Hello guys and gals. I am so tired I am about to fall asleep at the computer so if I write anything. Stupic just laugh and go on lol
Andrew and Susan got here about 3pm after stopping in Forsyth to register her dad. In the nursing home there. They were impressed about how nice it was and all the people too.
They also like the house, I was afraid that they might not. You know some people cant see the potential of something. I have never had any problem visualizing something now to explain to others what I see is totally hard lol
Joe and I got the bathroom and the laundry room all ready to have everything done in it. Will prime them tomorrow. Then Saturday can paint them…
Don’t think the guys will have time tomorrow to get any of the cabinets up but we will see.
I think I am going to cut this really short tonight , like I said zonked lol
Well since Andrew is here don’t have to answer him lol
SUGAR:::::naw you aren’t too old , that “too old” is a state of mind , really it is.
“if you don’t state it , I don’t mind” lol
Well how was the van that you went and saw? Did you get it or what?
Oh yeah Susan said to tell you hi too and that she works in kitchens or laundry something like that. She said she likes working in Housekeeping or laundry.
DEBBIE M:::::::Yes yes and yes , our Lord is more than awesome. But words fail to tell me what is best.
That sounds like a great idea with the honeysuckled….would ease a stress ful job, hoeing and smelling that wonderful smell
Oh yeah we didn’t work them at all today---they were just way too tired. They will be over here in the morning about 7am . so maybe we can get some things done tomorrow.
BEC:::::::well I see that you got on this morning. Every one is wondering how you all were. . Lol miss one day here and it is like the others run off and leave you. Sounds like you had a work day like me.
Oh wow that is neat about the stamp that you have been wanting, I remember last year we looked all sorts of places on the web didn’t we? That wall will be really neat.
Cant wait to see pictures of your flowers.
Has your doctor put into your insurance yet???? Let us know when so we can all start praying an intercessory prayer. Ok?
Don’t work too hard.
JANET:::::…Well how did the meeting with Steph go? I hope you went to see her even tho you aren’t feeling well , which brings me to the fact that you are running fever and feeling sick with all the bruising and all, could be a blood clot causing that couldn’t it? You weren’t sic****il now were you? Of course it could be the stress of seeing Steph that is causing it too. Really stress can do a lot of things.
Megan and Aaron havnet been talking about moving far away have they? That would be said if they did. But you would be like a lot of us grandmothers are and live with it. Even tho it is painful.
Prayers going up for you personally and all you are going thru plus all of your family. God will work it all out , really and just know that some things you have to do in this life to make things the way they should be.
That is maybe a pretty smart thing for the kids to do. They can save some money that way if they are good at doing that.??
Good for you on not letting them move in with you. They need to learn to stand on their own feet, even tho as mothers we want to fix it. No one “fixed “ it for us you know.
Hope the weather holds out so you all can camp in the front yard. That is so much fun.
I went out on the back porch last night and went to sleep in my recliner chair out there. Wasn’t hard to do at all listening to the frogs and the waterfall .
DEBBIE D:::::Did you notice that where the Pastor was from didn’t show up in this post either. What is wrong with the name of where he is from? Weird.
I love this kind of work Debbie I would do it all the time if I had the money to do it.
And the physical strength to be able to do all of it myself. I just run poor Joe into the ground. Would love to do like they do on tv and FLIP THIS HOUSE . lol
Not sure if I remember those names of people that lived in Fredericktowm..
You need to be careful , those falls might do some damage you know.
Take care of yourself
I didnt get that van but am driving another one...drove it home last night to test drive and will decide on the way to take it back to Aurora today if I will buy it and what I will pay for it. It is nice and seats 8, Very clean inside and out and all but it is silver...I dont like silver cars but beggers cant be choosers.
It sets so much lower than the Explorer and looks funny sitting in my garage. Hope you dont work yourselves too silly today. Sounds like you are needing a rest sis. Chelle called last night and Jeff hasnt proposed or anything, but she is having a great time out there.They will be back on Monday afternoon. Well, I gotta go and get ready for my day. The boys will be here in a little bit and then we will have a busy day. Going to Mtn Home tonight to see Rick's folks.
Gooood Morning Missouri... Oh My Goodness did it storm ALL night long! I can only imagine how much rain we got! Poor Tito was so nervous he just panted and drank water! He is exhausted now. I just hate it when this happens and there is nothing I can do to comfort him... he just won't be! But it is a soft gentle rain now so he is sleeping....
