Jan C.
on 6/27/08 1:17 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

The floor in the living room is all done, Joe has a friend of his coming tomorrow and the two of them are going to work on laying floors ….hopefully the two of them can get more work done than one  can…although you know what I did today. We lay ½ plywood in the living room floor over the solid boards that were there , for more support and warmth and I nailed those babies down right along with Joe.  Yes I did, Im so proud of me. Lol So far the things I have done with re doing this house that I couldn’t do at all on our house 4 years ago,,,,, climbed up and down ladders, painting, removed old trim, removed old cabinets, loaded and unloaded the truck , and loaded and unloaded several more times lol  nailed plywood down, lay underlayment down. put up new light fixtures. Installed a new medicine cabinet.

Getting up and down and sitting and kneeling and squatting. The list goes on and on.

Good grief no wonder  im tired. Lol


No the reason im tired is that we started at 7am this morning and it is now 8:55 and we just quit , other than stopping for lunch and supper about 30 minutes each time we worked all day. I want overtime. Think I can get it?

If we do that again tomorrow and all day Sunday we will get almost everything done ….Maybe.

I want some pulling weeds time , that is easy compared to what I have been doing lol. Really it is.



SHEILA:::: yeah I like the s.f. popcicles better too . The camping trip sounds like fun but don’t know about the sleeping outside with the mosquitoes and believe me they have them in Galena . Have fun ….



BARBARA  S:::::no we didn’t get any rain here today. Kept looking like it this afternoon but we didn’t get any.

I know what you mean about not being able to tell anyone about mediation that was part of our deal when we won in Joes law suit when he was run over by the semi. We weren’t suppose to tell  any one how much we got …wonder why they do that?

On the rental house we still wont be done, we are letting them move into it but there is some things that need to be done that we just don’t have time to do right now. Like replace windows. Im sure we have good renters too.

That makes having a rental place well worth it doesn’t it?

I see where you are going to see about having the tummy tuck done? That is neat. Good for you. .



SUGAR:::: That sounds like a great idea, I will bring you my White Binder that I have , that will be great , are you going to put this all together?  I think it is something that is great and if you had it on line we could just email it to someone I think ..

Anyway this sounds like a great great idea.


Oh yeah what all did you get from that garage sale , the one that was selling the flowers? Sure wish I could have been there. Well maybe I don’t , as cheap as he was I might have forgot I had to pay bills lol

Well did you get the hole dug deep enough for your pond? I know that isnt easy up there in those rocks.

I know it will look good when you are done.


No Donnie didn’t get into any trouble that I know of anyway….He had just got laid off from his job and his mom has moved to Miss. So he came down here. He said he has wanted to come back home down here for awhile but just hadn’t.

I know what you mean about people and work, I always say they don’t want a job they want a position. It makes me mad too, I worked two full time jobs to raise my kids and neither one of them were positions, they were out and out JOBS lol and  I don’t think anyone is any better than I was. Get their lazy butts to work doing something and work another job if you have to. I have said things like that to people and they will flat out say , Im not going to work two jobs when do I have any time for me, I said you don’t you just do what you have to do.

Hey my day was filled with Joy and you made it better by calling me today.



ANDREW:::::Hey you ask what the surprise was well if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise would it? HuH??? Looks like it wont be here when you all first get here but will soon afterwards.

You should see your living room it looks so soooooooo good. Well lots better than it did that is for sure. Lol

Don’t envy you any with the loading of the truck and all. Hope you have someone that will help you load all of that stuff up ? do You ? if you put your boxes in the trailer is it an open one? Might ought to tie a tarp over it.


We didn’t have your rain last night. Must have went all around us .


That will be great that you don’t have to have it all unloaded till Tuesday. There is a place in Forsyth too that you can take it back too. Well can if it is U haul?

Be sure and put you all an emergency bag in the back of your car so you can get to it. Of change of clothes, and all your personals. And your protein and stuff. Just in case that way you know where that is and don’t have to look thru everything. Lol . Especially driving that far, you wont want to hunt for stuff Sunday night.

Hope the meal with the bil went ok.




BECKY::::::lol all of that free stuff they should charge for it at the grocery store should they? Lol

Oh yummy yummy that sounds so very good. I looked out in my little garden and I have 2 small yellow squash on the vines now. And lots and lots of blooms. Of course some of them are probably male blooms.

Ive been getting cucumbers and my tomatoes are loaded down. and the green beans have lots of blooms on them .


