Was a lot of rain Thursday night all night , we had some storming but for the most part was just hard rain with lots of thunder and lighting. I don’t mind that as long as the wind doesn’t get crazy. That always scares me to death when the wind starts whipping around.
Got up this morning and went to Eureka Springs to pick up daughter. She got done really quick tho so we were heading back home by noon. Stopped in Forsyth and bought some more paint for the ceilings in the rental. Ran out the other day, that painting over there is just soaking up the paint and that is even with priming it all first. Just old and never been painted in years and years.
I really think it is looking pretty good tho and I think we made a great deal by buying it. Don’t believe anyone would ever believe how little we paid for it. Lol
I am extrealy tired tonight and sleepy I didn’t sleep well last night and not doing much today made me even tirer…so im going to recap and call it a night
We have the alarm set to get up about 6 in the morning to get this painting all done .
So glad to hear that Tammy did fine with her surgery today.
BEV::: That is what I had to do for quite awhile to get into the habit of getting in my water and protein. Till it is second nature now. I don’t have to think about it really I just do it.
Hey that is a super idea about making your shakes into popcicles. Since the weather has gotten warmer I just cant drink the shakes made with milk and stuff it seems anymore or maybe I got tired of it like that for awhile or something so I have been just using flavored waters. Like crystal light. I keep that in the frig so they are real cold and I mix the protein with a little bit of warm water to dissolve it well then pour in the cold flavored water and maybe an ice cube or two if not cold enough ,light and tasty.
The pool sounds like lots of fun ,,,hopefully I can get one before the summer is too far gone because I don’t have anyplace to go to a pool at.
I was told we aren’t to eat corn so that may be what upset your stomach instead of the chicken. I know it is good but it is so hard to digest that it isnt great on our tiny little tummies.
MELISSA::: been a long time since you have been on and a lot has happened to you hasn’t it? So sorry that you lost your mom and then the kids on top of that had to be hard to take. Sometimes it is hard to understand the reason behind why things happen.
Glad that you have found a positive thru all of this and being involved with anything that is against child abuse is a good thing.
Joe and I have been looking at the new Goldwings too hopefully we can get one soon. We have had them before and loved them , enjoy the wind in your hair. It is very relaxing.
ANDREW:::: nope you didn’t win the s.f. lollypop that is for sure, lol .Your church down there is really going to miss you , and you them , but you all will have to find another one here somewhere to go to. Altho it probably wont be as close as you are to yours there. Lol
Are you all about all packed and ready to pick up your truck and load? We are hurrying and hurrying lol
Saturday???? That is next Saturday isnt it??? Lol yeah I know it is this is only the 20th isnt it? See how confused I am loll
I really like the outdoors now since I have lost weight , before I couldn’t stand to be out in the heat but now it doesn’t bother me.
I dug some more on the pond up close to the house yesterday. Hopefully I will get it in there before long.
After tomorrow the only room that will not be painted will be the living room and that wont be so bad once we get the cabinets up because there are more windows in there than walls lol .
SUGAR::::: hey maybe we can start a company huh? No I don’t think so I like doing it but don’t know if I would want to do it for others. You know sort of like you are with parties and weddings and stuff. Becomes a job then and no fun.
How did your party go ? I know they loved it didn’t they?
So when are you taking Skyler to see his dad? You didn’t say.
Is the tomato plant sitting on blooms? I would probably just stake it and let it go. Don’t remember what kind you got but I had them so mixed up no telling what you got lol
Sounds like you got some good deals on the flowers. I love Hostas mine are getting so big and pretty this year. Seems they really like all the wet weather we have been having.
Wow you are right Rick does do some great fish cooking but that is a good price they paid to eat it didn’t they? Was that for the missions auction that you put that up for bid? I bet they all will love it. When is dinner????
BEC::::: hope your birthday was a good one sweetie.
Muddy is a good time to plant stuff I love to do it then. Get mud everywhere and just pile it up around the plant and they seem to love it too. Lol
Your welcome as can be , about answering questions for you but you are doing just fine you just don’t trust yourself that much yet. You will as soon as you watch things grow and get more confidence in yourself.
