Jan C.
on 6/24/08 2:36 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We now have cabinets in the rental house. Wheeeeeee!!! Making some headway now. Tomorrow Joe will get the plumbing to the sink and things all hooked up. Then it is a matter of getting started on the flooring….think we will start in the front bedroom and come that way with it don’t know. Should be able with having four days on it to have a lot of it done. That way if he starts there I can finish getting the living room painted …wow it is getting there Andrew it is getting there. Then we need to put some new caulk around all the windows and power wa**** and we should have you a nice clean house anyway. Lol

I really couldn’t get too motivated today, I was just so tired feeling , I think I just wanted to quit and play in my flowers. Lol. Was a beautiful day that is for sure.

We need to go to Home Depot this evening or tomorrow after he gets done with the plumbing and get some floor underlayment that goes under the laminate flooring.

Will have to go over and count out how many pieces we need.


My sons , son has moved back down to this area. He is 21 and needs to get his head on straight and get himself a good job and get going on his life.

Im anxious to see him he is the grandson that lived with us for 3 of his high school years as him and his step mother couldn’t get along. We never had a minutes trouble out of him tho. Was never disrespectful or any thing.




ANDREW::: well the house is coming along…you now have cabinets and they look so nice over there.  We even put one over next to the stove so you can keep your pots and pans over there nice and handy.

We will have a nice surprise for you all too when you get here …we have been having fun even if it is hard work.

I know that Susan is tickled to death today being her last day of work.

I am so glad that your fil is doing well up at Forsyth. I bet he is a real sweetheart….


I would imagine that you dumped on the pie and that is why your pouch is hurting. The one time that I did that my stomach hurt for a couple of days. Was enough of a warning to not eat that stuff anymore. And since you had reset your pouch by doing the 5 day pouch test im sure you were extra sensitive to stuff. Im sorry you got sick but are you going to bother another sugar free pie???




SHEILA::: well you know that you wouldn’t be in the dark going home right now since it doesn’t get dark till late. So your little scooter would be ok . As more and more people start riding them it will be better cause there would be less cars on the highway then.


Hope to see you next month at the meeting and we still need to see a picture of you on the scooter.



RIANNE:::: was great to see you , you tiny little thing. Wow Rianne is just a tiny little bitty thing now. You all . she isnt big as a minute.

Oh if you go to order those Freshstartprotein.com  this guy said to put in the code :CIRCLE and you would get 5.00 off of each case you ordered.

Woulldnt be too bad, the only way you could possible make those last 30 minutes would be to pour them into something else and mix it up. I have never seen that anywhere but not saying that it isnt true.

Sure hope you are there again next month.



SHANNON ::::: I have no idea I don’t remember ever seeing that anywhere about making your protein drink last 30 minutes. I don’t see how I could ….How about it someone  we would like to know about this. Tracy where are you???


That would be great if you would be able to come to the reunion and let us get to know you. Was it you that use to see and meet up with Bobbie?

Was wondering how she is doing




JANET::::: how is Tammy doing today? I hope better seems like these hernia do more harm than good when they are repaired. Probably because the excess skin still hanging and pulling on the repaird spot. Looks like they would always do a Pani when doing a hernia repair. ???


I know how life can get in the way of the best laid plans but we really did miss you a lot.

You know with the price of gas now and what it may be soon you could almost make a car payment on a small economical car …I know there are lots and lots of boats and campers in Forsyth for sale, they are gas guzzelers that people are getting rid of now.I know I wouldn’t want any of them . lol . we have a Jon boat with a small motor on it which doesn’t get bad gas mileage but some of those bass boats are awful. I know we had one lol don’t have it no more too costly.


Oh my gosh I bet that snake about scared you half to death. Poor boys lol I know it isnt funny but I can see it playing out .


I hope Jon don’t start having lots of those headaches. That would be sad wouldn’t it?

So did you all find out anything at your doctors appointment today?


Lol I don’t know if that would be good or not to put it in the mail. Did you really ask them at the post office? What did they say?

