on 6/17/08 12:03 am - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning~!!!! Can you tell I am still on a cloud?? My hips and rear hurt from doing my famous baby circle dance yesterday!!! Wow. Reality is sitting in and I am in awe. She isnt even here yet-and I CANT WAIT.....8 months of waiting to hold her and love on her seems like a lifetime. We have so much to do! Mikes adopted sister, Tanya, the one who had her little guy on my b-day last year, said that anything she has for him that he outgrows before we have our grandbaby-she is giving to us for the house here or for Megan and Aaron. WOW....She said that with me babysitting while Megan has classes etc-it will be too much hassle for them to bring that stuff over a couple of times a week-so I guess we will have a little bassinet and pack and play here...baby swing. I CANNOT WAIT!!! Megan said that if they have a girl (they will have a girl first). They are giving her my grandmas middle name AND my middle name-so her middle name will be LeeAnna. Lee for me and Anna for my grandma (shes gone, rest her soul) and if they have a boy (not this time around-LOL) They are going to either give it the middle name of Charles after my grandpa (hes gone, rest his soul) or maybe after Mike. If they do that-Mike will give them anything they want for a really long time-LOL....When she told me about the names-I started to cry. Okay, better get off the baby subject cause I could just go on and on and on!!!

Well, we took grandma to get her pup last night. They were the cutest pups I have ever seen. There were 2 that grandma was picking from-and it took forever-Im glad I didnt have to choose-and my MIL was with us and she told me that she forbid me from getting another BIG dog-Im really glad she was with me-or I may have walked out of there with a retriever/lab baby! Its going to be such a good companion for grandma and she misses her dog that passed away last month so much......now she has her pup and kitten-ought to keep her busy for quite awhile-LOL...

~~~For those asking about Lana-I called her this morning because I started to worry when no one has heard from her-and it made me think, and I havent heard from her either in a bit...so I got ahold of her and she is just really busy! Thank goodness. She sounded good~ I told her the good news. (of course) and she is excited for me as well. I told her that I will do my best to make it to the meeting on Monday. My kids said I could borrow their car-so its just financial right now, but Mike said it wont be a problem-so I will more than likely see you all on Monday-and I WILL bring my squash and zucchini (thanks for the spelling on that!~LOL). I have had the zucchini bread-my mom makes it-and is making it with what I have given her so far. I am getting her some beets and raddishes (for my dad) today before I go to town. (out of our garden)

Today my MIL and grandma are bringing me hostas. Purple and blue. They are going to help me find a good place to put them. I wish I could put them right in front of my porch-BUT-when it rains-it floods really bad there. I may put them on the north side of my house where I have a raised flower bed. Will see. They are so beautiful. I am getting between 10-15 hostas plants-already blooming and really full and beautiful!

The boys went fishing last night with Mike and his dad (adopted) and Jon caught a 4.5# catfish!!! It was HUGE and Jon pulled it in ALL by himself. Man, was he excited. He was still chomping at the bit when I got home with Grandma and MIL from getting the pup.

Mikes dad in Arizona has been put in a nursing home. They dont believe he will ever leave there before passing. I am hoping when we get our stimilus check, that we can take a trip to Arizona. Mike will just have to use his last week of paid vacation. He hasnt EVER gotten to use both weeks and he has been there 12 years now. They cash him out at the end of the year. Told him that if they dont like it-TOUGH....Seeing his dad and letting him actually see the boys-meeting them-he has never seen Jon in person and only saw Darrel once when he was 6 months old-so yep--its been quite a long time.

Went outside this morning with Mike to check the pool and pets (we do every morning) and....there was a squirrel tail and 2 front paws, a chipmunk and a mouse-ALL on the porch-kittens playing with all of it. EWW....I cant wait until the rest of them are gone-they are starting to reak havic on my front porch and they get into everything-even the grease pan under the gas grill! Its definitely time for the rest of them to have different homes. We are keeping two, one for each boy and the others are going to the flea market this weekend. Thank goodness they DO use the litter box we have out there. Thats a perk.