The verbena should keep blooming. I don’t remember ever deadheading them but probably should have lol . more than likely that is the seed but im sure it is very tiny if you tried to save the seed from them. Some things are so tiny that it is almost impossible.
Your tea sounds just wonderful , I love anything strawberry ….
SHEILA:::::: I am so very sorry I missed your birthday. Please accept a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU FROM ME. :::::
Oh wow a purple scooter……you know purple is my very favorite color ….i bet it is so cute. Girl watch out with that tho and don’t let it fall on you like that.
Are you ok??? You take care of you.
ANGY:::::wow cant imagine anyone owing that much and not being in jail….something is wrong somewhere that is for sure. . Sounds like the probation officer isnt doing her job and should be reported to the courts. You do have recourse you know. That is illegal for her to not do something.
DEBBIE D::::: so glad you have both your boys back in the nest now. I know it makes you feel better. Lol
We will keep both of them in our prayers. Sounds like you and your husband have raise two really great boys there.
If you fertilize too much all you get is foliage and no fruit sometimes if you use too much nitrogen you should have some small tomatoes on them by now do you? I have anywhere from 6 to a dozen on each one of my plants , of course they aren’t as big as they will get yet and haven’t started turning colors yet either. The only time I had tomatoes before the forth of july was last year when I grew them in the green house lol
Yours sound beautiful all those colors will be beautiful.
DEBBIE M::::: so happy that David is doing well and not in so much pain isnt that wonderful amazing what they can do now days.
So has the baby made her appearance yet???? I am so happy for them since they had such a sad time before.
Let us know.
JANET:::::wow well I thought we had a bad storm but nothing like that , we never lost power , even my computer stayed on which is unusal when it storms usually it knocks that satellite out.
I know that had to be embarrassing to you with Jon but don’t worry about it I think you handled it really great …and he didn’t mean it mean or anything he was just commenting on the fact that wow mom use to have to use that now look at her. Wow.
Sounds like ms Steph wants her cake and eat it too doesn’t it? Lol at least she is talking to you some. Lol So have you signed custody over to him so that if she does do something stupid that it is his responsibility?? That might make him less eager to take her you know.
Or did you mean mr wonderful her boyfriend??? Now that would be good wouldn’t it?
Even better than her dad. Lol I know you are tortured about how she is doing but honey you taught her what she needs to know and whether she uses it or not is up to her now. I know exactly how you feel and know that it hurts to think that she is maybe ruining her life but we just have to sit back and pray that she will realize one day what she is doing.
Hey that swim in the pool sounds really good …well really float in the pool with me. Im not much of a swimmer. I think I could swim well enough to stay afloat but sure not enough to win a race lol .
I hope they do a complete vit blood work on you …..that tells a lot more than just a cbc does.
Im like you with no boobs mine are now 36 B and not a big b at that lol …Iam anxious to get the tummy taken care of and the excess skin I have on my upper body that hangs down. drives me crazy.
Will be looking for the new pictures.
