Today was a lot more productive, Joe got the cabinets all put together, the top on and the mitered corner all put togethere really nice. Sink is in with the faucet and sprayer. , looks nice if I do say so myself. I got the living room all painted too.
Had to quit and take a shower cause my granddaughter came down with the two babies and then my grandson came down , he has grown since I saw him last. He is now 6 ft 8 inches tall can you believe that? He looks like he weights about 115 pounds but really weights he said 185 lol .
I am going to get the bath room all done tomorrow. Shower doors, medicine cabinet and room light. ,paint and hopefully we will get the floors in a couple of room s at least.
I am so anxious to get a stopping place lol
Wow I feel asleep , didn’t know I was so tired and just now woke up. So better get this done and on the board.
ANGY:::: so happy for you that they finally sent your forms all off to the insurance company.
Yeah we will be glad when we are done. It is hard to get on with doing this but to have a deadline for it too makes it really hard. But it will be ok we will be done soon , hopefully lol
Ideas , for post op? gas x stips, pleanty of sugar free popcicles I ate them more than just about anything right after surgery, seemed like they made me feel better than just about anything.
ANDREW::::::,isnt that just like them to wait till now to tell you that they have it messed up on the size of the truck? Hope they are able to get it straightened out for you.
I know you will be just as glad to get the move over with as we will be for us to get it all ready for you lol. And yes I think we will be proud you are our neighbors.
Wow what good news about your car….even tho it took a while to learn it , was still great new lol. Right ?
Im glad that your stomach area is feeling better, when you have a major dumping time it sometimes makes your stomach get really sore and hurt for awhile ,
JANET::::First off loved the pool pictures lol …the pool looks lovely and so inviting.
What was your Dr. appointment for today? Hope it all was ok .
Yeah I take a lot of different ones in there too. I take flax seed and fish oil too.
Wow not use to such a short post from you sweetie, Hope all went well at the doctors today.
DEBBIE M::::: oh I think that is sort of unfair to take the pain relief from David, wish they could have done something right away for him.
Lol ive had Joe to help me do stuff like that to my hair before too. But hate to do it now.
Well let us know what they say Friday ok?
LANA::::: so sorry to hear about the friend dieing so young. That is bad isnt it?
So did you do ok giving blood? I always get weak from doing that but sure glad others can, that was a good healthy iron level. Yep I feel about as healthy as you can get now too.
Will miss you being able to post like you have been with the boss gones. Lol
SUGAR:::: WELL I see you finally got a post to get on here , don’t know why this site will do stupid stuff sometimes tho.
Wow you have a bunch of stuff in your van there didn’t you. Wish I was up there with you to help you get it done.
Yes I have some really pretty stuff in some of my ponds. I have some cattails, horsetail and some verigated grasses, no lilies but hope to get somewhere and buy some soon. You have that really nice water garden place there in your town to get some from.
Donnie is staying with his Dad right now. Don’t know how long that will last . lol I will tell him to call you all ok.
BEV::::: hope you are feeling better, I have heard lots of people that are young enough to still have periods say that they have a lot heavier flows after surgery. Has to do with lot of hormones being released into the system as they lose weight .
SHEILA:::: awwwwwww the camping and canoeing sounds like lots of fun …good luck and have a great time.
