Jan C.
on 6/23/08 2:55 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hey there just got home from our monthly support meeting and my first one as leader. Not as many there as there usually is , you think that could be because they knew I was going to be leading tonight. Lol  I sure hope now. I don’t know how the price of gas is going to affect our support group but I would hope that it wouldn’t be too bad. After all it is only one night a month. can combine it with other things and wont be so bad.

There was only two people there that didn’t know each other but the rest of us knew them so instead of introducing ourselves we just talked and I ask the newer post ops if they had any problems that they were wondering about. I hope they got their answers from everyone.

It was really good to get to visit and talk with everyone. The ones that weren’t there we missed  you a lot.



SHEILA:::: yep you won the s.f. lollypop today. Well did you ride your scooter to work today? That would be neat. How far from your house is your work.

I know what you mean about stress reliever. Wind in your hair is good. Lol

Wish you could have been with us tonight. Can you ride your scooter to the meetings?



BECKY::::: thanks for the good wishes for the meeting tonight. It felt good don’t know how it was but it felt right.

Loved the little story that was cute.



Sugar:::: oh wow you all ought to see my little sister . I haven’t seen her in a while and she is looking so cute. And so slim and looks taller .

You should see my RD plant , it is getting so big. I planted it where it gets lots of sun and  sort of in gravel. Wont be long before it is as big as the one mama had.


You didn’t say anything about the cost of shipping from GNC tonight , did you find out? Im sure others would love to know.



ANDREW::::: so glad that you and Susan will be here in a few more days. Joe found someone down here to help him put up the cabinets…Yea. I sure wasn’t wanting to try and hold those things up there  while he nailed them in. lol

 Hopefully they get them all in tomorrow. So Wed he can start on the floors.


The sugar free choc pie, yeah it was probably sugar free but that doesn’t mean it was carb free or fat free.  And the choc alone sometimes will do that to me.


Yeah when you get up here we will go to the new wal mart , you will love it. It is a cool store.



VESTA::::Hey glad that you are back, lol how can I tell you how things are when I don’t know what you don’t know. If I knew what you don’t know then I could tell you so you would know what you don’t know. Lol

How is that ???

We all love you too and cant wait to see you again.



LANA::::: so good to see you sweetie. You always look so cute. And TAN wow I thought I was tan till I get next to you.  Well there weren’t many there tonight but we had fun anyway didn’t we?



BEV:::: you ask about vits , im not sure about childerens vits, I don’t think there is enough in them but if you want chewable there is Centrum chewables  , I still take my super b complex and when I don’t I can tell it , if im not taking it I get sick really easy

Two pills a day don’t sound right does it ? not to me either? Will have to check with them about this.

Bev you cant do without the vits. If you cant swallow them go back to chewables. But you have to have them  this isnt an option. You will get sicker than you ever knew you could be. If you don’t take them….remember you aren’t getting vits too since you don’t absorb foods like you should you aren’t getting the vits out of them either.



JANET::::: well so sorry that you didn’t get to the meeting tonight. I know you would have been if you could have, sure was looking forward to those squash darn!!!! Lol

Hey sounds like you started something with the seal a meals lol


Sounds like you and your family had a great time this weekend . with all the cars and 4 wheelers and bikes and all. the kind of day that is made for familys.


Im trying to get this written and posted before I fall asleep , it is almost midnight don’t know if im going to make it or not lol



ANGY::::: it is always a mess to try and de clutter isnt it? I get in those moods every  once in a while and go thru just throwing stuff here and there.


Don’t worry when you lose weight you will be turning up your thermostate or wearing flannel p.j.



DEBBIE  M:::: hey girl you made it. Yes I can see in the picture that Baby girl looks like her daddy.

Beautiful little girl. Can see the pride and all in the pictures.


When will you get to see her in person. Lol

Will keep David in prayer that his back wont hurt too much till he gets the leads back in.










