Joe woke up before I did wow. I was tired I guess more so than I even knew. Last night all of a sudden my right lower side started hurting so badly that it was about to bring tears to my eyes. I was about ready to go to the hospital ER but started passing gas loud and long lol I guess that is what it was because after about an hour or so of that my stomach quit hurting, I don’t know about the rest of you but you hear so many stories about twisted bowels, bowel obstruction, hernias etc that when something hurt bad enough to make you think about going to the ER all of that is running thru your mind plus all the normal stuff like appendix and other things.just wanted you all to know that everyone has all of those fears and stuff lol
We were up and working by 7:am and worked till after 4 pm. Today. Got lots of painting done. Ceilings, walls, trim…will probably be moving all the cabinets and stuff into the back bedroom tomorrow so we can do the living room. Then we can get either all the floors done or the kitchen cabinets hung….we are beginning to see the end somewhere out there in the future….lol
Well tomorrow is another day of stuff to do lol we will see what all we get done. Oh guess what I found in the back of the shed here, I think I am going to put them on ebay and see what I can get out of them.. a coffee table and two end tables of the blonde furniture style, you know step end tables and all. and they are in good shape too. You know how big retro is maybe someone will really want them , never know huh?
BARBARA S::::: Well I will get a good stock of them in store in case everyone wants for me to pay up. Lol .
Im glad you are enjoying the puppy, she sure hung onto you when you were at the reunion. She wouldn’t get very far away that is for sure. Really like a baby.
She keeps you connected to your sister doesn’t she?
All the motocycles will have to get together one of these day and go for a ride. Lol
Is nice to see you doing something beside lurk lol .
SUGAR::::: Oh wow that is awful about the lighting hitting your friends house. I cant remember which one is which of the ladies but surely enjoyed them all.
Geeze I missed the fish fry , darn I was going to come up and be your waiter lol
For scraps.
Well did you use up all of your thousand dollars for gas??? Wont be funny after a little while.
The protein from
I hope the fish fry was a big success, would have been better if we had been your watress and waiter lol
Next time include that in the bidding and then we can eat what they don’t , yeah like I would or could eat that much lol.
NUTTI:::::: how are you feeling this morning? I think most everyone goes thru what you described, maybe not us older ladies but especially younger ones. It has to do with hormones hidden in the fat, and as you lose the fat they appear, so you get a rush of them at times.
The hernia thing, don’t be lifting anything heavy that would be the best piece of advice I think. Nothing over 10 pounds anyway. That puts pressure on them .
The heavy support girdles might be a big help too. I don’t really know since ive never had one.
So glad that you are back in a bed now. Im having the opposite problem, I am having trouble sleeping in our bed. And don’t know why, I wake up so stiff and sore I can barely move. But have no problems when I sleep in my big chair. Now what is up with that?
Your doctor must not have put down the right codes or something to not get paid by medicare. I have heard of him having trouble like that before tho. Someone that works for him must not know what they are doing.
Hang in there girl you are doing so good. It gets better really it does. And next year you will be climbing ladders, painting ceilings and all this wonderful stuff I am doing lol
JANET:::: wth girl are you having sympathy sickness for your daughter? Maybe you are pregnant too lol. Wouldn’t that be fun you and Megan pregnant at the same time? No???
That is wonderful that Aaron got the management position at this time isnt it? Will really help out now maybe they can save even more money to be able to get them a place.
You talking about your pool makes me want one so bad but sure cant afford an inground one that is for sure. Have you ever checked on what they cost to build one? It is outlandish….would love it but sure would nt want to spend that kind of money .
They are so pretty tho.
I hope John will learn to swim it would be such a relief off your shoulders I know.
No I never drove our bikes we have had before but if we get another one it will be a trike and I will learn how to drive it. I use to ride on a bike when I was young but that was a long time ago and it wasn’t a big Honda Goldwing. But a 250 Harley of my uncles.
My poor mama like to had a heart attack when she saw me on that thing the first time.
I know how it is when you have a family there are always other things more important than a bike. But one day maybe it will happen.
Sounds like your ex is trying to avoid taking custody of her doesn’t it? He knows what he is doing or not doing.
Oh my I hope she doesn’t move in with her boyfriend but there isnt anything you can do about it if she does. It will be one of the worst things she has ever done but there wont be any telling her that I know.
WE may take you up on the fishing and swimming one day. Don’t know when we will get to leave here tho lol
My Joe loves to fish too. Just doesn’t catch much lol
Debbie M::::::: well finally congradulations are in order huh? Sounds like she will be fine soon and can join her mommy in their room.