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Well sis, you better be fearing the lightening!!! A friend of mine (she was at your tea party) house got hit...it ran in on a pipe coming out of the roof and set her attic on fire. She is now in a hotel until her whole house roof can be replaced and everything cleaned up from the smoke and water damage. Bless her heart, she has had a really hard year too! She lost her dad about 2 years ago, her mom less than a year ago and she is the exec. of thier estate and out of 6 or 7 brothers and sisters...none of them want to do it the way the will said. She is having to fight them at every turn. And now this! Pray for her, her name is Jeannie. She also has some very serious health issues of her own including asthma which was aggrivated by the smoke. I just feel soooo bad for her. The party went well. Everyone said they had a great time and the BBQ was great. We took an average of ages at each table and the youngest table was 60 and the oldest was 76. That was fun even if not all the ole gals wanted to admit thier age. lol! That might be a fun game to play at a WL meeting some time if at different tables. See how much weight has been lost on average. lol! I told Skyler that Im not going to take him to see his dad. I told him his dad probably didnt want to see me, just spend time with you boys. But I told him that if he gets to go down there this weekend to be sure and tell him how proud I am of him. He said " Yeah, everyone is proud of him for the doing the right thing! " He had told me before that he thought his dad should break up with Nikki and spend more time thinking about and taking care of him and Christian and less time worrying about Nikki's boys. Bless his little heart. He is wise beyond his 9 years. Well the fish fry is at 6 and I have a million things to do today before it. I need to clean my house just in case it should rain and we have to come inside. But we plan on setting up our new beach canopy (to test is out) and using it for shade for them. I have an 8' table that I am setting with pretty plates and glasses and napkins and table cloth. It is going to be a fairly nice set up for a fish fry...lol! Then I also need to run to the bank this morning and withdraw our weekly gas allowance of $1000.00..well Im kidding but it soon could be that. I put a little over a 1/4 tank in yesterday and paid $35...yikes! This new van has a 25 gallon tank so I am going to try not to let it get empty. Rick always tells me it is just as easy to keep the top half full. Then I have to go grocery shopping for stuff to make salad and hushpuppies, get potatoes and promised them cake and ice cream. I also am going to clean out the gravel bed next to the patio (leaves and sticks) and put in some more pea gravel. Then I want to get the hostas planted. Think I can get that all done by 6? I guess I better go and get started. Oh yeah, somewhere in there I need to run to Sprfld and get me some protien drinks....YIKES!!!!! Dont think I can do it all, but will try. And oh yeah, I have to prepare my SS lesson for tomorrow. Love to all! Have a great day.
Morning Mo!
well I had hoped to share good new later this week after my trip to Dr. Baker for my 1 yr checkup but the apointment has been postponed until October due to Medicare NOT paying for ANY part of my surgery.....why am I just finding this out???
it had been my hope to schedual my hernia repair and pani removal for sometime in NOV
or sooner....my hernia took a turn for the worse and I had a protrusion on Sunday...oh that hurt real bad and scared the tar outa me and Dean...he made me go to the ER...by the time we got there it had gone back in and the pain was gone....my PCP told me now that this has happened it will keep happening until I have it repaired...I now have an outie belly button where once I had an innie
the whole hernia thing freaks me out! especially with Tammy-ammy's becomming critical...oh my
my big question is....anything I can do to keep mine from becomming critical?...PCP said he would recomend a belly band but with so much excess skin I would probably spend more time adjusting it than anything else....any of you have any suggestions?
I did go buy some support panties...in size 2x and no way were they going on me...so Im hoping to go get a size 3x sometime today....will this help me prolong the nessecity of hernia repair???
I have come so far and regained so much that this feels like a major set back and I am more than a tad depressed about it all...along with feeling freaked out.
I slept so well on our camping trip that we set up the air bed in the spare room and I am once again sleeping in a bed after almost 6 yrs of sleeping in my recliner.The job is still the best thing I could have done for myself to promote better weightloss ofter my WLS but I find it difficult to deal with people and their hateful negative outlooks and attitudes....its only one or 2 people but like they say it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch babe!
and with Dean loosing his job its been a bit much for me emotionally. it seems like tears are just below the surface at any given time of the day....UUUGGG I hate that part of myself....mad??..cry
pissed? cry frustrated??....cry...yup and since the job is all of the above I feel like crying....and this hernia thing isnt helping...I feel like one BIG blubbering mess.
I guess I need some prayers... I know I should keep a positive outlook but OH my its really hard sometimes.
I have been on cloud nine since finding a Dr. who would do my surgery and have lived with those waiting for the other foot to fall feelings and I guess thats what is happening...
On a positive note...several women at work have asked me what diet I am on because I seem to be shrinking before their eyes....and I am...I have lost around 65lbs since starting my job and 2 pants size...so I have had the oppertunity to share with others the wonders of WLS and I feel like I need to share so that people can overcome their fears of WLS and such. I want to be the sucess story that people share with their friends instead of the horror stories that you hear!
my brother was sent to a treatment center and we are having a garage sale to get rid of his junk.
it was suppose to be our big cleanup/out sale but Dean didnt get much done in the house for it...I did manage to get my 3 garbage bags full of 4x and up stuff out there and have sold quite a few.
