Jan C.
on 6/16/08 1:37 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We didn’t work in the house at all today, we took off, played hookey or just was plain lazy I guess.. we went to Home Depot and wal mart and bought things more that we needed, and also called the lumber store to order the flooring. Hopefully we can pick it all up on the 23 when we go to Springfield for the support meeting. We are putting oak laminate flooring down…I think it will look nice and is so much easier to keep clean than carpet. If Andrew and Susan like the feel of carpets they can buy them some area rugs if they want. Will look nice ….

So tomorrow we will be back at it full force to get this done. I called my Brother yesterday to see if he can come down one day to help us put in the cabinets. But if not hopefully we can get someone from around here to help Joe. I just cant lift those things up and hold them in place. If we pick the flooring up on Monday then we will have about 5 days to get it all laid out for Andrew and Susan. Sure pulling this tight. Lol


Nice cool day today wasn’t it? I think the general weather for the next week is suppose to be about like today was too.


Just love our new Wal mart store on highway 65 by Kohls in Branson. It is huge. The biggest one they have ever built they say. It has everything and a big big variety of all of it too. Makes it a lot nicer for us now, we don’t have to go all the way to Ozark or all the way on the other side of Branson this is really handy for us. Still takes about 40 minutes to get there but great place to get everything we need. I think they are going to give Country Mart groc in Forsyth a run for their money. Altho wal mart is higher than any other place I have seen on meats.


For the first time this spring I am having to water my flowers. We didn’t get but 3/10 of an inch last week and so they are pretty dry. If we don’t get at least a inch and a half during the week then I have to water them all. At least the shade garden doesn’t need it as much …




Angy::::: THAT book is great , has lots of information that people really don’t know unless you ask.

Glad for you about your garden. that is super.

I remember before my surgery I got rid of all of my big winter clothes because I had surgery in August and knew that by winter time I would be too little for all those things. Lol and I was. Good for you , you have a good positive attitude.




DEBBIE  M::::: lol we keep missing each other don’t we? I think you posted last night about the time I hit the button to post my todays post  too funny.


Yep you have lots of funny stories. What is it they say either you live an exciting life or , maybe you’re a dummy , lol either way the stories are fun to listen too and told with such descriptive detail that you can see each and every move ..lol  yeah I remember you telling us once before the bus story lol you are very   funny no way could someone come up with all of those stories unless they were there lol

Keep up with the tales you keep us all laughing.

You are so right that when life is over all you have is the memories but I am still making them as far as im concerned. I have great grandbabies now and they are even more fun if possible that the grands,,,cause now their parents think grandma is too old to take care of them , it might make her too tired lol what they don’t know and im not going to tell them is that I probably have more energy and stamina than they do. ;;;they might ask me to baby sit if they only knew lol




TAMMY-AMMY:::: so you are having hernia surgery on the 20th? We will be keeping you in prayers that day. Is Janet going to let us know how you are doing afterwards?

Im glad that you are no longer freaking out about Bubba…hopefully this stupid war will be over soon.


Will keep your sister in law in prayer that she finds a way to get better health care and can have this surgery soon.




JANET (NANA)   LOL>>>>> I know you are about as high as you can get girl. Come on down and join us again. what do the kids all think about it?

Im glad that you finally got that pool done, it has only taken you two years lol . persistence does pay huh?

Yeah you have to get into shape to be able to handle a grandbaby lol

Im glad that your garden is doing so well and yes I love little yellow squash and zucchini too. Have you ever made bread from zucchini? It is delish.


Im not real sure about that burn and you keeping blistering up. That isnt normal but what about you is , it seems lol

Maybe you keep re burning it? If you get out in the sun again with that tender skin showing you will burn again and again  and that is dangerous. Please please put on a shirt to cover it up next time you are outside ok?

Hope your grandma got her new puppy all right. A Golden retriever is a wonderful dog for sure.


I will write those thoughts and ideas down and please please come to the meeting next Monday I need you there. ….

Do you know where Lana is, I keep writing her and don’t get an answer. I have written her twice now with no reply , maybe she is just busy , I hope that is all it is.  Love that girl a lot.




