Jan C.
on 6/18/08 3:04 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We got up early , well we always are up early but this morning earlier than usual. 6am we were in the rental taping and mudding the seams that needed another once over. They should be ready to sand and paint tomorrow. We left all of that fun to drive to Holister to get a propane tank set up then on to Springfield to Lumber liquidator to pick up the flooring and padding that you put under it. Joe was afraid that it wouldn’t fit in the truck and if it had taken 6 more boxes it might not have. After they put it in the truck with a fork lift and we tied it down with those ratchet fasteners. We left Springfield , with a stop at wal mart in Ozark for (cheap?) gas 3.62 and picking up some flea and tick meds for Rebel we were back on our way home. Got here about 1 and unloaded the flooring , then went over to the rental and finished priming the back bedroom , Joe did the ceiling for me. We decided to call it quits and rest for awhile then go see these people we know , he cuts down trees for people . They invited us over to see their yard and water gardens.

Joe say OH NO she don’t need anymore ideas. I told him it was too late I already had the ideas just need to see how it is done. Lol

OH boy OH BOY did I ever get some ideas from this lady at her house. Wish you all could have seen it was really neat. She has this water fall that starts at the back of her house runs down and around the side of the house and flows into a big pond in the front of the house with two more waterfalls in between. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Wow!

She game me some cattails out of her pond too. I ask her if she would call me the next time she goes to clean the ponds out so I can get in there and help her and learn just how she has every thing placed.

It is so beautiful and they built their own log house , not from a kit but from real logs of Cedar trees that he cut down, big two story house that looks like it has been there forever.

And is real secluded on the cliff overlooking the lake ….it is the only place that I have seen lately that I would trade my place for. Lol.




DEBBIE  D::::: YEAH you were first to reply lol now what do you win? A sugar free lollypop….

Well I am hoping that it will be pretty when we are finished …just don’t know when that will be. We are hoping that we can have at least one room somewhere that is completely finished even the floor. we hope more than that but who knows. Seems like we keep getting stopped.


I know you are going to be happy when both your boys are back home where they belong. We as parents love that our kids have the opportunities to do all sorts of things but hate to have them gone and gone so far too.


Oh wow someone else that prayed for their kids while you were carrying them. I did too.


I love you too sweetie and sure wish you could get to a meeting sometime soon. You will have to come back again …thanks for the wonderful compliments.




BEV:::: Ok I have been thinking all day about what I am going to tell you , ok? Our surgery RNY not only makes us have a tiny tummy but we had our intestines rearranged and that causes MALABSOPTION  which means that we don’t get the full benefit of food, not just calories but protein, carbs , fats etc. Some have stated it is about half which means that if you eat some food that has 20 grams of protein then you really aren’t getting but 10grams. So with that idea and us with a tiny tummy we cant began to eat enough in a days time to get in the protein that we need….if you could you would be eating way too too many calories and would be gaining weight , like before.

Now the protein drinks, what ever they may be , powders, ready made what ever if they are predigested Protein you are getting 100% of that protein so it stands to reason you HAVE to use the protein drinks to get in all your protein.

I know as hard as I try I cant eat enough protein to make a big difference. I get my protein from the protein drinks and the food I eat is veggies most of the time that I am craving. That may not work for everyone that is what works from me ,,,but I do know that unless you can eat big big amounts of food you cant get all of your protein thru food alone.

OK? The food does have a place because it fills your tummy and if it is protein stays for awhile so don’t forsake that just know that the protein you think you are getting isnt true.

In the same token Dr. H. said in his talk the other day that protein of more than 120 grams turned back into sugar and could cause you to gain weight. So it is rather a tightrope we walk but we bought into all of this when we had the surgery. I hope some of this helped.

I am really proud of you with all the exercise you are doing , you have turned into one energizer bunny ….

You sound like me I wear winter p.js all the time with warm socks too. Joe burns up and I freeze. We have lost our insulation coat. So we get cold lol

You are doing great just keep up the good work.