I havent been out in our pool much...the rain water just keeps it too cold for me...but since Miss Pixie stayed the night I imagine we will get out in it today if the sun stays out.
so glad Tammy had successful surgery! I know she will feel so much better now!
Jan all that you do ties me out...but yet gives me hope that maybe next year at this time I will also be able to do some of the same things you are doing now! you soo ROCK!
it is our hope to sell our home of 18 yrs and move...somewhere...anywhere...since the neighbor killed my sweet kitty I just do not feel the same way about this house. or neighborhood.
Janet...sounds like you are doing all the right things with your DD....even if she never comes around to your way of thinking you have given her the tools she needs to make choices...right or wrong. dont beat yourself up over it...(all parents do)....you have 2 other kidos that need you to do the same thing for them...and now a baby to love! such Blessings!
MEL....good to see you post! you and Terry have been on my mind...Im so happy that you 2 have found an outlet for some of your grief! helping others combat child abuse!! WTG!!!
BEV...your new photos are wonderful and how pretty you were but chick you are gonna be drop dead gorgeous when you get where you want to be weightloss wise! I cant wait to get my tricycle...LOL...you inspired me to get one also....to many balance issues for a regular bike....Im getting excited about it! just waiting for the stimulas check to get here.
to the rest of you....keep up the posting! I dont get to post often due to the work schedual but I do get in here every am to read!
nice to hear from positive friends before venturing off to the fortress of Evil!
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Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~
First-I want to say CONGRATS to Deb M on the birth of her newest grandbaby-Jennifer Lynn. Thats funny, a girl that I met when I was 14 and we have been bestest buddies ever since-but she lives in MN-her name is Jennifer Lynn! (I have called her Niff all her life!) LOL...Im so happy for Jason and Wendy! Deb-send us a pic of her in our email if they wont let you put a pic in the profile-would love to see her!!!! CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!
Secondly-was texting a bit with Tammy last night and then talked to her this morning while she was waiting for her breakfast to come-she said she was suppose to only have 3 cuts-but has 8 and thinks that maybe Dr. Scott took out her gallbladder while he was in there....she hasnt seen him yet this morning, but said she will let me know what she finds out when she does see him or one of his associates. The number to her room, if anyone wants to call her is 1-314-344-6633. I believe thats to her room, but if its just to the hospital-her name is Tammy Hughes......she sounds good-but says it really smarts when she has to get up! Lets keep her in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Hopefully, she will be good as new and ready to go home today....
Didnt get to town yesterday like I wanted to-I couldnt shake the nauseated feeling ALL day long. I dont know what the heck is going on...I just cant shake this crap and its been over a week now. Am glad I am going to the doctor next week so maybe we can find some answers. Mike thinks maybe I had some sort of food poisoning or something....no one else in the family has been sick like me.
When Mike got home, he took the boys and went fishing-I felt bad because the couple we have been fishing with was meeting us-so angel was the only woman there-LOL....At least when I am there too-I help her against all the testerone there! Usually do a guys against dolls competition (we usually lose, but we tell the guys we LET them win~) They came home earlier than normal, Mike said that Jon kept saying I miss mommy, where is mommy, I wanna go home and be with mommy....oh, thats so cute! Not if your trying to fish-LOL, but I felt loved-thats for sure. Both boys have been really clingy since Steph moved out. I cant really do anything without them or they get upset, and If Jon cant see me every second of the day, he will hunt me down and tell me to go wherever he is!
My SIL got his management position yesterday-WOOOO HOOOO!!!! He got a healthy raise too-and what a wonderful time, when they are getting ready to have a baby-Im so excited for him!!! Im proud of him-he has worked really hard and aced all the management tests he took-and was faithful about going to the management courses they offered and they have recognized that. I think he will go to days now too-forgot to ask.
