Starting to look like we are making some headway on the rental. Lol I was wondering if we were just going to keep on painting forever and ever, you know like the never ending song. That is sort of how it felt anyway. Only two more big things to get down and that is the cabinets and the floors. We are hoping that we can have at least 3 of the rooms done before Andrew and Susan get here next Sunday night. If we can have the Living room, kitchen and bath and hall way complete then it shouldn’t be any big problem to get the two bedrooms done.
I know all of you will be glad to have us get done with this house so you will quit hearing about it lol , believe me I will be glad when we get done with it too. But then we really do have the trailer to get done….but we have been working on that for a couple of years all ready and still don’t have it done, maybe the way to do it is have a deadline too lol
Monday we wont be working too much because we have to go into Springfield for the support meeting but need to get there early because I need to go to food for less to get protein and go to Claudetts to pick up some wagon wheels she has for sale , then have to get to the library early to be able to sit it all up , Thank God Joe will be with me lol Spouses are so good to have one of. Wouldn’t want more than one tho.
I just got a email from Colette Swan telling me that her hubby cant do anything anymore , he has no control of his legs from what I gather. So sad, Please pray for him he is a good Christian that spent his life pasturing in churches and careing for people so now time to pay him back and pray for him. Thanks.
I didn’t do much painting today but did lots of cleaning up and hammering and pulling nails and moving stuff around and unpiling things lol
Made it all easier to find stuff that we are going to be needing. Joe got the rest of the Priming done in the living room and hall way so tomorrow morning we may get the it all painted don’t know will be a long day tomorrow so we may sleep in ..when we have the support meeting it is always midnight before we get home that makes for a very long day.
So if we sleep in then we will be able to get up really early Tuesday and get started on something lol.
JANET::: you bet you what flavor is your favorite? So have you hear from Tammy today? I hope she is doing well and taking it easy now. Looks like she would have been in such pain that she couldn’t have done all she was doing but I guess some of us have a better pain tolerance than others.
You and Mike sound like Joe and I with the thermostat lol use to it was me wanting it colder than cold now im always turning it up and in the evening I turn it off and open all the windows lol today it hasn’t been on at all. of Course we have been over at the rental most of the day.
Yes get me a food saver will talk to you about it at the meeting tonight ok? I may just give you the money and some extra to mail it to me since it would be another month before I could get it and I think my beans in the garden will be ready before then .
Be sure and bring me some of your squash im anxious to have some fresh ones to eat. Love them.
Thought I would get a riled up girl if I said you might be pregnant.lol
Didn’t even think so but thought it would be fun to see your reaction lol
No I didn’t even think to try gas x didn’t cross my mind that it was gas lol was so localized but guess it was been ok since then .
Basically that is all you can do with your children is teach them the ways they should go and should do and then they have to decide what they want to do on their own. God doesn’t make us mind so I guess we should think we are going to make them mind ..
Im sure we would all be better off if God did make us mind but he leaves us with free will and that means that we all make mistakes , some of us lot worse ones than others.
Some learn from the mistakes they make and others keep making the same mistakes over and over and over. Don’t you know people like that , We talked about some in the email you sent me so I know you do but eventually they either change their ways or the have to stand before God eventually and be judged.
You were really making me hungry with all your cherry pies and stuff. Are you planning on coming to the MO. OH Reunion this year in Branson? If so you might bring a fresh sugar free cherry pie lol .
I cant eat 3 oz of anything I don’t think. I think I can and get it all fixed and Joe laughes at me and says YEAH!!!! And he is always right seems like.
ANDREW:::::: I know you are busy getting ready to get here as I am trying to get everything ready for you to be here . lol . maybe we both need to slow down oh well when you get here we will meet you with something and say go to work ,,,,no we wont just kidding. But I really do know that I wont get the cabinets painted before you get here but that is no problem to do them later.
Hey Andrew a man tha****ches HGTV what a guy. You are too cool lol Joe laughs at me and says qui****ching that you see too much stuff for me to do when you watch that.
I tell him that I already have the ideas I just need to figure out how to do it lol
SUGAR::::the fish fry sounds like loads of fun and lots of good food that we cant eat lol
Your setting of the table and tent and all was probably very very pretty I know how you do things. Down to a T: as our mama use to say “was good enough for who it was for” lol
I will be more than glad to be waitress for you all next time, And Joe can help too, then he can have some of Ricks good fish .
DEBBIE M:::: lol well no wonder you are tired you have slept yourself into it. I don’t get that much sleep in a week lol.
