Jan C.
on 6/25/08 2:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Don’t know what happened today , it was like we both just shut down , blah day neither one of us could get going, we had to run to town to have some papers notarized and then fed ex them in, since we were that far in we went on over to Home Depot and got the underlayment for the floors to go under the laminate flooring we are going to put down. We got home and Joe unloaded all of this and started working on the plumbing for the kitchen had to change the routing of it because we changed where we were putting the sink. Didn’t go right , had to go to neighbors house and see if he had this certain connection, first two didn’t have the third did. Lol would been about as quick to drive the 30 miles to go buy it lol

Finally have that all done and he was done in and so was I so we really didn’t get much work done today too much else going on. We are really getting tired I think and we are pushing ourselves way tooo much. But it will all be over soon and will have a stopping point , we hope lol


DEBBIE  M::::: yes I knew they had moved back to Springfield . Yeah you all will get to see that pretty baby girl soon.

Hope David is doing alright. Have they set a time for his permanent surgery?


Your sister shouldn’t have said anything but unless she knew that you hadn’t told all of the family she probably thought they knew , you know?

Hopefully your knowledge that you gain Friday will all be for the good.



RIANNE:::::thanks for the links , I hope everyone goes to them and reads that. Very very good info. About whey protein isolates and collegen based tubed proteins and amino acids. …right on and to the point. On farther down it tells that the test tube proteins weren’t every made for weight loss patients but for body builders in the gym.

Yeah there are lots of things outthere that are trouted as being great for wls patients and aren’t. that is just like all the miracle creams and pills on the market for everything from no wrinkles to losing weight. There are lots of things that are made that do no one any good what so ever , advertisement, just cause they say it doesn’t make it so.


And you are welcome , tiny little bit.



SHEILA:::: do you chain up your scooter? Just saw that people are stealing them a lot since they don’t use much gas and a lot of people are buying them. So you aren’t suppose to drive it on the highway? Or just the freeways? Any way be careful and take care that where ever you ride it that you chain it up …they are being stolen out of parking lots and at peoples work places .

Are they expensive? Just wondering.

I have got to make an appointment and go get my hair cut again too. It is so curly that if I let it get any length to it the stuff looks like Bozo. Lol




JANET:::: Tell Tammy that we are all praying for her to get well. And to take it easy till the doctors say to do stuff.

Hope they find what you are short of.  Oh to keep your iron from making you constipated take it with your multi vit. And a Vit C  then be sure and take your calcium at least 2 hours later. Ok?


Hey that sounds like a really good deal, they come and swim in your pool and they bring supper to your family. Now if you can find enough people that will do that you will be doing ok.

That is great that Megan and Aaron have found a house. Great now they can get stuff all fixed up for the baby. Would be sort of hard to have a baby in a motel lol


That sounds like a great deal on the camper. Not much to paying for that is there. And the boat too. Good for you , most younger people today think they have to have the multi dollars stuff.

I sure hope I get to put in a late garden this year too.

Did you all see where in Hawaii they pay 8 dollars for a jar of peanut butter? Good grief…



ANDREW::::  well we hit a wall today and more or less didn’t get much at all done. Lol hopefully tomorrow will go better tho.

I cant wait for you all to get here and wont be long now. Just 4 more days? Yeah that is right?? Oh my gosh maybe I ought to forget sleeping tonight and go work.


That is great that you have lost more weight. Wonderful and way to go.

Just being aware of what you are eating and not eating certain things makes a difference doesn’t it.

Did you find out what was wrong with your car?



VESTA:::: im so glad that you got moved. So are you all unpacked and put in place. When I have moved before that is something that I can do , not get everything back in place. First I have to do the kitchen then the bath and after that it is which ever I get hold of first. Lol . Hope you love your new place.

I know you are having a good time with the 3 granddaughters.




BEV:::: well are you thru with orientations then? I know you are glad. I always hate orientations for a new job.

I cant believe that about the support group and having to pay to go. Wow. Hey maybe we are missing out on some good money here. Lol

Surely there should be a good local support group there somewhere. Don’t know how you would find it , go online for your state and see if there is anything in your area.

Post on your state too.

Hope you enjoy your brownies. Watch those carbs and all with them.



