I just had to reply to your post. First of all, I had morning sickness 24 hours/ 7 days a week all 9 months with both my boys. It was miserable but so worth it! You are going to be a great Nana!
Yes, I am a grandma! I have two stepchildren. Josh is 26 and Erin (the only girl) is 24.
I guess I take it for granted that everybody knows about my 2 older stepchildren when I talk about my grandson. Guess I need to clarify that more often! Wouldn’t want anyone to think my teenage sons have any kids!
Debbie D.
Hi all! It's been a while since I've been on so I thought I'd say howdy. HOWDY!
Life has been CRAZY lately. I'm busy busy busy with school and loving it. We're studying the human body in biology and it's just fascinating to me. I'm enjoying my voice lessons, and trying to memorize two Italian songs and a really cool arrangement of Scarborough Fair. It's really a lot of fun. I'm so happy I finally made the decision to go back to school. I may even be auditioning for the show choir soon... lol!! That'll be some good exercise!!!
Yesterday I drove to O'Fallon and dropped my son of with my mother. She lives in Ky and met me a little over halfway. William will be in Ky for about 10 days. I'm going to enjoy it and hate it at the same time.
Tomorrow, Robert and I are leaving for Arkansas. We're going on a canoe trip this weekend. We'll be canoeing down the Buffalo River. We're doing 10 miles tomorrow and 20 miles on Saturday. We're going with a group from the base and there's about 30 people going. I'm pretty excited about it. I think we're going to have a great time, although my Sunday I may need a mechanical spine and arms!! lol
I am 5 weeks out from my surgery. The 16th was a month. I have lost 40 pounds and at my last measure, 17 inches. I'm only 12 pounds away from the halfway mark and being in one-der land! I'm pretty excited. Maybe this weekend will help with that!
I finally found a protein drink that I LOVE, yes, LOVE. I liked the nectar before surgery, but can't stand it now.. Protein Maximum or Protein Ultimate is the name of the new shake that I LOVE. It's made by SEI. It's sold under both names. The chocolate tastes just like chocolate milk and it has 22 grams of protein in one scoop and only 3 carbs. The vanilla tastes kind of like a vanilla tootsie roll, but I think it will rock with strawberries or a banana blended in it. mmmmm yummy.
Well, I hope everyone has at least one thing to be happy about and is doing well and enjoying the summer. I'll be around again one of these days ;)
Hey Everyone,
Wow what a busy day today, I didn’t think we had so much stuff to pack, it just keeps coming out of the wood work lol. Susan was off work today so we decided to get a lot done on packing and such, we almost have the entire house packed, just gotta tackle the office now, that’s a job on its own, in here is where we put all the stuff we never use lol. She is off again tomorrow so we are gonna take advantage of that and tackle the office, we wanted to start it tonight but I think we’ve had enough for one day. Geeze this IS the last time I am moving for sure lol Jan your gonna have to bull doz us outta that house once we get moved in LOL. I started mowing the yard but didn’t get very far, I’ll work on it tomorrow, that will be the last time I will have to mow this yard, for some reason this is such a tough yard to mow, it is just so thick and takes time to mow it all.
Staying busy like this kinda helps me not be hungry as much, the carb demon has been after me the last day or so, thank goodness I don’t have much of anything that I can’t have to eat lol we are pretty much trying to dewindle down our food supply cuz of moving, we’ll start over when we get moved. I had a few things in our chest freezer so I got all that outta there and have the freezer thawing so it can be fresh and clean when we move, geeze moving day is almost a week away, we pick up the truck a week from tomorrow and will load it that Saturday and travel that Sunday, wowzers lol, Jan no wonder your in a panic about getting done lol its coming fast. You don’t know how much we appreciate all the hard work you and Joe are putting into that house, we couldn’t be anymore excited about moving up there.
Well Im gonna go have a shower and relax awhile, So ya think ya can dance will be coming on soon, I like to watch that and will prolly fall asleep lol. Hope everyone has a good evening.