Well I spent all day working on my ponds, cleaning them out and putting in plants and all. Putting rocks all around and working on getting them just right. Dug some more on the one for the place up next to the house. Too.
Joe was painting ceilings in the rental so I just stayed out of his way. I think I almost got sunburned on my back playing in the sun and water like this today but it was so much fun to have them back in operation and looking nice and pretty again.
I also did some mowing after getting that done. Then Joe was done with the painting and he took over the mowing. I brought the new mail box up on the back porch and started working on putting that on the post and going to paint it green to match the roof of our house then will put big white numbers on it.
Im going to have to quit goofing off tho if we are going to get this all done. Daughter called today and now we have to go get her tomorrow. For an appointment , she still doesn’t have a car and she cant drive her husbands truck.
I guess I could go by myself and let Joe stay and work but I get so sleepy when I drive long distances that im just not safe. Especially by myself. Now if I have someone with me im ok.
Wow did we ever have some thunder and lightening , hail and wind. Could see circular movement in the clouds over head ….the tops of the trees were swirling around but that was all.
DEBBIE D: YEP two s.f. lollypops for you what flavor do you want?
Oh yeah that log house was really earthy and looked like it had been there for a long long time.
Well im sure you have your Luke home with you by now. I know you are thrilled.
And sure he has loads to tell you all about where , what and when.
Oh boy another convert to sweet potatoes, they are so much better for you than a baked white potato….and if you want a little different taste treat along with your butter you put on it put a little fat free cream cheese. Very good tasting.
Did you see the question yesterday from Sugar? Was wondering myself I forgot where it was you live in
DEBBIE M:::: oh wow Debbie that is wonderful about Davids surgery yesterday. God is awesome , yes he is.
We will keep him in prayer that the next surgery will go as well as this one did , We will believe that God brought him this for he will continue to hold him in his hand and continue to give him the care he needs
Yes I am thinking those two are some of my favorites too. So far I think they have gotten it right about who went home tonight.
SUGAR:::: that is wonderful new about Mike. I hope he really means it and is willing to really turn his life around. Will mean all the world to those two boys and what they think of him .
Now that sounds like a good rehab to me….so many times the rehabs have the people in there and they are in a make believe place with no care or worries and then when they get out ,bam , life slaps them in the face again. and they turn back to the way they were.
This maybe they learn to handle life along with everything else.
You confused and dis conbobulated ??? don’t believe it for a minute. You love giving parties so I know it will all go ok.
I do have some ideas but not a definite one at the moment about the meetings. We will see, no we never have lacked for something to talk about.
BEV:::: Did you see my answer to your question I posted yesterday about? If not go back to yesterday and read my answer to you under your post ok.
Stuffed strawberries that sounds like a lot of trouble. Lol Im really not into food being hard to prepare lol
They do sound wonderful tho anything to do with strawberries is something that I would love.
Good luck on the new job….it will be fine till you get what you want .
BEC::::.FIRST OFF HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BECKY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Hey there lady. Was great talking to you on the phone today. My phone kept crackling and popping right after we hung up we had another round of small storm.
Sounds like you are going to have all sorts of squash doesn’t i****ch out everyone make sure your car windows are rolled up and doors locked,,,,
Well did you get your rose of
Yeah just put the limb of the geranium in the dirt and it will take root . or at least mine do , I keep them watered well while they are rooting tho.
You can put them in water and make them root that way too.
TAMMY-AMMY:::: well tomorrow is your hernia surgery. I hope they get you all fixed up and we will be waiting to hear from Janet tomorrow. You take care and tell your doctor to take good care of you ok?
Glad you spent some time with the Princess, nothing like them to make you feel all better.
Yes he is due a good fishing trip that is for sure. We have been working him way too much lol
JANET:::::.sounds like your day was busy and nothing like you had planned at all. but the day ended well with the fishing trip, yes those are the sort of things that kids remember and take with them into adult hood.
Good thing your fish jumped up out of the water so you did have some proof lol . that is always my luck too.
Feel sorry for Megan but a lot of women are like that. I use to keep several saltine crackers beside the bed and before I got up in the morning I would nibble on those , it kept the morning sickness at bay seemed like.
There are several baby sites online too. Put free baby stuff in google and you will get all sorts of sites that give away stuff.
I would get a big plastic box with a lid and put Stephs things in it she may want some of that stuff one day , and if she don’t she don’t but at least you will have it if she does ever. And if she does ever want it and you didn’t save it , well it will be a fiasco im sure.
Im glad that you aren’t ever taken in by that ex of yours , he must think your brain is mush or something lol like you forget who he is sometimes.
Good for Mike , you should be healing from that stuff too. You might have your vit counts checked. That could be why you aren’t healing from the fall and the sunburn. All of it might be related in one way or the other.