ANGY::::: Don’t know what we are going to do when the house is done, Anyone want to hire us????lol I think I have to let Joe have some fishing time that is for sure. Lol

I will be working on my ponds and gardens the rest of the summer. And We still have the guest house to finish up …

Boy your ex really is a dumb bunny huh?




DEBBIE   M::::: I was just wondering how David was doing? Didn’t see you had posted anything later on in the day , I hope all is well.

Oh yeah those wipes they give you to help keep staph germs away, do help but they are sticky.

Basically what has happened is that doctors are too eager to give people antibiotics , starting when they are little for most ear infections which they really aren’t needed. And continue on from there. When you take that many antibiotics all your life your body get so it wont fight anything off with out some antibiotics hence when you are somewhere like a hospital where there are lots of germs because there are lots of sick people then you are real open for infections.

I sure hope that David got along great today. Please let us know ok?




SHEILA::::: oh wow I bet you look so cute riding the scooter. Is it one that you can ride on the streets ? I sure would like to see you learning on it.

You got guts girl lol

You know why everyone wants to meet on your deck don’t you ? well you have food but don’t eat any of it so they think they will help you out lol

Besides you look so cute on that little scooter.

We got to have pictures,,,,have someone to take a picture please.



JANET::::Better watch out you will be buying out the stores for the baby.

The fishing trip sounds like so cool wow. Great family night out.


When do you go for your next surgery? I am so anxious for you to get to feeling good so you can enjoy more of what you have. Life is just so good since we lost weight .


Hope you are feeling better than you were yesterday. Take care don’t know why your sunburn keeps blistering. Ask your pharmacist. May have something to do with the silverdine. Don’t think so but you never know.


Sure hope I see you Monday. We will all miss you if your aren’t there.



SHANNON :::: yeah I listed it on free cycle and not a sole called or emailed me about it. Darn was hoping someone would want it . it is hard to move …lol

Good for you on the bike riding. You are an inspiration…..



ANDREW:::: IM  glad that you are feeling better. Were the antibiotics causeing you to be sick???

Don’t forget that kidney infection can make you feel sick too.

The house is getting closer and closer so maybe we will get it done. Who knows. Tomorrow we are sanding the taped areas and getting the ceiling painted in the kitchen and bath then the wall in the bath, the back bedroom has been primed so it is ready. Too.

TAKE  care and don’t forget to keep drinking ok ?








Debbie D.
on 6/18/08 9:43 pm - KS

Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!


Well, it looks like I may be the first to post again this morning!  Do I get TWO SF lollipops?  Lol!


Jan, that cedar log house sounds beautiful!  Sounds like you enjoyed yourself and got lots of ideas for your house as well.  I know Joe must be thrilled!


I am so excited!  Luke is on the airplane from Tokyo to Houston as we speak!  Please continue to pray for his safe travel home.  I’ll be glad to have him home and to hear him tell us all the things God is doing in his life! 


I’ve got a few things to do today before we leave to pick him up from Salina .  It’s about a 2 ½ hour drive from here.  I’m going to the grocery store to get the items to make shepherd’s pie.  One of Luke’s favorites!  I know he’s missed my home cooking.  At least I hope he has!  Lol!


David and I ate at Whiskey Creek this week.  It’s a new restaurant here in town.  They have an outdoor area and we really enjoyed ourselves.  I had the fire grilled chicken served on a very small bed of rice, grilled veggies and a baked sweet potato.  I’ve never really liked sweet potatoes.  But I know Jan is always saying how good they are baked.  Jan, you are right!  They are delicious!  I will definitely be making some baked sweet potatoes!  I don’t like the brown sugar and cinnamon anyways, so the little big of olive oil margarine is fine with me.  Yum, Yum!


Guess I’d better scoot.  Everyone have a great Thursday!