Jan, I think somewhere we got our wires crossed... I have one more PCP visit on July 1st before Shawnee Mission can submit my request. I have a sleep study ordered for July 21st and the C-Pap part for August 26th if I need one... but don't have to have those done before they can submit... I am going to call and see if I can get put on a cancellation list for those tests. It sounds like you and Joe are working your fingers to the bone. Man do I remember when we built our house how many many nights we dropped into bed with just having a bowl of cereal to eat we were so exhausted! But oh how it was worth it the day we moved in! I was placing furniture before the carpet man got all his tools out! ~tee hee I'm so glad Andrew and Susan like the house and I know it will be so nice with all Joe and you are doing to fix it up. I pray you all get alot accomplished while they are there. Well today is "run errands" day. Happens regularly it seems...~ha... places always seem to want their money! Groceries to be bought, banking to do, bills to pay, supplies to get... we try and get everything done in one trip with gas being so expensive, so it ends up being the better part of a whole day. Janet, sure hope your visit with Steph went well prayed to that end every time I thought of it yesterday... Tammy ~ Ammy ....... goodness girl I'm so sorry about you having to have surgery right away and not being able to do them at the same time.... you know we don't always know right away why things happen like they do but know all will work out in the end.... will be keeping you in prayer and hoping for the best outcome! Everyone ~ go ahead and have a wonderul day! bec
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Its raining like crazy right now-HARD rain, none of that drizzly stuff. Our yard is already flooded and shoal creek was already way up before this morning. I know it will be flooded over tomorrow because its been raining real hard for almost 2 hours and I am sure we have gotten a couple of inches so far due to the yard being flooded etc. Dang-I just cannot believe the weather not just us-but the whole country is experiencing this year! Craziest thing I have ever seen! Our satellite signal keeps getting lost because of the rain!
Well-I know some are wondering-Megans test was negative, but they told her that if she doesnt start this next week that they will do a blood test next Thurs to check again. I almost felt disappointed, but know that if she isnt, the timing isnt Gods-and Im okay with that.
I did start to feel better yesterday and hopped in the shower, went to the store and bought Steph some "monthly" women supplies, some toothpaste, some of her favorite tea and snacks and headed to the school. She came out-and Chan and Chans mom were there-they stayed over by their van until Steph had a couple of minutes with us. As soon as she hugged me-I started bawling like a big old baby. I miss her so much. She looked good though and said she is doing well. Jon was so excited to see her-but acted really shy and nervous around her. He did finally give her a hug and asked her Steshaz (thats how he pronounces her name) Why wont you come home? Dont you like us anymore? OMG... I cried even harder as he stared at her with those great big eyes, totally confused. She told him that she loves us all very much, but this way, there is no fighting and the house is more quiet for him. I gave her her money and then Chans mom came over to introduce herself to me... She shook my hand and started to tell me that she was sorry, she wants Steph to work it out with her family, and she said any of us are welcome out at her house any time, night or day and that she will bring Steph out whenever she wants to come......She said-I heard you on the phone the night I came to pick up Stephanie and I didnt think it would be good for me to come and talk to you that night, I figured you may beat the crap out of me....I told her, to be honest, I may have just done that, because I was really Peed off that someone would come get my daughter without knowing the whole story. She said, trust me, I KNOW-BUT....I figured that at least if she was at MY house, she was safe-and not with Spencer. She then told me that Spencer (Stephs b-friend, the one I threatened a year and a half ago) has been pushing for Steph to move in with his druggie friends and wants her to work to help them pay the bills-but he doesnt even work....She said that she hasnt pushed Steph to move out because she feels at this point, Steph would end up moving in with Spencer and his friends. At that point, Steph walked up and overheard Colette and said-do you want me to move out? Colette said, No-I WANT you to work it out with your family-and I AM NOT pushing you out OR Pushing you TO SPENCER....Steph said, I know, I know...... Unfortunately, its like I told Chans mom-Steph WILL pick Spencer and his friends over Mike and I any day because we have rules. I cannot stand Spencer and neither can the rest of the family OR Chan and her family-its just too bad that my daughter cannot see what everyone else sees. He is an adult now-so my SIL says, he hurts her-he WILL deal with me.....YIKES. She did text me a few times last night-so maybe we are headed towards at least being able to talk. That would be nice and a start. Darrel and Steph didnt speak. Darrel waved at her, but she ignored him-and I didnt see that-he is pretty angry with her for the things she has done and didnt even want to go yesterday until I told him that we were meeting at the school-because he figured she would pull something if there werent people around.
