on 6/21/08 7:39 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Angy,

I was reading your post and just had to tell you that my biggest complaint about MOBAR was their lack of returning calls or getting stuff done. You could call and call and call-and nothing!! I finally talked to the office manager-and some things got taken care of. I will email you her email address. I would say IF your stuff is not submitted by Weds of next week-to email the office manager and just put a bug in her ear about it. You will then get somewhere.

Once medicaid gets your pre-cert-it will only take 7-10 days-thats all it took for me and several others to get the approval....I called medicaid every other day and mine only took 7 days to be approved-so once it gets to them, it should go fairly quickly and soon you will be giving us a date on here!!! Glad I am your angel....and your friend!

One of these days, I WILL get my before pics scanned and put in my profile-you will not even believe the "old" me-no one believes its me. I keep them in my purse for always, because you never know when you will run into someone you know and since they dont believe its me-I show them my book and then they go-OMG~Just make sure that you do your before pics AND your measurements pre-op. Very important!!! Anyway-will talk to you soon hon! Love, Janet

Debbie M.
on 6/21/08 9:30 am - Harrisonville, MO
Well I finally got to talk with Jason...we had been playing phone tag since last night...lol Jennifer Lynn was born at 10:30am, c-section, weighing 6lbs 5oz, 19 inches long and has big feet like her lil bro (Adam)...we call them Fred Flintsone feet and their just like their Dad, Jason...lol She is in the NICU (for preemies)...she inhaled some fluids before they got her out. I guess she was having breathing problems when she first came out but her breathing has slowed down now and Jason has got to feed her twice.  Wendy (Mom) hasn't got to feed Jennifer yet because she is stuck in bed and the baby is in the NICU. Not to worry because they are both doing good but I ask prayer for them...it has to be hard on Wendy with losing Adam right after birth last August and now Jennifer has been taken away...even though this one will be okay!! I thank you all for the CONGRATS!!  Janet, even though this one has my middle name, she wasn't named after me, I even asked and was told no! My daughter, Nicole plans on giving her baby my middle name, if she has a girl...confusing, I know! Just wait, in a few months you will become a grandma, then they start popping out everywhere!!...lol You will really be confused then...but loving every minute of it! Well, most anyway!!  They are in Springfield and I'm in Harrisonville...so I'm not there =(  I should have pics tomorrow...Jason promised!!  I will have them up as soon as I get them....until then....look at my profile and see what I got to see while I was out mowing today while waiting on Jennifer's arrival!! Look under "My Fur & Feather Babies"  Well, that's all for now...Love & prayers, Grandma Deb M

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