Back From The Dead!!!!!!

Brenda Minks
on 6/25/08 5:37 am, edited 6/25/08 6:03 am - Silva, MO

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to thank you all for praying for me,

and thank you Tammy for posting to the board

about me, and for calling to check on me.

Thank you Janet for the beautiful card.

Thank you to Jan and Craig for your phone

calls while I was in the hospital.

I'm sorry Craig for not knowing who you were.

I have really been through the mill and back.

I was given one to many pain medications and coded

while I was in the hospital. They had me on a PCA

morphine pump and also a oral pain pill and then they

gave me another oral pain pill because I apparently

told them I was still having pain. So, figuring I was

dependent upon narcotics because of the long term pain

I had, they thought my system could handle it.

But it put my respirations so low that I stopped breathing

when they got me going again my O2 sats were only like 83

with 4 liters of oxygen on me.

So I spent 2 days in ICU.

Then when I came home I couldn’t walk so I went into

the nursing home where my daughter worked. Because

Dennis’ job is in full swing right now with summer

camp, so they did not want to leave me alone. I couldn’t

even get to the bathroom by my self. So I was in the nursing

home for 2 weeks. I was using a walker up until last week

now I am using a cane. But I am getting along a lot better.

The only pain I have had is at the surgery site. They made 3

vertical incisions, one over the spine and one on either side

of the midline. They are about 3 or 4 inches long. The muscles

that they cut through is where most of the pain is coming from.

And also I am having some major muscle spasms from my neck down

to my butt.

I am glad to be back among the living!!

I am going to try to catch up on reading the posts.

But as a lot of you know with my slow dial up that

might take a while.

One thing I wanted to ask Jan is, How and when and why

did you take over the leadership of the COF support group?

I’m going to go lay down.

Talk to you all later.

Oh P.S.

They drew some blood tests on me while I was in the  nursing home and my iron was 9, my daughter says they usually transfuse at 8! So they started me on some iron and drew my blood again yesterday. But of couse you know what the iron does for your bowels!! So he started me on Senna-S 4 pills a day.

P.S.S. My grand daughter Sydney is going to have

a baby in December, and she has broke up with

her boyfriend!! He wants to get married and she

flat out refuses to get married because she’s



Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Jan C.
on 6/25/08 6:14 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Brenda so happy to see you back from the brink of death. lol do you remember what it looked like over there?  i didnt take over the leadership role of the COF group on my own or because i wanted to.  Glenna at the May meeting said she was going to have to quit because she was having to go to work and the job she had she didnt know what the hours were really going to be. that they told her they would change a lot. and every one at the May meeting wanted me to take it ...I told them i would but sure wish Glenna could still do it. Maybe she can again soon.  Sure hope to be able to see you sometime in the future at a meeting once again. you sound like you have been there and back but hope that you will continue to heal and once again be good as new with no pain.


Andy W.
on 6/25/08 6:51 am - Tulsa, OK

Heya Brenda,  Good to see you up and about, sure been prayin for ya!!!  Will keep prayin for ya that ya recover quick.  


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Barbara S.
on 6/25/08 12:42 pm - Freeman, MO
Hey Brenda; So glad to see you back on the board again, we have all missed you!! So sorry you had so much trouble. But, with our prayer warriors satan has no chance to survive around here!!!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 6/25/08 11:17 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Brenda, Im so glad to see you back~!!!!  Love ya and have been praying for you-and will continue to do so! Sent you another card-you should be getting it any day now.  All my love-Janet
Bec M.
on 6/26/08 11:59 pm

Brenda, I'm so glad you are doing better.  So very cool that our Lord has the power of life and death in His care!  And He surely has more for you!

Am praying you are getting better each day and that you are going to see even greater results yet from this surgery.  Also praying your iron levels will come up to a better range. Blessings to you! bec

Debbie M.
on 6/27/08 12:15 am - Harrisonville, MO
Welcome Home Sweetie...sure is good to hear from you again! Take care of yourself and take your time catching up...I, myself have had to do that a few We missed you terribly, glad your back! Just didn't seem like the same ol place without you! We were worried sick that something had happened to you....guess it did but sure am happy the Lord brought you back to us! Love & Prayers, Deb M 

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