on 6/20/08 3:45 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan and OH Peeps~

First off, lets all pray that Tammy has a safe surgery, that everything goes well and a very speedy recovery. Surgery was set for 11 am this morning, and either Joe or Ada is calling me afterwards to let me know so that I can get in and post.

Sheila-HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT DAY!!!! I bet you look SUPER cute on that scooter! If I see any cute 1/2 helmets at a garage sale, I will pick it up for you and give it to you at group, ok?

Bec- I know Jan already sang to you-so I am gonna do my famous BABY CIRCLE DANCE and CHEER LEAD while she is singing.....Yes, I know-wonderful vision huh? I will bust a move while Jan is belting out the Happy Birthday song...it will cost ya to quiet us down!! Love you Bec and hope you have a great day!!!!

Man, did we ever get a storm out here last night!! We lost power 3 times and the lightning felt like i****ing our house. The thunder was shaking our foundation!~Thats when I snuggle up to Mike and we turn on the walkie talkies we have-because they have a weather channel that we have programmed for our county. Pretty neat! It does the little siren thing when its Newton County.

Well, my youngest did what every large person fears a young child will do and it happened to me alot pre-op and I was ALWAYS so humiliated! There was a very large man at Dillons riding a cart and Jon and I passed him and Jon says (very loudly) Mom, that man is REALLY HUGE like you used to be!!! OMG. I thought I was going to die of embarresment! I was like-Jonathan! That is NOT very nice! He is like, but momma, I was just saying that you used to be like that, but arent anymore......(like I needed a reminder) and then that gentleman made eye contact with me and I told him I was very sorry and that we are not discrimitive people, but that I used to weigh almost 450# and how much I had lost and so Jon was just trying to remind me that I used to have to use the carts and such. I got tears and my eyes and so did the gentleman. I again apologized and went on my way. He didnt ask how I lost the weight and I didnt offer. I was already feeling overwhelmed. I have NEVER had ANY of my kids do that with overweight people. Jon has never done that before-but I have pictures of me pre-op where I am huge like that gentleman, and I really do think Jon was just comparing. I hope. I used to cringe when I was around little kids, and always prayed that they wouldnt yell out-Look at that FAT LADY OR, YOUR FAT!!! That happened so many times to me and each time, I would be around loved ones and I would just want to crawl in a hole and die!

Stephanie called me yesterday afternoon. Wi**** were that she wanted to see us or talk TO me about whats going on with her-but all she did was B*tch that she couldnt believe Megan is pregnant when she is big-and doesnt Megan know she is going to gain even MORE weight being pregnant and that Megan is going to end up as big as I did before surgery and on and on and on.....I finally just told her that I didnt want to discuss Megan with her-because Megan is an adult and SHE is the one who will have to deal with her weight gain etc....so, after that, she went straight into wanting her phone back and how stupid we are that her sim card isnt being used etc and she cannot believe we are like that, so petty! I asked her IF she had another job yet-where she could PAY her part of the phone bill-as I have paid last months and am paying this months coming up-she said she would find a way to pay it-sweety-that doesnt work in reality world! Plus-this months phone bill was $200 because Ms. Stephanie had almost $50 for her 3 way calling with her friends! So-her part of the bill, instead of the $65 last month, is $115 this month! She then asked how much more money she was getting this month....Told her that I spoke to her dad and that she has been getting money from BOTH of us-but telling the other that they arent giving her anything! Within 2 days, she got $150 between the 2 of us-AND her biological dad took her shopping for bras etc-even though I gave her a Kohls card with $30 on it so she could go get bras. She said they were having a good sale on bras-and so I got her a Kohls card so that she could go get some!! ARGH! She is talking about moving in with Mr. Wonderful and dropping out of school and just working full time......

Yesterday I went to go finish cleaning out the fridge and freezer in the Morton building that Darrel had left the door open and everything got ruined.....anyway~What a shock I got-when I opened the refridgerator door and there sat food that was left over from Megan and Aarons reception that we held at our place last July!!! Holy crap! I had to come in the house, get spray AND put on Mikes mask he uses when he is painting his cars etc-while I cleaned it out. Like a dummy, when I cleaned out the freezer part, never even opened the fridge part-I never use the fridge....I took a trash bag of crap out of the fridge part-and lost a couple of my plastic bowls etc-wasnt even going to try and save them, even though they were the expensive tupperware, not the cheap stuff.... That was so disgusting! Got most of it done, but didnt get it all finished before we had to head to town.

