Should I change Dr's to save on gas?
Hi Lori,
You might take in consideration if you change Surgeons that you will prolly have to start over in getting a date again, going to the seminar etc. I know how you feel about the gas prices Im pretty much in the same boat and its very hard. Also you have to consider if your insurance will be accepted with the next Dr. and so forth. Wish there was a simple answer to solve the problem thats for sure.
Good Luck,
You also need to consider how much your health is worth. If you can find references for this Dr. and know his esperience is solid, that is helpful. But remember there is no 'do-over' on this surgery. Your confidence in your surgeon is very important. For what it's worth, I'm driving farther to do to Hornebostel soley b/c of his sound reputation and experience.