I need help...
My mother an I are needing to get Lap Band surgery her insurance will not pay and i have no insurance...We are gonna be selfpay we were ganna go to have it done in Springfield Missouri but for self pay it is 17500.00 is there any where in Missouri that is cheaper for selfpay or do you know of another state thanks for your time...Nikki
if i were going to be self pay i would go to Mexico since the hospital and the doctors are owned by U.S. doctors. but i would go for rny not lap band since most lap band doctors wont touch someone elses patient and you have to pay extra ....it is a lot cheaper in mexico and get a weeks vacation right on the beach too lol
www.baybariatrics.com dr. steve tersigni out of coos bay oregon, you will probably have to cut and paste the address into your browser, good luck, susan