Debbie D.

on 6/18/08 10:13 pm - Clever, MO
Hey Deb, are you in Witchita?  I was just out there a few weeks ago and ate at a place called Whiskey Creek...it was wonderful....just wondering???


Debbie M.
on 6/18/08 10:04 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Good Morning All.. Another beauriful day? We are sooo blessed!! Well, we have good news!! It worked! He got through this surgery just fine, no complications at all! The better news is that the spinal stimulators are working! David is pain free in his left leg and foot and has little or no pain in the right! Praise the Lord!!   I thank you ALL for your prayers!  I will be asking for prayers for him again in a few weeks as he will be in surgery again for the permanent spine stimulators. This time I do believe he will have to be put under. I don't know how they will pull this off...only God does and it will be in His hands!! For now, we both are in heaven over his healthiness! Thank you Jesus!! Isn't He awesome!!?? We didn't get out of there until late, by the time we ate, got home, took our meds, got him comfy...we went to bed! No one got notice last night on how David was doing...I'm sorry if we worried you all! Please forgive me! I did manage to see a little of "So you think you can Dance?" last night on our bedroom TV. I think I made it all the way through....lol Any of you have any favorites on there yet? So far, I think Joshua and Katee have my vote...they are really good! Well, the hubby needs me so I will post this so you all will know that he is okay!! Thank you ALL again for your prayers! They do work!! Awesome Prayers Warriors!! Love & Prayers, Deb M

on 6/18/08 10:10 pm - Clever, MO
Well, good morning! Skyler and I went to WW yesterday and man did I come home wiped out...we also went to see the new Incredible Hulk movie. He is still wiped out this morning. lol!  And guess what??? His daddy has checked himself into a Christian rehab place. He went to church Sunday and prayed and told Chelle that he knows God heard him. He is in a place in Branson that requires you to go to church and bible study and counseling sessions and daily meetings with others, the require you to work at jobs they find you and live on thier campus and pay rent and take responsibility for yourself. He told her and Christian that he knows it is where hes supposed to be and he is committed to staying there at least the year they require. Chelle said when she talked to him last night she really believed what he was saying (and that is amazing) She said he was so excited and sounding hopeful about getting his life straigtend out. I sure hope for the boys sake that it works. God can and does still do miracles. Please pray for Mike.  Well tomorrow is my birthday party for the Sr adults at church. I have  amillion things to do today, so wish me luck. For some reason I seem very discumbobulated about this one. I have to go find some more BD party hats today. Go pick up the bbq later this evening and pick up the balloons and the cupcakes in the morning...in between I need to go to the church and decorate as well as finish one of the games that we will play.  So I will see everyone at the meeting on Monday. Hey sis, what is the topic for discussion this month? Or is there one? We will not have a problem finding one I bet! lol...we all seem to know what to talk about. Well love to all and have a marvelous day...


on 6/19/08 12:05 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH peeps!  It rained here last night hope it doesn't rain today I want to go to the pool. I got up this morning and made a recipe that I had it's called BBQ chicken in the crockpot sounded good and low fat/sugar so we'll see?  I can't always eat chicken unless it's dark meat and that's what I used so hopefully I will get to at least taste it.  Jan thanks for the info I think I do try to eat my protein and I know like you said there's no way I get all my protein in like that so I'm going to start drinking my protein and see if that helps at least the majority of it.  Is veggies all that you eat?  I can't do bread anymore don't like it for some reason and I used to love my bread.  I do a lot of veggies, cottage cheese (low fat) and cheese.  Some meats don't agree with me the best one that works for me is like lean ground beef or dark meat chicken.  I bought some really good SF relishes at the farmers market last weekend and I been eating that with some low fat baked tortilla chips however I ordered some low carb ones off from a website so I'm sure those will be better for me since they are low carb can't wait to get them.  I made these stuffed strawberries yesterday it was a weigh****chers receipe you use like ff cream cheese, splenda, vanilla and chop up the inner part of the strawberry that you cut out (to stuff) you mix all that up and then you stuff the strawberries they were pretty good.  If anyone wants the recipe let me know and I will post it? I start my orientation tomorrow for 5 hrs then I have training next Wed. for 5 hrs most likely I will have to work next weekend.  I didn't want to work weekends but they required you to be avilable anytime and said the weekends are their busiest times.  I am only working there temp. until I find something else that better suits me but for now it will do. Well, guess I better get my day started going to make me a protein shake for breakfast and then get ready to go to the YMCA and do my cardio then later I hope to go to the pool and work on my tan....lol   Take care everyone and have a wonderful day!