We came home and it was so humid outside that we stayed in for awhile. We waited until later in the day after Mike got home and went out to the garden and picked some lettuce, zuchinni (sp?), and squash. Checked out the rest of our goodies to see how they were doing-and Mike did some mowing. Jon helped in the garden for a bit and then drove his Hummer around the yard and garden till his battery went dead. Then I came in and made dinner. We had tacos and burritos last night. I love the fixings of the tacos....I usually put 3-4 tortilla chips in the mixture to give it crunch and eat it like that. I didnt feel good again after dinner. Crap if I know whats going on with me....It may be the female thing. I got mine a week early AGAIN and STILL havent well on and off in over a week now. I sure am in no rush to go have another surgery-but I need to go get that done (the D&C and possible hysterectomy)-and then I would like to do the TT before I do the back surgery, just so the apron is gone and wont be pulling anything on my back during recovery. My blisters all over where I was sun burned started itching so bad-and when I was scratching-they were all bursting-I know that gross, but scratching them made me feel so much better-so now I am peeling-and as soon as thats done-I will be pastely white again-LOL....
Im waiting for my dad to call to let us know when to meet him. We will go to town and Darrel, Megan and Aaron are going to go help him get his flea market booth loaded. I will stay and visit with my mom. I think the Asst. Manager got canned last night-he was stealing and got caught-and so the last I heard they were gonna can him when my dad got in from whatever errands he was running-and I fell asleep and missed my moms call to let me know what happened. She asked if I would be willing to train someone in for clerking-I said yeah, not a problem-I suggested they put an ad in the paper this time and check out references and such......I even told them I would sit in on the interviews to give my opinion-pretty much have been right on with all their help so far as far as who would last and who wouldnt. Only one person was I off-out of probably 20-25.
Well, I better get this wrapped up so when my dad calls we can get ready to go. The boys and I are going shopping for Fathers Day too-they asked if they could cook Fathers Day breakfast for him-JUST them, no help from me....I smiled inside-I know what that means-rubber pancakes and slimey eggs-LOL.....Sure I said....
**Jan-Did good meeting with Steph yesterday. She looks good. Maybe this will be good when it gets all settled down.
No, I dont think I have a blood clot. Had one before and this isnt anything like that. I did ask the surgeon if it could be nerves-he said of course it can, but he really thinks that its just side effect from surgery and meds I am taking. May be. I did start the bp meds and he said sometimes they interact with one another or late effects from anesthesia. He told me to keep an eye on the fever thing because that could indicate an infection somewhere.....good golly. Just what I need. Cant I do ONE thing simple and be done with it?
Yes, the kids have been talking about moving-as far away as Columbia. I know that I will survive-as others do....I know that-but with MY first grandbaby, I would love to just be around it as much as possible and be active in their little lives-like MY grandma was with me-and my mom was with my girls-her and Jon are close now-but she wasnt really in his life until he was almost 4 and only saw him twice in his toddler years. I dont want that with my grandbabies. Megan asked me if I would be in the room with her-Oh heck yeah I will-would cherish that moment for all of my life- and told her that IF only one grandma could be in there-they HAVE to pick me-because Aarons mom has 5 other grandkids-and I have none....so they have to pick me....I threatened to lock her in a closet if she tried to take my place. (think Im kidding????)
We are helping them save money. That was part of the condition that I did their work a couple of times a week-ONLY if they saved-and put away. They suck at saving-and Aaron tends to want to eat out ALL the time, and with the amount that boy can eat-your talking $10-15 JUST for him at a fast food place. Anyway, so we are helping them, and if they get to where they arent saving-I told them they will have to start paying me for working for them....and then I will put that away for them (they dont know that part tho)
I know what you mean about relaxing and falling asleep on the porch. I do that on our porch swing a lot-but we dont have a screened in porch, we have talked about screening it in, so the bugs and such stay off us. IF we have the porch light on-every flying critter in the world is swarming all over the porch.....I love to sit and listen to the birds and frogs and watch the lightning bugs and bunnies......there is nothing in the world like living in the country, thats for sure.
Have fun with Andrew and Susan. I hope you guys get everything done that you set out to do. Tell them hi for me.....and I cant wait to meet them. Tell Mr. Joe hi as well. Love you all.
