the funk I was in-and he saved me from myself and the destruction I was doing to myself-and I will never forget....never. I wont ever get tired of showing people my before pics and where I came from-I will never get too tired or busy to witness to someone who may need it-or to raise someone up and give them hope-because there IS hope! All you post ops know what I am talking about. Im not damning people who dont help others or get on and post-really, Im not-Im just saying, for me-this is what I need to do in my life and WHY I need to do it, thats all.

Anyway, thanks for the email. Thanks for all the advice you give me. For being there to listen and understanding-ecspically the bone and joint issues. I appreciate you and love you more than you know!! Oh-and in the next couple of months, my mom and I may be down that way-we are talking about just her and I going to Branson for 2 days and overnite. Would love to come see the place and flowers...and meet Andrew and Susan IF I dont meet them before that. Praying for all of you. Take it easy.

**Shannon-thanks for the tip. I have bad knees and back-so those would be great-just the right heigth and I hadnt thought of that-but your right-cause Grandmas is the perfect height! Also-I have MORE rocks here than I know what to do with-so filling them will be NO problem whatsoever AND wont cost a dime-just time to get them filled!

My herbs are going nuts too-the basil is going crazy. Our beans too! Hope your garden doesnt get drowned out!

**Deb M-I will continue to keep you and your recovery in my prayers! I was so bummed when I read your post-YES I go up 71...so I was within a mile of you? DARN!!! I go back in Sept., I will send you an email, ok? You and whomever else - I would meet you guys in a heartbeat. I guess I thought you were far, far away!!! Well, at least now I know. Would LOVE it, to meet you and Barb and whoever else-and get and give hugs! Miss you guys!!

**Barbara-I will send you an email. Would LOVE to go to lunch or just meet and have coffee or water....I didnt know you were that close. I have been up there 3 times now-and would have loved seeing you...So-I will make sure and email you when I am coming next time....also-will let you know on the seal a meal-so dont worry about money right now, ok?

**Renee-first off-WOOOO HOOOO on the consult. It will be here quicker than you know! Sorry I missed your call. I will call you back tomorrow if I get time when I am clerking. If not-is it your cell and do you text?

What kind of pups do you have? Not that I can have another one (if its small and indoor, maybe...LOL) how old and how much?

Oh-I did get an email out to you this morning. I hadnt gotten anything from you in awhile! Not sure if it was my puter, yours or a combination, but I did answer you today. Im bound and determined to get caught up with all my peeps....yes I am!! Take care hon, and Im so glad to hear the girls are doing well. (glad your back-have missed your smiling face!)

**Deb D- I have put your friend, Diane on the prayer chain and I will be praying for her as well. Along with her family and friends. Thats so sad. Im really sorry.

Your boys both sound so handsome-and opposite-LOL...Mine are like that too....so are the girls. Altho-you could compare baby pics-and the 3 I birthed-all look so alike, you think its the same child-My mom even confused a couple of pics when she made scrap books for all of us 2 yrs ago....isnt that funny?

My Jon does warm the heart. Maybe its because Im older-or that God has done amazing things with my soul-BUT...I cherish everything about my children and I really feel blessed that I have 4 of the most beautiful gifts that God could have ever given me. Even if Stephanie doesnt live home anymore-I pray for her constantly and I know that HE knows whats best for her-and I have to let HIM be in control. I just pray that she doesnt get hurt in the process of figuring it all out. It scares me, because she trusts the weirdest, mean people-and Im afraid she will trust the wrong person, if you know what I mean!!

Cant wait to see those pictures of Japan Or was it China? sorry!! Let us know as soon as they are in your profile.

**Bec-Your on my to-do list to send an email to....I have so much to tell you and share with you...I just got your long email today-and PLEASE... Dont ever feel like its too long or whatever-I LOVE getting your emails. I do! Please dont let the devil entertain negative thoughts about not being approved for the surgery and all of that. He is going to use that because you have waited for so long and been disappointed in the past and so he knows he can get in there and hurt your feelings, scare you, make you upset. We are REBUKING SATAN IN THE NAME OF JESUS-AMEN!!! Sweety-I too, waited for over a year! I got 4 denials. It wasnt until I dropped my cobra I was paying almost $400 a month for (JUST ME INSURED TOO!!!) and had Straight medicaid for persons with disabilities, and my spend down was almost 3,000.00 PER MONTH-but I got approved when it was straight medicaid. It saved my life. Although, it took a couple of extra months and extra spend downs and they didnt cover some things etc etc etc-which caused us to go into bankruptcy and I lost my new car that I had for 2 yrs....I blamed myself-because "I" was the one who got that fat-who had health problems, who had to resign from my job at the hospital that I LOVED....who had to go on disability and live on 1/4 of the income I used to bring home...plus, I had the health, dental, eye and life insurance on ALL of us through my job-AND lost all of that... Man, I had a lot to feel guilty about (and I cant lie-sometimes he still sneaks in there and does a number on me) BUT.....God saved me from the pit of hell I was in-the worst depression-I didnt care if I lived or died-in fact, I prayed every night for him to take me in my sleep cuz I could never commit suicide-I wouldnt want my kids to ever carry that around....so-I prayed to pass in my sleep-then when I awoke the next morning-I would feel such hatred towards myself-because HOW could a woman who was married to her soulmate-who treated me like a princess-never said an unkind word to me-and still hasnt to this day, I had (have) 4 beautiful children that I adored, I had a dream job, my husband had a good paying job too-we have a kick butt house, an inground pool, the pedigree dogs, and a new car-I had AND still do-have it all-all I ever wanted in my life-and yet, I hated life because it was such a chore to survive day by day. ANYWAY, the point is-DONT LET THE DEVIL do that!!! God performed miracles for me-and saved me and my soul-and the waiting-isnt always denials... Gods delays arent necessarily denials. We are ALL praying that your approval will be quick and you will be on that losers bench WITH us soon and proud to have you by us-and proud to call you friend. I know the waiting is ever so hard when you want something so badly....I am just glad that through my journey and my waiting-I had this place to come to-to get to know people-and I love so many like family-and thats the part of all of this I would NEVER change-ever. I have too many bonds and friendship and people I adore-and I believe that God has a plan for you-as he did for me. Before surgery, I was way too embaressed to say what I weighed, what my BMI was-anything-I would have DIED, I thought, if anyone found out-AND some of the horrible things I was so ashamed of-like having a hard time taking care of certain hygeine tasks-now-its an open book-because IF I can comfort just ONE person-and let them know that THEY are NOT alone-just like I wasnt all alone-and as soon as I knew that other people had those dirty, disgusting things too-(thats how I felt about myself-not labeling anyone else...) but I felt like I did fit in. Someone else DID know what it was like not to be able to wipe your own rear end unless you stood up-or because you were so big that the bathroom stall didnt allow you to get your knees apart-you were wedged in there...You know? I just feel like Im suppose to witness to others and let them know they arent alone....Thats why I started writing my book....Anyway,I better stop talking-LOL and save something for my email to you!