So glad that David is doing so well. I bet that feels so different to him no having all that pain in his feet and legs.
ANDREW:::::we have been having nice days even if there is rain in there it has been pretty nice …it is down to 66 here now and I,m getting ready to shut off the a/c and open all the windows. Again. The nights have been down to 60 almost every night lately and is wonderful sleeping weather.
Im axious for you to get here too and see what you all do with your new home. I love watching others to see what they and how they decorate.
When you go to plant things I may have all you will need, this fall I will have to divide some of my flowers up so will offer you some of them ok?
Im glad that you are feeling better , who knows how we get those things. Even with drinking all tha****er , doesn’t look like it would be possible does it?
Tell Susan im excited to maybe have someone to go to wal mart with. Joe always wants to rush me lol
He knows how much money I can spend I guess lol
Yeah we maybe have something great planned for a vacation. One of two things. We may be able to get us a Bike and take a trip up to the east coast like up to Cape Cod I have always wanted to go there and up into
Or we may take a cruise to
ANGY:::: are you feeling better today? Don’t forget those pills girl. After surgery you probably wont need those but will need your vits. And you wont be able to forget them for sure.
Well it has taken me a while to work up to having this much energy Angy. The first few months I was tired and sleepy for the first two months. I have a hard time getting rid of the sleepy meds that I am given .
Hi Jan and OH Peeps~
Would it be possible for ME to be in line for the lollipop this time? I havent been the first poster in a long, long time! I better not take too long to post this or someone may beat me to it anyway since I have this slow dial up!!!
So glad Ms. Tammy Ammy is home now!! Had text her off and on and she says she is good except it still really bugs her standing up or sitting down. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery.
Also-CONGRATS are in order for Deb M and her new baby grand-daughter, Jennifer Lynn!!! Im so excited for Jason and Wendy...well, and Deb and David. Makes me even more excited about my own grandbaby soon!!!
We had a pretty busy/fulfilled day here. Had a million things to do before company tomorrow. Mowing around the track on the riding mower, getting chairs and stuff organized, the cleaning of the house....laundry, garden, laundry, marking stuff for the sale and flea market, laundry-LOL....I dont know HOW we go through so much laundry every week-but we manage somehow~
Mike had his big RC race today. He won one class but had engine troubles with the other class. Im glad now I didnt go watch him, I wouldnt have wanted to have been out this late. They just wrapped up a little before midnight-and of course, they stand around and B.S. and play with their cars some more. Testerone time...
Megan and Aaron had a wedding to go to. Megan was sick most of the morning and Aaron, bless his heart-asked me if he needed to take her to the ER, cause what if she has the flu and its not just morning sickness. I had to laugh...what a kid! She did feel better towards afternoon and they went to the wedding. She sent me a text from the wedding saying that she had never heard such awful singing in her life and that they could hardly keep from laughing....
Well, I actually fell asleep before the news came on, and woke up because I am hurting pretty good tonite. Took some pain meds and couldnt get back to sleep. My dang dog has been barking on and off for a freaking hour now. Every time I go yell at him, I come in the house, get settled and he starts again. I know Sebastian is still considered a pup-but I wish he would take some pointers from Dozer and bark when its necessary-not over his seeing his shadow! Anyway...my back and left knee are absolutely killing me tonite. Its been a LONG time since I hurt like this. I know what I did to my knee, but it has to be the weather for my back, because I havent been lifting anything (not even the laundry baskets-Darrel has been doing all the lifting)....so who knows?
Anyway, figured I would get in and do my post because we are taking the boys trout fishing in the morning and then we will come home and get set up for company in the afternoon. Wasnt sure when I would get in any computer time.
The pool water still feels too cold for me to swim in! I have been setting the thermostat in the house at 76-78 and its driving Mike nuts-he always wants it down and we each go by and turn the thermostat up or down-he says that he doesnt think the pool will be warm enough for ME until the middle of July and Aug. I hope it doesnt take that long!!! Maybe I can find one of those one pc wet suits???? Think that would keep me warmer? Plus it would hide all the jiggling skin, huh?
