Jan C.
on 6/9/08 3:06 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Monday morning at 7am I emptyed the rain guage and had 3/10s  I report the rain amounts here to a weather collecting deal every day at 7am….since 7am this morning it has rained 2 and ½ inches so far, No telling what it will be by  7am Tuesday morning.


I have been painting today and have one coat of the sage green on the kitchen walls am waiting for it to dry to see if I need to go over it again. While waiting I painted two window frames and a door frame their first coat of soft white glossy paint. Beginning to look good in there. At least clean and fresh. Have to go to town tomorrow and get my pain meds as you can see I didn’t get there today. And will pick up a 5 gal bucket of primer so can get started on the bedroom ,,,

Started tearing out stuff out of the bathroom but will have to set up a light to work with since I am taking out the old torn up medicine cabinet… well found that I will have to put up some drywall in the bathroom , there is nothing behind the wall board that is in there and it is ugly and coming out of there. Lol I mean ugly.


I cleaned out my cabinet that I keep all of my flower ordering catalogs, flower mags and all sorts of things like that. Had a huge pile of old ones that are out of date on the catalogs. The magazines I keep I go back and look at them again for info that I maybe forgot.

Boy I have a busy summer something every month seems like , this month is getting the rental ready then the end of July the first of August we are having a class reunion in Fredericktown , then first part of Sept. will have the MO.OH reunion in Branson West.

Hope we can afford all of this stuff lol

And the fourth Monday of every month is our Support meeting. This month is the 23rd hope all of you have it written on your calendar. Don’t forget to come and help me with your support to be your leader lol  That sounds like we are going on a hike or something.

I will post a reminder on the board a week in advance .




BEVERLY    B::::: YEAH!!! Wont be long now. You know of all the things that I can do now that I couldn’t do I believe the one that makes things so much better is the not burning up all the time, true we freeze very easy but you can put on clothes to help that and when you burn up when you are just sitting still and sweat runs off of you so bad that you cant even go outside and sit. We all know and we all marvel at it .


Yes I am getting excited about Andrew and Susan moving up here and I know now that this is why we bought this house. We thought and thought about it and it just seemed the thing to do don’t know why but it did, Now we know why , God has a reason. As they say he doesn’t ask you to be equipt for the job but that he will equip you with what you need. It may or may not be about us at all but someone else that needs something.


I know what you mean about the smoking in a house. When I quit smoking and cleaned my house up I told Joe that if he was going to smoke it had to be outside and he said ok, no problem. So he quit smoking in the house completely. He has quit smoking about 3 times since I did lol

BECKY:::: Good morning ladybug. How are you this morning? Have you tried to email me since you have been back? Did it come back ?  glad to have you home again…we miss you when you aren’t around but sounds like you had a good time with your sister.

The pool sounds great too. I sure would love to have one that is for sure. Would feel so good when we get done working to go swim for awhile or with me it is stand and do exercises, I don’t swim too well, can if I have to but don’t really like to I think.


I can imagine your plants are looking really good now. My morning glories are about half way up the porch posts and the pagoda posts. I am getting behind in doing things in the garden seems like by trying to get this rental house done. But I had it fair and lots of preen down so not a lot to do. My lillys are looking great. A wild array of colors ,love it.

Once the luffas start running you can almost sit and watch them grow. Mark them one morning and then in the afternoon look at them again and you will see how much. Amazing.

Did you put your impatiens next to your bedroom doors? How are they liking it?

You should see the ones I did in the turned over wheelbarrow. They are fantastic.

Hope to see the picture of your hydrangeas soon I know they are lovely.

Im so excited for you that maybe soon you will be coming to an end of your long journey for the good news. We will keep praying for that to happen.


I have text Sheila several times but no answer. Don’t know what to do next.




BEV:::::So why are you going back and forth to KC every week end?

I have seen a wl friendly recipe for cheesecake I know but cant thing of it right now.