Oh on a late fall garden you plant things like turnips, cabbage,  winter squash, broccoli, brussel sprouts, mostly dark green veggies. The good ones. Oh yes I am wanting to have an asparagus bed , a big one….takes awhile to get them established well tho .




BEV     :::::        you can buy chewable centrum adults vits and they are quite good. Im just not sure that there is enough of what an adult would need in childrens vits. And the experts in nutrition suggest that we use 2 adults tabs. Plus 2 citrical calcium citrates, 2 complete b complex and a B12 either one daily or a shot once a month. that is the basic till you have your first labs for vit counts done at 6 months to see how you are doing. Then you may need to add stuff. Like extra iron or something.

Dr. H will give you an order for your lab work that needs to be done.

Good luck on the new job.



GLENNA::::: it was so good to see you last night. I know you did look like you were tired. I was going to ask you if you all had any nibbles on selling your house in Ozark?

Maybe you need to hire a house stager? Like on tv things they do.


Love you and sure wish you could still be our leader lol but I have to admit it wasn’t that hard.

Hope to see you next month too.




SUGAR:::: don’t care what you say you still looked thinner to me and really loved that color blouse on you, made your eyes just sparkle.


Yeah the shipping doesn’t save you anything but time and gas. At least you could have it delivered right to the door and not have to worry about going and getting it.

Do they just have one price shipping no matter how much you order? If so maybe you could order like 2 or 3 months worth at once.


Loved your new van , super cool.


Would love to come and do the flower bed for you but am so swamped under here at home right now. Maybe if this fall if you have some other stuff you want done I can help you out some.


I think that would be great to get a car pool going in certain areas. I have met some people on here that live in the Branson area and have offered them a ride but none have ever gotten back in touch with me about it.


I think a lot of people are going to have to totally revamp their way of doing a lot of things if the price of gas keeps going up. We have always out here where we are combine lots of things , when we go to town we spend at least over half the day there going to different places and doing different things. Good thing we have a truck lol

We usually have the back area and the truck bed too full. By the time we get home it takes us awhile to get it all unloaded and put up.



My hands are both going totally numb again so guess I will close this up for now. It has gotten to where it takes me all day to do this , good thing I have word so I can type some and save and go about my business and come back to it . lol



See you all tomorrow.








Debbie M.
on 6/24/08 5:07 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Morning All.... Well, it's 1:30...so it's morning somewhere! JAN...Jason & Wendy live down in Springfield again and with Wendy having to have a C-section I doubt that they will be driving up here anytime soon and we don't have the money to go down there. The Lord will get us together when the time is right. I am fine with waiting my turn. I'm glad that your support group went well. I know you were worried about it being your first time and all. Looks like my Grandson Timothy will be coming to stay with us Friday night, his Mom has a concert to go to. He doesn't know it yet but we will be taking him to see "WALL-E." I think thats going to be a really good movie. I think it's one that we will really enjoy! Did anyone watch "WIPEOUT" last night! I laughed until I almost wet myself. David asked me if I was gonna lay an egg! That first segment, especially....hilarious!! I haven't had any problems with hernias, Thank God!! They sound painful and seem to be a real big nuisance, to say the least! My sister had hers worked on and has had nothing but problems since. She is a big girl but hasn't had type of surgery for it. She doesn't make a very good patient, especially for surgery! I just keep her in my prayers! I'm a little peeved at my other sister right now and not even sure if I have good reason to be. I found out a few days ago that this sister, who lives down in ELDO Springs ran into my daughter in law (my husband's oldest boy's wife). While talking, my sister told my daughter in law that I had cancer....we hadn't told them yet! I can just imagine my DIL's reaction to the news! We were going to wait until after I see my cancer doc this Friday for the final results of my RAI to tell everyone down there! I had just told my prayer warriors and thought it would be kept secret. I remember asking my sister something one time about how her Church was praying for me on some needs I had at the time and she told me that their prayers are kept confidential and not talked about in public. So why was my cancer brought up and when she saw my DIL's reaction (not knowing) why wasn't I called or at least emailed so I could call them and explain instead of just letting them sit down there and stew over why they hadn't been told? My sister admits to doing no wrong! Says, I never said to keep it private. Even if I didn't say anything, wouldn't something like cancer be kept private without saying anything? I will forgive her, she's my sister but I won't ask her for prayer again! Am I right to be peeved or hurt by this? Well, now that I got that off my chest, maybe I can go back to sleep....sorry for using you guys as my sounding board! Thanks for being there again! Love & Prayers, Deb M

