Joe got all the sheetrock up in the hall way and kit that had to be replaced …everything is mudded in so now to get it sanded and see if there are any places that need to be re mudded. …then will need to paint the ceiling in the kitchen so we don’t get paint on the cabinets.
I painted (primed the whole back bedroom today ….yikes im tired , feel like someone beat me up???dont think they did anyway. I just about die when I go to bed so anyone could do anything and I wouldn’t know it I don’t think .
Got the beds moved out of the back bedroom , now need to find something to do with that old hospital bed. Any one have any ideas???anyone know someone that needs it? It is free. Has the side rails and everything. Lol if I keep going the way I am I might be needing it . I will be glad when this one is done tho may wait awhile to finish up the guest house now.
We are coming to
So another day that we don’t get much done. Darn. Andrew you all may move up and need to stay in the trailer for a few days till we get you room to move around in there.
We didn’t plan on going after the flooring until Monday when we went into
ANDREW::::: So glad that you are taking it easy , I know you have a lot to do but first and formost is getting yourself well. You will have to have a lot of energy to get that truck all loaded and then unloaded.
We may have to play musical rooms and furniture when you get here lol
We are trying but life keeps getting in the way. Lol
Hopefully I can find someone to help Joe for a couple of days here and get this major stuff out of the way. Im trying to get the painting all done so we wont have to do that after the floors are in. hate having to clean paint up off of new floors.
Tell Susan she will really love the new wal mart here it is fantabulous. Huge I didn’t get to explore it really well cause Joe was with me and he hates looking . lol
You take care of yourself and we will see you in a little over a week…
BEC::::: what in the world were you doing up that early. I know you are an early riser but now that is early.
Oh boy the sleep study and all will really help if you do need a c pap machine that is just one more reason for the surgery. To add to the list , as if you needed any more reasons.
Those luffas grow fast now that they are that big. I didn’t have any to come up , don’t remember if I planted any …if you get a lot of seeds maybe I could get a few from you.
Oh collecting the seeds from the Balsam , every bloom will eventually make a seed pod which has lots of seeds inside so off one plant you may get a hundred seeds. The pods are green and turn sort of light tan when they are ready to pick and when you pick them you need to wrap your fingers around the pod because they will pop right open shooting the seeds everywhere when they are ripe and ready to be picked. You should have plenty of seeds to share with your sister to plant any thing and all that she wants ….you will have them coming up everywhere next year out in the yard and in other flower beds too lol
Just have to pull them up if you don’t want them there.
Oh that sounds so good with the zucchini will have to try it if Janet brings me a bunch of it. I have all sorts of things I will do with what ever she brings me.
I guess you saw that Lana did post today but still haven’t heard from Connie, she went to work and I guess she is just too too busy. I emailed her but will do so again and hope to get an answer
I think that would be great if you could go to DR. Hs support meetings I sure wish I could sit for more of them.
SHEILA:::: well I declare sweetie what in this world could possible be wrong with your head? Uh oh maybe I shouldn’t have phrased it that way ;lol . but it is a puzzle isnt it?
What do you feel like it is? I mean it is your head , stop and think about it what does it feel like? Most medical questions are usually solved as much by the patient as anyone.
They will say all sorts of things cause THEY don’t know. Im really sorry that you haven’t found it out yet.
SUGAR:::::Glad that you made it back home ok. I bet Skyler was real glad to see his mom. He never has been away from her like that has he?
Sure hope that if you get Rick to go on a cruise that he will like it and go on more of them. There are some really great ones and can be so relaxing.
I always thought some of the things our mama use to say were so funny. They sounded so mean and strange that they were just hilarious
Especially if you knew our mama, most of the time when she would say something like that she would get to giggling. Not that she was a pushover , she did make us kids mind but she certainly wasn’t mean lol
The new wal mart is huge and yes I remember when I didn’t want to go in because it took so much to walk around, this one the other day I walked from one end to the other and then back again and didn’t seem like anything at all lol
Hey I might even get brave enough to try the mall one day. Lol
LOL you really would love to have a job at SDC wouldn’t you?
Call me in the morning I need to ask you something ok?
Yes I thought he was the first King of Hawaii, or that is what I thought I heard when we were over there. Have you ever been to
LOL I can relate to the pool incident . I had one and wont have another like it , you have to make sure the thing is perfectly level and I mean completely
I really am thinking about getting one of the good ones that the people come out and install for you.
JANET:::: ok girl come down out of the clouds. Lol. No that is fine just stay there. It is fun and part of the fun is planning and waiting .
You need to get that tummy tuck done before the baby is born so you will be able to cuddle and not hurt .
Oh no you surely aren’t going to be one of THOSE grandmas are you lol I can just see you now running around with the purse with the babys picture on it ,,,,,wait you want to see a picture of my grandbaby, as you pull out the folder with over 100 pictures in it. Lol
Just kidding you sweetie, enjoy and have fun and if you have a 100 pictures we will look at them and smile ok.