Jan C.
on 6/19/08 12:10 am - Cedar Creek, MO
no Bev i try to eat some meats but like you the only ones i seem to be able to handle are lean ground beef and some moist chicken. others are just out of the question. oh and i can handle crisp bacon if there is no grease on it at all. i pat and pat it with paper towels. lol  i do eat a lot of veggies especially green ones and use them more than anything to fill my tummy so i dont feel hungry and to up the calories because you do need some calories to do exercise and work out. ...i hope this all helps you some.



Bec M.
on 6/19/08 12:15 am
Good Beautiful Morning Missouri, Oh my how simply wonderful it has been this past few mornings!  I have so thourghly enjoyed my work out there!  I went out this morning and oh dear I have at least 120 blooms on the 12 zucchini and yellow squash plants... they are just loaded... and even some babies on them too.  I took some pics of them for you Jan along with a pic of a new little chair I got...you will like it.  It is a toy chair made out of scrolly looking wire... and it's "distressed"... I'll have to fix that you know? ~ha  I have put it in the hydreangeas for right now but would also look real good in the guest room I am re~doing with a doll setting in it.  I got it at a flea market for half price... $11.25  yippee! I recieved the most wonderful blessing this week!  I'm so excited!  My mom and sis gave me 6 very nice size rose of sharon bushes.... two of them are double bloom ones!  They are just going to be beautiful!  And my sis brought me a baloon plant too, I had never seen one before.... sweet!  It is a real nice shade of purple that goes real well with my grape theme around here.  How did I rate all that?  My goodness I'm blessed!  I will surely enjoy it all for years to come!  Paul put the post hole digger on the tractor and dug the holes already... I went out to plant the bushes this morning as we are to get rain later today... but after reading the tag on the plants the holes were not near wide enough so will have to get him to make them a bit bigger. That geranium we "skinned" ~tee hee is blooming!  has about 6 blooms and a lot more coming on....and the foliage is starting to look real good too.  How do you take a cutting off one?  What do you do ... root it?  just plant it right down in the dirt after you cut it?  Thought I would take a couple of the longer limbs off and restart another one if I can do that?   Janet honey.... I will have to decline on the zucchini and yellow squash!  ~tee hee..... I'm going to be hauling them out of my garden by the wheelbarrow loads!  But it sure was good of you to offer! ~ha   I have a really good relish recipe made with zucchini and I'm going to try making it this year with Splenda... I've always wanted to try it.. I think this is the year! ~ha  I know when I plant them that I don't need 12 hills and especially with just Paul and I .... but they are so beautiful to look at!  Oh dear!  Sheila ~ I'm so very sorry that you are still dealing with that roaring problem... I am praying faithfully that you will be able to get it resolved!  And BOO YEAH! on the scooter!  I would love love love to have a gator!  Paul would have to take out a second job to pay for the gas I would run through the thing! ~ha Lana Love ~ it is so good to hear you are doing well and see you posting again... I was wondering about you... praying you were not having lots of pain with the RA. Debbie D. ~ I'm so happy for you with your boys coming home... I know how excited I get when my girls are coming home and I know you are just as happy. Enjoy them every minute before you know it they will be off starting their own lives... Andrew ~ I'm glad you are feeling better.  I have one daughter that graduated from C of O and one that will graduate next May.  My oldest cleaned house for the lady that started the new nursing program there last year.. I am hearing good things about the program.  I pray the Lord's very prefect will be done concering this for you.  My youngest daughter told me they have tightend down on the application process...  Tammy~Ammy ~ I am praying your surgery tomorrow will go smoothly and you will be up and running again in no time and you will get the results you are hoping for as far as the added weight loss!  Sugar ~ you remind me of Paul's mom when my girls were little... she LOVED to go to SDC and back then there was not WW bu****er slides... she took the girls as often as she could.... GOOD GOOD memories for my girls!  You will be blessed for all your efforts! let alone all the fun you are having doing it! I am so happy for those of you that have gotten dates and those of you that are about ready to have surgery.   Well better get on with my day... have to get around here and do some hoursework again... MAN that situation just KEEP rearing it's ugly head! ~ha Everyone have a good one... maybe you will do something far more fun than I have on my agenda! bec
Tammy H.
on 6/19/08 12:42 am - Holcomb, MO