Last night the boys and I stopped at Walmart so I could get Darrel a new reel for his pole........and I had to stop at the baby section again and get another little outfit....Mike says Im not allowed to go to the baby section every time I go to the store-Yeah, right! Try and stop me!!!

Today the boys and I are marking things for Dad and Kennys flea market booth and getting some other things ready for the garage sale. I have a ton of stuff for the garage sale and Mikes parents have a TON of stuff in the morton building they are going to go through and sell as well. Tonite we are going fishing with a couple that we have been camping and fishing quite a bit with lately-and we were going to go camping tonite, but Mike and Dana have a big RC race tomorrow afternoon, so we are just fishing tonite and possibly in the morning too-will see, will depend on the boys and what time we get home tonite. If its too late-they wont be going at 5 tomorrow morning-they will be WAY too cranky-LOL...After the fishing, of course!

Have our big rack of ribs marinating today and tomorrow for the BBQ Sunday-and I am making my baked beans. I hope the water is warm enough to swim-I know the dogs are dying to get in the big pool-even though they now have their own pool in with them-LOL....Wish I could get them to go down the slide!!! We ordered some really cool disco ball type lights that go in the water of the pool and put off all different colors. Should be here by next week-and thats gonna be so cool at night to see the light show! I also ordered some of those lighted palm trees to go around the perimeter of the pool area. Hopefully, it will look really nice when its done. Mikes parents are buying one of those coolers that is a wooden box with the insulator in it for drinks-and my dad gave me one of those rolling coolers like you see at the convienence stores that are filled with ice and they will have bottles of pop in it-so we are gonna be all set.

We were talking about doing our big 4th of July party again this year-but thought Tammy and Joe would be here....so that couple that we fish and camp with have asked if we want to camp for that 3 day weekend...will have to see-maybe will do the party here later in the year and go camping too. We are trying to get enough fish saved up to have a huge fish fry when we do our annual pool party. I would love to have some walleye to add to our collection-I love walleye! We havent ever had rainbow trout, and we have 10# of that so far-so I sure hope that its good....does anyone have a good rainbow trout recipe or know how it tastes the best? Baked, fried-smoked? Anyone?

**Jan-I did buy Megan a box of saltines and told her that before she even gets out of bed to eat 2-3 (thats what I did) and I always had a diet or regular sprite with me.....It sure calmed my tummy-when nothing else worked.

I agree with you about Skylars dad and Stephanies dad. I thought Eric owed a lot in back support-DANG! Cant imagine being owed 25 grand-he must have never paid it at all-so unfair.

When your done, you and Joe are more than welcome to come this way and Mike can take Joe and the boys fishing, and you can do a flower lay out for my yard-LOL...Would love it-and I will let ya swim and float around and I will even make you your favorite shake and bring it to you in the pool~with an umbrella in it-while you just relax-how does that sound?

I agree about the bruising and such-but I am taking my vitamins faithfully. When I was throwing up all the time, I know I wasnt getting in all I needed, but have for a couple of months now-so cant imagine why? Who knows-guess I will find out Tues what the doc thinks.....

Thanks for the google idea-will definitely tell Megan about it! We have a sample of a newborn diaper-and I am so amazed, like I cant believe how tiny!! Its gonna be SO MUCH FUN to have a grandbaby-I CANNOT WAIT!~!

**Deb D-Im glad you clarified that, I just figured that you had a grandchild that was adopted or something-LOL... Wasnt trying to be nosey! He IS so smart! Megan was like that, and she was first born-I was always amazed at how smart she was and how she sounded so grown up for a toddler.

We will continue to pray for Luke. I am so excited for him!!! It sounds like he is doing exactly what the good Lord has laid on his heart to do-would LOVE to see some of the pics of his trip.....

Sounds like Jakes ceremony will be wonderful and how proud you are of him. Darrel wanted to join (he is 14)-but he signed up for FFA and FHA. He loves animals and agriculture.