Andy W.
on 6/23/08 6:02 pm - Tulsa, OK

Morning Y’all,

What a nice day it was yesterday,  I got a lot done outside, finally finished mowing the yard for the last time,  I wanted to make sure it was all nice and cut for when we leave, didn’t wanna leave it in a mess,  got all our flower pots gathered that were under the porch and got them ready to move, cleaned the deck and all and got the lawn mower and weedeater all ready to move,  so that’s all done thank goodness.  This morning was really nice outside, kinda cloudy so it kept the heat down which was good.


Jan next month you’ll have a couple new people at the group  lol  I really can’t wait to start going, its something I’ve needed for awhile now.  Yeah I guess I should of known better with the pie,  usually it don’t affect me like that but wow.  Im kinda concerned tho cuz ever since last night my pouch area hurts, dunno if I’ve moved the wrong way and pulled a muscle there or what,  when I move side ways or bend down or something I get a really sharp pain around the pouch area or if I cough hard,  dunno what that’s all about, if it don’t clear up time we get there I’ll go see a doctor I guess,  I must of moved the wrong way or maybe lifted something wrong,  I been trying to be careful of how I lift and stuff.


So glad Joe got some help with the cabinets, I bet your relieved, for as small as you are now I know it’d be really hard for you to hold those things up for him,  I sure can’t wait to see the kitchen with the cabinets in, I know its gonna look sooooooo good.  Just a few more days and you’ll have some new neighbors  LoL  We called the nursing home today and talked to the FIL, he kept asking “how many days now?”  “how many days now?”  lol bless his heart.  He’s doing really well they say,  so far they say he is adjusting really well and getting along with everyone just fine,  he sounds really good and sounds so much happier, this move is as much of a blessing just to get him in a better place. 


Janet that sounds good to me,  if and when ya can purchase more just lemme know and I’ll sure get the money to ya and all, that would be such a blessing to get one cuz I plan on freezing some veggies for the winter,  hopefully I can come across a farmers market or something plus Im gonna help Jan plant a winter garden which will be so awesome.  Thank you so much!!!


Well now that I have the  S.F. Lolli Pop LoL Im gonna head off to bed.  Hope y’all have a great day. 


Bless ya’s



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sheila H.
on 6/23/08 8:50 pm - Marshfield, MO

 good morning  Oh peeps   well i had a good day monday, rode the scooter to work and took Rach and dropped her off...made it to work be4 it started raining and then it cleared off be4 i got off.... had to stay home last night cos kids thought it be wrong of me to leave on Parkers 2nd birthday LOL  and i doubt i ride scooter to meetings cos its quite some distance and dont wanna ride it that far after dark... but oh i love it it seems to help me stress wise...  Janet did younes catch a lot of fish last nite after u quit when the snake showed up? lol im curious  is there any 1 here who would like to go canoeing? i need a partner... Jan  i KNOW you did a GREAT job last night cos u do a wonderful job here on whats happening post... miss ya all and love and hugs


Rianne D.
on 6/23/08 9:33 pm - MO
Hey everyone!!   It was SO great to see you last night at the meeting....I am so glad I finally was able to make it!  It reminded me of how great you all are and how nice it is to talk to people *****ALLY do understand what I'm going through/have been through!  I am really hoping that I'll be able to continue attending more frequently now. I tried half of that 42g protein sample you gave us this morning Jan and to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.  It still doesn't taste good...but it does taste a lot better when it is ICE cold and I was able to chug half of it with no problems.  I'll probably save the other half for tomorrow and when I get home from work I'm going to go on that site and order me some because while I do pretty good with protein I'm sure I could always do better...right?  And I was able to chug that without gagging and it only takes like 2 seconds as opposed to 20 mins that it usually takes me to drink a stinkin' protein shake! It is 6:30am and the birds are chirping so I guess that's my cue that it's time for me to leave for work.  I love you all and I'm SO glad I got to hug you all last night!! Rianne
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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
scales.gif image by strawberryswirlnet
Shannon C.
on 6/24/08 4:31 am - Kirksville, MO
Rianne - you need to take your protein in over 30 minutes or it can pass right thru you.