Love and hugs
looks i win again today but id prefer s/f popsicles LOL
man looks like you and Joe need a BREAk bad....hopefully u will be done soon so u can go back to relaxing and working in garden and yard... Well im off to work today then hopefully off to Galena tonight to camp and then float tmrw.... congratsulations on all new surgery approvals and hang in there on liquids diets like momma jan says Keep ur eyes on the prize..believe me its worth it love and hugs
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Well I didnt look to see which post came thru, but when I got off none of them had..lol! I was really disgusted! You know what we should do? All of post-ops should get together and try to put a manual together for pre-ops. My Dr gave me one and I know some others do, but not all and we could also include some plain ole good advice. The food theories (because each Dr's ideas are a little different) and then advice of things to have on hand and different vitamins and mineral suggestions. There is so much info to remember and nothing in one book to tell you. Could I ask that everyone that got a booklet from thier Dr on what to eat and stuff, bring me a copy. I could put all thiers together and try to make one good, understandable book...we could start from there and add to at each support meeting. Every meeting we could ask people to bring in helpful hints. Another thing that could be listed is support groups around the state and when they meet and where. I know it sounds like a big undertaking but it could help so many people. What do you all think? I have the boys today again and I plan on getting the pond fully in the ground and finishing my front flower bed. It is supposed to be a chance of rain this evening and would like to get it all put in before the rain washes more dirt back into the hole. That pond is about 2' deep and the rocks here have taken forever to get out of the hole. A 4x6x2 hole is alot of digging in this country. Rick and I sifted alot of the dirt last night so we could have clean fill to pack back in around the pond once it is place. Well sis, is Donnie okay? Did he get himself into trouble up there? I hope not, He was such a good kid. If he's a hard worker, he should be able to find work. There are alot of jobs out there if people would just take them. There was a report on the news about a family that the dad took a paper route cause he couldnt find work. Well, if that is all he could find, why not get 4 or 5 routes? Or go to McDonalds too? Rick has worked as many as 3 jobs at the same time. They were career jobs but they paid our bills. It bothers me to hear people say they cant find work. When what they mean is they cant find the job they want. I know a girl at our church that is about to loose everything because she wants to stay in the medical field that she has training in instead of taking any # of jobs she could take to make her house payment. I personally know of 2 jobs she has been offered and she didnt take because she was holding out for what she wanted. I dont understand...??? Well I will get off the soap box. I am going to take the boys to do some garage sales this morning before we get started..so I better go get ready. Hope everyone has a great day and a day filled with JOY! LOVE TO ALL!
Good Morning Y’all,
Wow, we had some bad thunderstorms last night, it rained so hard I couldn’t hear myself think, that’s how loud it was. It rained for quite awhile too, those poor people that are already flooded, this is just gonna make it worse for them. Got a lot don’t yesterday, can’t believe move day is almost upon us, we go pick the truck up today. I guess I got U-haul sorted out, they made a mistake and only got a 14ft truck for us so the best they can do right now is give us a 26ft truck at the same price or give us the 14ft truck and 5x8 trailer all the same price, I guess Im gonna take the 14 ft truck and 5x8 trailer, I didn’t want to pull a trailer but oh well, I figured the 26ft truck would use up more gas then the 14ft one so that’s why I took that. I think we can put all our boxes in the trailer then the furniture in the truck, only problem Im gonna have is that I can’t back up a trailer very good, hopefully I can get it loaded alright then I wont have to worry about backing up until we get to the new house.
Keep Susan and I in your prayers today, we are having dinner with her brother and his wife at ryans this evening, they have been mad at us ever since we told them we were moving, they also got real mad that we took the FIL up there already, her brother never visits his dad, he hasn’t visited his dad in over a year, he saw his dad at Christmas but that’s only because we took the FIL to his house so keep us in your prayers that I keep my calm because I have felt like letting them have it, now that we are moving they want to be a part of the FIL life. We felt like we needed to take the FIL with us cuz he is so used to Susan visiting him almost every day, we’ve talked to him about every other day since we moved him up there 2 weeks ago and he is so much more happier there, they love him at the new home and he loves it so much, I know the Lord was in that move for sure, Susan’s brother keeps telling her its crazy to move like we are, but we know without a shadow of a doubt this is what God wants us to do, the devil always uses others to come back at ya for something your doing for the Lord.
Well now that I’ve ranted I better wind this up and get busy, got a lot to do today. Jan I bet those cabinets look so nice all put together, I so can’t wait to see the place, I know you and Joe have worked so hard getting it ready, your almost at a stopping point, whatever is left to do when we get there we’ll help get it done, you guys are gonna need some time off for sure!! U-haul also gave us an extra day on the truck so we don’t have to have it bac****il Tuesday so if there is stuff that should get done before bring anything in the house I don’t have to unload it until Tuesday morning. Alright, y’all have a blessed day. I will prolly post early in the morning then wont be online until we get internet hooked up, that will prolly be a couple weeks but Jan will keep y’all informed of how things are going.
