Special Please Read!!!!!!!
Craig Lee Watts
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"
426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________
267lbs PRAISE GOD.....
You and Jan have been inspiration to all of us who have come after you. Your faith and love to us has made us one family and we all care for one another. God has told us to love one another and we believe and want to follow Him. I know how happy you are now and I wanted you to know what an inspiration you've been to me and many others.
Love in Him,
Craig Im one of those that has been so inspired by you and Jan, I think Jan has taken alot of us under her wing. I know when I first started reading the board she and you both told me about Dr H and I quickly made plans to driving way up there and the rest is history, I had surgery going on 2 yrs ago this Nov. I havnt done near as well as most on here but Im slowly getting back on track. When i think about it tho I've lost nearly 200 lbs and could not of done without the support of the board here. It was Jan who kicked me in the butt and made me decide to get back on the board after being gone from here for awhile and I tell ya I again would not be back on track was it not for her kicking my butt and the support of the board, this board has been a lifesaver to me, its really been all the support I've had besides my wife. I still have about 150lbs or so to lose and know I can do it, I know when my wife and I get moved and living next to Joe and Jan she'll keep me in line and kick my butt even harder to get this weight off LoL. I can't wait to start going to the COF support meetings, this is something i've really needed. I've had people tell me Im crazy to move just so i can go to a support group but in reality its GOD who has told me to move, you wouldnt believe the way things have worked out, its really nothing short of miracles so I know without a shadow of a doubt we are doing the right thing. I really can't wait to get moved and get started on the next journey of life of losing the rest of this weight. For those that think this board is just a messege board I prove ya wrong, this board is a lifeline to those who have no chance of getting to a support group, anyway dunno where that came from LoL I just know I could not of done it without the support of the board here and lots of great advice that Jan gave us. Jan just doesnt answer questions off the top of her head, she researches and researches and I personal thank you Jan for all your hard work you do to keep us all informed and on the straight and narrow. We love ya gurl!!!
Thanks Craig, Jan and all of you who wrote here. I am pre-op and as soon as my PCP gets the letter to DePaul they will submit to my ins. I've been wanting this surgery since last August and it seems my time has come. I know the Lord does things in His timing, as much as I would have liked to have had this done by now. His reasons are better than ours ever could be. I feel blessed to be a part of all of you and can't wait to get on the losers bench with all of you! God Bless! Lori