OK- people correct me if I am wrong...

I also have learned that you shouldn't make up a large amout of protein shakes at one time as the protein will break down and you won't get the amount you think you are.

Made another splenda cherry pie and went over to the garden to pick some more and they were all gone off the trees. Pretty sure it was the birds as no person could pick the tops of the trees clean. Did pick 2 gallons of the bush cherrys which are so small but so very sweet. I just put them in bags and froze them to work up later. Will pick squash later as it raining out now with lightning and thunder. Got 2 more rows of beans planted saturday for the later crop. We will have fresh beans out of the garden by this weekend.

Take care Everyone! Hope to get down for the get-together in sept. but am not sure as family may be coming up here - especially if dd comes back home before they are sent to japan. Hugz - Shannon



Rianne D.
on 6/24/08 7:58 am - MO
With those bullets I'm not sure how I would take it over 30 mins...I know of several people that just chug those and are done with it.... But, if I'm wrong I'd definitely like to know so I can fix it in the future. Thanks and let me know what you find out....and the protein shakes, I don't make them ahead of time, just when I need them.
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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
scales.gif image by strawberryswirlnet
on 6/23/08 11:17 pm - Diamond, MO

Hello there Jan and OH Peeps~

First off, I woud like to ask for prayer for our Tammy Ammy. She was in the ER last night. I was checking on her and her sister said that they had ran some tests on her to see if everything was okay from her surgery. She ended up with a UTI and constipation problems....she was NOT doing very good yesterday.....Please keep her in your prayers that she will recover and quickly feel better. I feel so bad for her. She is back home now-and I will be checking on her in a bit.

Im so sorry I missed ya last night. It just wasnt meant to be.....I know that my Suburban would make it to the meeting and back-BUT-I didnt have the $50 it would have taken round trip. Megan had said that I could use her car-all fine and dandy-and then my mom would pick her up from work at 9:30 last night-BUT-my mom ended up without a vehicle because of my dad having tests run and then having to be up at the hospital (because of his friend-and not him right now). My dads best bud had 100% blockage in one and 85% in the other and will be going into surgery this morning and having stints (sp?) put in. So-vehicle wise it just didnt work out. Soon I know we will run across something that is economical and such-and then I will be there-unless gas prices keep going up-then who knows????? Praying we get a break soon-its killing us to put gas in the tank of that big old Suburban. We thought about trading it in, BUT-we are also looking at a pull behind camper/trailer and a boat-so we would need something to pull them-and that would be our Suburban-so......we are just going to get a used, economical car-to drive back and forth to town and such-and keep the Suburban for camping/fishing trips.

We decided to take the boys fishing last night....everything was going great-and then Darrel comes walking over to me-looks in the water BEHIND me (was standing IN the creek with Jonathan fishing-water just to our ankles) and he turns WHITE AS A GHOST....I was like - OMG WHERES THE SNAKE????? He said-Mom, DONT FREAK OUT, but its COMING TOWARDS YOU AND JON!!! What do you mean DONT FREAK OUT???? HOLY SH*T!!!~OMG, OMG, OMG~He is like, I will kill it for you, Mom- I said Dont you dare try-get the hell out of the water RIGHT NOW...Then I snap Jon up literally-dragging him to shore while he is reeling in his pole and I am about ready to cry...Mike gets over to us-and he gets it out of the water and puts it up on the bank.....that was it. I was done!!! We moved to a different spot, and the rest of the fishing trip-I did snake patrol, was too nervous to get back in the water........

