Should I change Dr's to save on gas?

on 6/10/08 3:13 am - Joplin, MO
I am worried about gas prices and thinking should I change surgeons to save on gas? I mean, my dr is in sedelia and my car is acting up and I am not trusting it to go clear to Sedelia. As the way things look now i am going to have to rent a car just to pay less for the gas since I will be getting a 4 cyl and so I dont have to worry about the commute for the follow ups and worry about my car breaking down. I know there is a new dr in springfield which is much closer but at the same time I dont know if Dr. Edwards has the experience that Hornbostel does? I am very comfortable with hornbostel and I have a scope coming up on my bday and surgery planned for Aug 12th!! Advice needed!!! Thanks ~Lori



Andy W.
on 6/10/08 4:59 am - Tulsa, OK

Hi Lori,

You might take in consideration if you change Surgeons that you will prolly have to start over in getting a date again,  going to the seminar etc.  I know how you feel about the gas prices Im pretty much in the same boat and its very hard.  Also you have to consider if your insurance will be accepted with the next Dr. and so forth.  Wish there was a simple answer to solve the problem thats for sure. 

Good Luck,


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
deb C.
on 6/10/08 7:26 am - Lake of the Ozarks, MO

You also need to consider how much your health is worth.  If you can find references for this Dr. and know his esperience is solid, that  is helpful.  But remember there is no 'do-over' on this surgery.  Your confidence in your surgeon is very important.  For what it's worth, I'm driving farther to do to Hornebostel soley b/c of his sound reputation and experience.

on 6/10/08 10:14 am - Overland Park, KS
Gosh, I know just how you feel!! I have Dr H also, loved him, he does a great job, even the nurses think he is the best...BUT...  I haven't even been to my 1 mo. follow up (2 mo.s later) because I can't afford to gas up my v-8 truck to drive 180 miles to sedalia if the dr checks out , great references and all, and maybe he would take all the pre-op stuff you've already done, i would check it out. Another option might be to have dr H do the surgery, and a couple of follow ups, then switch surgeons after that...I know that sounds cold but gas is crazy, and for those of us that live far away and are on a limted income, well I guess people will need to try and understand. All that being said, I will say I think that DR.H is the best in his field at least in a thousand mile radius, and he cares enough to make sure his patients are well informed and even gives out his and marjies home number, I don't think there is ANY other Dr who goes the extra mile the way he does. good luck, susan


on 6/10/08 5:25 pm - Joplin, MO
thanks! I have decided to rent a 4cyl car. I am going to look into it. I really dont want any dr. but Dr. H. I am so pleased with him and have nothing but faith in him!!! So, I will pray and see how it goes. Thanks again everyone! ~Lori



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