Oh your 25 wedding anniversary sounds great , all the talking and remembering. That was fun wasn’t it? Oh wow on getting a new ring and at such a bargain. Your like me that makes things better when we get bargains doesn’t it? Lol


Lol yeah I had to have Joe put mine back in place last year almost every day. They grow so fast it is like where else can we go. Were to the top yea!!!!




JANET:::: well you all were talking about losing your post and it not showing up so you did yours twice just in case huh? Lol

Well so far I think the weather is suppose to hold for tomorrow so you all can get your outside work done.

Your race track sounds like our farm when I was a kid and lived in Fredericktown. I use to say our fields grew good rocks and that was about it. Lol

We always had cows and don’t know what those darn cows ate but they spent all day out there eating around those rocks. Lol


Oh I know you are in pain after that trip to KC. How far is it from Joplin ? Not near as far as it is from here I know .

I got your emails and will answer them when I get a spare minute. But just know that I love you and wish there was something I could do about both things. Doesn’t do any good to be depressed about it, I know it is hard to feel so healthy and still be in pain , that is sort of the way I feel too. I don’t think I have a healthy joint in my body and like you said you cant replace all of them , can you imagine lol start with the top and go down would be lots of surgeries and lots of pain too believe me it isnt like having surgery on soft body tissue which heals faster than bone. Plus with bones you have to do rehab, which is just another word for exercise Yuck. Lol

I know it is hard to be as young as you are and in that much pain but maybe hopefully someone will come up with a pill that will help without killing people.


No I forgot to take pictures of the house before we did anything. If we had you would have said good grief I wouldn’t do anything to that but light a match to it. Lol

It was nasty to say the least.

We cleaned and hauled stuff out and off for about a week.

We bought a power washer the other day and im anxious to get it out and use it on the outside and clean the outside of the house too.

I know that when Andrew gets here he and Susan will have the outside looking pretty with flowers too. I bought two big tubs the other day at a flea market that use to hold the molasass that they feel cattle …those tubs are really great big flower pots.

A couple of days is that all we are going to get? If we come your way that will be nice. Thanks would love to spend some one on one time with you and Mike.


Yes you bet bring the boys to the meeting if they need to be entertained more than the library Joe would be happy to take them somewhere .



ANGY::::: Wow it is getting close to the forth isnt it? Gee whiz. I better get something to have on hand for our dog. He goes nuts when the fireworks are shot off.


I hope you hear something from Medicaide Monday  I guess we all were impatient when we were waiting to find out if we were going to have surgery or not.

Will help all we can and cross everything that is possible to cross.

That is neat about the recumbent bike those are good to exercise on , good low impact.



SHANNON ::::: great news about your check up  and your bmi. So see you aren’t too skinny lol

Why will there be no tummy tuck ? don’t understand I guess.


You all must have been having more rain than us the last few days.


Take care and have a great week end.






I got a call from Renee Baldwin today, she said she is going to have the gastric bypass and that she is going to try and get to the meeting in July. I sure hope so it has been quite a while since I have seen her.



Hope the week end is great for all of you


Love and Hugs.












Andy W.
on 6/27/08 2:18 pm - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,

Well looks like I made it in time to get the SF Lolli  lol.  Well we had quite the day today.  Got most everything else packed and ready to load,  picked up the truck and trailer, did several last min errands taking care of some things before leaving town and then had dinner with the BIL,  we didn’t know what to expect cuz they were mad cuz of us moving, but I’ll tell ya, the Lord really works in all situations,  we had a great time and cleared the air with them so its all good,  we had dinner then they invited us out to go see a movie, we really didn’t wanna go but just couldn’t say no after clearing the air and stuff so we went and saw  “Get Smart”  was a funny movie,  we really wanted to come back and start loading all the boxes into the trailer but oh well,  we’ll get up earlier and start, I have a couple guys coming to help us with the big stuff at 8am so I’ll get started about 6am and hopefully get most the boxes loaded and out of the way. 


Jan I’d sure demand you get overtime for all you did yesterday  lol, wow I bet the living room looks awesome with the flooring down and it painted,  so cant wait to get there and see the house, sounds like its really coming together.   Yes we have a couple guys coming over to help load the heavy stuff,  I wanna have the boxes loaded before they get here so it wont take long to load the big stuff.  The trailer is a closed in trailer so if it rains things wont get wet and all, it’s a 5x8, looks small but when ya open it, there’s lots of room,  I just hope I can back down the drive way there to get it unloaded lol.   Yeah we’ll have a bag with my protein drinks and all so I have those handy,  we’ll have a cooler in the car with things like that in them.  Susan has us an over night bag packed, we are gonna stay in a motel room here in town tomorrow night so we can get some good rest and not have to sleep on the floor  lol. 