Glad your grandma got her new puppy ok.
Lana posted a couple of times today so we will quit worrying now I guess.
Oh yummy squash and zucchini can do all sorts of things with that.
.Oh I love Hostas I have lots and lots of them, all sizes and shapes and some have white stripes around the edges of the leaves. I have one that the leaves are real crinkled that he is suppose to get about 6 ft wide and about 4 feet tall. Cant wait.
Sorry to hear about Mikes dad and I will be praying for him and his improved health.
Come on down and we will hit the new wal mart and Branson Landing and a bunch of places if you want.
That would be nice to see Mike again. tell him he could come into the meeting tho.
I think Glenna said she thought she would be at the meeting this month for sure, I hope so.
DEBBIE M::::ive been in and out all day and yes it was a beautiful day. We had a big bunch of stuff that we had to burn and got all of that done plus all the work we did inside too .
LOL ok we will go with you being exciting . lol I know I love your stories and tales. You have a way of telling them that makes you feel like you are there too.
We will all be praying about David and his procedure tomorrow . Hopefully it all goes well.
BEV::::well it sounds like you are getting plenty of exercise in. How much protein are you getting in during a day, how much is protein from a protein drink or powder or what ever or are you trying to get enough protein in from food alone? Let me know and maybe we can work on it with you.
Lol that is the way those kids are a little attention does a world of good for them .
Talk to you later. Let us know about the protein ok?
ANGIE:::::so sorry about your cousin, that is always hard to lose someone that young.
Now how lucky was that you found your wedding ring after losing it in the lake, glad you got a guard for it now. Don’t have the nephew around all the time to find it for you.
Sounds like you made out like a bandit for your birthday. Lol
Well we will pray that your test will all be what you think it is and nothing at all. ok?
I wind up cooking too much most of the time for us too. I most of the time eat with Joe for supper but like tonight I made Tacos. Well he ate 3 and I ate a ½ of one. I just use the shell for pushing it up on my fork lol and eat the fillings by their self.
Hi, Mama Jan and MO Peeps!
Jan, I slept most of the day so needless to say I am wide awake! I have been goofing around on the computer and saw you had just posted Wednesday’s What’s Happening Post and thought; hey I can be the FIRST one to reply! So here I am!
I can only imagine how tired you must be of painting and doing all the remodeling. I’m sure the place will be beautiful when you are all done! You will have to post some pictures for all of us to see!
Luke comes home Thursday night. I must admit I have missed that boy! Jake is at Brown Sea Training at BSA until Friday night. We’ve enjoyed the break but will be glad to have both boys back at home with us!
Luke did call his Dad Sunday morning from
Jan – I wish I lived closer so I could come to the COF meetings! I know you are going to be a GREAT leader! You are one of the most kind hearted, generous women I have ever met! I love you my friend!
Janet – Congrats on your new grandbaby! I love my 3 year old Grandson. I always tell him he’s my favorite (he loves that)! He doesn’t realize that he’s the only grandchild I have so far! Lol! Guess I will have to stop doing that when more come along!
Well, I guess I’d better try and get to sleep. I am going to put a load of laundry in the washing machine before I go to bed. Since I’ve made the boys start doing their own laundry, I only have 2 or 3 loads a week. I am lovin’ it! Lol!
I hope everyone has a GREAT day!
Debbie D.

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~
How are you this morning? Im good. Still reeling in that overwhelming happy feeling about being a nana. You can probably guess where I ended up yesterday when I went to get my prescription at Walmart? Yep, the baby section. Ran across the first onesie I bought-its for either boy OR girl.... its camo and across the chest it says MAJOR CUTIE!!! Since Mike and I hunt and the whole family has camo-bought it. Couldnt resist. Even Jon was picking up little sundresses and saying-Oh mommy, look at this, isnt this adorable? This could be bad for the checkbook-LOL!!!
After Mike got home from work, we packed up and took the boys fishing. We caught roughly 12 rainbow trout, but only kept 8. We had a good time, but before we knew it-it was 9:30....Time to go!!! When we got in the truck, Jon said-I had so much fun with you guys today, thank you so much! Awww....Im so happy that my boys have such good manners. I sure try to instill good manners and respect in them.
Speaking of Jon-he must have been dreaming about fishing last night, because he was reeling them in, in his sleep-it was so cute!! He is going through a growing spurt and I swear-I cant keep up with him! He is ALWAYS hungry.....but he went almost a whole week where he didnt really care for much of anything, even his favorites. Wasnt sick-so figured it was one of those phases.
We may go fishing again tonite unless its raining. Its suppose to rain on and off today-but stopping in the afternoon-will see. One day its gonna rain all week and the next day its not-who knows? We have been keeping the sump pump right next to the pool so we can just plop it in there when it does rain and get tha****er off the paint. We are filling her up tomorrow. WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! The pool will be filled by this weekend!~ Me so happy!!!