My poor little guy had his first headache experience last night. We stopped at Arbys to get dinner before coming home-and Jon was sitting there and he said, Mom-I dont feel good, I said-Whats wrong, does your tummy hurt? He said-No, I dont know why-but my brain is moving around in my head and it wont stop-and its bothering me. Why is my brain moving around? Aw.....So, we were home within 5 minutes and I gave him some liquid tylenol and then he laid across my lap while I rubbed his forehead till he fell asleep. So-I wouldve missed my making my little guy feel better too, if I had gone to the meeting-I would have never been home by then.

Well, aunt Mary came over on Sunday while we were having our BBQ and she was weeding the garden area-and SHE PULLED UP ALL OF MY GARLIC and and ONIONS!~!!!! I saw that yesterday when we went to get some lettuce and such-and I was like-what the heck? When she came over yesterday I told her what she did-and she said, I didnt know you planted in that row-I said Mary-1/2 of the row is tilled AND I have plastic forks sticking out of the ground with the envelope in it of whats planted there!! She felt so bad-and I laughed, I hope they still take off-and until my stuff is ready to go-I am keeping my eye on Aunt Mary! She is 70 and a whipper snapper-but is getting a little crazy with her weeding in the garden area~!!!

The boys and I mowed yesterday morning and then later afternoon. I did the rider and Darrel did the push and now we need to weed wack...We ought to be done by the time its ready to start over again! Dads been using the tractor to do the fields and the brush hog. I told them I would gladly do it for them one day if they would keep an eye on Jon-and they said they dont have power steering, so because of my back-I wont be able to help with that chore. Its too bad because the rider really doesnt hurt me at all-so IF I could do it all on that-I sure would. Good way to just have time to myself and think-or listen to the IPOD.

Today I have my doc appt, then I have to go pick up Mikes package he won on a tv show 2 weeks ago....then I have to go to storage and get a couple of things I had in there I was storing for Melissa and Terry, and then I am off to do laundry at the motel for the kids' rent today. I have already started Mikes dinner in the crock pot. I am making him saurkrat and sausage (YUCK)....I made enough to store the leftovers, so he probably has 3-4 meals in there. Wont be able to use the seal a meal bags, but will put it in the cannister and vac****eal that and then freeze it. After I get done at the motel, I have to stop at one grocery store to pick up a few things since its the last day of their sale-and then stop at Walmart on my way home to pick up some bunny bedding and cat food.

Darrel is going camping for a week with my dad. He is really looking forward to fishing every day and getting time away from Jonathan. Every thing Darrel does or anywhere he goes-Jon wants to be right there..... Poor Darrel-so this will be good for him. We are going to take a day in the near future and have Megan b-bsit Jon for us and we are going to take Darrel to dinner and a movie.

**Jan-Sorry I missed your first meeting. I cant believe I missed seeing Rianne!!! I bet that was a pleasant surprise. I even had a copy of the pic for Jane-to give her. Guess I will email her and get her address and get it put in the mail to her. I thought she would like that.

Wonder if I could put the squash and zucchini in the mail? LOL....If I can, I will send it to you. Will call the post office today and ask-oh-and Andrew was saying that you guys will be doing a winter garden-and no, I dont mind at all getting the Seal a meals or the Food Savers for everyone-for that price! As long as Ive got the money-I could buy 20 of them at a time! I personally love mine-dont know what I ever did without it-and love seeing the food and its so fresh! Can I ask what you plant in your winter garden? Mom, Grandma and I are talking about doing one as well-and since this is my first REAL garden, I am really into it now!!! I ecspically love going out and getting lettuce, because we eat salads a couple of times per week. I would absolutely LOVE to grow brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower-stuff like that. We have asparagus too-it takes a couple of years to really start it-but now its been 5 yrs and we actually got some last year and we have some this year already-I love asparagus. I couldve grown 4x that much and eaten it all over time! Its so expensive in the store-well, everything is nowadays. They were saying on GMA yesterday that Burpee seeds (for gardens) have seen a 40% increase in sales this year!!! Holy crap-thats A LOT of people planting and growing their own food due to the economy. I think it will get worse before it gets better unfortunately-and I, for one, will cut costs ANY where I can to keep us from going into the poor house~