Morning Guys ~n~ Gals..... Looks like a long day for me again....Yesterday I went to town with my sister and done some grocery shopping...About wore me out...Dr.Scott said set on my butt and do nothing till I got back to get my hernia surgery to ensure nothing happen before I got back since it was already critical....And my sister has about drove me nuts over it !!!! LOL LOL... NOTHING is exactly what I have done this week!!! I am sore and wore out from setting on my butt day after day....I will be glad to get my surgery and get back on my feet.....It is soooooo depressing to just set, set, set after getting back to where I can be active again and do pretty well anything I want to do..... We will be leaving for St.Louis about 4:30 am in the morn.....I have to be there at 9am and my surgery is suppose to be about 11 am..... My sister Kelly and my daughter Ada will be doing my phone calls for me once Im out of surgery and Dr.Scott talks to them......One of them will call Janet and she is suppose to post for me.....Hopefully things are on time and I get in by 11.....When I had my WLS I got post poned till late evening and did not even get our of surgery till close to 9pm and my mom and Joe still had to make the 6 hour drive back home form Columbia.....And my mom would not leave till I was awake enough to talk to them and she knew things were going ok....So they did not get back till late the next morning after us getting up the morning before at like 2 am to get around to get up there...... I am waiting today for my call from Dr. McEntires office.....He is the doctor that Dr.Scott refered me too for my Panelectomy(sp)....I been calling it tummy tuck but Amy told me yesterday that there is a difference...So guess I better get my words right to make sure I end up getting what I mean to have lol lol......They changed things a bit so now I don't have to see Dr.Shultmuller at Mo Bar to get sent to Dr. McEntire....So that should cut a lil bit of time off of what Dr.Scott thought it would take me too get things in order to have my Panie....So if all goes well and I get an appt with McEntire in the next few weeks then I might get my surgery in Aug..... My family is having a fit because the two surgeries may end up being so close together but I want it that way....I am ready to get them done and get back on my feet and get back to doing as I please.....And of course having fun getting use to my new body!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO...I CANT WAIT!!!! I will be close to naked cause all my clothes will be way big on me but who cares!!!!!!! LOL LOL.....