Before my garden starts producing really well I have thought about getting one of those sealing machines. Yours is a Food saver? Can I ask you how much it was? Is it better than the seal a meal one?
Yes Jane comes to the meetings most months. She has missed but she comes pretty regularly . you have a email from me ok?
Yes the lady and her husband hand built the log home them selves and it is so authentic looking. like it was built in the early 1800 ….they have this huge table in their kitchen that is a big hunk of tree sliced in half it is about 8 inches thick about 6 ft wide and 10 ft long. sanded to a smooth as a babys butt and varnished till it shines ….he built it in the house because it wouldn’t have went in the doors if he had built it outside lol
The house is very earthy and wonderful .im not sure that I would like it all the time since I like light and airly stuff , like a summer garden. and this isnt that but it is so so great too.
Boy I wish you lived closer too. Would put a paint brush in your hand real quick lol
That is cute and funny about your dad and his gambling like he says he pays his bills and it isnt anyone elses business what he does with the rest of his money. Lol
How tall are you Shannon, when I met you the one time I didn’t think you were that tall ? do you feel like you are too thin? If not just don’t let them get too you. Tell them that they are being rude at best and not helpful at all.
I think your answer is perfect.
ANGY::::: I know it is hard to be patient and wait for them to do the things they are suppose to do isnt it? Mo-baratrics has never been know to do things fast and efficient tho. So maybe calling them Friday might not be a bad thing but if it hasn’t been long enough it might never know what they are going to do when it is like that.
Your ex and Janets ex need to meet up some time lol
They both sound like some piece of work. Not sure that they are really fit to be called humans.
Don’t worry about your daughter one of these days she will see him for what he was and is. Are you going after him for no child support? You need to .
Any time you need to vent this is a good safe place to do it. Don’t worry we wont turn you into the cyber police.
CHRISTINE::::::SEEMS everyone gets so busy after weight loss surgery that they forget all of us but they will come back and say Hi most times anyway.
We miss you all when you don’t come on the board.
Sounds like you are doing great for the wls and the weight loss.
The canoe trip , would love to be on there with you
Where do you get your new protein drink?
Never heard of it right now anyway.
Take care
ANDREW::::::I can imagine how you are tired from packing but really glad that you all say you don’t want to move ever again, that is great for us too.
Yeah it is getting close and closer and closer, we have decide to get everything in the kitchen painted and in the bathroom , and two bedrooms then we will do the cabinets …
And then the floors so maybe we will have the majority of your house ready for you. Hopefully anyway.
Yeah as long as I stay busy and not just sitting I do alright on the carb situation.
Best thing tho is to just not buying it lol
We are excited for you being here too for sure.
Did you think they got it right about who they put off the show tonight?
Wow I didn’t think I would ever get all of this posted and felt good about it.
But we had a lot of people posted on the computer. GOOD CROWD. LOL
Good Morning Y’all,
Well I thought I’d get in my post early and get the SF lollipop for the day but I guess Im late already LoL Bev wanted it more the me LoL. Today was a busy day and tomorrow is gonna be another one I guess. I have to over to the church we go to and show the pastor how to work on the church website, I’ve taken care of and built the website the church has for the last couple years and I prolly will continue to do so after we move but when we move I will prolly be without internet a couple weeks until we get it all ordered and settled and stuff so he’s gonna try to keep it updated til then. Then I have to show the girl that is gonna take over the cleaning what to do, we have done that too for the last couple years, I love doing stuff like that for others, gonna miss it but am so looking forward to what is instore for us in Cedarcreek, MO. Susan is off again today so hopefully we’ll get the majority of the packing wrapped up, got the chest freezer cleaned out and thawed so hopefully when next Saturday comes around we’ll load it all on the truck for the big move.
Jan I bet your ponds are looking so cool, they were looking nice when we were there last week, I know your anxious to get the one by your house done, that’s gonna look so nice. I can’t wait to get there and get settled and start sprucing up the yard on our place up some, in the summer I’ll prolly spend more time outside then inside, I just love the outdoors. Sounds like there’s not to much painting left to do I know that’s been a big chore in itself, hopefully the living room wont be to hard to paint once everything is outta there, its really gonna look so nice!! I guess I was ok with the ones that got voted off Dance last night, there really are some good ones, as the weeks go on the competition will get tougher.
Well Im gonna head off to bed, gonna try and get an early start in the morning. Hope everyone has a good day, Jan drive safe if you go by yourself, I know what ya mean about getting sleepy if your alone, I get that way but if someone is with me I am perfectly fine. Be safe.
Bless ya’s
Good morning!!! Well, it sounds like you and Joe will be remodel experts by the time you get this one done and you can start hiring out for projects.... Ive always thought you could hire out as landscapers anyway, so now you can do all the inside and outside. lol!