BEV::::: hey there hello..that is great that you got your job already wonderful. Now you can save for that dog grooming classes you want to do .

Wow since you have lost some you have become the human dynamo huh? Exercise every day, bike riding. Wow. Go girl go.



BARBARA SCOTT:::: THANKS we can always count on you to find our web sites for us.   




ANDREW::::  well glad that you are feeling better. I think the antibiotics work maybe harder on us and cause us to not feel well while they are killing off the germs . glad to hear that you are drinking lots of water. That is good. Usually I can tell when I am getting a UTI and can start drinking excess amount of water and cranberry juice and not have to take the antibiotics. I don’t like taking them unless I really really have to.

Seems like the time is really speeding by fast now. I sure hope we can get this all done for you by the time you come up. Makes me nervous that we might not have it all done.

Yiikes. !!!!!




PATTY::::: oh boy it wont be long now will it. I answered your post about an Angel so email me unless someone else has already spoke up. All right?

I know it isnt easy to stay on liquids but as I tell everyone    Keep your eyes on the prize.




NANCY :::: lol yeah we remember you it hasn’t been that long , I don’t think. Well maybe it has been . What kind of Holiday is the  King  what ever day? I know it is Hawaiian. Are you Hawaiian? It sounds like a fun day to celebrate anyway. Lol

I may start celebrating that one. It sounds like it would be loads of fun.

Sounds like you have really been busy and don’t know which end is up .

Will be looking forward to hearing from you often. OK?









Andy W.
on 6/16/08 5:25 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning Y'all,

Had a nice quiet day yesturday, pretty much laid around and slept alot of the day, i did get out and do a couple things but mostly laid around,  Im feeling much better so prolly this morning I'll get busy and finish packing, Susan and I were talking last night after she got home from work that how fast the moving date is coming  lol we've got alot to do yet but we're getting there.  I really need to mow the yard one last time but dunno if I'll do that today, we'll see. I do need to go up to the hospital and weigh myself,  I know i've lost a few pounds since I've done the pouch test a couple times and have hardly ate since I been back from Jans,  I dont have a scale at home here I need to buy one.  

Jan dont worry if everything isnt done by the time we get there, we can put everything in one room if we have to and help ya fini****s no biggie, dont stress yourselves about getting done you'll get there,  you have other things that have to get done too I know.  Susan can't wait to go to the new walmart there  lol we'll have a few things to get once we get there, walmart here has slip covers for couchs here pretty cheap but I told Susan to wait til we get there, that walmart might have a better selection of them, plus we'll need some neccesities once we get there and all so thats prolly the first place we'll head  LoL.  Oh we are gonna love the Oak flooring, we were hoping you'd put some kind of flooring down and not carpet, flooring is so much easier to take care of and all, we'll get a few area rugs to lay down to pretty the place up but we really will love the flooring better thats for sure.  I hope your brother can help Joe hang the cabniets, wish I was closer I could run over and help hold them up,  once ya get those up it should go pretty fast unless the flooring takes awhile, i've never done that so not sure how that goes and all.  Like I said, dont worry if your not done with the house, we'll live from room to room if we have too until its done, we really dont care, we are just so excited about getting up there!!!

Well Im gonna head off to bed,  I slept alot today so Im up wide awake  lol got alot to do tomorrow so i better try and sleep awhile.  Y'all have a great day!!!