If you find one can you post it? Sounds really good. I try to stay away from even sugar free stuff too much, because even tho it is sugar free most of the time it is loaded with carbs and they wont be the good carbs either. Lol and I have such a problem with carbs already.

So how are you doing on your weight loss? Hope all is going well for you .

Wont be long till you have your house in order and find a job . so enjoy the time off for the moment.





DEB   M:::::::put up the picture of your plant  that you don’t know what it is, im sure someone on here will know. What color is it. Honeysuckle is in bloom right now so it could be that.


Am so glad that you are feeling better and feel like painting your bathroom. So happy for you and the playing dress up with your granddaughter. That is fun isnt it? Remember when the kids use to fix your hair. Or mine did. Sometimes would have some wild looking hairdos lol Making memories the best thing in the world to do.



VESTA:::::        NO nothing for nerves here. You don’t like remodeling? I love it and would do it for a living if I could. Wait till I get done with this one and I will come down and do yours for you. Lol

I know it is hard for you and everyone to understand about your daughter in law. Has she not said why or anything? Will continue to keep that problem in my prayers for sure.

How old are the grandkids involved?

So glad that you got along well with your tummy tuck and boob job lol I wish I could do that but I need these other operations done and know that I should worry about them and not plastics first but that is what I would love to do. How long were you not able to lift anything?




SUGAR::::: well did you find anything that you wanted to buy today in the van department?

I think today is suppose to be pretty so you can take Kenan to water world.

I know he is looking forward to it.

The pond idea sounds really neat. I have started the one up under my bedroom windows but haven’t gotten very far with it. Too busy lol

Sure hope Chelle gets out from under that house. Does she plan on buying again or just renting? Those duplexes over where Steve lives are pretty reasonable and nice too.

His is a two bedroom but not sure of price but know it isnt much cause he cant afford much .




ANDREW:::::IT rained here all day too. It never got much above 70 here today.

I know what you mean about the carb demon, it does not want to leave us alone that is for sure. Maybe when you get up here we can keep each other on the right track. And can push each other to do more walking. We really do have a perfect place to walk too.


Hope you got your car all set and ready to come up in a couple of days. I think you will be able to visualize the place some better now. I got the kitchen walls painted but have to paint the ceiling and then cut it all in .

Don’t know about being the best landlords in Missouri , never been one before so don’t really know anything about it lol

Cant wait to hear from you Thursday.




SHANNON :::::: good grief girl how many grapes did you eat???? Lol . Sounds like the rain is all over everywhere this time.

My neighbor picked their cherries yesterday and got quite a few . Said they got to them before the birds this year.




JANET::::::PLEASE!!!!let us know what is going on with your stomach problems when you can. Will continue the prayers for your healing. Bless your heart if it isnt one thing it is the other thing lol  Now burnt on top of it. There is a good self tanning out now, Jergins makes it. It is lotion with a slight tanner in it. And it doesn’t turn you orange just tan over time, My daughter uses it cause she doesn’t tan well either. I have never had that problem .

Wow that sounds like a good bargain about the chairs , sounds like the kind they have on the cruise ships.


That is great that you got a text from Steph 

Sure with I could have seen Jon and the racing cars lol I bet he looked cute.

Will keep my eyes open for a small car for you all , how much do you all want to pay for it and can Mike fix stuff that is wrong with it ?


I know you will be one awesome grandma if that happens. Will be great. Was they excited that maybe it was so ?

Wow no wonder you are afraid of heights, you actually have a reason for it. So it isnt an unreasonable account of why you are afraid of heights . that must have been horrible. So you have been having all sorts of things against you  since a baby huh/


Flowers???? Sun or shade? Sun the best things that are the most forgiving is  zinnias or marigolds. If it is shady most of the time then impatients. Also for sun a good short one is Petunias….the nurserys will have really good cheap prices right now since Summer begins on the 20th .