Like you said maybe being a grandma again made you tired.
I was going to say that earlier that I thought the baby looked like her daddy. But didn’t know if it was just the pictures or what..
Well go rest ….good night
TAMMY V:: wow you are losing so well and look at you , your picture is great.
By the way Happy Birthday I think you came really close to your goal by your birthday, go treat yourself to something nice, (not Food) a manicure or pedicure. Would be nice .
I know you are thrilled to death about your son and family being back in
Keep up the good work and let us hear from you more often. Ok?
Well we will see you tonight , have some samples for you all. , never know what we will be coming up with next.
Good Monday Morning Missouri, First, wanted to thank all those for the Birthday wishes... they were greatly appreciated! You all are so sweet. It was a quiet day... I talked at length to both my girls! That was GOOD! Jan ~ the new bushes are planted and we moved the two at the front walk to the opening down in the woods.... where they should have been in the first place. I will go out and mulch the new ones tomorrow morning. Will be thinking about you tonight as you lead your first group meeting... know you will do great! Janet, will try and get an e-mail off to you soon. Paul will be gone to his mom's this week and I will hopefully have more time to write. Tammy~ammy ~ I'm praying for your quick recovery. Take it easy and don't do anything you are not suppose to... I know it will be hard for you but sure wouldn't want to mess up any of that suffering you have already been through. Can't wait to hear if you have had the added weight loss you were hoping for. Andrew ~ not long now before you will be all moved and settled in. Tammy V. ~ I'm so happy for your great weight loss! Keep up the good work! Shannon ~ your cooking sounds yummy... my husbands fav is cherry pie. But he wants SUGAR in his! ~ha I hope you are getting along well with your walking and the problems you have had in that area. Brenda N.~ Lady where are you? Hope you are doing well. Mel ~ how cool is a new trike? Would love to have one of those. Brenda M. ~ Am thinking of you and praying your recovery is coming along nicely. That you are seeing the results you wanted. My daughter sent this to me in the mail thought you all might get a chuckle out of it too.....? Working in the Garden: A prisoner in jail received a letter from his wife: "I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When is the best time to plant it?" The prisoner knowing that the prison guards read all the mail, replied in a letter: "Dear wife whatever you do DO NOT touch the back garden! That is where I hid the loot." A week later or so he received another letter from his wife: "You wouldn't believe what happened! Some men showed up with shovels and dug up the whole back garden." The prisoner wrote another letter: "Dear wife, NOW is the time to plant the lettuce! " Hope you all have a great day! bec
Hi sis and all! Good morning! Rain again but at least it isnt 110 in the shade like it could be, althought that is sounding pretty good. I think my pots of flowers are getting water logged. I am sure they would appreciate some sunshine...yesterday I transplanted some RD plant and talked to mama about it. She loved that plant and mine is pretty but not like hers...I think it needs more sunshine. Im going to transplant some more of it to the rock bed too. This week when I keep the boys I am going to put them to digging the hole for the pond. That should keep them busy and out of trouble for a while! They are still wanting to make money for Florida anyway. I never heard if anyone had any monkey grass they were wanting to clear out??? This morning I am off to the gym to work out...and boy do I need it. I feel like a marshmallow. All soft and weak. I NEED the pool. I just figured my BMI and I am only 2 pounds away from being "NORMAL" so I would like to get busy, loose it and be able to say that I am normal for the first time in my life! Does anyone order directly from GNC? I was looking at thier prices on line and are much cheaper than in the stores...but cant figure out thier price for shipping. I am going to call them today so maybe I will know by tonight.They carry alot of products. My drinks cost me around $84 a month at the store and I think I can get them online at around $70...but the shipping may make up that difference...we will see.
Janet, I would like a food saver too! I think that is what we have but at that price, another wouldnt be bad to have and a couple of rolls of the bags. Let me know if that is possible and the cost and I will pay ya tonight too! I loved your email the other day with all the updates. Your life is full and if we didnt have the bad along with the good we would never realize how wonderful the good really is.
The fish fry was fun sis and I thought about making it even fancier with swaying curtains on the posts of the canopy but I didnt go that far! Maybe for the next one. It will be all ladies and they will appreciate it more. Do you and Joe have waiters uniforms???? You could wear a little french maids costume! lol! LOL LOL LOL! I just pictured Joe in the butler tux with the short jacket with tails and a tea towel across his arm! lol!!!!!!!