SUGAR::::right on with the Whey isolates , they are the only thing that we use 100% of.

I just wish there was some way to have something that you could take on a trip with you that didn’t involve mixing or wasn’t so big don’t you?

Im so proud of you doing the yard work , wow better watch out it become addictive .

Next thing you know there will be another flower bed starting up and then another lol

Of course your rocks make it a little harder and it might even deter me with making many of them.

I am just so very lucky to now have the sort of soil that only God can give. I feel like he just blessed me so very much giving me this place with the dirt that is here. Sometimes I feel like that there is not much else I could have ever been given that comes close to it.


Donnie just got here Monday and he is suppose to come down to see me tomorrow. Im anxious to see him. He said that he had applied at Home Depot and somewhere else on Tuesday. How do they do it with working on the right of way for the elect company that Rick works for? Do they hire directly for that or what?


Sorry your wrist are hurting , that digging does that. I guess that is the reason I stay so sore most of the time. Lol


Oh Donnies mom he said is better but that she doesn’t have much of a short term memory and that she loses her train of thought when she is talking to you really easy. That is so sad that someone in their  40s have a stroke like that, Donnie said she was bigger than she has ever been too.

Hope you have a great Thursday too love you. Hope I helped some with your gardening questions. Love helping.








on 6/25/08 3:23 pm - Friedheim, MO
Happy Thursday Everyone!!!   I got good news today.  Missouri Bariatics finally got me submitted to insurance.  She said she sent it on the 22nd, but that was Sunday, so she must have meant the 23rd.  I called Medicaid & they hadn't recieved it yet, so I will check again Friday.  WOOOO HOOOO !!! I am so excited.  One more step closer.  I am making my list of stuff to get for pre-op, while in the hospital and the first few days post-op.  Anyone have any ideas for me?  Things that were usefull for you, or maybe things you forgot to get?   Jan, I bet you & Joe will be glad to get the house done.  You two are way over due for a day off.  I remember when we redid this house.  UUUGGGG!  it seemed like it took forever.  I was sssoooo glad to get it done. Janet, You're pool looks so nice.  You're lucky you're so far away from me or I'd be over alot. I will call or text you the second I hear that I've been approved.  You might hear me whoopin & hollering if you're outside.  LOL Lori!!  You're back.  I'll try to catch you on yahoo.  Your day's coming up fast.  It'll be here before you know it. Brenda, Glad to see you back on here & doing well. Hope everyone has a great day!!!     (((HUGS)))  Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Andy W.
on 6/25/08 5:29 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning Y’all,

Well its starting to look like we might make it packing by the time we get the truck, we can hardly move around the house with all the boxes  lol.  U-Haul called us today to confirm the truck rental, found out they have it screwed up tho, ugh,  we reserved a 17 ft truck and they only sent a 14 ft truck to the place here in Ironton, said they can’t get a 17 by the time we need it but can give us a trailer to pull behind the truck to make up for the lost space,  I don’t want that, that’ll be a hassel to load, unload, unhook and hook up and all so I dunno,  I told them I NEED the 17ft so we’ll see tomorrow what they can do,  I might can squeeze it all in the smaller one but it wont be easy, ai yi yi  lol.  I’ll just be glad when this is all over with and we are at least in the new place  lol.


Jan you two have been working so hard,  no wonder you didn’t feel like doing anything,  your really gonna need a long vacation after all this  lol  I bet when we get there and walk in the house we wont recognize it.  I sure hope you both get some good rest,  your almost home free with it all.  I forgot to ask yesterday, whats this surprise when we get there???   LoL   Had the car looked at and he found that I was putting in the wrong kind of fuse,  it takes a certain kind of “circuit breaker fuse”  that I didn’t know about,  it looks the same as a regular fuse and is the same amp and all and looks the same, he checked out the wiring and all on the pump just to be sure nothing had come undone and all so hopefully that will do it,  cost us a whooping .50 cents  lol,  cost more in gas just to get to the garage in Fredericktown then the part  LoL.


My pouch area seems to have started to feel a bit better,  it hasn’t hurt near as much today,  I was getting a bit concerned it was more then just the dumping but thank goodness it wasn’t.  Yeah I have been much more aware of what I am eating and that does make a big difference,  just can’t wait to get there and start walking, I know that’ll help in losing some too. 