Janet thanks for all the prayers, things with the BIL worked out nicely tonight,  we are so happy about that,  after we get the truck loaded tomorrow we are gonna go over there for a light dinner and say our so longs,  they want to come to branson for vacation next month and asked if they could stay with us so that’s so good,  God always works out situations. 


I just want to thank everyone for your prayers as we are traveling on Sunday,  I wont be posting anymore for a couple weeks prolly, it’ll prolly take that long to get the internet and stuff hooked up,  Im sure Jan will keep ya updated that we got there ok and are getting settled.  Everyone have a great weekend.



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Andy W.
on 6/27/08 8:39 pm - Tulsa, OK

P.S.  Please PRAY the rain stops so we can load the truck safely. Im taking the Computers offline now,  Ya'll have a wonderful weekend. 



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 6/27/08 5:49 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan and OH Peeps~

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday! I hope you get to spend it with loved ones~doing whatever you all like to do together. I am personally looking forward to a day with my hubby and kids. We just have odds and ends planned for around the house....and then we will swim, weather permitting that is-and then we are taking the boys to the theater, hopefully the matinee. They dont know yet-I cant wait to see their faces when they realize what their surprise is!! Anyway, looking forward to just hanging out, even if we will be doing chores, LOL...its time together and thats what counts.

I could probably take up an hour stating what we did Friday. It was CRAZY busy-and it literally didnt slow down till almost 11 pm. Got home a little before midnite. I dont have days like that very often, but it was one of them. I know it didnt help that my back and tailbone were still killing me from the car ride Thursday. Anyway....we had a horrible scare with Kenny today. When he got home from dialysis-he got so dizzy, that he fell. I had just looked at him and asked if he was alright, because he didnt look good AT ALL! He was pale, shakey, couldnt catch his breath and he said he was light headed. He took 3 steps and he was down! While he was laying there I am asking if he is okay, of course and he tells me that he thinks its his blood pressure because it was only 72/53 at the dialysis center and after a half hour, they sent him home. He said he was the last patient there for the day. He said he is always the last patient (they have sent him home previous times with very low-dangerous blood pressure) ok...So, I run to his apartment, get his cuff-and I'll be-it was right about what he said. After the 4th reading and no change, we took him to the ER....Please keep him in prayer. We are changing where he gets dialysis. We have had more problems with this free standing facility than I have ever heard of, and I worked the medical field in one way, shape or form for 13+ years and never heard of the problems as frequent as this place!!!

Im so excited to hear that Renee is getting the wls after all! I know she will be so happy! I feel bad that she couldnt get the one she wanted initially, but I am very happy for her. Cant wait to hear from her and when she goes for her initial appt and all that!!

Tammy is doing good, well-she said that she didnt sleep Thursday night at all-she had insomnia, so when she did get to sleep-she didnt wake up until afternoon sometime. While Im on the subject of asking for continued prayer for Tammy and her recovery-I would like to add Patty as well, for her recovery, and then Cassie-because she had to go back into surgery. Havent heard or seen a post from Deb M, so I am praying that she got good news, and am praying for Brenda M too-all for healing and health. Safe surgeries and quick, uneventful recoveries.

**Jan-I usually get tired from just reading your posts-most days cant imagine being that busy day after day-but lately, I have been-so....cant say much! Wish you would have taken before pics-I LOVE before and afters! Are you going to take some when your done? Would love to see them anyway.

If you ever find more of those tubs or feeders-and you dont want them, please let me know!!! Grandma has one-and she uses it for her lettuce, herbs and strawberries. Its awesome and I want one too!! Or two or three. LOL...I would LOVE to make a flower bed out of them....told Mike when I find an old clawfoot tub, one of those feeders, or an old wringer washing machine-I am getting it and making flower beds with them. I have more than enough room out here and since I am really getting into that this year-I actually cant wait to get something and start~~!!!