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~
TGIF, TGIF, TGIF!!!! I absolutely cannot wait just to hang out with Mike and the boys this weekend and do NOTHING....until Sunday. Then we will go to church and I am helping my parents in the lobby clerking for a couple of hours. So I only get a day of just doodling around the house. IF the weather cooperates, we will be burning and getting the garage organized, as well as get the weeds in the pool area sprayed. We have concrete all around the pool and then white rock around that-and the weeds are just horrible-so we spray it every year and then pull them out and it does pretty good for awhile-as long as no one is in the pool jumping and getting the concrete and rock real wet. We have 3 sections of privacy fencing to fix from where the horrible storms we had just kept breaking them! We got up new sections by the dogs pen-and they are in need of repair too....We will get there one day-LOL We are also going to line the outside of the dogs pen area (about 3/4 acre) and side of the house with moth balls for the stinking snakes-my big baby-Dozer-he got bit by ANOTHER SNAKE!!! Thats 2 bites so far this spring/summer!!! Gosh, you would think he would learn! Im so afraid that one of these times he WONT be okay!! Im pretty attached to those big, doofy dogs! We also have a lot of weed eating, mowing again, and then we are working on our RC track and getting that cleaned up....Whenever it rains, more and more rock find their way to the surface-so its a never ending job.
My post was so short yesterday because when I was posting-my mom calls me (we were waiting for her to come out this way and just leave from here so I didnt have to back track all the way to Joplin and back) she said that she wasnt going to be able to go with us, because she had to clerk since their clerk wasnt in yet and wasnt going to be in yesterday at all and dad was already gone for the day. CRAP! So, the boys and I had to load up the Suburban, go to Joplin, get Megans car loaded up and then stop and get the gas, check tires and all of that. We were running behind by then-and so I was in a rush.... I knew at that point, it was going to be a LONG day-and boy, was I right!
The boys did awesome on the trip. It got really hot too-and I didnt really want to run the air because I didnt want to have to stop and put in more gas-as it was-it cost $40 round trip-and that was in a ecomonical car. There was just a tiny bit more gas when I got back, then there was when I got the car-but I put in $40. I went to the pain management doc yesterday in KC. Her and my PCP have been working together on some things, and yesterday-she spoke to me about the next year, year and a half-and what her and my PCP recommend that I do-and then she also went over my test results. To say that I am a little depressed/upset over the findings, would sure be an understatement right now. I just would like to ask for prayer and I will post about it in the near future. After the appt, I took the boys out to eat at their favorite burger place-Backyard Burger-and then we headed back home. By the time I got back to Joplin to change vehicles-I was bawling because my back/tailbone was hurting so had-Megans car sits way low to the ground and it feels like it doesnt have any shocks (it does-but you feel the jarring constantly) Man, was that a rough ride!!! I was even on a pillow-my rear and up to the middle of my back and it still got that bad!!!
So anyway, I stopped at the pharmacy-and they could only fill one of my 3 scripts-they didnt have the supply to fill the other 2. Figures-so I have to go get that done today. We traded back vehicles, then I had to stop at the store and get home-Mike was suppose to go to the track to practice last night, but when we started talking about my doc appt and the plans for my health, he decided to stay home and hang out with me and the boys. I made dinner and we swam-of course, the boys would love to stay out there all night-but Jon wasnt feeling good yesterday-in fact, when I took them to lunch-he only ate a little bit of waffle fries-and nothing else. I am hoping that it was just from us being hot-because it seems like he just hasnt been feeling his old self this week. Has got a little cough too- we think its from allergies and I have been giving him OTC meds to conquer that- We went to the garden and picked a ton of the most beautiful green beans I have seen!!! We also got a ton of peas too, and then some more lettuce, zucchini and squash. Jon is so excited that the corn is looking so good now-he wants to eat our own corn on the cob!
Its sprinkling on and off out here-Darrel is going to weed eat the dogs pen, and then we are headed to town, where Darrel needs to take back a DVD set we got at a book store-and the 2nd one wont play, so we are getting his money back or exchanging that-then off to the pharmacy to get my 2 scripts filled-then we are headed to the flea market to get more of our stuff in the booth, and then I am clerking for a bit. We were going to take the boys to the drive in tonite, but we decided to take them to the theater instead. Will see how it goes this weekend. We havent said anything to them yet-its going to be their reward for being so good on our trip AND all the help they have been giving lately.
oh~UPDATE ON TAMMY AMMY~ She saw Dr. Scott yesterday. He took her staples out. She is doing good. She may be able to have her tummy tuck in just 4-6 weeks. She sounded excited. Please keep praying for a speedy recovery. Thanks. Im sure she will be back on here soon.
**Jan- Are you taking pics to go along with the progress of the rental house? I would LOVE to see before and after pics. Some of my FAVORITE shows are flip that house and trading spaces-stuff like that-LOVE them!! Maybe I need to nominate you for one of them, but then how could they really enhance what is already that beautiful? It would be cool though, for them to come to your place and maybe flip that trailer or something, plus it would save you money and you would get the work AND supplies for free, just for being on the show???? HMMMM....May have to send in some emails for ya! LOL...