Rianne D.
on 6/24/08 9:28 pm - MO

Hey Jan and everyone!  I went and asked on the main board about those bullets and while they didn't say anything about lasting 30 mins....here are two links to what they did say::

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/nutrition/a,messageboard/a ction,replies/board_id,5389/cat_id,4989/topic_id,3647278/ http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/pwsammy/uzone,blog/action, comments/blog_id,61570/blog_post_id,159933/ Basically, they both say that the bullets aren't that good for you because they don't have enough of the WHEY ISOLATE protein which is supposedly the best one for us since all of it is absorbed. I dunno...I'm going to have to find some time to do some research on my own because I can't imagine that companies would be able to produce something that's pointless to begin with...right? Anywho, it's 6:30am and unfortunately it's off to work again...I work 7-4:30p then babysit from 5:30p-11p today.....so wish me luck!! :-)  I'll try and write more soon but wanted to share what I learned about that...

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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
scales.gif image by strawberryswirlnet
on 6/25/08 1:50 pm - Clever, MO
Hey Rianne, the Whey Isolate is the best form of protien according to the information I have read. If you are looking for a good source of it, try the Isopure clear drinks (it isnt a powder) There are 40 grams in every bottle. My favorite flavors are Icy Orange and Grape..they have even came out with a black and a green tea variety now. And if you exercise, I have been reading that is a great way to absorb your protien properly to drink it immediately after exercise....Well, hope all the info from all of us helps confuse you even more! LOL!


Rianne D.
on 6/24/08 9:29 pm - MO
Jan, I wanted to say thanks for the compliments :-)
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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
scales.gif image by strawberryswirlnet
Sheila H.
on 6/24/08 11:51 pm - Marshfield, MO

good morning Jan and OH peeps i know it dont get dark till later but  would still be dark and ive been told  you cant drive scooter on main hi ways so i havent figured out a short cut yet to stay off 65....anybody got any ideas???? my you have been working ur butts off on that house...but sounds so pretty!!! and im sure Andrew and susan will love it cant believe i missed seeing Rianna  gosh darn it lol

will try to take some pics today at least of scooter lol

miss ya and hugs


on 6/25/08 12:44 am - Diamond, MO

Hi there Jan and OH Peeps~

Good Morning! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. We didnt-was way too busy-and I HATE days when Im catching myself coming and going. It was like that until after 7 last night.

First, before I start-lets pray for Jackie to have a safe surgery and speedy recovery. Cassie as well. Then for Tammy H, Brenda M, and Deb M-that they are all recovering quickly and as pain free as possible. Hope I didnt miss anyone. If I did-please add their name to your post ok?

I text with Tammy yesterday on and off. She was not vomitting-BUT... She was really afraid of drinking some meds they gave her to drink-for fear it would make her vomit again. She said she has never, in all of her life-been THAT sick. So, her tummy is hurting her pretty good from the force of being sick-and on top of that area being her surgery area as well. She goes up to see Dr. Scott tomorrow. I will update everyone as I know info from her or her sister/hubby.