**Jan-you and Joe are welcome here ANYTIME!! Just let me know a day or so beforehand so we can set up the guys fishing and get everything in order. Would love to have you! I gaurantee Joe would catch some if he goes out with Mike. We never come home empty handed. We have so much fish in the freezer that we are going to have to have our fish fry pretty soon just to make room in the freezer. Oh-Yes-I keep forgetting, the Food Saver ROCKS!!! I got it for $15 direct from manufactorer. Do you want me to let you know when they will have them on sale again? I could go pick one up for you and bring it to the meeting? They also sell the plastic bags-they are $10 a box and you get the option of how big you make them, according to what your sealing. I also got the cannister sets and they were $3 each set of 2. They are just like canning-only you just vac****eal them. Mike works on the copier there and they always tell him when they are having a sale and he can purchase them pretty much anytime before the sale-he just goes back and picks what he wants and thats it....they should have one coming up soon, so if you want us to pick it up-let me know and I will tell him to get it next time he goes. okay?
Shame on you and bite your tongue about asking if I was pregnant. Have you lost your mind? That would be the furthest thing from funny that there is!!!! Love my kids-but glad I am fixed. Sure dont think I could start over again. I love the babies, but pregnancy was just horrible for me!! Im glad that I get to have all the joys now of holding a little one and snuggling etc (plus I LOVE the baby smell!!!) and I can spoil her rotten and give her back to her parents-plus, there is going to be major payback-Megan thought it was funny all these years of buying Jon noisy toys-like a drum set and things along those lines-and I am so doing that back to them!!!
Yes, your right, with a family there are things more important than a bike. I am thinking when the last child leaves the nest-LOL...maybe we will get one to put on our RV while we travel the country side....j/k-doubt by then we will be able to afford gas in it. We may be getting a pull behind camper soon tho. My dad has an associate who has 3 that he is selling and my dad said they are in good shape-we are going to go look at them next weekend if he is home. He is a truck driver and isnt home too much during the month....If they are in good shape, I know we will pick one up because the price is right and we do camp a lot now, again.
Im sorry you were hurting like that! Who wouldve thought gas would be that painful? Did you try gas x? Did it help?
Yes, I know what inground pools cost. Mikes boss had one put in a couple of years back-same as ours, kidney shaped-the only difference in our pools is that they also have a pool slide-and we dont. We do have a diving board tho, and under water lighting. No heater, and he paid almost 30 grand to have it put in! YIKES....but, at least its already here and I dont have to pay to put it in when we buy the house! Before we moved out here, we always had an above ground pool. We had the biggest above ground pool they made at the time-and it was just like swimming in this one, really-just not as deep on one end is all-I do love night time swimming and the way the lights look-and with all the tiki torches lit, it looks so awesome! I found some lights-like bamboo and lanterns for $5 on clearance at wm. You know what I bought for around the umbrella area at the table.
I know ultimately, Steph is going to do what she wants to do-I just miss seeing her beautiful face around here so much. I dont miss the fighting and tantrums, its been a long time since the house was this harmoneous- but, I still miss her!!! I did start in her room today, without tears. I just pray that she is okay and leave her in the Lords hands and trust that she will be okay through her trials. I doubt Eric will ever come through for her or for me, but I will deal with it-one day at a time. At least she will see me when I have money for her, and school keeps me updated, because they all know Mike-and so I do get updates on her and how she is doing.
Well, I am going to get off here and go talk to Mike. He just pulled in-and Im anxious to hear about his day. I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Hey Everyone,
Wow, what a day we had yesterday. Was so busy packing and mowing the yard I about over slept and made Susan late for work lol. We are finally almost done packing, geeze where does all this stuff come from lol. I just have to pack my computer stuff and last min things that we’ll pack in the car, the computers and personal stuff we’ll keep in the car.
Jan you really must have been tired if Joe woke up before you lol I know the both of you will be so glad to be done with the house, but ya know when its all said and done it will look like a brand new house, just so amazing!! Im goin to walmart tonight and looking at curtains for the living room, I was watching the HGTV channel and got some really neat ideas on hanging curtains on windows similar to whats in the livingroom, its gonna looks so niceeeeeee and wont cost all that much to do.
Well Im just home from church and need to do a few things, I took susan to work so I could have the car today to run a few errands and get some things done, gotta pick her up and 11pm tonight, yikes lol. Gotta go make me a shake. Ya’ll have a great and blessed day!!!
Hey Jan and All,
I just wanted to write a quick note. I have some great news. Two things accually. One is that my son and daughter and law and grandsons have moved back to Missouri!!!!!!!! They are living with us right now until Robbie gets a job and a house. I am so excited! Two, I had set a goal of losing one hundred pounds by my B-day. which is tomorrow the 23rd. Well I am only at 92 lbs. loss but I am totally thrilled with that. Plus I might be down some more by morning!! Gotta go, I'll right more later. Take care all,God bless, Love Tammy V.