Holy cow, your grandson is a foot taller then me and weighs 2# less-I would say he probably does look like a bean pole or see through!!! DANG! Too bad he didnt get there sooner, he couldve helped Joe hang those cabinets...
You guys really do deserve a couple of days away....If you come this way, let me know and we will open the pool for you, we will feed you and give you a comfy bed to sleep in! Your welcome at my CASA anytime!!! And-you dont even have to bring dinner-I will even feed you guys-well, Joe-I will just make you a shake and give you plenty of ice water-LOL LOL!!! Tell Joe hi for me. Next month, I have already asked Megan if I could use her car-and my plan is to leave during the day-and bring the boys, go to Bass Pro Shops with them, and then bring them to the meeting. Darrel is old enough to watch Jon in the library-they LOVE going to the library and IF Jon starts to act up, Joe will be there-ok? (ONLY IF.....)
What an inspiration! I LOVE big anniversarys like that! How absolutely beautiful and inspiring. My grandparents were married just short of 60 yrs when they passed on-and when they hit ALL the milestones, we celebrated! Its funny, cause I would have stayed married to my first husband, even though I wasnt happy AND I wasnt in love with him-just because I didnt ever want to be divorced-I wanted to make it work, so I could be like my grandparents-and not like my parents!!! When I met Mike, we knew instantly that we were destined to be together and that we were soul mates. We were both single-I might add-LOL... Anyway-Im so happy for you and I believe that not only did you deserve your hearts desires for a beautiful anniversary ring-BUT....there is no one who deserves it more!! Your such a beautiful, loving soul-and I am so very happy for you!! Make sure you send a picture of it, ok? Would LOVE to see it!!! Its funny-some think jewelry stores are the only places to get rings like that-but Mike and I got our wedding bands at Montgomery Wards, when they were getting ready to close-and our rings were 60% off-AND exactly what we had been looking for!!! My mom worked there at the time too-and so we got her employee discount as well. AWESOME!!!! So-do you have to wait until July 27th to get it or did you mean June 27??
Also dear, sweet, lady-You and your family are welcome at my home ANY TIME.....if you end up in this area for any reason, PLEASE call me and come by. I would LOVE to have you. No, you wont bring dinner, I wont let you.....just remember that-open invitation to you and yours always!!!
**Deb M-After your appt today, please get on here and let us know what happened, ok? Your in my thoughts and prayers today as well as many others, I know. Take care.
I had visuals of David pulling your hair through a cap-and I had to laugh out loud. Mike tried to help me once-and my hair is almost to my rear end, and he either guaged my scalp till I bled OR he was pulling out huge amounts and then 2 hairs out of the next hole-and I just ended up taking the darn cap off-(after 2 hours of pulling front, sides and top through myself) and then nursed my stab wounds from the hook he was using - for days my head hurt. I will never ask mr. macho to help me hair wise again!!! LOL...
My ex SIL attends a church like that too-and I went with her a couple of times, but it was really uncomfortable. I didnt like how they told the congregation what they could and couldn****ch on tv. Her pastor said they were not allowed to watch CNN....HE WOULD, but they couldnt. (he rules EVERY aspect of their lives-really) Things like that-and yes, her family became insignificant in her life-and it was the church family only. Yes, it hurts to see it and be a part of the family that doesnt fit in with their lives anymore-but- all you can do is pray for her. It may not be a bad idea just to write it down-and either send it to her OR write it down, take it outside-light it on fire and burn it-and when it goes up in smoke-its done! Just pray about it-burn it or send it-and thats it. Thats all you really can do-so it doesnt eat away at you!
**Lana-first off, Im sorry for your friends loss. How horrible. I cant even imagine! Mikes aunt in AZ, lost BOTH of her daughters within 2 years of each other-the first, 2 months after her 18th bday and then 2 yrs later her 27 yr old daughter overdosed on prescription meds. It was such a horrifying time-and your right, you have to have supportive people around you-I will be praying for her and her family. Your daughter is so awesome for bringing them over food. I will also be praying for Stacys MIL...Thats awful. We talked about her the other day and I have been praying for her. I hope that she wakes up and starts taking care of herself. I hate to see her going through this. I hope and pray that she will get through this alright and start taking care of herself.