I went to my dr appt...I didnt post this on the board, but-I stopped my blood pressure medication a couple of weeks ago-probably a little over 2 I think-not sure-but I knew that I had just had a lot of crap going on in my life-along with pain-and I really thought thats what was making it high. Well-it was PERFECT yesterday and my doctor said, well-looks like we finally got the dosing right. I said-No, and pulled out the pill bottle and told him I havent taken them in over 2 weeks-his eyes almost popped out of his head. What could he say? I told him that I really didnt want to start messing with something like that-and worry about it for the rest of my life-if it wasnt necessary. I am in better health than I have been in all of my life. I did promise that I would keep tabs on it more regularly and that I would see him if it started getting high or I started having problems. Its amazing what stress will do to your body. There for awhile, I had a lot of different stresses in my life-but I am dealing with all of it and a lot better now. Its all good I told him. My back is hurting-and Mike reminded me of picking up my lil' guy (all 60# of him) and dragging him out of the water Monday night. Between that and the weather. I was like, Crap! What do ya do when there is a snake coming towards you tho? Not stop and go-I cant pick him up-he is over 5#. So, thats probably going to take a couple of days before it loosens back up again. He did lab work. Checking me for everything under the sun-but believes I have a deficiency somewhere (could have told you that!) He wants me taking more iron AND potassuim. I could get that from bananas, IF I could eat bananas. They dont do well with me and havent since wls. He is getting with my GYN doc-and then when I meet back with him next week to get my results-we will go over which surgery he wants me to have done first-will either be the tummy tuck or the D&C, possible hysterectomy. He did tell me to just plan on having the hysterectomy due to the female problems that I had before I ever even got pregnant with Jonathan. I was like CRAP! I dont want to mess with another long term recovery period. Its just too much~oh well, I am not in control of my life-the good Lord is-and whatever will be, will be and I have to let it go and let God and believe that it will all work out for the best in the long run. Then, as I was getting ready to leave-he asked me to follow him-and I did-and right across from his office door, he has a bulletin board-and on that-he has my before pic and my after pic-and that was just at 179# lost-so he gave me the peice of paper and let me change it to 260# and I gave him a newer pic out of my photo album I carry around.....he said I surpassed any weight loss he ever thought could be obtained. He thought it would be a stretch for me to make 215-which is the goal he set for me pre-op. (which was a little under 1/2 of my weight pre-op) YEAH BUDDY!!!! WOO HOOO!

I was pretty happy when I left-went to storage and Aaron met me there on his "lunch" break-LOL...right across the street. Got Melissa and Terrys things out of storage-went to the motel to do laundry for the kids. Then went to Walmart, then home-start pulling up the driveway and we have company!~I dont want to entertain!! I just want to walk straight to the pool and jump in!~LOL....but I didnt, I put stuff away and then folded some laundry, changed and then ate dinner-THEN we got in the pool. 2 of the guys that race with Mike and their wives were out here. Mike told them they could come out and swim if they wanted to-he just neglected to tell ME that he gave them an open invitation....Love my hubby-but there are times that I just dont want to entertain-Dana always gets mad and says- Dammit Janet-dont worry about cleaning! He stopped and bought dinner for everyone~as payment for letting them swim-hhhmmmmm....May have something going here-if I let you swim-you will feed my family for me? Wanna come out mon-fri nights? LOL....I cant eat KFC chicken-so I made myself a salad. (it makes me dump-every time I have tried it-so I dont even try it anymore)...

Today I go in and do laundry for the kids again....but-I have good news-THEY GOT A HOUSE!!!! YAY!!!! They move in August 1st! Its right across the street from Aarons grandparents house in Webb City and his grandparents are AWESOME!! They remind Megan and I of my grandparents. I adore them! So in a bit we will have a nursery to get done and I am so excited!!! Yesterday, Megan let Jonathan have a couple of the newborn outfits and Jon spent a couple of hours dressing a teddy bear, the little tiny diapers and the whole bit!! Then, last night when we had company-Jon rubs MY belly and asks when I AM HAVING A BABY!!! Oh son-NOT ME!~Megan-NOT ME! He is so confused now!! LOL...Poor lil' guy.