Got a phone call from the Princess yesterday afternoon....She said... Nannie I want you....I gots to come to your house to stayed all night.... I want to see jew befor you go to the hotpetal (lol they talk so cute at 3). So I had her mom bring her over to stay the night....After she got her she informed me that she was sleeping with me in my bed....I said ok you can and we will send papaw to the other bed...She said no I want him in da bed wit us too but he gots to sleep in the floor cause he scunches me....lol lol.....So papaw made a pallet in the floor but when I got up this morning she was down there with him lol lol.....she is something else..... Jan....I could see Joe standing there shaking his head saying OH LORD, when yall were at your friends house seeing her yard ..lol lol lol.... He was probably thinking...this is just what I need...Jan with more ideals of how to put me to work lol lol lol.....Sounds like with all yall been busy doing he is due for a fishing trip..... Janet....Kelly or Ada will call you tomorrow as soon as they know anything......Thanks for posting for me.....Luv ya Sis.... Trudy..Girl I seen the pics on your profile!!!!! Looks like you been kicken but and taken names with the weight loss!!!!! Your look fantastic girly!!!! Keep up the good work!!! I seen we had some new surgery dates set....So tickeled for all our newbies that about to hit the bench....What a exciting journey yall have ahead of you!!!!!  Meleta....So sorry about the problems with your Insurance....I hope things work out for you soon....Your in my prayers.... Go****'s already almost 10am....I got to get...I still have to take the Princess to her other grandma, got to an OB appt with Heahterlyn and then get my butt home to pack...My day will be gone before I know it..And I had hoped to find time to get in the pool for a hour or so...I love getting in the pool and I know I wont be able to for a few weeks... Been trying to get in as much as I can...even got me a lil tan going on lol lol..... Well you folks have a wonderful Thursday..... God Bless each of you... Thanks for all the prayers.... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 6/19/08 12:52 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan and OH Peeps~

What a beautiful day it was yesterday, huh? It looks like it will be nice today too!!!~ Woo hoo. Yesterday proved to be a disaster until right around dinner time tho.

I was going in to do the laundry for the kids, got there and the housekeeper they have at the motel had a family emergency and had to leave first thing in the morning, so my mom asked if I was up to helping clean a couple of rooms-and she would do the laundry. Ok-well, 13 rooms were on the list- since when is 13 a couple???? LOL. Oh well....if THAT wasnt bad enough-we have a golf cart that we use for housekeeping-to get all the supplies etc from room to room-the housekeeper had BOTH sets of golf cart keys. I have the brilliant idea to go in her room and get one set as Im sure she didnt take them with her, right? Yeah-well, seems like the night before, she locked herself out of her room and used the MASTER key to get back into her room and never brought it back up to the office-ARE YOU KIDDING ME? So-I ended up using Megans car to go from room to room with the supplies-what a mess. I had help though, Aaron, Megan and Darrel all helped me with the rooms until they had to go to work and Aaron had to get some sleep since he had worked overnite and had to go in at 7. Needless to say-I was pretty irritated there for a bit. After the housekeeper gets back-I am taking the keys to the golf cart and getting another set made that I will keep in case that happens again.

When I FINALLY got done, it was almost 5 pm. My mom asked me if I could run a couple of errands for her and Kenny-so I stopped at the post office, went to the smoke shop and then to Hardees to get their dinner. I was beat. When I got home, I made some sandwiches, packed our cooler and we took the boys trout fishing again. We only got 5 last night (mike 4, darrel 1) BUT....they ended up weighing 5#, so we have a good supply of rainbow trout right now. Darrel also caught a flip flop, a big v shaped branch, and a rock...How on earth do you catch a rock? LOL... I had a HUGE trout on my line and he actually jumped up out of the water. (I about wet myself when I saw how big he was) and then he went down under either a rock or tree trunk, anyway, it snapped my line and that was the only thing I got all night-he doesnt count, but was glad that the guys saw him jump out of the water-LOL.... Its hard to fish when Jon is fishing-he snags trees, have to stop and get him unstuck-he gets snagged in the water on the rocks or limbs, have to stop and get him unstuck-your constantly having to put new set ups on his pole and last night-2 different times he wasnt paying attention and when he went to cast out-he clocked me right across the face with his pole. YIKES that kid can be dangerous!!!! For 5 years old though, he casts like a pro-and loves fishing-so thats all that matters-is making those memories for our boys to carry with them forever and always and maybe even instill those values so they do that with their own children. I sure hope so. Last night, we brought 1/2 a loaf of bread with us in case the ducks walked up to us like they did the night before. Jon had a BLAST! I took a little video of him with my phone of those ducks swarming all around him, he had the giggles so bad, he couldnt hardly feed them-they kept going towards him and pecking at each other!