YOU ARE NOT 60+ yrs old. I DONT BELIEVE YOU! I DONT! Your BEAUTIFUL-and you look healthy, and I think my favorite thing is your smile-you are just ALWAYS smiling and your hugs ROCK! Im just blessed to have you as my friend/family and I love ya. We will miss ya-but come back as soon as you can, ok?
**Sugar-I wanted to let you know on the posts-that has happened to me-actually several times lately-and IF when you hit submit, when your done with your post-and it doesnt show up when it pops back up to Jans and you scroll through to see yours-IF its not there-go up to the left hand corner on top and hit the back button-and it will take you back to the screen you were at right before you hit the submit button-wait until your post shows up (and it will-even if you cut and paste like I do) and then hit the submit button again-and it should be there. I have to do if often and it works when you do it the 2nd time.
I think that pre-op pamphlet/book sounds like a wonderful idea!! I can get copies made-I sleep with the copier guy-LOL...Seriously though, Mike is a copier God they call him-and they are ALWAYS using papers to go through some of the copiers they work on-so I can get copies whenever I want-for free-well, free to you guys, Mike charges me (wink wink-LOL)....I gladly pay up when I have to-in fact, I think I have credit now....LOL..
**Sheila-Have fun canoeing and camping!! Mike and I have a canoe, but we have such bad backs (both of us) that we have only taken it out on our ponds out here. Nothing down the river/creeks or whatever. Would love to be able to though. We love camping too!! Maybe we can get together sometime and Camp!? Have fun.
**Andrew-we will definitely keep you and Susan in our prayers for a good dinner with the relatives and for the move. I am so excited for you all and I just know you will love it there. Do you guys have anyone helping you with loading the truck? I hope so. Also-I just wanted you to know that with the FIL-HIS happiness is what its about and if Susan sees him that often-its best for him to be there....We were in the same situation with my grandpa, only my uncle had POA and he lived in IL-and my grandpa lived in Rogers AR, in a nursing home and the rest of us lived in the Joplin area and Grandpa wanted to move up here where we would have him close and be able to see him daily-and my uncle didnt want to do anything nice-since he didnt like us......and it just ended up depressing my grandpa and I know that he just gave up and he was so lonely when my grandma passed away. We could only make it down there once a week or so-and we tried, until he passed away, to get him moved-lots of red tape with the uncle having POA....SO-I am happy that the FIL will be close to you all.
**Barbara-I hope you have fun with your granddaughters this weekend! Im also glad you have good renters! They sure are hard to come by, arent they? I look forward to seeing you at the reunion too!!!
**Vesta-Have missed you!!! How are you feeling? I hope your great. Love ya!! Praying for you and your family.
**Angy-make sure and text me when you call insurance today about the precert. I saw your post about the BMI...I guess I assumed that ALL insurances had that rule of being 40+. I was, so I guess I never thought about. Are you above 40. I dont think we have talked about that yet. Anyway-I look forward to hearing from you today. Also-we will sure give you all the pre-op tips as the time gets closer.
**Bev B-I will be sending you an email today sometime. The liquid diet sucks-but its the last stage and I Know that you have worked too hard getting this surgery approved-to go astray now!!! LOL...I WILL be praying for you-extra prayers even!! I love ya and good luck-IF you need me - CALL or email me ok?
**Bev-Im so sorry to hear about your female issues- I always had bad periods before (I was the super duper morbidly obese tho) and they said that after surgery it would get better. It did for a while-but its not anymore. My GYN said that because our fat stores hormones, that they do get all out of wack and mess with your menstration. They gave me a shot, because I got a blood clot when I was on the pill-and it only helped for one month-was suppose to be good for 3. I pray you can find a good GYN and that it gets better. I know it stinks!! There are 2 days a month I dont want to even leave my house!!!!