We sure did have fun with the 4-wheelers and go-karts. My dad had a blast too-and was like a little kid with the boys. He didnt do so well playing with our RC cars-so we let him play with Jons-and he didnt do too good with Jons either-LOL...Jon got a team losi one and it is a little buggy and its FAST!! Its electric and he has been racing it too-they are trying to get a team of kid races together and if they end up with enough interest, Jon will start racing his Losi. We used to have 3 RC's that we would let people play with, but now we only have one-the others have too much money invested in them with upgraded parts and such-to let someone try them out if they arent experienced. It takes awhile to get used to them. When we have our party in the next month or so-Mike told them they can bring their toys back if they wanted to.

Well, I am going to get off here and get ready to leave. I just got the boys up and it looks so beautiful out there today!~ The sun is shining, its not too hot (yet) and the birds are chirping and the boys are laughing and playing with the kittens-I love mornings like this! Please remember me in your prayers today that whatever is wrong with me is simple-nothing drastic or stressful.....

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday-Oh-and please continue to pray for Brenda for her recovery and pain level. Hopefully she will be back on here soon. Miss seeing her and anxious to hear about how her surgery went since it sounds like its going to be similar to the one I need. Anyway-have a good day and I will see ya tomorrow. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

on 6/24/08 12:37 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning all.... I can't believe I'm back to crushing and chewing vitamins again thought I was past that stage?  I went last night and got some Centrum Kids complete muliviamins since I was told that I should take kids vit. 2x day.  You would think since they are kids they would taste better then they do I think the Flintstone ones taste better then the Centrum kids had more stuff in them.  I don't know how true this is to take kids vit. I know on the bottle kids take one tablet and I was told to do 2 so maybe by doubling the dosage I'm getting enough vitamins?  I will try this for a while and if this doesn't work I will have to find something else.   I didn't make it to the gym or pool yesterday like I wanted.  I got busy putting together a microwave cart and cleaning that I knew if I stopped I wouldn't go back to it so therefore the gym and pool didn't happen oh well it was cloudy yesterday. I guess I will try again today? I made a stuffed eggplant recipe last night never had eggplant before it was different but not bad.  Today I'm going to make zucchini roll ups aka pasta-less manicotti.  I got the recipe from another board on OH it sounds good so I'm going to try it.   Well, guess I better get busy I start my training on my new job tomorrow so this is my last free day....darn!!!! 

Glenna V.
on 6/24/08 2:01 am - MO
Jan, I have a day off today, and I wanted to pop on here and tell you that you did a good job with the meeting last night.  I really enjoyed it and I was glad that I  was able to attend. I was tired from work and it was sure good to have you take the reins last night.   Thank you for stepping up and doing the leader role for us all.  Don't worry about a thing.  You did just fine.....and remember, you are amongst friends there  (a circle of friends) lol See you next time, Glenna
on 6/24/08 8:52 am - Clever, MO

well sis, thanks for the compliments...I havent lost any weight since I saw you last and havent been able to go to the pool to exercise as much as I would like so dont think Ive got any skinnier...but thanks anyway.

GNC wouldnt go any bargains via the internet. They said I can get my 20% discount with my gold card on top of thier specials...but that is it. Their shipping for a case of my drinks is $13. So they would be about the same price as at the store...but I would save the gas for the trip.... I got the flower bed all torn out and ready to work on. Wish you was here to guide me!!! I am also going to tear up the front bed at my front porch...need something new in there. I think I might do some actual landscaping with some shurbs. I think I will go get some hostas, astibels, and look for other shade loving things that will come back. I really do think that will do better in that bed. You did a great job last night and was glad to see Riann and the others. Maybe next month we will have more. Maybe we need to organize some car-pooling  for some people...lol!  I no I am cutting back on alot of my running. Or at least I am combining some trips to cover several things at once. 


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