Poor Meg, she is having bouts of nausea pretty much off and on ALL day long and into the night. I remember that-and I hated that feeling! Told her that she will be one of the lucky ones-LOL....Told her that a lot of women experience that for the first 3 months, I had it all 9 months with ALL of my pregnancies-but hopefully, she wont. I am praying she has an easier pregnancy than I did. I bought her a huge bottle of antacids-LOL...When I was pregnant, I didnt even mess around with those little rolls of them, I carried the huge bottle in my purse-LOL....So I got her a huge bottle too. Mike and I were talking last night and he said it would be really cool if I saved up ALL the baby goodies I buy and when I give her a baby shower, I can put them all in a wicker basket and give them to her.....(like they will all fit in a wicker basket-LOL) So, I am going to give her a few things and the rest down the road. I am also going to buy packages of diapers here and there when they are on sale and I am going to start clipping those diaper coupons and wet wipes, cause they do get expensive. Meg was upset last night because she talked to Stephanie and told her that she was going to be an aunt and Stephanie said EEEWWWW. Megan started crying....she was so upset. I told her that right now Steph is all about Steph and dont take it personally (which is hard NOT to do when your sensative anyway-) Poor kid.

Speaking of Stephanie, on one hand, its been so quiet and peaceful here, no one screaming, slamming doors or pushing and shoving-and I do know its best for the family unit-but I sure miss her still. I know I have to get in her room and get her stuff packed up too so we can get this house organized. I am going to start that this weekend-and I know its going to be hard. I guess, to me, it means she will never be back once I actually get her room cleaned out-Mike says thats why I am putting it off-I have gone in there quite a few times-but I see things that I gave her-connected to a memory and it makes me cry. I have asked her about the rest of her stuff and she says she doesnt want it. I keep thinking she will change her mind and want it...who knows. I just dont want to donate or sell it. I guess I WANT her to WANT her things???? Her biological dad called me yesterday (when I was in a BAD mood anyway) and he asked me for my social security number-WHATEVER, like I am giving that to him of all people. I asked what he THOUGHT he needed my social for, he said he has applied for disability???? Well, I did a few years back and they didnt ask me for his social-they did ask me his name etc-I guess because some ex's would be entitled to a portion-but I wont give that info to him-I told him that they could CALL ME, or write me and I will submit TO THEM, but not to him-found out that he had someone else looking at the house he has for sale yesterday too-so I imagine that he was really trying to get my info so he could scam me out of the back child support. Plus it ticks me off that he would qualify for disability when he is perfectly able to work. We should have to pay for him to be on disability when HE went out and had sex with a hundred people and got a disease there is no cure for? He knew the risks and HE chose to take the chance-and lost. Besides that, he hasnt kept a job for more than a couple of months (once child support puts a garnishment on him, he quits) at a time for the past 10 years!

Well, Mike went and made an appt for me (unknown to me) with my PCP because when I fell out of the Suburban-well, I STILL have ALL the bruises and marks-just like it happened yesterday and he wants my doc to check me out and see whats going on why Im not healing. So I get to add that to my doc list.

Today the boys and I are cleaning out the fridge in our morton building-we had to defrost it-(son left the door open by accident 3 weeks ago and we lost all our meat in the freezer) anyway-we are going to get that all cleaned out and plugged back in (need to put our fish in there), getting some goodies out of the garden, emptying and refilling the dogs kiddy pool (big one with the slide! LOL), cleaning the bunny cage and turtle tank, feeding the rest of the wild kingdom outside, and then I am going to town to help my parents and Darrel is helping Grandpa with odds and ends-he has been since school was out-he has earned like $60 already for 4 days work-just a couple hours here and there....