I would like to say-for you new post ops-Jackie and Cassie and the others, Your in our (my) thoughts and prayers for a very speedy recovery!!! For the preops-hang in there!!!! Keep your eyes on the prize and DONT GIVE UP!!! ITs ALL WORTH IT!~ for anyone needing or wanting prayer-you got it!! I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a good weekend. Janet
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~
TGIF, TGIF, TGIF!!!! I absolutely cannot wait just to hang out with Mike and the boys this weekend and do NOTHING....until Sunday. Then we will go to church and I am helping my parents in the lobby clerking for a couple of hours. So I only get a day of just doodling around the house. IF the weather cooperates, we will be burning and getting the garage organized, as well as get the weeds in the pool area sprayed. We have concrete all around the pool and then white rock around that-and the weeds are just horrible-so we spray it every year and then pull them out and it does pretty good for awhile-as long as no one is in the pool jumping and getting the concrete and rock real wet. We have 3 sections of privacy fencing to fix from where the horrible storms we had just kept breaking them! We got up new sections by the dogs pen-and they are in need of repair too....We will get there one day-LOL We are also going to line the outside of the dogs pen area (about 3/4 acre) and side of the house with moth balls for the stinking snakes-my big baby-Dozer-he got bit by ANOTHER SNAKE!!! Thats 2 bites so far this spring/summer!!! Gosh, you would think he would learn! Im so afraid that one of these times he WONT be okay!! Im pretty attached to those big, doofy dogs! We also have a lot of weed eating, mowing again, and then we are working on our RC track and getting that cleaned up....Whenever it rains, more and more rock find their way to the surface-so its a never ending job.
My post was so short yesterday because when I was posting-my mom calls me (we were waiting for her to come out this way and just leave from here so I didnt have to back track all the way to Joplin and back) she said that she wasnt going to be able to go with us, because she had to clerk since their clerk wasnt in yet and wasnt going to be in yesterday at all and dad was already gone for the day. CRAP! So, the boys and I had to load up the Suburban, go to Joplin, get Megans car loaded up and then stop and get the gas, check tires and all of that. We were running behind by then-and so I was in a rush.... I knew at that point, it was going to be a LONG day-and boy, was I right!
The boys did awesome on the trip. It got really hot too-and I didnt really want to run the air because I didnt want to have to stop and put in more gas-as it was-it cost $40 round trip-and that was in a ecomonical car. There was just a tiny bit more gas when I got back, then there was when I got the car-but I put in $40. I went to the pain management doc yesterday in KC. Her and my PCP have been working together on some things, and yesterday-she spoke to me about the next year, year and a half-and what her and my PCP recommend that I do-and then she also went over my test results. To say that I am a little depressed/upset over the findings, would sure be an understatement right now. I just would like to ask for prayer and I will post about it in the near future. After the appt, I took the boys out to eat at their favorite burger place-Backyard Burger-and then we headed back home. By the time I got back to Joplin to change vehicles-I was bawling because my back/tailbone was hurting so had-Megans car sits way low to the ground and it feels like it doesnt have any shocks (it does-but you feel the jarring constantly) Man, was that a rough ride!!! I was even on a pillow-my rear and up to the middle of my back and it still got that bad!!!
So anyway, I stopped at the pharmacy-and they could only fill one of my 3 scripts-they didnt have the supply to fill the other 2. Figures-so I have to go get that done today. We traded back vehicles, then I had to stop at the store and get home-Mike was suppose to go to the track to practice last night, but when we started talking about my doc appt and the plans for my health, he decided to stay home and hang out with me and the boys. I made dinner and we swam-of course, the boys would love to stay out there all night-but Jon wasnt feeling good yesterday-in fact, when I took them to lunch-he only ate a little bit of waffle fries-and nothing else. I am hoping that it was just from us being hot-because it seems like he just hasnt been feeling his old self this week. Has got a little cough too- we think its from allergies and I have been giving him OTC meds to conquer that- We went to the garden and picked a ton of the most beautiful green beans I have seen!!! We also got a ton of peas too, and then some more lettuce, zucchini and squash. Jon is so excited that the corn is looking so good now-he wants to eat our own corn on the cob!
Its sprinkling on and off out here-Darrel is going to weed eat the dogs pen, and then we are headed to town, where Darrel needs to take back a DVD set we got at a book store-and the 2nd one wont play, so we are getting his money back or exchanging that-then off to the pharmacy to get my 2 scripts filled-then we are headed to the flea market to get more of our stuff in the booth, and then I am clerking for a bit. We were going to take the boys to the drive in tonite, but we decided to take them to the theater instead. Will see how it goes this weekend. We havent said anything to them yet-its going to be their reward for being so good on our trip AND all the help they have been giving lately.
oh~UPDATE ON TAMMY AMMY~ She saw Dr. Scott yesterday. He took her staples out. She is doing good. She may be able to have her tummy tuck in just 4-6 weeks. She sounded excited. Please keep praying for a speedy recovery. Thanks. Im sure she will be back on here soon.
