I'm Approved!!!
Finally, after waiting a month for my file to be submitted for pre-certification, I've been approved. Aetna was faxed the request June 4th and I learned today they have approved. As soon as I receive the letter from them, I need to call Dr. Price's office to set up a surgery date and whatever else I need to do.
I'm getting close.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Cassie ~ When is your date? How long after insurance approval did you get a date? I only have samples of vitamins so I will get them before my appointment.
Sandi responded to my email saying I had been approved. She said I need to call Adrienne when I get my letter. Do you make an appointment with Adrienne to get all the information for preperation for surgery?
I saw a picture of me at an employee workday last Friday and I look like the Pillsbury Doughgirl. Looks like if you stick a pin in I would deflate. We do this event every year where we go out into the community and do charity work for a day. Next year I won't have that Doughgirl look!
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
My surgery is on June 23! When I got my letter I called Adrienne and the appointment for surgery and for the pre op class was all set up. In the pre op class you will sign your life away that you know the risks that are involved and that you know that this is only a "tool". Adrienne will then get you down to the lab for blood work, an EKG, and a chest x-ray. Then a few days later someone will call you for the addmissions and to see if you need an appointment with the anastegilogoist (I have no idea on how to spell that!). That lady will also send you all the information you will need for the day before surgery.
I am on day 3 of my pre op liquid diet. I feel horrible! I feel sick to my stomach and I now have diarreha (don't know how to spell that either!) I also feel kind of tired. I hope this will get easier. I am trying so hard not to cheat!! I don't want to scare you about it, I just want you to know that this is very difficult!
Cassie L.
Thanks for the info Cassie. I'm thinking June 30th is the soonest I could have surgery assuming I get in to see Adrienne in the next few days. I have several flavors of protein drink powders on hand. I like the taste but wish they were thicker. Of course, a hunk of ice cream would make them better!!
I can imagine how difficult the 2 weeks will be, but keep your eyes on the prize. I look at pics of people that have lost all their weight and I'm amazed at the transformation.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO