Off Topic: Antique Wagon Wheels
I got an e-mail from a former member, Claudette, who wanted me to post this, because a lot of us will be in her area on Monday.
She was just wondering if any of you landscapers were in the market for those old, antique metal wagon wheels. She has three of the very large ones and one of the smaller ones, and they are all in excellent condition. She is asking $10 apiece for the big ones and $7.50 for the small one or $35 for all of them.
She lives very close to the Library Center, so if anyone wants to look at them, just e-mail her at [email protected].
I look forward to meeting everyone Monday evening!
i have tried emailing her about getting her address but the email keeps coming back to me. tell her to email me and give me directions to her house. ok? my email is [email protected]