We are finally going to be able to swim!! Its hard to see the pool so nice and refreshing on a hot summers day and not be able to jump in cause its too cold!! It sure looks nice since we painted it! Like brand new!! It makes the water look really blue too! I cant wait to have our BBQ and swim....its long over due, thats for sure! I saw on the weather last night that there is a chance for rain ALL week long! Hope we can sneak in some dips here and there if it does. We are getting a water volleyball game today and some new intertubes and floaties. Got a couple for the boys already-but there were some at Academy that were nice and cheaper than wm-better selection too! Megans friend, Stacy who used to be a lifegaurd, she did some lessons with Jon last year-but he didnt really seem interested (plus he had the built in floatie in his swimsuit) well, this year those suits dont fit him-so he is in a lifejacket-but Stacy is going to come out and do some lessons with him without a jacket or anything. He wants to be able to go off the diving board and all that good stuff-but I want him to know how to swim FIRST.
**Jan-Mike and I have been talking about a bike being our next big purchase too....Im unsure about driving one though-Im afraid of the first time, you know? Did you drive when you had them before? Or will Joe be the only one? We have been tossing it around-but would also like to have our own 4 wheeler, boat and camper...LOL..we have the opportunity to get a boat right now and its cheap enough, plus they will take pymts from us, BUT....we are looking for a more economical car first. We want to save and put away for our 10 yr anniversary (been together 12 tho) We are going to Costa Rica or Jamiaca-someplace like that. We are going to renew our vows when we go. Im pretty excited about that and having a week or so with Mike and no phones or hassles. We WERE going to go the week OF our anniversary-but guess whose due date is going to fall right around that time? So-we either have to go early or wait until the baby is born, because I AM NOT MISSING the birth of my first grandbaby-no way!
Yes-for Stephanie and moving in with Mr. Wonderful-was talking about her boyfriend. We figure it wont be long now before she does move in with that loser. As for her biological dad-he was SUPPOSE to be here on Thurs and go in to the attorney and take custody, but now he says he wont be bac****il August 4th. I dont think he will waltz in there and take custody or he wouldve done it when he was coming last time-but he made sure to come just for the weekend, even though they had the whole week off-he couldve come during the week and didnt.
Well-ANYTIME you and Joe get this way, let me know and your MORE than welcome to stop in for some fishing AND swimming and we wont even have to leave our property! Would love to have you! When things settle down for Tammy, her and Joe are going to use my place as their escape-LOL.....her Joe likes to fish-so were going to let the guys fish while we shop and swim! Cant wait till she is up to it.
**Angy-that is funny that they are BOTH Erics! Sounds to me like the probation officer and your ex have a "thing" between them. I would definitely report her after your surgery because your right, 5 grand is a felony and maybe if they FINALLY give him some time for it, he will get off his rear and pay. I know its not all about the money-and to be honest-Im glad that my ex doesnt live around here, because he just messes with my girls heads all the time-that is why my oldest doesnt talk to him at all anymore-she refuses to have anything to do with him. She is much better off and so is Darrel not being involved with his womb! I really hope that Skyler learns quickly and doesnt hang on to the crap like Steph is-but it sounds like she is going down the same road-instead of facing reality!! I sure will keep her and you in my prayers! You know we will be texting fools!! You and your fancy blackberry-LOL....so you get your emails on your phone too? How cool is that? Plus you can send them from that too? Way cool! Im glad I dont have one though, because Mike is ALWAYS telling me to put my phone down! LOL-and with all the camping and fishing we have been doing this year-I really dont have time since I am the one who is constantly redoing Jons hook and bait.....he loses several set ups every time we go!! We bought him that new rocket launcher-and believe it or not-he managed to lose the BIG bobber and hook off that one too!! Thank goodness we had the sense to buy the replacement pack of 3 when we bought the rocket launcher!!! He LOVES that thing.......
**Shannon-yes, please do post a pic!! Would love to see a recent one! Im the same height-but weigh 178 and people tell me Im too skinny!~ Can I ask what you weighed preop or is that too personal? Im just wondering if Im stuck at this weight now. Have you had any plastics yet? Im going to get my tummy tuck after summer is over....Im in a 12-14 now, so I wonder what size I will be afterwards? Im thinking a 10, but everyone else thinks maybe an 8? Do you have to buy your pants in talls?
**Sheila-are you going to the meeting Monday? Will you be driving your scooter? Let me know and yes, I will keep my eyes open for your helmet. Talk to you soon!