Please dont worry about emailing me back. Just wait until you are all done with the rental AND you have had time to relax. K? It wasnt major anyway. I know what you mean about the bones and joints and realize that you are basically in the same boat as me with you being healthy, except for our skeletal system, huh? I know your right too-believe me, I am NOT going to be depressed about the situation-its not going to give me my health back, right? So, Im not going to dwell on it-it just felt overwhelming for a bit. Really Im ok. I will be. Im a fighter and I wont give up and I wont give in.....What doesnt kill me, will make me stronger, right? I must be strong as an ox by now! You'd think anyway, huh?

From here to Joplin, then Joplin to KC, then back to Joplin and then home-I racked up 300 miles....we got a break for the appt. Then went to lunch, but still spent roughly 6 hours in the car! Too much!!! Thank goodness for those portable DVD players Mike and I bought the kids a couple yrs back for Christmas. Its got dual screens-and they can play sony with them if they want, while the other watches a dvd. Jon watched several different things....Darrel brought his chronicles of Narnia book and he read and we all talked. About everything. It was wonderful and I really enjoyed bonding with the boys.

Stephanie emailed me and said she missed me!! She asked how I was doing. I emailed her back and asked her if she wanted to come out next weekend and hang out with us for the day or a couple of hours-whatever was good for her-and told her that she could bring Chan (her best friend that she lives with now) if she wanted and that I would come and get her and bring her back home. I would love to see her. Hope she says yes.

I will be so glad when Andrew and Susan get there and everything gets settled. I know the 4 of you are anxious for that as well. Just know the end is in sight and dont try and overdo it or you wont be good for anyone then! They will help when they get there, Im sure!!

**Barbara-Im so excited for you and your tummy tuck. Cant wait to hear when you get to have it! Im having mine in Sept. In Springfield. I hope you will still be able to come to the reunion???

Im so glad the pup gives you comfort!! I bet your comforting to him/her too!! Thats wonderful.

**Nutti-HAPPY 1 YEAR SURGIVERSARY to you!!!! Arent you glad you had the surgery? I cannot wait to see you again, I bet I dont recognize you!!

**Sheila-cant wait to hear how the canoe/camping went!! Cant wait to be able to go with you or we go camping together-that sounds like so much fun-I will look forward to that~~

**Angy-Im sure that it will be logged into medicaids system soon. Its either the mail running slow or they are backed up in their mailing room-where everything goes to get seperated-to get sent to the correct department-after its scanned and saved. I know its hard to be patient when its your LIFE thats going to change and its something that most of us wanted MORE than anything in this world (as far as things for ourselves-you know what I mean?) Anyway....just keep checking. I will be waiting to hear you hollering all the way down here!! Just keep your chin up and stay positive-it will ALL be here sooner than you realize~

**Andrew-will continue to keep you and Susan in my prayers. For travelers mercy and a smooth move. It will be nice for you guys to get all settled in. Hope it doesnt take much time at all for you guys to get the internet and get back on line! We just got you back posting again to lose you already!!! Will keep you guys in my prayers.

**Bec-I will send you an email here in the next day or two!! I owe you so big!! LOL....Thinking about you and thanking God for a blessing like you. Hope you and Paul have a good weekend.

Well, its 2:45 am and I am finally getting droopy eyed. Think I can finally fall asleep. Im going to go cuddle with my wonderful hubby and wait for the severe thunderstorms to hit that we are waiting for as I type! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Shannon C.
on 6/27/08 10:39 pm - Kirksville, MO
Not having the tummy tuck because hernia surgery will be laparoscopic and having surgery here at NRMC because I am an employee to help off set cost.

My herbs are doing great in the mineral or cattle tubs. Just ask anyone who has cattle if they have them and they will usually just give them to you. I started something here at home by using them - They work great and look nice also! I wanted to paint them white but the black looks nice so will leave alone this year. I still have 1 left and I want to plant oregano in it and Dad has an Heirloom tomato plant that he wants to put in it also. The main reason I am using the tubs is to save the perinnals and not have to re-plant every year and the problem with my feet & legs I am not having to get down so low to work with them. They just took alot of river rock, broken bricks & clay pots to fill the bottoms and several bags of top soil and then the potting soil. I used miracle grow potting soil as I wasn't taking any chances with these babies. I have so much basil I can't give it away fast enpough so will dry it! Upside down tomato is growing like a weed. I planted cilantro seeds in the top and its come up great.

The garden is to wet to pick beans today so I have a reprieve for now.