**Jan-You talking about Walmart makes me want to go there. Our walmarts here dont have much selection, ecspically in the sporting goods department. It stinks, big time! Since we do a lot of different activities, we do a lot of shopping in that department, but find it a lot better to go to Academy or Southtown sporting goods-and of course, unless something is on sale-its cheaper at Walmart.

Yes-Tammys family WILL be calling me on Friday and I will get on the puter and post. Even if I am in town, my mom said I could use her computer to get on and post-so I have that covered. I should be home tho. Mike is taking the boys and I fishing Friday night-so I have to get ready for that and camping, just overnite.

Please tell Patty that she didnt do anything wrong. I tried to post to her this morning, and my computer is really slow or there is something wrong with the site-because when I hit to post a reply, the box came up, but nothing else-like font etc-never did. I waited 15 minutes and closed out of that post. Please let her know that we didnt/dont see the sign up page for dates and thats why we put posts out asking if they need angels-and that we care.....thanks! Thanks for volunteering to be her angel.

I will bring you zucchini and squash, for sure. Mike may even come with me-as he has been talking about Bass Pro shops and stuff he can get there cheaper than here plus they have a way better selection-so he may just drop me off and come pick me up. Not sure if we will go to Village Inn afterwards, will see. Im not gonna be picky-if we dont, at least I get to see you guys at group-2 months in a row-thats a record lately!!!

Love ya and dont worry about being a good leader-you will BE GREAT! I hope that Glenna gets to go. I am emailing her to ask if she will be there. I missed my hug from her last month....well, I got a hug-but the goodbye hug-cause she had to get home to Joey. Anyway-thanks for your support and your emails-you always make me feel so loved. Cant wait to see you and give you a hug in person and see Joe again too-and get more funny stories from him about you~~~LOL....Dont forget to tell people to bring their before and after pics to pass around!

**Bev-Congrats on the job!!! I was praying for you to get it. Things are going good, huh? I am so happy for you!! Oh, you posted about tortilla chips-I make my own. They have a low carb tortilla for tacos-and I bake them and use them that way. They are the Momma Mia or something-they do sell them at our Dillons here-Dillons also sells the dreamfields pasta-and that stuff is low carb, high protein and is the best pasta!! My kids and hubby even eat it and love it....some of the other low carb pasta is gross! But, dreamfields-it rocks!

**Barbara S-I wont "hog" my grandbaby from the other grandparents. They can have time with her too-I am not like that-BUT....I am going to be in the delivery room...she can only have one other person besides her hubby and Its me. Phyllis has been in the room with her daughter when she had her 2 sons, so she understands-I wasnt doing that to be hateful, but......it is MY first and so they know that its extra special to us and she said herself that she got to be with her own daughter and she wouldnt begrudge me that blessing.....its all good!

**Nancy-your party sounds FUN!!!! I love doing a luia (sp?) out here with the tiki torches and all of that. Ive never heard of the name you called it tho......anyway-Im so glad you had so much fun-how is christine? How come she doesnt post anymore? Well, if you see her again or talk to her, tell her and our other OHers, that I said hi and to come and see us!!!

**Andrew-am still praying for you-hope that your better and better each day!! Dont over do it though. I know you have a lot going on with the move and all.....Cant wait to meet you and Susan next month! What a blessing! Take care.

**Bec-I tell you what-you come over OR go to the meeting Monday-and I will give you ALL the squash and zucchini you can possibly eat-for the whole summer-LOL....It would be so great. I know what you mean about sharing-a lot of the things we planted, I dont even like, but love to give it to people who do and every little bit helps with a grocery bill! Plus-like we have salads a couple of times a week-and our lettuce from our own garden tastes better than anything from the store!!!