Well, I am getting off here and starting my day. The boys just got up so I can get some chores done and not worry about waking them up! I hope everyone is having a good Saturday and tell your loved ones that you love em! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
Hi Peeps~
Its me again Margaret......I forgot a couple of people while posting-LOL...
**Sugar-You and Jan make me so tired when I read your posts!! LOL... So which van did you end up getting? Did you find one in the color you wanted? Know what you mean about gas~when we filled up our Suburban before vacation-it cost 106.32!!!! I just about crapped my pants when it went over 90.00!~Your right, it will most likely get a lot worse before long~
**Bec-what did you do for your b-day? I sure hope you had a wonderful day-as you sure deserve it!!! Email me when you get a chance. I have been trying to find the email you sent me about that book-it was amazon that you found it on, right? Just let me know when you have time-ok? Love ya!
**Nutti-Girl, I am praying for you. I am so sorry your feeling sad and depressed. I went through that not too long ago myself. Everything made me cry too!!! I do mean EVERYTHING~ I thought maybe I was going through the change, but most likely it was my weight loss and the hormones leveling out. Thats what I hope yours is too-and that it will go away!! Sorry about the hernia. I cant give you any advice on that-except please dont let it go too long-Tammy and Mel both had theres for a long time-and both ended up having really serious problems over it-I dont want that to happen to you!!! Why the heck isnt medicare paying? Is it the federal funding OR a mistake on their end? IF its funding (which does happen sometimes, up to 6-9 months at times) there is nothing you can do about that-and they WILL get their money when its available. IF they didnt precert it or get prior approval, thats also not your fault!! Were you going to have your wls surgeon do your hernia?
CONGRATS on the sleeping in a bed again!!! I, like you, used to sleep in the recliner, for 3 yrs. Love being back in my bed, snuggling with my hubby!! Its one of my favorite things about having the surgery-the connection I got back with my hubby and my family! Anyway-I tried to send you an email and it came back to me-so call me or email me again and give me your new email, ok? We will be praying for you. Love you and keep your chin up, ok?
Well, I am going to go again.....Mike has his RC race this evening and he is out practicing and I love playing with his gas powered car-its so much faster and cooler than the electric ones-and those are fast!~! His good friend Dana and his spouse-they are all trying to talk me into getting one too-and racing with angel so she isnt the only female racing....he will sell us one of his for less than 1/2 price-but its still 225.00!!! Brand new, they are 550.00 and those are with just factory parts-we do upgrades so parts dont break as easy, and it already has all the upgraded parts that Dana put on it. Will see. Would love to have my own gas powered and race, but have so many other things going on right now, dont know if I can justify spending that much money unless I get good enough to race and win money....since we have our own track out here-we can practice all we want, but just havent had a lot of time! I will see how it goes tomorrow-the couples that are coming out-they all race the RCs-the guys do anyway, and then Angel will be here and Dana is bringing the car he is trying to sell me-and let me practice on the track with it and see how it goes.... I cant wait. Talk to you soon and have a good day!!
Good Morning Y’all,
Well what a nice day it was yesterday and it was really productive for us, we are almost fully packed finally. Just got a few more things to pack plus some last min. stuff that we’ll pack when we are loading the truck. Just can’t believe move time is almost here, just seems a few days ago we decided to move, now we can’t wait to get it over with and start setting up house again, its gonna be the neatest lil house we’ve ever had and there will still be time to plant a few things, I really miss planting flowers and stuff, here I had a porch full of outside plants in planters all around the railing and hanging plants all around the roof off the porch and I miss my veggie garden, didn’t figure we would waste the time planting anything since we were thinking about moving at the time and now we are, it’ll just be great to get up there and do all that again and since Jan’s plants and flowers do so awesome in that soil hopefully I can plant a few things around the house and they do good too. We just can’t wait.
Im feeling much better and hopefully am over the UTI, dunno how I got that with all the water I drink to begin with but oh well, hopefully its all gone and will stay gone cuz there is just to much to do lol. Susan is really excited about next week, her last day of work Tuesday and then its crunch time lol she’s really looking forward to the new journey and what the Lord has in store for us.