Drove over to the look at the chariton river at Novenger, MO and its out of its banks and there is so many crops under water here that you can just see the price of everything going up because of all the flooding. While we were out on our drive we checked out the place where we pick our sweet corn and most of its dry- whew! You pick it yourself and put the money in a lock box on an honor system. Can't wait for it to be ready!

I need to do a "Clean Sweep" of my house - I have tooooooooooo much clutter. I want to pull the old carpet out of the living room and refinsh the hardwood floor. That will be my project for this summer - I hope!

Hoping to talk with Bobbi this week - she has been sick.

There is talk in the family that they want to do a family get-together over labor day so will see...

Have a great weekend Everyone!




Debbie M.
on 6/27/08 11:00 pm, edited 6/27/08 11:05 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Morning All... Well, I did it again...something about going all the way to Kansas to see these dcotors just wears me out! I got home and just died...right here on the loveseat. Our son came over for a visit for I hardly remember him being here...lol My daughter called, I couldn't wake up enough to talk to her....just let me sleep!...lol Update on doctor appt: First off, I had to laugh... this doctor I have is pg too and is due about the same time as my daughter, in December. My surgeon if you will remember just had her baby right before Wendy (my daughter in law) had hers....lol Glad, I'm fixed! Anyway, to the news some of you have been waiting for... 1.  I still have cancer in my system but the radiation from the RAI is still in there fighting it! Nothing to worry about, this is suppose to happen! Don't worry, just keep thinking of me in your prayers, please! They do work!!.....and thank you!! 2. I can still have my low back and possible neck surgeries without the cancer spreading! 3. Doc thinks my thyroid med is too low...possible why I'm so tired all the time and not losing anymore weight...yeah, thyroid controls that too! She also thinks my Calcium is too high. They took blood and we are waiting on the results. 4. Very happy to mention I don't have the runs anymore AND I have my taste buds back, well most anyway...yea!! 5. I may not have to keep my surgeon's appt on Monday because my incision finally closed back up and my yeast infection is gone!!...double yea!! 6. The lump I found in my neck/shoulder area seems to be scar tissue only...triple yea!! and a PRAISE THE LORD!! Well, I think that's it for the doc visit...just ask if I have forgotten anything! JANET...owies!! on Mike's helping you with the hair! I got mine cut short awhile back, otherwise I probably wouldn't of asked for David's help either. He hurt me a could of times but I figure I put him in pain too with him having to sit there like he was, with his legs and feet hurting him like they do, so I didn't say much. Like I said, it only hurt a couple of times!...lol I bet that pool is awesome! That is the only thing that I don't own that I would love to own! An in-ground pool! I can't have one because we live in a flood zone (2 creeks, two ponds on our property) so our insurance won't cover it besides, the mosquitos would just carry me away here! Next time you come to KC, let us know! We could of met somewhere for lunch or something. I'm sure Barb S. would of met up with us and a few others! Did you come up 71hwy? If you did, you came within 1 mile of my house! I don't get out and socialize much right now but I think we could of all met up for at least one day...maybe, you's think? JAN...I know on the making David go back to being in pain but with him being able to see an upcoming end date to the pain, I think it helps a little! I hope and pray everything works out for him! Almost done with the rental house? Bet it's adorable! I'm sure Andrew and Susan will be very happy with it! ANDREW... I'm very glad that everything worked out for you and Susan with the BIL and dinner. You guys were in my thoughts all day! Well, I need to get out and do some transplanting flowers and plants this morning before it gets too hot. I went to walmart after the doctors...checked out the garden center, got a few clearance perennials and now I need to get them in the ground...Clematis, Jacob's ladder, and others...can't remember all the names but I paid anywhere from 25 cents to a dollar. I'm going back today for some $2.00 evergreens...if they still have some...lol Everyone have a great day!! Love & Prayers, Deb M