CRAIG::::: well I wish you could have done this on the first of June. Lol  Papaya is the tablets that Margie said to get I would imagine.  They are good to digest food when you have gotten stuffed or stuck lol

Have you not ever had your vits checked by lab work? It is pretty bad good to do. My pcp is really good about when I tell her I need something to do with the weight loss surgery She will write the orders. So she has them written down in my chart and said she put it on a routein basic when it is due. She is really interested in finding out the things she can do .


Well im about to conk out again. I took a short nap this afternoon but it wasn’t enough. For sure, wasn’t like yesterdays nap…lol


Love all of you













Debbie M.
on 6/9/08 4:13 pm, edited 6/9/08 4:16 pm - Harrisonville, MO

Morning All...well at least it's after midnite. Just woke up, will be up for awhile so I thought I would drop a line or two.

I will pull my boots on later and walk out back and cut some of that plant for you to see. If honeysuckle is blooming then thats probably what it is...it came up fast and is a monster plant. It's right across the drive from my blackberry bushes and right next to my pear and cherry trees and is at least 6 ft tall and covers a 5 ft area, if not wider. I kept smelling something nice in the area but never saw it.....I can now! As for dress up, yes, nothing like it! My daughter was make-up and jewelry and my boys loved to do my hair. It was long, blonde and thick back then. They would brush some of it forward over my face to make me look like Cousin "It" from the "Adams Family"...they all laughed and ran whenever I put my sunglasses on over the hair and then started to move and talk like him.  I then, of course would have to chase them around the house...almost hurt myself a few times...lol Was well worth the memories though!! As for feeling better, I have good days and bad! I just shove through the bad ones now just to get to the good ones...no time to waste! The only thing that really gets to me is since the radiation...everything either tastes like plastic or sawdust and with all we get to eat...you'd at least think I'd get to enjoy it!....lol One day at a time though, One day at a time! I do thank all of you for your love, thoughts and prayers during this issue and always! You will never know how much you have touched my heart by doing so! Your are true friends and I would always want you in my corner!  ((((((((((Group Hug))))))))))....lol I use the Neutrogena Self Tanning moisturizer. It's like the Jergens moisturizer...it tans you as the days go by.... just  watch how you use it around your feet, hands and nails. Still use suncreen when you go out though because it doesn't protect you from the sun. Well, I'm getting sleepy again so I'm off to lala land...Love and Prayers to All, Deb M.

on 6/9/08 9:00 pm
Helloooo MO its almost 6am and im headed off to the fortress of Evil...LOL thats what they have taught my sweet Pixie to call work. not as funny as when she says it. its not the job but all this stress that I can do nothing about seems to rear its head at work...yesterday I was a blubbering MESS....egads I hate that about myself....and the stress maker wasnt even there...but she will be back today and we shall see Dean told me to quit...and anyother time I would but my little paycheck is what will keep this household together till he does whatever it is he decides to do. and the fact that my job is perfect for my recovery....262 yesterday but I bought another pair of 22's from wal-marts yesterday and they fit...they are tight but they fit....and I like tighter clothing around the hernia....to bad tight clothes show of the front butt but Ill take it. rather have the sagging apron than the full belly that was there before. Hang in there everyone and have a great day...somebody should. nutti





on 6/9/08 10:15 pm - Lebanon, MO
Good morning all! Wasn't that a nice rain we had yesterday? No thunder, no deluge, just a nice soft rain. I went and had my gall bladder ultrasound yesterday and found out that I have gallstones. Yay. I am SO NOT looking forward to more surgery, especially since it sounds like from others that it means ANOTHER hospital stay. My youngest totally forgot all his potty training last time and we're just now getting him back on track. Besides, I hated the way I felt coming out of the anethesia. I felt like I couldn't breathe, even though they said I was doing fine. Oh well suck it up Amy, right? I've had to tear out and replant 3 tomatoes and my pepper plant. They died and I have no clue why. My early girl is doing great, but all the rest died after fertilizing. I put the same amount on all of them, but everyone croaked except the early girl. I am NOT having luck with my garcen this year!!!!! *SIGH* Oh well, such is life. Well, I must go make the boys their breakfast and figure out what meat to pull out for supper. Ya'll hve a great day!!! Amy