**Jan- Are you taking pics to go along with the progress of the rental house? I would LOVE to see before and after pics. Some of my FAVORITE shows are flip that house and trading spaces-stuff like that-LOVE them!! Maybe I need to nominate you for one of them, but then how could they really enhance what is already that beautiful? It would be cool though, for them to come to your place and maybe flip that trailer or something, plus it would save you money and you would get the work AND supplies for free, just for being on the show???? HMMMM....May have to send in some emails for ya! LOL...
Holy cow, your grandson is a foot taller then me and weighs 2# less-I would say he probably does look like a bean pole or see through!!! DANG! Too bad he didnt get there sooner, he couldve helped Joe hang those cabinets...
You guys really do deserve a couple of days away....If you come this way, let me know and we will open the pool for you, we will feed you and give you a comfy bed to sleep in! Your welcome at my CASA anytime!!! And-you dont even have to bring dinner-I will even feed you guys-well, Joe-I will just make you a shake and give you plenty of ice water-LOL LOL!!! Tell Joe hi for me. Next month, I have already asked Megan if I could use her car-and my plan is to leave during the day-and bring the boys, go to Bass Pro Shops with them, and then bring them to the meeting. Darrel is old enough to watch Jon in the library-they LOVE going to the library and IF Jon starts to act up, Joe will be there-ok? (ONLY IF.....)
What an inspiration! I LOVE big anniversarys like that! How absolutely beautiful and inspiring. My grandparents were married just short of 60 yrs when they passed on-and when they hit ALL the milestones, we celebrated! Its funny, cause I would have stayed married to my first husband, even though I wasnt happy AND I wasnt in love with him-just because I didnt ever want to be divorced-I wanted to make it work, so I could be like my grandparents-and not like my parents!!! When I met Mike, we knew instantly that we were destined to be together and that we were soul mates. We were both single-I might add-LOL... Anyway-Im so happy for you and I believe that not only did you deserve your hearts desires for a beautiful anniversary ring-BUT....there is no one who deserves it more!! Your such a beautiful, loving soul-and I am so very happy for you!! Make sure you send a picture of it, ok? Would LOVE to see it!!! Its funny-some think jewelry stores are the only places to get rings like that-but Mike and I got our wedding bands at Montgomery Wards, when they were getting ready to close-and our rings were 60% off-AND exactly what we had been looking for!!! My mom worked there at the time too-and so we got her employee discount as well. AWESOME!!!! So-do you have to wait until July 27th to get it or did you mean June 27??
Also dear, sweet, lady-You and your family are welcome at my home ANY TIME.....if you end up in this area for any reason, PLEASE call me and come by. I would LOVE to have you. No, you wont bring dinner, I wont let you.....just remember that-open invitation to you and yours always!!!
**Deb M-After your appt today, please get on here and let us know what happened, ok? Your in my thoughts and prayers today as well as many others, I know. Take care.
I had visuals of David pulling your hair through a cap-and I had to laugh out loud. Mike tried to help me once-and my hair is almost to my rear end, and he either guaged my scalp till I bled OR he was pulling out huge amounts and then 2 hairs out of the next hole-and I just ended up taking the darn cap off-(after 2 hours of pulling front, sides and top through myself) and then nursed my stab wounds from the hook he was using - for days my head hurt. I will never ask mr. macho to help me hair wise again!!! LOL...
My ex SIL attends a church like that too-and I went with her a couple of times, but it was really uncomfortable. I didnt like how they told the congregation what they could and couldn****ch on tv. Her pastor said they were not allowed to watch CNN....HE WOULD, but they couldnt. (he rules EVERY aspect of their lives-really) Things like that-and yes, her family became insignificant in her life-and it was the church family only. Yes, it hurts to see it and be a part of the family that doesnt fit in with their lives anymore-but- all you can do is pray for her. It may not be a bad idea just to write it down-and either send it to her OR write it down, take it outside-light it on fire and burn it-and when it goes up in smoke-its done! Just pray about it-burn it or send it-and thats it. Thats all you really can do-so it doesnt eat away at you!
**Lana-first off, Im sorry for your friends loss. How horrible. I cant even imagine! Mikes aunt in AZ, lost BOTH of her daughters within 2 years of each other-the first, 2 months after her 18th bday and then 2 yrs later her 27 yr old daughter overdosed on prescription meds. It was such a horrifying time-and your right, you have to have supportive people around you-I will be praying for her and her family. Your daughter is so awesome for bringing them over food. I will also be praying for Stacys MIL...Thats awful. We talked about her the other day and I have been praying for her. I hope that she wakes up and starts taking care of herself. I hate to see her going through this. I hope and pray that she will get through this alright and start taking care of herself.