Well, leaving in a bit to go work out...pray it doesnt lightening any so they dont close the pool! Love to all and see ya tonight.
Good Morning Y’all,
Well the week of moving is here, wow, just seems like a few days ago we decided to move and seems even less then a few days ago we found out Joe and Jan had a house for rent, where in the world has the time gone. We didn’t get much done yesterday, I’ll make up for it today tho, I still gotta finish moving the yard, its really tough mowing it cuz it was so high again, last year the yard was so much easier, I guess cuz I kept it mowed better, just been so bloody busy lately, oh well.
Last night I bought a sugar free chocolate pie from walmart, picked susan up and got home and had a piece of the pie, I thought I was gonna absolutely die after eating that piece of pie, it was good and all and tasted like sugar free but omg my stomach hurt so bad for a couple hours like it had real sugar in it or something, my stomach still hurts this morning, esp around the pouch area, dunno what in the world was in that pie but it couldn’t of been all sugar free the way my stomach acted, ugh!! Im gonna just try and drink protein shakes today to flush all that pie out, geeze I thought I was dying it hurt so bad.
I sure wish I was moved already and able to go to the support meeting, I really can’t wait for July’s meeting, that’s one thing I am really really looking forward too is attending the support group meetings, I know those are so helpful for the ones that are able to attend.
Jan your getting closer and closer to being done, bet the rooms are looking so much better all painted, I can’t wait to see the living room all painted, that’s my favorite room of the house with all those windows and the shelf above them. Just don’t worry if the house isn’t all done when we get there, if we have too we’ll pile everything in one room and go from there, we just can’t wait to get there. I can help you paint the cabinets, that’s no problem at all, I know they are gonna look so nice, yours in your house look great!!! We looked at some curtains last night and got some really good ideas for the living room but Walmart here didn’t have what we liked so we’ll prolly wait til we get there and go to the Walmart there, I think the truck has to be back Monday anyway and we need to run into Branson for a couple of reasons so we’ll prolly stop at the walmart there and get a few things. Also found some really neat idea’s for the bathroom, the house is gonna look so nice when its all done!!! Yes I love watching the HGTV shows LoL they really have some interesting shows on there with some good ideas and all lol. Good Luck on your first support meeting as a leader, I know you’ll be great!!!
Janet I dunno if its something you meant to start or not lol but I’d really like a foodsaver too if possible, if I sure understand, I almost bought one at the other night and thought I’d just wait til I got moved, I can send ya the money and all. Can’t wait to see y’all at one of the meetings real soon.
Well I better wrap this up and get busy, got a lot to do this morning before Susan has to go to work, she only has today and tomorrow nights to work then she’s done, she’s jumping for joy lol. Y’all have a great meeting tonight, those that get to attend. Everyone have a blessed day!!!
I woke up this AM to pouring rain and thunder. It came down like pouring out of a pitcher. It was still raining when I left Nixa but by the time I got to MSU, 11 miles north, it wasn't raining at all. It's a little showery here but there's a kids football camp out on the stadium field and they are continuing so it must be really light.
I finished up the five day pouch test yesterday. It wasn't as hard as I thought. The full liquid part seemed about the easiest to me and made me realize that the pouch is still there to help me. I wasn't hungry if I just drank my protein and water.
This week my boss is in North Carolina at a conference so I'm on my own. Not a bad thing since it's really quiet right now and I can catch up on some filing and work I've put off and keep in touch with you guys a little more.
Yesterday afternoon we went for a short car ride. I just love going for a ride on a Sunday afternoon but with the price of gasoline we've not been doing it much.
We had a quiet weekend - it was pretty rainy and dark and I took two naps and sat in the backyard in the sun whenever it came out. I washed the big window in my family room - we have out-of-town company coming later this week and there were some suspiciously bird poop-looking streaks on the outside of it. Don't know how they would get there - not a ledge above it - but I 'm pretty sure that's what it was.
I didn't do my usual cook up a storm weekend thing - I'm really trying to get back to the basics. And John is trying to lose some more weight - he's lost about ten pounds in the past month and I'm trying to help him by fixing mostly grilled meat and salads and veggies - no potatoes and pasta. I think I make those carbs for him because I can't eat them and enjoy seeing him eat them but that's not fair to him. I have found for me that the more simple I keep things the better I do. When I start to get creative I start getting bad habits going - fried meat, creamed everything and more sweets. I need to just keep it simple, stupid!!!
Hope to see many folks at the COF meeting tonight.