Well Im gonna head off to bed,  tomorrow is another day, gonna be busy again,  hope everyone has a wonderful day.  Jan you and Joe don’t work yourselves into the ground,  you really don’t know what it means for the both of ya doing what your doing for us to get that house ready,  I hope we make ya proud to have us as neighbors. 


Bless ya’s,


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 6/25/08 11:56 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~

Yesterday it sure did get hot!! I actually broke a sweat, and that hadnt happened yet-LOL....When the boys and I got home-I did a couple of things and started dinner and we hopped in the pool. Got out to eat-and then the boys got back in until it was getting dark. First thing Jon did this morning when he got up, was ask if we could go swimming right now. The temp got up to 80 in the pool yesterday-so its staying at a nice temp. I bet it will go up a little more today.

Today I have another doc appt. The boys and my mom are going with me. Its up in KC, so I am using Megans car and am taking our dvd players for the boys to watch on the road, plus their game boys. Hoping its not too bad/hot-I really dont want to run the air if I dont have to-please pray for travelers mercy for us today. I appreciate it.

So anyway-I have a few things to do and a bag to get packed-before my mom gets here.

**Jan-Yes, thats how I take my vitamins actually~only I also take an extra B1 and Biotin as well. Then my calcuim, then again at night I take the other chewable flinstone.

Tammy goes to St. Louis today to see Dr. Scott and get her staples out. She was happy about that-but is still real sore from the vomitting and the surgery, so please continue to pray for her recovery and travelers mercy today.

I sent you pics of the pool last night via phone-did you get them? The pool looks so nice now that its painted. Really looks good. We do have to get some weed killer spray and then it will really look nice out there.

**Angy-I cant wait to hear from you and your approval-I will be doing the famous baby circle dance for ya!! LOVE YOUR AVATAR PICTURE!!! YOU ARE A VERY BEAUTIFUL LADY!!!

**Sheila-I live in Diamond-which is about 15 minutes south of Joplin-or southeast. Right by the George Washington Carver Park almost. Lets see-there is Carthage and Neosho that are close if your familiar with those??

Well-guys-I gotta get off here and get headed out. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Debbie M.
on 6/26/08 12:23 am - Harrisonville, MO
Morning All... JAN...my sister knew that the "cancer thing" was to be kept quiet for now. She knew those kids didn't know. I don't know if she had a brain fart or what but either way it would of been nice for her to have called or emailed and warned us that she let it slip. You and Joe need to take it easy for a few days before you both end up in the ER. You guys work way too hard. Take a day or two and just enjoy each other...the work will be there waiting for you...trust me!  :) David is back in pain with his legs and feet. He has an appt. for the 16th with my back surgeon to discuss a more permanent plan for the spinal stimulation. I pray that everything goes well on Friday too! Right now, I just feel like running away from all of it...too much stress! Unfortunately though, no matter where I go, it will follow so I mize well just stay here and deal with it. JANET...this issue with my sister seems to be wrapped around the fact that she thinks she's a better Christian then anyone else! We use to be VERY close but have since went our own ways. I have tried to stay close but with her involvement in the Church she attends, she has left the family behind...not just me, all of us. It's almost like she's in a cult. We have tried to remind her that family is important too but she turns to the Church and won't have anything to do with us whenever we try to talk with her about it, so we stay quiet about it anymore. My oldest sister says that the sister that I am upset with will admit no wrong. I feel like writing her and asking what she would feel like if the shoe was on the other foot...trust me, it wouldn't go well! I will probably just keep my feelings to myself and let it go...again. I have since spoke with my DIL and think I have helped start to heal the wounds. I sure hope so. I dyed my hair back to a light brown last week and last night I put highlights in it . I pulled the front and part of the sides threw the cap, David did the rest...lol David doesn't do things like this, it was cute! This big, masculine guy fumbling his way through my locks, trying to help me. I told him, it was sexy that he did it, he liked that!...lol Anyway, it looks pretty good...just like a professional did it but it only cost me $15.00 instead of $100. Well the wind has picked up here so I'm gonna go do some work outside. The heat is supposed to get bad today and I will need to be back inside by then. Can't take the heat right now! Talk later....you all have a great day...Love & Prayers, Deb M