Well, I better get this done and get going. My hair isnt going to bru****self-neither are my teeth-LOL....and I have to go out and skim the pool real quick, and then go through the garden so I can bring some stuff to town. Last night the boys and I picked some peas and green beans. Wow, we got some really nice green beans! I love fresh green beans!

**Jan- Mike and I wont get a self contained camper-we would get a pull behind. The only reason we were/are even thinking about it-is because one of my dads friends that has 3 of them for sale-he will sell to us for $350-my dad just bought a self contained one-that runs really well-for $500 from him-but like I said, we just want the pull behind one-and we are going to set it up out here when we arent using it-and letting the kids play in and let company stay in it-if they want. It will be fun!!! We did already get a boat. Its a glorified row boat-LOL----I guess kinda what your describing-only it does have a steering wheel and 4 chairs-and 2 live wells, that Mike put in-Mikes parents sold it to us-so we basically got it for nothing....anyway-we have about another $50 to put into it and we can take it on our official first fishing trip-by boat anyway. Were pretty excited about it!! Yes, we are looking for an economical car. Mikes got his dad and uncle looking for us too-we will come across something. Uncle Jessie said he found a Lebaron-convertible-but it had A LOT of miles on it and needed too much motor work.

Thanks for the winter garden tips-I LOVE green veggies-so I will basically have a huge amount of my brussels and broccoli. I will plant the other stuff too-and share.

I bet you cant wait to be done with the rental and be playing in your flower beds all day again, huh? At least the end is in sight now!!! YAY. Missed you and Joe both Monday. I would have absolutely LOVED seeing you guys, you know that. Maybe next month, I hope. If not-when I get that way-I will call you guys and maybe we can all get together for lunch and shopping or something-the gang? That would be so much fun!!!

**Bev-I agree on the vitamins-I bought my son the centrum chewables-Dora ones-and he HATES them-he was spitting them out-and I was like-Jonathan!!! well-when I ran out of my generic flinstone ones-I took one of their Centrum ones-and it was GROSS....Almost to the point of gagging me!!! I will never buy them again-they are awful-I too, take 2 flinstones per day-morning and night.

**Rianne & Shannon-I know whenever this gets started about the protein and such that everyone has their own takes on it and every one, depending on who their doctor is-have been advised differently. At my class preop-we were told that our body couldnt absorb MORE than 30 g PER HOUR and so if we chose the bullets at 42 g-to drink 1/2 and save the the other half for later that day or whatever. I know that when we have researched this before-we really didnt find any documentation that supports that or whatever-Im just saying what my class was told. I dont believe that it has to be a certain KIND of protein-for instance, like not enough whey-or that you can drink it too fast-when I do get the bullets, I chug 1/2 it down in a couple of swallows because I dont like the taste too much, but like the fact that its done and over with quickly. I have done shakes in a couple of swigs too-LOL....so I dont know that time line of drinking it has much to do with it-unless your trying to nurse it over a couple of hours-LOL....Anyway-thats just what we were told pre-op. Good luck-and if you find anything research wise-I would be really interested in what you find out.

**Deb M- I watched some of wipeout-I too, laughed my rear off-and cringed at some of it-looked like when that gal fell on that bar in the mud-like it would have hurt her privates-Oh man!!! Every time they replayed it-I cringed.

We will (I will) be praying for good news for you on Friday with the doc. Im sorry that your going through that with your sister and the situation. Maybe its her way of trying to deal with a scary situation? I dont know. Have you had issues with her in the past? Or are you ordinarilly really close? I will pray for that situation too. Keep your chin up and come here any time you need to vent-we all do-and we are always here for ya!

**Sheila-Good talking to you again. Next time I get that way, I will definitely let you know and maybe we can get together? That would be so much fun!! I have my dad and some of his flea market/garage sale buddies looking for that helmet for you too! Cant wait to see you again!