**Sugar-if you can get to Diamond-I have every size rock AND that includes boulders, you could ever want-yours for the taking! I was just telling my MIL/FIL that I wanted uncle Jessie to come out with his bulldozer and pick up a couple of the boulders so I could set them out on the side of the house and make a flower garden in there-and put some over behind the garage area-and use some more for a firepit. Are you taking pics of what all your doing? Would love to see the pics-since I have seen the front of your house....

Am keeping Rick in prayer for safety. Pray for you and yours every day. Did you ever get a chance to make that recipe I emailed you? If so-did you like it? Its soooo good-and just as good to eat the innerds-LOL...Let me know what you thought of it, ok? I was thinking about that being my dish to bring to the reunion-because you can get low carb tortilla shells and they taste wonderful.

Ok-wow this post is way too long-sorry guys....I dont want to delete any of it or start over...promise that I will watch it better next time so they dont get this long again! Sorry!!!! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers-please remember Tammy H, Brenda M, Patty, Cassie, Jackie, Bev B and any other requests for prayer....have a great day. Love, Janet

on 6/28/08 10:00 pm - Clever, MO
Hey Janet, I would love to get some boulders for my yard but that wont happen....I will try to take some pics after we get the water feature all done. Or maybe you could come by someday and see my back yard too! lol! I think and hope it will be an enjoyable spot when it is finished. Ive always wanted a couple of big boulders with indentations in them for planting creeping phlox...but have never had them on a place. The rocks I need for the water garden are the flat rocks to finish the edges. Thanks for keeping Rick in prayers. He came home safe and sound once again.  I didnt get to make the recipe...actually I got several when I put out that call for help and I dont remember which one was yours. What is it called and I will try to make it so I can give you my opinion. lol! I put them all in a recipe book I have, so I can dig it out. Did I ever thank you for it? Well, thank you!  Sis, the rain was horrific here....I dont have a rain guage but Im sure we got at least 4 -5 inches. Our empty pond was filled in less than an hour. It was running in from all over. The highway we live on was flooded in both directions from our house...We are on a high spot inbetween. U asked why I have got into the gardening thing...I think it is like you were saying to Janet, you didnt want to ever sit down again. Well, Rick has asked me to quit losing wt so I have cut back going to the gym to 3 days a week and so I have days at home...need to fill them with some sort of activity. The yard has been neglected for several years because I couldnt do anything out there. Now, I can so I will...Ive always loved a  pretty yard, but couldnt manage on. So dont want to sit still. Hey another idea I had was for the reunion, bring a MO map and have everyone put a pin with their name on it on the map where they live. That would help some of us put faces with places.... Well, gotta go get showered for church. Have a great day!!!!!


Sheila H.
on 6/29/08 12:27 am - Marshfield, MO
hope every one is ok from ALL this rain...me? im glad to be back home, we went to Galena fri camping and about 4 am was woke up soaken wet in our tents and we had to get in vehicles and i said lets load up and get out of here well of course all the others went back to sleep and i sit awake cos it was thundering, lightening and pouring down raining... well they finally get up at 8 and lo behold we couldnt get out so they was having all of us park on highest spot and said we had to be rescued and leave vehicles....sighs....the river just kept coming up and up and finally we was sitting in middle with no where to go...here comes a boat and starts rescuing us 2 by 2 at a time and taking us to top of galena and dropping us off  to find our own way home but all roads to galena was blocked off from rain so we was there till after 4 be4 we could all find different rides home....ALL our clothes and stuff was in vehicles and when we left they was over 1/2 way covered in river so dont know if they r still there or washed away...but i do know we are all alive and safe now just not the cars and stuff.....NOT a experience i wanna go thru again.....have a GREAT sunday im so sore and cold and may be taking a cold from being in rain and wind all morning yest and then having to stay in wet clothes most of day and no shoes river had gotten mine lol


Barbara S.
on 6/29/08 1:10 am - Freeman, MO
So glad you and your family are safe. Clothes and all can be replaced. My prayers are with you!!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Sheila H.
on 6/29/08 1:18 pm - Marshfield, MO
thank you to ALL the prayers...we are all ok  was just freaking scared for awhile.....the vehicles and all our stuff are goners...they found em today a lil ways down but full of mud and will be totaled out and 1 guy only had liabilty so he is screwed so to speak......miss u and hugs


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