YOU ARE NOT 60+ yrs old. I DONT BELIEVE YOU! I DONT! Your BEAUTIFUL-and you look healthy, and I think my favorite thing is your smile-you are just ALWAYS smiling and your hugs ROCK! Im just blessed to have you as my friend/family and I love ya. We will miss ya-but come back as soon as you can, ok?
**Sugar-I wanted to let you know on the posts-that has happened to me-actually several times lately-and IF when you hit submit, when your done with your post-and it doesnt show up when it pops back up to Jans and you scroll through to see yours-IF its not there-go up to the left hand corner on top and hit the back button-and it will take you back to the screen you were at right before you hit the submit button-wait until your post shows up (and it will-even if you cut and paste like I do) and then hit the submit button again-and it should be there. I have to do if often and it works when you do it the 2nd time.
I think that pre-op pamphlet/book sounds like a wonderful idea!! I can get copies made-I sleep with the copier guy-LOL...Seriously though, Mike is a copier God they call him-and they are ALWAYS using papers to go through some of the copiers they work on-so I can get copies whenever I want-for free-well, free to you guys, Mike charges me (wink wink-LOL)....I gladly pay up when I have to-in fact, I think I have credit now....LOL..
**Sheila-Have fun canoeing and camping!! Mike and I have a canoe, but we have such bad backs (both of us) that we have only taken it out on our ponds out here. Nothing down the river/creeks or whatever. Would love to be able to though. We love camping too!! Maybe we can get together sometime and Camp!? Have fun.
**Andrew-we will definitely keep you and Susan in our prayers for a good dinner with the relatives and for the move. I am so excited for you all and I just know you will love it there. Do you guys have anyone helping you with loading the truck? I hope so. Also-I just wanted you to know that with the FIL-HIS happiness is what its about and if Susan sees him that often-its best for him to be there....We were in the same situation with my grandpa, only my uncle had POA and he lived in IL-and my grandpa lived in Rogers AR, in a nursing home and the rest of us lived in the Joplin area and Grandpa wanted to move up here where we would have him close and be able to see him daily-and my uncle didnt want to do anything nice-since he didnt like us......and it just ended up depressing my grandpa and I know that he just gave up and he was so lonely when my grandma passed away. We could only make it down there once a week or so-and we tried, until he passed away, to get him moved-lots of red tape with the uncle having POA....SO-I am happy that the FIL will be close to you all.
**Barbara-I hope you have fun with your granddaughters this weekend! Im also glad you have good renters! They sure are hard to come by, arent they? I look forward to seeing you at the reunion too!!!
**Vesta-Have missed you!!! How are you feeling? I hope your great. Love ya!! Praying for you and your family.
**Angy-make sure and text me when you call insurance today about the precert. I saw your post about the BMI...I guess I assumed that ALL insurances had that rule of being 40+. I was, so I guess I never thought about. Are you above 40. I dont think we have talked about that yet. Anyway-I look forward to hearing from you today. Also-we will sure give you all the pre-op tips as the time gets closer.
**Bev B-I will be sending you an email today sometime. The liquid diet sucks-but its the last stage and I Know that you have worked too hard getting this surgery approved-to go astray now!!! LOL...I WILL be praying for you-extra prayers even!! I love ya and good luck-IF you need me - CALL or email me ok?
**Bev-Im so sorry to hear about your female issues- I always had bad periods before (I was the super duper morbidly obese tho) and they said that after surgery it would get better. It did for a while-but its not anymore. My GYN said that because our fat stores hormones, that they do get all out of wack and mess with your menstration. They gave me a shot, because I got a blood clot when I was on the pill-and it only helped for one month-was suppose to be good for 3. I pray you can find a good GYN and that it gets better. I know it stinks!! There are 2 days a month I dont want to even leave my house!!!!
I would like to say-for you new post ops-Jackie and Cassie and the others, Your in our (my) thoughts and prayers for a very speedy recovery!!! For the preops-hang in there!!!! Keep your eyes on the prize and DONT GIVE UP!!! ITs ALL WORTH IT!~ for anyone needing or wanting prayer-you got it!! I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a good weekend. Janet