**Sug-Maybe you lost inches? Is that possible???? Even though you havent been to the pool as often as youd like-from the sounds of your posts-you have more than made up for that in activities you have been doing from the water parks-to the running-to waitressing, setting up parties and running, running, running!!! You always did look good though, now you have higher self asteem (sp?) and you seem *****ier!! Cant wait to see you too!!

Well, I am getting off here. Have a couple of things to do before walking out the door. Jon just brought me a little handful of dandelions and told me how much he loves getting/picking me flowers and asked "do you love them?" Yes, buddy-I love any flowers you get me!!! Aw-what a sweet lil' guy he is-oh, and by the way-he is now DRESSING HIMSELF!!! What a trip that is-he doesnt see anything wrong with red shorts and a green shirt or vice versa-LOL....I make sure that people know that I DIDNT dress him like that-he now dresses himself!! LOL.... its cute no matter what!!

I hope everyone has a good Wednesday. Have a good day and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

Sheila H.
on 6/25/08 9:58 am - Marshfield, MO

hello every one.... Special prayers  are up for cassie, Tammy H, BrendaM Nad Deb M and any one who needs em.... its been a real HOT day but i went and rode the lil wildfire for a couple hrs and got some more tan  lol  

ok janet  you are on.....i wanna swim so what you want to eat?   lol   seriously where do you live? and how far from me?

its so cool the kids got a house and right by grandparents house what could be better??? and thanks for having every body help me look for that 1/2 helment, we just may find one now lol

got my hair cut off shorter cos its in my way it was at that halfway stage not long enough but also to long lol

hope evry 1 is doing good and has a GREAT night

hugs and love


Andy W.
on 6/25/08 12:52 am - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning Y’all,

Finally got all the yard mowed and trimmed, thank goodness this yard don’t have to be done again  lol  I love yard work but this yard seems to be getting thicker and thicker for some reason  lol  it used to be a hay field and that hay is tuff to cut with a push mower.  Got the mower all cleaned up and ready to move,  today Im working on the office here, getting it all packed except the computers,  I’ll take them offline Saturday morning when we load the truck.  I also gotta take the car to the garage in a lil bit,  its been blowing fuses in the air suspension so hopefully it wont take much to get it fixed, the guy says he thinks he knows what it could be, lets hope so. 


WoooHooo Jan,  I bet the kitchen looks like a kitchen now  lol I can’t wait to see what y’all have done since we were there last,  really sounds like its all coming together nicely.  Susan will love the cabinet next to the stove, that’s gonna be so handy,  you all are just the best!!  I bet it will really start looking like a house when the floors start going in,  I just know its gonna look so awesome!!


Susan was so relieved to get work over last night, she ended up working a couple hours longer then she was supposed to because they were short handed,  they asked her if she wanted to go ahead and work today, she said  “NO”   lol


No Jan, NO MORE sugar free pies  lol lawd have mercy my pouch still hurts from it, everytime I move wrong its like there’s a pulled muscle and wow it hurts.  We sure live and learn but that’s a hard way to learn.   I’ve never really dumped before, or not like that anyway,  it really seems since I did the 5 day pouch test twice that my pouch is way more sensitive then it was, which it good,  I certainly can tell a difference,  Im finally back on the losing side,  I went to the hospital yesterday and weighed and have lost about 10lbs,  yay!!  I know I will lose more once I am able to walk when we get there,  I tried walking here again but thought I was gonna get hit a couple times with cars flying by so fast, when we first moved here the traffic wasn’t near like it is now, sheesh.


Well I better get going,  I need to get the car to the garage so they can look at it and hopefully fix it and have it not cost to much,  I don’t want to spend a lot of money on the car right now, got other things we are doing with moving and all.   Y’all have a great and blessed day. 



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 6/25/08 1:04 am - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board.. I am getting rested now finely...lol Janet if you have emailed me I didnt get it since we have moved and had things rehooked some of my email has been bounced back, so hope it is fixed now.. I have been praying for everyone on liquid diets and the surgeries coming up.. I have 3 grandaughters for a couple of days, but I love it...everyone have a great day..love ya all....vesta


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