Im really not feeling very good this morning. Am really nauseated and have been trying to get sick, but dont have anything on my tummy....Not sure what thats all about, but hope it goes away soon-I HATE feeling like this-why I had terrible pregnancies-I felt that way the WHOLE time I was pregnant. Just awful.
I have relatives on my dads side that live in Burlington, Iowa. They lost their houses and they were suppose to be hosting the family reunion there over 4th of July weekend....Its not going to happen there...Im praying for all those poor people who are affected by all this crazy flooding and terrible weather.
Well, I better get this done so I can finish up some odds and ends and get to town. Today I do laundry for the kids. Hope its an easy day....feel zapped.
~~Lets remember Deb M's hubby today in prayer-he is having his procedure done. Im praying he finally gets some relief and that the procedure goes well and his recovery will be quick....
**Jan-I get tired just reading what you and Joe do during the day-cant even imagine being the one doing it all-LOL....Dont over do it. Andrew said if its not done, not to worry and I think he means that!
Thats too bad that they wouldnt let you just pick up the flooring Monday! Probably still cheaper for you to go get it than for them to have it delivered to your house, huh?
On my sunburn-I had it totally covered except one day-so not sure why it just kept blistering over and over. Have been using Mikes silvadine cream and its helping.
Cant wait to see ya Monday...Like I said-If I get to come, you will get some of my garden goodies!! Want to be there for moral support-but you really dont need it, cause your gonna do just great no matter what!
**Angie-Im sorry to hear about your cousin. How sad. I am praying for you and his whole family. Praying for good results from your biopsy.
Isnt something as simple as a watch such a huge thing to those of us who got super big and couldnt wear one before unless it was extra big-if you could find those bands around? Im so happy for you-what awesome gifts your getting!! Hope you have a great birthday!
**Sheila-Im so mad at that doctor for telling you that. I wish there was something I could do to help you out!
Im jelous about the scooter-what color is it? I bet you look cute riding it! Take a pic and put it on your profile-can you? Did you find a helmet yet? Is it too far to drive it to the meeting? Will you be there?
**Bev-Everyones doctors are different. Mine says that I should be getting ALL my protein in from actual foods, but truth be known- I just cannot eat enough to get it all in like that, so I still do some shakes. If you are eating enough protein-than you shouldnt have to do shakes-do you know how much protein do you get in per day?
**Deb M- PLEASE update us as soon as you get home and get David settled. We will all be praying that this works for him! I hope he finally gets pain relief-poor guy!!! Praying for you too-to have strength. Know you will-your pretty tough!
Yes, I read where your grandbaby will have your middle name too-isnt that awesome? I feel so blessed and overwhelmed with that. Anyway, I love ya and am thinking about you. Take care today!
**Deb D-One more day and you start getting the boys back under the roof! Your going to feel so good when they are both home!!! We will be praying for travelers mercy for both and cant wait to hear how Tokyo was. How exciting!!!
**Angy-Puerto Rico? What a doofus. He sounds like a real winner-NOT! So, he is exactly where he deserves to be!!!
No, we have no idea yet if its a boy or a girl-its just that Mike and I had a dream the same night-2 yrs ago-and in both of our dreams it was a girl and my mom just had a dream last week BEFORE Megan took her positive pregnancy test-and it was a girl in my moms dream too-Will be happy with either, Im sure-but girl clothes are soooo much cuter! Love ya and miss ya!!
**Tammy-Ammy-I know your still taking it easy and your butt hurts from sitting so much, but pretty soon you will be better than new!!! You know I love ya and will talk to you soon. Keep your chin up and soon it will ALL be over and done with!!!
Well, I am going to get off here, get a few things done and get to town. Am dropping Kenny off at Dialysis and then doing some laundry. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet
Hey Everyone,
Im feeling much better, guess the water and drinking of cranberry juice has worked, I’ve taken a few of the anti-biotics but they really made me feel yucky so I stopped them, yeah I know that’s a no no but things are clearing up and if it keeps on I’ll go back to the ER and ask for something different.
Jan you and Joe are gonna need a long needed vacation when your finally done with the house lol Your almost done with the hard part, and really don’t worry if your not done, we’ll live out of one room or over in the trailor or something, we aren’t worried about it at all, I promise ya. Now that I’m feeling much better I wish we were closer I’d sure help Joe hold up the cabinets and stuff but really, its all good, we’ll get settled once the house is done so again, don’t worry silly!! It will all come together before ya know it!!
Deb M. I been praying for David all day, we can’t wait to hear that he is doing good after the procedure.
I been corresponding back and forth with College of the Ozarks there in Branson and it looks as if I might qualify for a scholarship into their nursing program, if so I want to go back to college and get a nursing degree, I’ve done some classes online and that’s helped me to qualify so please keep me in your prayers that this will work out, I really think this is what God has in store for me, just another reason why we are suppose to be there, God really does work in all sorts of ways that you would not even think of until your already in your journey.
Well I better get back to working in the house here, got lots to do before next week, seems moving day is fastly approaching, yikes!!!
Y’all have a great day!!