Im so excited that your getting the sleep study so quickly. Thats what I did too-and thats what I always recommend my angelettes to do as well-is call and get on the cancellation list-because they book so far ahead of time, that they have cancellations daily! Anyway-the time is getting here so fast-Im so excited!!!! YAY.....

I know I have said it before, but thanks for always being uplifting and supportive. I LOVE your emails and hearing from you!!! Its not IF we ever meet-its WHEN....WE WILL MEET!~Your way too good of a friend, to go through life without meeting and hugging you! Your my 81 yr old (what she is to you!!) Love ya!

**Tammy-Ammy- your in our prayers. I am glad, like I said, that the family is taking such good care of you!!! Hey, maybe by the time we both get our t/t and get together, we can go shopping together AND go to a store in the mall that ONLY has clothes up to size 16 or something? Maybe we can share a huge WOW moment like that since we have gone through so much of the same thing? You think? Love you girl. Im glad we are texting buddies and I will talk to you soon!!

**Sugar-I had to laugh to myself when I read your posts about the boys and their fighting/bickering. It must be in the water!!! Mine have been doing that on a regular basis too-unless they are totally occupied with something, they seem to be arguing. I, too, threatened them the other day with knocking their heads together-LOL....I guess I will change that to pinching their heads off!!!

An alaskan cruise sounds so wonderful!!! Does Rick not like cruises or he just hasnt ever said anything about a cruise? I would love to go on a cruise, but I think I would like a bahamas type cruise.

Did you find a van yet? Asking because we have a Fletcher chrysler auto mall here and they had the Town and Country special here-and it seats 8 people and has ALL the bells and whistles AND they are having a huge sale right now-they are online...if you wanna check them out. Good luck!!

**Angy-is your internet fixed at your house now? Or on your laptop? Whatever you had-what was wrong? Glad your back. I will try to shoot you an email today or tomorrow morning. Miss talking to you.

**Deb M-where are you? You ok? Is Davids procedure tomorrow? Let us know, ok? Love ya and praying for you guys.

In closing, I would like to ask for prayer for Tammy-Ammy and Bev-both are pre-op. Asking for them to have peace of mind and safe surgeries. For Deb Ms hubby, David who is getting ready this week to have a procedure that will help with his legs and feet. For Andrew, Deb M, and for Brenda M who are all recovering from one thing or another. If I missed you, Im sorry-it sure wasnt intentional......As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Debbie M.
on 6/17/08 12:20 am - Harrisonville, MO
Good Morning All... Beautiful day out! Get out there and do something!! Take a walk, garden, soak up some rays, chase the kids, grandkids, or even the great grandkids....you can even chase some cows, if you want! (Janet, leave the shot gun at home)... just get out there!! JANET....WOW!   S  What else can I say??.....lol               Love u Granny!!  JAN, Momma didn't raise no dummies and she would of told ya that so we will lean on the side of exciting...to say the least!....lol!! I'm glad you and the others on here like the stories and the way I'm able to describe them. I try to get people right in the middle of what I'm trying to say and that's hard to do on here! I have never had a boring life! I came in making noise and I don't plan on going out quietly!...lol   Moving from CA to MO was quite an extreme lifestyle change! What I didn't learn in CA, I've learned here in MO through David and what he didn't know about big city life, I have taught him. Together we have managed to help each other survive this "so called" game of life.  Hopefully, we will have many more years of making memories, making each other laugh, as well as holding each other through the tears that life still has to deal us! David and I watched "The Bucket List" last night...man did we laugh, we cried too but I recommend you guys see it, especially the "older folks" that will understand the humor in it. One of the things on that list was to laugh until you cry! I have all my life and I make sure that David does, quite often!! Anymore, it seems to be over the things that our bodies do to us as we age more than anything else!   My daughter, Nicole told me this past weekend that if she has a girl, she will name her, Riley Lynn...the middle name would be named after me. Cool huh? They are hoping for a boy this time though!....lol   David has his procedure tomorrow (06-18-08) around noon! They say, it will be tricky keeping him comfortable while keeping him awake with his heart being the way it is! He has to let them know when they hit the nerves in his back that are causing the pain. He will be on his belly too which won't help his breathing, they said he should bring his C-Pap.  I will get on here as soon as possible to let you all know how it went! Please keep him in your prayers!! Well, I'm gonna take my own advice and get out of here for awhile! You all be a Great Day!! Love & Prayers, Deb M

