plastic surgery
Hello ,
Just wondering if any of you know of any good plastic suergeons here in MO that are about helping the patient and fighting with Insuarance, I had an app last week with a very respectable doctor last week and look at me and said " you do not have an over lap"
I went from 336 to 226 and up and down sence then....I have a horrable stomach. gross I now but iit just sets on my legs and does interupt my daily activies. Any suggestions would be great...thanks
Beth are you where you want to be in weight? if you have a tummy tuck now and lose another 50 or more pounds it will look like you didnt have a tummy tuck.
I do know a plastic surgeon here i Springfield that takes medicare and insurance too. . I will have to get the name and phone number from a friend of mine but will post it to you later when i get it if you would like. I do think the friend is on vacation right now. so may be a few days.