Barbara S.
on 6/28/08 12:06 am - Freeman, MO
Your right, I would love to meet for lunch! I thought of that this time but, I had mediation all day downtown KC myself so wouldn't have worked this time. Thanks for thinking of me. Call anytime and Janet let us know about the next visit.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 6/27/08 11:35 pm - Clever, MO
Well good morning! I just talked to you on the phone sis, but I will post anyway. I am sorry to hear of your wind damage but glad you are all okay and I think it is time you take a break anyway. You werent going to get the whole house done today anyway, so it will wait. Andrew and Susan will understand.  The plants look really good and healthy and I think if it quits raining I may go back to the place and see what else he might have. I bought a flat of 10 Mondo grass for border somewhere....not sure where but I may put some of it around the pond when I get all the rocks in place. I need to go buy a pallet of the flat rocks for the pond edges and building up around the upper waterfall pond. Does Lowes carry them? Then I need to go dig up some more big rocks for the edge of the bed so it will match the other side of the patio. I have them all over that I have thrown over the edge of the pond but not convient to get to...lol! So dont know where and how to go about getting rocks for the edge. I want big ones like on the other side. I told you I bought you those shrubs, and that I might want to keep a couple of them, but I dont know where to put them. I thought of making a little corner bed on each side of my driveway...or maybe putting them in the front of the house. I think the front corners would be cute with a little white fence behind each one. Ive seen another place with that done and it looked really nice. Wonder what that vinyl fence corner would cost? Im sure it isnt cheap nothing is. Hey, do you know what kind of pump we will need for tha****erfall and pond? Its a big pond and the waterfall will be about 1 to 1 and half feet above it. Rick wants to figure a way to put the elephant over there but it is too heavy. I sure hope Donnie gets life figured out and goes to work. How old is he now? He always had a good work ethic didnt he? Maybe his dad can get him on in the play...lol! Wonder if he has any intrest? There are lots of jobs in Branson right now but dont know about winter. Is he looking in Springfield or Branson or Republic? Does he have a car?  I suppose I will close for today and go study my SS lesson. Rick just called to work because of outages. Pray for his safety. Love and hugs!


on 6/28/08 2:51 am - Purdy, MO
 HI Everyone,  It's so great to be back on here, and wow all the new people.  I know I haven't been on for awhile but I have been so busy and then with the bladder surgery and all...everything was a bit crazy for awhile.  Jan and Janet thanks so much for all the prayers and wishes through my last surgery. I love you guy's.    Janet I had planned to call you also yesterday and give you my news but as normal kid's and puppies started running through. ( We have 8 new babies if anyone need's one lol) and that put a stop to me being on the phone.  I go back to mobar Aug. 13th so they can see where I'm at and what I have left to do, so maybe just maybe I can sit with ya'll on the bench by the end of summer. Wouldn't that be wonderful!!!!!!  To all the new people I have missed out on, so glad your here and welcome. I hope everyone has a great weekend.......Love and Hug's

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Debbie D.
on 6/28/08 3:09 am - KS
Good Afternoon Jan & MO Peeps: Have just a few minutes before we have to leave for my dh's company picnic.  Have been watching my grandson while his Mother and my husband and son went to help this woman at church get her house ready to sale.  Please pray for this woman, her name is Diane and she is such a wonderful born again Christian.  She just turned 60 and has been diag. with Picks Disease.  It's a horrible disease that affect the front part of her brain.  She was a realtor and can no longer work or drive. She and her husband have a really cute house on the lake and they are wanting to sale it asap so she can move in closer to where her daughter lives.  Diane was the leader of the first bible study I went to when we started attending Grace Baptist.  It breaks my heart but she says that God truly has given her the peace that only He can give! I'm sitting her watching my 13 year old get ready.  I can hardly believe how big he is!  He is almost 5'11" and growing!  He has dark curly hair and brown eyes.  He's more handsome everyday.  He is such a big help to me and his Dad.  I truly believe he will be the one to take care of us in our old age.  Luke (my 6'2" blonde hair, blue eyed boy) will be the one to hire the help out.  lol! Luke still has not d/l his pics from Japan onto my computer.  Will try and get him to do it sometime early next week.  Then you all can view them if you'd like. Jan - speaking of pics.  Have you posted any before and after pics of your rental house?  I'll bet it is going to be a beautiful place for Andrew and his wife and what GREAT neighbors they will have!  Speaking of surprises, I have one for you.  Will you send me your address via my private email [email protected] so I can send it to you?  I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it down to the wls reunion later this summer.   Janet - you always bless my heart with your postings.  Your little boy Jon is so precious!  I am praying that Megan has a healthy baby.  I know you will be a wonderful Nana.  My grandson, Kameron, calls me MawMaw.  Where he got that I don't know but I know I love it when he says "MawMaw, I love you!"  He has told me that at least 3 times this morning!  :) The rest of the MO Peeps - please forgive me if I can't keep up with all of you.  I do pray for each of your requests and I hope that you all have a great weekend! Well, I'd better scoot.   Debbie D.
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