Today I have the first annual Senior Adult BD party. I hope they enjoy it. But I think I am going to take a months break and not do anything for the month of July. I have about 40 signed up for this and next month will be even fewer because of summer time rush. The WW park was great and had a blast with Skyler and he is so excited about his dad. He asked me if I would go down there with him to see his dad....I think he might be nervous about it for some reason. Ive got to get busy this morning and get my shower while it isnt storming. I hate taking a shower while it is lightening... It stormed here almost all night with some big thunder and lightening. Our pond is full to capacity again. Hey sis, my tomato plant is long and leggy, should I pinch off the tops a ways back or is it too late to do that? I should have done it before but we were gone over the weekend and that is when they grew sooo much! My other pots of flowers love all this rain and are looking sooooooo pretty. I bought some huge begonias at Wally World the other day for $3.98. It only took 2 of them to fill my huge big green flower pot. I bought 4 of them and put two more in another pot. I was trying to dress up the back yard a little for the fish fry tomorrow. I think I might go buy some hostas for my hosta bed....the Family flowers place had them marked down and so did Walmart. Our fish fry this time is for 6 people from church that bought it at the dessert auction for $75 last year...this years went for $175..can you beleive that? I hope they arent dissappointed! lol! Ricks fish is the best in the world but that is alot of money to pay for a dinner for 6! lol Well, gotta go. Have a great and wonderful day! Love ya all!
Good Foggy Morning Missouri,
Jan ~ Thank you for the song this morning! Nice way to start the day! I sure did enjoy talking to you on the phone as always! I am going to try and get the bushes in the ground tomorrow as it is so muddy now and I will need Paul to help me get the holes bigger. With all this rain the grass will have to be cut again too. Tomorrow's work! ~ha Thanks for always being there to answer my horticultural questions... you are GREAT! I will save you some seed for sure. Been up this morning and have done some dishes already, pulled some weeds and deadheaded the verbena. They have bloomed so very well already this year... they are pretty much bloomed out right now...it will be interesting to see if they go another round later....? Is that bloomed out flower head the seed? like marigolds? Don't have much planned for the day... I am going to make myself a pitcher of strawberry tea... made with fresh strawberries (like you get at Ruby Tuesdays)... get a good book, settle in my comfy chair, put my feet up and take it easy. ~ha I woke up this morning thinking about Tammy and praying her surgery goes well. Christine ~ it was good to see you post, glad all is going well. Everyone have a great and wonderful day! bec
Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!
Guess I missed the SF lollipop this morning! Drats!!
Yes, Luke is home safe and sound! We got home around midnight last night. Needless to say we were all exhausted. My DH had to get up and go to work this morning. I just took our girls (poodles) to the groomers. They really need it and they will be so cute once they are groomed with their pretty little bows!
The Lord is doing a mighty work in Luke’s life! Luke wants us all to continue to pray for him as he seeks out God’s will in his life. God has given him a love for the Japanese people and wants to go back to spend the entire summer next year. He has some really interesting stories and pictures to share. I will try and post some of the pics early next week.
Tonight is Jake’s graduation from Brown Sea Camp. I’m so glad we will all be able to attend. It will mean a lot to Jake for Luke to be there too. Yes, tonight we will all be under the same roof! Praise the Lord! Tomorrow morning Jake and DH will be camping again with the troop for the orienteering merit badge. Jake has already received this one but said he would help the other boys.
Jan – my favorite flavor of sf lollipop is grape! So please safe me one! I’m sure your yard is beautiful with all the flowers and ponds. My tomato plants are doing well. My Dad says he thinks I over fertilized them. I’ve fertilized them twice. They are huge and there are a few tomatoes on them. Dad thinks there should be more tomatoes on them by now. Any suggestions? I put Sevin on them and it seems to have helped whatever was eating on the. I’m really hoping they start producing more. There are big red tomatoes, purple tomatoes, green stripped tomatoes, yellow pear shaped tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, etc. I really want to make one of those heirloom tomato salads I’ve seen in the magazines.
Sugar – I live in
Tammy – will be praying for your hernia surgery. Please have someone post on how you’re doing.
Bev – wow, wish we had an outdoor pool at our YMCA! I think I would be there about everyday. You need to send me the recipe for the BBQ crock-pot chicken. I love using the crock-pot! The best thing about the boys being gone this past week is that I only cooked 1 day! I told my hubby that when the boys move out I simply am not going to be cooking like I do now! Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled Luke is back. I’m going to make him his favorite for dinner tonight – Shepherds Pie!
The rest of the MO Peeps - Have a GREAT & SAFE weekend!
Debbie D.