Bless ya's,


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bec M.
on 6/16/08 7:56 pm

Good Morning Missouri, Boyee is it early.....can't sleep and I have a full day planned going to Columbia with my sis for a daughters dentist apppointment.  I set in the waiting room with the other of her two adopted children... then of coarse we do a bit of shopping while there.  We were there just last week so really don't need anything. I called and got on a cancellation list for the sleep study and the lady called back within an hour and moved my study up to July 5th from the 21st... that is the "4th" weekend but decided to take it anyway as you just have to make some sacrifices when you have to.... that's on a Saturday night... seems kind of strange for a test but oh well.... maybe now I will be able to get the c-pap part done earlier if I have to have it.  Just a couple of weeks now till I have my last PCP visit.  I got a "letter of necessity" in the mail yesterday from him... so will send that in with other paperwork. Jan, one of the luffa vines is as tall as my eyes now... I don't know if the five plants are going to cover the "whole" arbor but I sure hope I get some luffas to get seed for next year... it will be fun to see when they bloom.  I too am about to have zucchini and yellow squash... and you are right the bread is delish!  I like to peel and cut up zucchini... put butter, splenda and cinnamon on it and then cook it in the micro.... it is a sweet treat and weight loss friendly.   So much of our garden has gotten "washed" out again with all this rain... there will be plenty for just Paul and I but I like to share... will just have to wait and see how it does I guess. Tammy~ I am praying for your upcoming surgery.  Know that God will keep His tender hand over you as you get this taken care of! I too have wondered where Lana is... I miss reading her cheery post and pray she is not having major trouble with the RA.  Blessings to you Lana!  Also, Connie... anyone heard how she is doing? Andrew~ I'm sorry to hear you were not feeling well and am glad to hear you are a bit better. Bev~ Congrats on the new job and hope grooming school works out for you too.  I think I would like to work in a floral shop making arrangements. Nancy~ It was good to see you post.  Glad all you ladies had a good time together.  Could you tell me when Dr. H.'s next support group meeting is? if you know. Janet~ I'm rejoicing with you over the wonderful news!  Grandbabies just have to be "way cool" as my young 8 year old brother says. Well it is nearly 5 now... I guess I better get in there and try to doze a bit if I don't want to be miserable this evening...~ha A wonderful blessed day to each today. bec

Nancy S.
on 6/16/08 10:30 pm - Knob Noster, MO
Hey Bec....his support group meetings are always the first sunday of the month.  He does the informational seminar at 3pm and then support group is at 5:30.  They just kind of run together.  It is on the 3rd floor of Bothwell in the classrooms.  Will you be coming up?  I would love to meet you!!

Bec M.
on 6/16/08 11:25 pm
Thank you Nancy for the reply to my question.  I was born and raised in Sedalia.  I live about 17 miles north from Sedalia now... up by 1-70 right off Hwy 65.  So Dr. H's meeting is the closest to me.  He has been our surgeon for other issues for years now... but my insurance will not cover Bothwell for WLS... I'm dissapointed in that beings we feel so comfortable with him. I attended last month's meeting for the 1st time and did see you but did not get to speak with you.  Do you think he will have his meeting on the 6th this month beings it is a holiday weekend?  Hopefully if not this month I will be able to attend a meeting real soon.  Would just love to meet you too! bec  
Nancy S.
on 6/17/08 10:22 pm - Knob Noster, MO
You   know...I hadn't thought about that being a holiday weekend.  I may call Margie today if i think about it.    LOLOL ....You have some real talent if you saw me at last month's meeting cuz I wasn't there....LOLOL.  I was on-call and ended up being called out to a patient's house during that time.  Maybe someone who looked like me??  What a shame your insurance won't cover Bothwell.  Doesn't make much sense since it is a surgery center of excellence.  He is the best and has a heart too.  What a rare combo to find in a surgeon!   I have a patient that lives in Marshall so I wonder how many times I have driven by your place and didn't even know it??!!  If I find out anything about the meeting I will let you know...Have a great day!!!!!!!!!! 

Bec M.
on 6/17/08 10:58 pm

~Tee Hee  Wonder who that was!  I will have to ask Jan... she was talking to her I think meeting her for the 1st time too.  I was talking with someone else and wanted to get to her but she was gone when I was free. Undoubtly you have been by my house many times... you will have to let me know when you are coming this way sometime and stop in and have a glass of tea with me.  I am only a quarter mile off 65~ 2 miles before you get to Marshall Junction when coming from Sedalia. Sorry for the mix up but I sure would like to meet you anyway! ~ha bec

Sheila H.
on 6/17/08 7:07 am - Marshfield, MO
ok im NOT in the best of moods...very upset with ALL the Drs....i have been to 5 over this roaring in my head...went yesterday to implant dr and had it tested...She dont " think" its the implant but has NO clue what it is...oh maybe its my diet she says.........    of  course i lost it there..only thing that kept me from blowing up was cos i was texting Janet....  can you believe she had the nerve to say its my diet after losing a 109 lbs and eatting better than i ever have???? anyway just wanted to post that NOTHING happened and i still know NOTHING....love and hugs P.S.  stay on that cloud Janet,,,,,its a great feeling huh?