Jan, yeah we’ll miss our church here and I know they’ll miss us too but we really are looking forward to what’s in store for us there, we’ll eventually find a new church and get settled and all, we just know this what we are suppose to be doing, I mean as you know things have worked out so well, even tho you and Joe have worked your butts off to get the house ready, you two really deserve an awesome vacation after all the work your putting into the house, its gonna be such a great house. I put the light we have for the kitchen in the car already so it wont get packed and hard to find when we get there lol. We have a few things we’ve bought at walmart for the house we’ve left in the car so we don’t lose them in the packing lol. We’re gonna have so much fun decorating the house, it may take us awhile but its gonna be so nice. Sure hope you were able to sleep better last night, I know what its like when ya cant sleep, for some reason lately I can only sleep 3 or 4 hours then im ready to get up.
Deb M. Congrats on the new grandbaby, Susan and I are praying for ya’s, I know you are one proud grandma!!!
Well Im gonna go get busy here, still got a few things to do and gonna try and get some of the yard mowed today, I want to get it mowed one last time and empty out the gas tank so it don’t have anything in it when we load it in the truck. Y’all have a safe and blessed day.
UUUGGGGG! I feel like total crap this morning! I am so swollen. I forgot to take my bloodpressure med yesterday & now I'm paying for it. YUCK! I broke down yesterday and called MO Bar. My file has been dictated, but Regina just has to get to it now. She said I should expect to here from her next week when she gets it submitted. I understand her being behind, she just returned from vacation on Wednesday. But good grief, what's up with the Dr. being so behind on his dictation???? I know I'm just impatient, but geesh. Jan, I hope I have even half of your energy post-op. I would love to feel like getting out & doing things again. Nutti, I hope your able to get that hurnia taken care of soon. That sounds terribly painful. You all with your hurnias are scaring me a bit, but I know that's just part of it possably. Angie, did you ever in your wildest dreams think you would ever be told that you were losing too much weight too fast??? OMG I can't emagine. I have heard of it, but goodness, isn't that what this surgery was for??? Sounds like your doing WONDERFUL! I am so proud of you. Andrew, I hope your move goes smooth. You are so lucky getting to live next to Jan. What a support system you will have & sounds like you're going to have a "just like new" house to live in. That's Great!!! Lori, sorry I haven't been on Yahoo much, I've been so stinkin' busy I just pop in & out checking my mail one in a while. I am trying to get my mess of a house in order for when I have surgery. We have a teeny tiny house & too much CRAP. I am trying to contribute as much as I can to the burn pit, but have to do it when no ones home because I live with a bunch of packrats. --- So did you find a new apartment? Your surgery is comming soon. are you getting nervous? I am not nervous now, I know this is what I have to do. But as I get closer to a date, the nerves will probably go crazy. Janet, I remember when mom & dad took me fishing when I was little. I don't know how they did it. I would not bait my own hook. EEEEWWWW! & I couldn't count the times I got my line stuck in trees or brush. Boy, Aarons new managment position couldn't have came at a better time huh? I will keep Steph in my prayers. One day she will "wake up" & realize how what a wonderful momma she's got. Holy Cow!!! I can't believe you have lost 260#!!! Do you have pre-op pix on your page? I don't remember seeing any that you looked like a 5x. goodness, you have come so far. I'm sorry, I had to giggle with your story about Jon and the big man. I know that had to be embarrassing, but how cute. He didn't realize that would embarrass you or the man like that. You know he's just so proud of how far you've come. I know what you mean with the Home schooling. I would love to home school Skyler, she has so much trouble with school, & she failed this year. But I don't think I could do it. I don't think she would take it seriously with me teaching her. --- LOL Texting fools, we will probably be. I've heard people referr to the blackberry as a "crackberry" because it's so addictive. I'm not that bad, but I do like that I can get my email on it, plus calender/organizer & MP3 player. . .I love it. OK I guess I should get off of here, I have a stack of dishes waiting on me & laundry. Hope everyone has a GREAT & Save Weekend. Love ya all!!! Angy