**Deb M-I LOVE to shoot-and Mike did say you were crazy when I told him the mouse story-his eyes did that bugs bunny thing.....then after we went turkey hunting-he said it wouldnt be good for us to live close together-because I kept texting him and asking if I could shoot the cow that kept coming over by our decoys-and then the pack of wild dogs-I was so upset with them.....I just wanted to shoot...LOL....I think we have gone through over 1000 targets-turkey and regular, just practicing....and I know what you mean about saving your shoulder-dang they have a kick to them! My camo shotguns name is Brutus. My 9mm is Annie (for Annie Oakley-LOL) Mikes like-wait a minute-which is mine? Neither I tell him-you have a cross bow....believe it or not-that thing is every bit as powerful as anything I shoot with bullets. I do pretty good with it too-and I like it now-when I was real big-Mike was wanting to teach me how to use it-and he was practicing one day-I tried it-and I had my face butted right up against it-pulled the trigger (happened faster than Mike could stop me) anyway, when I did that-it hit my face so hard-that it pushed 2 teeth THROUGH my cheek and lips-blood everywhere, knocked me right back on my butt-and I lost a tooth-no joke-Man DID THAT HURT! All I can say is that I was so big and fat, that I couldnt look through the scope to gauge the crosshairs-without my face being right there because my neck was so thick-I didnt touch that thing until this past month.....
So, yes, he is a little more than scared of me being around another woman that may be as crazy as me (and that you are-LOL).....
Oh, the way you describe the ride on the Harley, makes me wish I could win the lottery-or the drawing for one that I enter every single year and never win-LOL....it just sounds so relaxing and peaceful. I remember when I was little, both of my parents each had their own motorcycles and I would ride with my dad and my brother would ride with my mom and we would go on really long trips even-it was so much fun.....I would love to do that with the boys. Ecspically now-with the cost of gas-it would be so nice to fill the tank for about 10 bucks and put over 200 miles on it before filling up again....wouldnt get many groceries at once-but oh well...I just worry about learning how to drive one and how would I do that? Do you ever drive it?
I will be praying for David and his procedure next week-that it finally gives him relief and that then he can get permanent relief! That would be so fantastic!
Your little church sounds just like the church Mike and I got married in! Its in the middle of nowhere and when we walked in-there was this HUGE mural behind the pulpit-all from the Bible-and it was breath taking-we both knew the instant we walked into that tiny church-that was the place we were meant to get married in. Loved it. I sure hope they can work that out for you too-and the party at your place afterwards sounds just as wonderful...the potluck is a fantastic idea-keep us posted!
I know what you mean about the devil digging his heels in-and I am so glad that you are comfortable enough with all of us to get in and ask for prayer when you need it-we have some of the most awesome prayer warriors here, thats for sure!!! You have been through so much and I know that you get laid on my heart at some of the strangest times-and when I think of you, I pray for you-always. There is just this connection I feel with you and I know Ive bugged you sometimes when you havent posted in awhile and I email you-but its just because I care and want to make sure your okay. I sure wish I lived closer to you. Just keep your chin up honey-and I know that David is ALWAYS gonna be by your side-sick or not-your his special lady!!! Love you lots!
**Bec-I have the D&C next, possibly the hysterectomy. Not sure till they get in there. Time will tell. After that, would like to get the tummy tuck, then next year the back surgery and after the back surgery, 2 total knee replacements. Looking at that just depresses me-this is suppose to be the healthy time of my life-I feel better than ever emotionally and health wise-but the bones and joints dont fare so well. I have had problems with arthritis since I was 4 yrs old and I was at the Shriners Hospital then. Had my first knee surgery at 13 and have had a cpl since-but have needed both knees totally replaced for over 5 years-but at the size I was-they said that the orthotics wouldnt hold up but for 6 months because of my weight-which is what brought on the WLS.
THANK YOU for the pictures! Your such a beautiful lady-and your family is so beautiful as well.....the house is to die for!!! LOVE IT! I dont think I would EVER leave...you may not want me to come visit! LOL....Thanks again dear friend!~ Love you lots.
Who am I missing? Feel like I am missing someone....Lets all pray for Ms. Tammy Ammy and her upcoming surgery next Friday. For peace of mind, a safe surgery and speedy recovery. I know she will feel better with that hernia out of the way that has been bothering her for so long.
Traci-where are you? Angy-where are you? Bev B? Our MIAs???? Come on in and post a few lines and let us know how your doing, ok? As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful Friday and a good weekend. Love, Janet