on 6/16/08 10:03 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning!  I got back Sunday night late from Arkansas and didnt have time to post yesterday ..still had the 2 grandsons and had to pick daughter up from airport. Her and Jeff had a great time but I think she was glad to be back and I know Skyler was glad to have her, he couldnt keep his hands off of her. He hugged and hugged her.  Guavana, my m-i-l is doing pretty well, the alzhiemers is progressing very slowly. We are planning a trip with them in October, either to go to NC to Asheville or an Alaskan Cruise. If Rick will go on one. He has never said he would but maybe his sister can convince him. I had a time and a half with the boys. They are so hateful with each other and they fight and pick with each other all the time. That just drives me crazy. I am not used to listening to that bickering. They dont seem to be too bad unless your in the car. WOW! I wanted to pinch their heads off (as my mama used to say) Well, I have bought some plants to put in those pots. I decided to go with coleus and a nicotine plant and one flower in the middle. It looks pretty good but the stuff cost me $40 for both of those big container. I bought big stuff in 4" pots so I didnt have to wait for it to grow since Im getting a late start. Im going back today to get something for that big huge pot I have. Dont know what yet, something colorful. Sounds like your Walmart is going to be a huge success. There was a story about it on the news. They didnt say it was the biggest one but it sure looks huge. Hey sis, do you remember when you used to hate going to walmart because it was soooooo big and you couldnt walk that far? Now look at you! You are tickled cause it is soooooo big! lol !!   I suppose I will try to take Skyler to WW this week. He wont be as hard on me as Kenan was cause he doesnt like riding all of the rides yet...lol  But he is alot of fun to be with. One on one those boys are so sweet and nice. I told them I might not keep them both at the same time anymore tho. Which I will cause Chelle needs my help with them. Especially now that Melissa is going to go to work at SDC 3 days a week. I wish I lived down closer to SDC and I would try to get a job there. I think that would be a blast. Well, everyone have a grand day...I gotta go get started so I can make it to the early class at the pool. Ive missed 4 days in a row and I feel very stiff.


Nancy S.
on 6/16/08 10:44 pm - Knob Noster, MO

Well, here I am getting ready to start another day at work....ugggghhh!  I love my job, I love my job, I love my job....LOL.  I really do though.  With gas prices and all it is getting tough though.  I put an average of 100 miles on my car daily last week.  OUCH!   Jan...King Kamehameha day is a holiday we saw on a calendar my friend brought me from Hawaii a few years back.  I guess he was the first king of Hawaii and the day is for his birthday.  We were feeling froggy and decided to have a luau.  The kids had such a great time with it that it has become a family tradition....we're far from Hawaiian...just a bunch of European crossbreeds.  I'm half scottish and half German.  My bottom half is German!!!  LOL.  My husband is Irish so our kids are just mutts I guess....lololol.  My garden is really struggling with all the rain we have had.  Fortunately it is on kind of a slope so it has had some natural drainage but not much.  My pumpkin plants are HUGE, and I have a few peppers and tomatoes growing, but I am worried about my green beans.  If it's meant to be it will be I guess.  Sent my son off to summer leadership camp for JROTC sunday.  He was excited to go.  His dad is active duty so he was excited too.  He will spend a week at Scott AFB in St Louis and get kind of a basic training experience only without all the mental strain.  Tried to get the pool up yesterday.  That was a fiasco!  I guess if they aren't totally level they don't fill right...it's one of those with the blow up ring around the top.  Turned the hose on and went inside.  DH came home and asked if I was building a pond or filling a pool.  Looked out and the water was just pouring over the top of the ring!!!...and there was a bit of a pond beginning.  Might be easier to just do that.  Wouldn't have to clean it.  Guess we will have to call someone with a bobcat to flatten a space.  May have it up by the end of summer.  I hope everyone has a wonderful day...stay safe and cool!!!!

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