Oh, by the way-if any of you have problems with freezer burn or such when you divide up meat and what not-We bought a food saver a couple of weeks ago (direct from manufactorer-NOT in the stores) and it is AWESOME....Some of the meats and veggies can last 2-3 yrs when they are vac****ealed. We also bought the cannister sets and a few boxes of the bags. Anyway-I recommend it to anyone and everyone-it has been wonderful!

**Jan-Would you happen to know if Jane S. comes to the meetings every month? I am having a copy of that picture made that she asked me for last month-she gv me her email address and I lost it-so I am just having one made to give her Monday. Wanted to see if she comes every month or not.

My sunburn did quit blistering-I had started using that silvadine cream after it stopped because the back of my neck and back/shoulders were raw, literally. Not sure what happened, because my hair is long and I didnt wear anything where it could have re-burned, except for one day-so I have no clue what happened.

Im not sure when I am going in for my D&C. I would have scheduled it already-BUT....IF they end up doing a hysterectomy-first of all, dont want to be on restrictions for 6-8 weeks-because that would also mean no swimming or summer activities for that time frame as well.....PLUS, believe it would be better to do after the tummy tuck. I am going to talk to my doc about it when I go in and see what he suggests-which one first. Either way, its going to be a couple of months no matter which one I do first, just because with either I will not be able to get in my pool.

That ladies house/gardens sounds breath-taking! I LOVE log homes! I would have one in a heartbeat-they are so beautiful. Did her husband build the house himself or after he cut the wood down, did they pay someone else to build it for them? It sounds like a slice of heaven with the waterfalls and cliff overlooking everything! WOW!!!! And IF you would trade your peice of heaven for it-it must be absolutely beautiful beyond belief, huh?

Well, try to take it easy and will see ya soon (I hope). Tell Joe I said hi. Wished I lived closer so I could come help you guys paint or spackle, whatever....Now when I get a chance to come visit-I will be able to see you guys and Andrew and Susan-How fun!!!

**Deb M-I am SO HAPPY that it worked for David! AMEN!!! What wonderful news!! I know so many of us were praying for him-so when he has the permanent one next week-does that last forever or is it something he will have to have done every few years or so? Also-I wonder if that would kind of be like nerve burning in your back? Or if it would help with back pain as well? Id be interested in looking into that procedure myself for my back-if it could buy myself some time and then I wouldnt have to take so much pain meds. Will you let me know? You can email me directly if you want-you have my email address. Anyway-I am so happy for him. Please let him know he is in my thoughts and prayers-along with you-my dear sweet friend.....Love ya.

**Deb D-I cannot wait to hear how Lukes trip went and what he has been doing-and how the Lord is working in his life-Im excited!!!

I didnt realize you were a grandma??? WOW-I thought you just had the 2 boys at home....Ok-so a favorite grandson? Well, when you have more grandkids, instead of not saying it anymore-you can tell ALL of them they are your favorites-thats what my mom did/does-LOL....

Have a good time catching up with your boys.

**Sugar-We will sure be praying for the kids' daddy. I really hope that he gets his life straightened out and be a good influence in the boys' lives. They need and deserve that!!! I know the Lord can work miracles in Mikes life, if he is open to it and all. I really do hope that he straightens out.

**Andrew-WOW-nursing school-how wonderful! We will be praying for you, Andrew.....and your so right about the journey and what God has in store for us-we dont always know what blessing is right around the corner. Keep us posted. Glad your feeling better.

**Shannon-I am very sorry to hear about your cousin. Please accept my condolensences. Take care and know that you and your family will be in my prayers-along with others, Im sure. **Sheila-Am praying you get answers for your problem with your PCP.....Will you be able to come Monday? Would love to see you again! Your in my prayers.

I hope everyone in your family is okay in Iowa with all that flooding. My dads side of the family-ALL live in Burlington except one aunt-they cant stay in their homes right now. Not sure it will be suitable when they can get back to them.

Lets all remember those who need prayer, including those who are going through the flooding and tornados and all of that. Tell someone you love that you love them and have a good Thursday! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

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