**Angy-will send you an email today with my phone number. Call me or text me anytime!! Would love to hear from you!

Darrel and Steph were BOTH just like Skyler is about their other biological person-but Darrel, at 13, decided he wanted nothing else to do with his birth mother-and he has not seen her since the weekend before Mothers day 2007 and he doesnt want to either! We have asked him-and he just has no desire to see her anymore-and he actually calls her by her first name now, not mom. Stephanie, on the other hand-KNOWS her dad is a POS, but since he has his disease-she feels like she cant tell him how she feels or get angry with him-even though she has no problems telling everyone else how angry she is. She always has to learn the hard way. You just get to the point where you have to just let it go-because even though they KNOW what that person does-sometimes they want to live in la-la land so they dont have to face the facts that they are a big ol' POS!! One day she will come around!~ Wow-has he EVER paid any child support? My ex owes over 8 grand, and I thought that was bad!!!

Yes, Megan WILL find out what the sex of the baby is. I laughed when I read your post-because I had 5 ultrasounds with Jon (was very high risk due to my weight) and it wasnt until 3 weeks before he was born that I knew it was a boy-he would either have his legs crossed or would be in a position where just his little rear end would be showing-they always teased me that he was bashful-and he really really is!!! LOL!~ Thanks for the compliment too-I CANNOT wait to hold her! Watch her grow and SPOIL her rotten!!!

**Christine-I, like you-looked so forward to "onederland" I remember that date like it was a holiday-LOL! The canoe trip sounds wonderful! Wish you lived closer-mike and I would love to go on a canoe trip, but fear that would be a little far for us-with all our bone and joint issues.....we may get from one bank to the other-LOL....

**Shannon-I agree about your dad-if he can pay his bills and he can get there-and his age-let him be happy. Why do people feel the need to stick their noses in someone elses business and say rude things to people? Im glad your dad said that back to them!!! Good for him! He sounds like a whipper snapper!

Also, really liked your response to people who tell you your too thin!! Good one. I havent used that one yet. I just hate to hear Im too boney or I look sickly....they dont bother to tell people that who have been the size I am right now-just me. I know 259# is a lot of weight to lose-but I sure feel much better now....Good for you-and I think you look wonderful!!!!

Well, I am going to get this posted so I can get the weekly weigh in posted and then go out and climb on the riding mower for an hour or so. So glad Tammy is out of surgery and it went well. I will post after I actually get to talk to her later on. Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend everyone! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

on 6/20/08 2:58 pm - Friedheim, MO
OK, I just read this, is Steph's dad's name Eric too.  That's Skyler's dad's name.   Must be a common name among losers. ( Sorry if there's any "good" eric's out there reading this)  Yeah, we've been split up since mid 2000.  He had a job while we were together making $1000/wk, he moved his girlfriend in the same night he kicked us out.  They were both into drugs and he ended up losing his job, house, truck, everything.  He has only had a couple jobs since then & they don't last very long especially after they start taking child support.  He usually gets jobs that will pay him in cash so he doesn't have to pay.  You know the thing is, I don't really care about the money, I have told him that, I just want him to be a decent "dad" to Skyler & he can't do that.  He only sees her a few times a year & only lives 20 min away!  Right now I can't even get in touch with him.  Supposedly he is out of jail, but I don't know.  I call his phone, but only get voice mail.  His family is such a dramatic freak show, I hate to even call & see what's going on.  I don't know. . . I didn't mean to go on about this again, once I start, it's hard to stop.            -----------   Anyways, as long as he's not paying child support I can get medicaid = me having surgery, so I'm not going to raise too much heck about his PO just yet.  But after my surgery, she had better have her crap together, or I'm gonna raise hell.         -----ok i'm done venting for tonight.   Just thaught that was funny - both Eric's.   Love ya,  Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Shannon C.
on 6/20/08 5:03 am - Kirksville, MO
I am 5'8 &1/2 inches tall so I do look skinny at 145 pounds.  Didn't realize untill I lost all this weight that I have no butt (LOL).  Just  a big belly from the hernias and no bust - got fitted again at penny's and am now down to a 36D.  Bought 2 nice bras on sale, just can't find panties to fit as they are to tight in the waist to fit my belly or to big in the legs fitting my belly.  So am going to get out the needle and thread and see if I can put a few tucks in so the leg openings fit.  The garden looks great and expect to have green beans in a week or so.  Need to pick the broccoli and have several zucchini growing in size.  I need to post pics of the garden and a new pic of me.  You all have a great weekend! Shannon



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