Support groups here in kc Mo North area
Trudy hi,
This is Kerri and I live close to Antioch mall and would love to start a support group. How does one do it? I know of at least one other person who would love a group up north. How about it. I am having surgery on the 31 of July and so I am pre surgery but would still love to talk to those who have had the surgery or are having it.
Blessings to ya,
Hi Kerri, Maybe we could do a post on the main forum for getting a group started and what does a group need to do. We could follow another group's guidelines. I'm sure there are plenty of experienced folks who are willing to come talk to us from time-to-time. With the price of gas, we could keep it so we wouldn't have to cross the river. I live by Worlds of Fun. Cassie L. would also be interested. Let me know how I can help. I am presurgery. My file is still sitting on someone's desk and won't be submitted until this week or next. Wahhhh. Talk to you soon. Donna
Hi Donna and Kerri,
As far as starting a support group in your area--you're free to do so. There wasn't one close to me so started one. We have about 5 or 6 people who attend---I just posted a dateand meeting place on here and they showed up and we've had two meetings so far. You can apply to be a support group leader through OH but they do have a very structured program--ours is not sponsored by OH so that we are free to talk about whatever or do whatever we'd like--it's very laid back and relaxed. Hope you all can get one going soon. Take care.