Anyone In the Joplin area Go To Sedelia?
I am really wanting to keep my Dr in Sedelia but having car problems. So, I am wondering if anyone goes to Dr. H and would like to make some extra $ if we made our appts the same day? I dont want to lose out by not being able to get there for my pre-op and my scope because I cant make the appts. I am trying to get my car worked on now. If you are in the area and can help please message me. I am really worried about this. I have felt that everything has worked out and I have been blessed with how well it has all fallen into place and now I might have to postpone the surgery because of my car. I have reschedule the scope already once. The Dr.'s office isnt going to want to keep rescheduling me. Thanks for your time in reading this. ~Lori
Lori im really sorry that you are having problems with your car. that is awful but like Andrew said if you start over with another Doctor you may have to do all of the stuff again. and mean longer wait.
Maybe renting a small 4 cyl car would be the cheapest to do right now since the price of a tank of gas in some cars and truck would more than pay for the rental. Sounds like that might be the way to go. Call the health dept? no that isnt where i mean but can think of the name, Human something. and see if there is any free or even pay to ride to see a doctor. some countys have that.
wish i had a littel cheap car on gas i would say i would take you myself. but no such luck we have a 4x4 8cy truck lol take out a small loan to fill it up ...the other day it was 85 dollars. now with gas up to 3.89 would be really close to 100. can you believe that? I will pray and pray that something works out. maybe someone in that area has a dr.s appointment in that direction.