on 6/26/08 12:49 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri,
Kind of a hazy funny day here in Springfield today. I expect we'll get some showers - like we need more rain.
Tuesday night Stacy, DD, called me to tell me the son of one of our friends died. He was 46 and had come home from having heart surgery, went to bed and died that night. Don't know exactly what happened. Stacy called again last night and she'd made lasagna and an apple pie and taken it over to them. They live up north where I'm originally from. It is just so sad because. Ali, the mother lost her older son about 4 years ago from a heart attack and her husband died about 10 years ago and she's my age. She has remarried my best friend's older brother and I'm so glad she has Jerry and his family to help her. She's like me an only child whose parents have already passed away.

I am trying to stay out of the great protein debate. The only thing I know for sure is that we cannot eat enough to get all our protein in. As far as the shakes vs the bullets - those who know me know what I'll do!!! And I don't want to influence anyone else with my option.

The bloodmobile was here on campus yesterday and I was able to donate blood. I'd asked my doctor about it before and he said it would be fine - and it was. My iron was 12 - good for me. I think I am the healthiest I've ever been since teenage years. Who'd have thought it would be like this at 60+???

Stacy also told me that her MIL who had RNY has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. It is isolated and they feel that surgery will be all she needs - no chemo or radiation therapy. She is thinking that's why she's felt so bad but I think it's because she doesn't eat, do protein, drink water or take vitamins!!! Can you imagine how you'd feel if you didn't do any of those???

My great boss will be back from a conference tomorrow so I'll not be able to be on during the day for awhile. She keeps me VERY busy but I love her and my job so much and busy makes the time fly!

Hugs and love and prayers to all those having surgery, waiting for approval, on liquid diets or just those of us who are hanging in there fighting the daily good fight.


Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 6/26/08 3:39 am - Clever, MO
Well I had my post all done and tried to submit and it disappeared this morning...so I had to leave to go get my exercise in. Thought I would check back in tho.  Got some more dirt and some more flowers to finish the big rock bed out front. Not looking forward to going out and unloading 320 lbs of soil, but need to. Also have 150 lbs of sand in the back end of the little van for the fish pond base. I am looking forward to getting that in and set up. Sis have you put any aquatic plants in any of your ponds? Im thinking I would like a water lilly. and maybe some of the tall grasses. Not sure yet. Where is Donnie staying right now? He would need to talk to Rick about the right-away crew. I know they are independent contractors  hired by the co-op. Tell him to call us. Well, I'll get this posted. Love to all!


on 6/26/08 5:28 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon all... I have been in bed all morning into early afternoon.  I think I got up finally and got dressed at 12:30pm.  It's that time of the month for me and for some reason every since my surgery I have really heavy peiords and feel horrible.  Went to the dr. a few months ago she put me on birth control to help with the heaviness I was even hospitalized because of it.  Well, the birth control helps some but not that much.  It's not a good time for this right now I start my new job tomorrow and I don't want to go feeling like I do today but what am I to do?  I also get real emotional and sad during this time.  Jan, my brownies that I made from the mix I ordered only has 1.5 net carbs per brownie and no sugar.  They have a good taste to them but the texture is a little different don't know if it's because I used light butter or what?  I think next time I'm going to order the sf choc. chips and make my own I guess there is also coconut flour that's suposed to be low carb???? might check into that too.   Well, guess I will close for now think I will go lay down for a while darn cramps!!!!

on 6/26/08 11:23 am - Friedheim, MO
what kind of Brownies did you order?  from where?  Do you use the  SF syrups?  I've been wondering about those too.


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 6/26/08 1:24 pm - Wichita , KS
The website is www.diabeticdesign.com  and they are called "Doctor's CarbRite Diet Chocolate Chip Brownie Mix"  they were good just use reg. butter not light I think that will make the texture better but they have good flavor and now in carbs and no sugar.  They have other mixes and other items that are low carb and sugar free.  I have tried the SF syrups you can put them in your protein shakes to change the flavor or other things you just have to experiment.....

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