on 6/17/08 5:53 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon everyone!  Well at least it's not raining here today the sun is shinning and it's nice out.  I thought about going to the pool for a few hours but I am sooooo tired and my legs hurt.  I went and did my cardio workout this morning and that about did me in.  Yesterday I did my toning and didn't ride my bike last night cause I was tired and we were out late.  We came home and my sister took one of her dogs for a walk and mine got so excited jumping up and down they wanted to go.  I kept telling them that I would take them today but their excitement pulled at my heart strings so the good mother I am I took them both for a walk it was a short walk but at least they thought it was a big deal. I am still at a stand still with my weight and I don't know why it's making me mad!  I keep going up and down and it's driving me crazy.  Why do I feel like I'm able to eat more now at almost 5 months out then I was able to eat just a month ago?  This is scaring me.... I also feel hunger more so then I did just a month ago is something wrong here?  Do I need to get in more protein I know I'm still not up to where I should be with the protein. I went to a few goodwill stores today cause my new job requires you to wear black pants and a white button up shirt with a collar which I think is stupid so I only found one pair of black pants and I bought a shirt at Walmart and I have 2 othe pairs of black pants but they are big on me.  I hate having to wear a uniform it's so boring...lol Well, I'm tired I think me and the fur kids will go take a nap my legs and hips are really sore maybe just need some rest? Take care and have a safe day....

on 6/17/08 10:40 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hello Everyone, I've been dealing with family issues so I haven't been around much the past few days,  My cousins funeral was so sad--he was 29 and just went in for a routien scope of his stomach--he had been coughing up blood and he lived in Irondale so he wanted to go to St Louis to SL University Hospital and they did the scope---apparently he had an annerusim and they held the scope on it for 11 seconds and it burst.  I don't know all the details but that is what I was told.  My aunt has hired a lawyer and is determined to find out how her son died.  I do know that NEVER EVER again do I want to have to tell someone their child died.  That was so hard for me.  If funerals can be nice, his was.  There were lots of people and the love everyone had for Tommy was definately felt.  I think my little brother took it pretty hard--he and Tommy are only a month apart and have been close their whole lives.  The kids were glad to see their mom.  And I'm glad they are at home.  I love them and they are a joy but man I sure missed the peace and quiet.  With just my husband and my dog things are pretty calm around here usually. I got a ring guard for my wedding ring today---I lost it in the Lake when the kids and I went swimming---luckily my nephew found it--how I have NO idea but I was so thankful.  My Hubby and I went birthday shopping---looks like I"m getting a new digital camera and a bike for my birthday.  He also bought me a watch which he already gave to me.  (My birthday is tuesday the 24th) I haven't worn a watch in years--they were always too tight.  Yesterday I went for a bioposy of my cervix--they found some abnormal cells during my last pap--in May.  I think it'll be ok--I never had a regular period due to all my weight so I think it's just all the build up and just nothing really---at least I'm hoping it's nothing.  I can say that since surgery I have had a pierod EVERY month like clockwork.  I did get put on Depo---not trying to have any babies any time soon.  I had sushi for dinner today---I haven't had it since December--I ate two pieces with the rice and then just the salmon off of three pieces---it was sooo good!!!  I haven't felt like cooking much since the kids left---and since I can't really eat too much---I just don't feel like cooking because I ALWAYS cook too much and it goes to the dog.  Well I'm gonna get off here for now---take care everyone ~Angie!
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