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Sheila H.
on 6/9/08 10:42 pm - Marshfield, MO

good morning every  body........ its been a wild 2 weeks...i went to my cochlear implant and she says i shouldnt have head roaring so now i gotta wait on another Dr to text inside  peice...she thinks its a side effect from having a long time maybe...she sent me a  outside processor loaner home  so i could wear it while they fix mine......oh lordy this is driving me CRAZY!!!! to go from the QUITE world to hearing every lil thing and NOT kno what it is ...is just to much for me especially with babies being here....  sat. i finally kicked my 2 kids and 2 babies out...they r buying a trailor out here by me 3 up from me...i got their elec on but they have to fix pipes...told em they could shower here and etc but to go sleep up there i was just to stressed out and the stress doesnt help the roaring at all...well as luck would have it my 2 room mates  brought another trailor out here 3 down from me so they moved out sat too..........whoa .......ita QUITE in here now..........so have spent a lot of time trying to clean house back up...yuck...my carpet is ruined from the 2 babies and her 2 dogs...so i guess i will take it out and pray i can find some thing cheap to put back down soon...carpet or tile or lamenting floor.......... if any body knows any cheap give me a holler......

i did get to spend the WHOLE day outside sunday working on yard and garden.. and think i finally got caught up...when u have a house full of people u just cant get anything done.. Jan i went to walmart here but couldnt find the preen what other brand is good cos im tired of pulling weeds and i HATE pulling weeds...got me 3 new hibiscus bushes  hahaha they r so pretty..a lady has some quince bushes for free here in town where i live.....what are they Jan do you know? would they be worth my going to try to dig up?????   i want to thank all of you  who have prayed  for me and worried about me...jan u must have the wrong  cell nmbr cos i didnt get no texts from you...will email u my nmbr and i will pray for ALL of you who have requested it and keep me in prayers cos if this  doesnt stop it looks like i may have to have surgery to take cochlear implant out of my head...aggggghhhhhhh have MISSED ALL of younes this last few days.......thanks again hugs and love p.s. didnt make it to sedalia cos of car and still cant find anybody to put a axle joint on  that i can afford..


on 6/9/08 11:27 pm - Clever, MO
Hi,  Well it looks like the weather is going to be ok to go to WW today...not quite warm enough for me but Im sure I will survive! Kenan called last night and wanted to know if I would ride all the slides with him and I told him of course I will. It will be fun! Didnt find any 8 passenger vans yesterday. Looked at between 30-40 vans and not a single 8 passenger.  I probably will have to settle for a 7 and will be the end of the week if necessary. Found a Town and Country (platinum edition) that is loaded with everything...but it was black and really dont want a black vehicle. Who knows...Im praying that God has the right one out there for me! Chelle is looking for a house to buy. She doesnt want in Republic tho, since the boys go to school in the other direction. Right in between would be best and she really wants out in the country a little bit.   Well I suppose my day better begin. I have to run to the bank this morning for some cash and to walmart for a water camera. Cant wait to spend some one on one time with my Kenan! He is such a hoot!


on 6/10/08 12:26 am - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board...  well Jan I dont mind the remodeling so bad if it was less expensive...lol yea come on down...lol.. the girls are 7 and 8 and the boy is 16..my son has his hands full but I told him he could do it, I will help as well as my daughters  they will help him too,it sure was a shocker for me.. Shelia bless your heart I will be so glad for you when you get this fixed, you are in my prayers..maybe it want be long now... well news is short on this end, my prayers are with all of you and love ya all tks for the prayers....vesta


on 6/10/08 12:42 am - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~

Its really foggy here this morning. We also got 2 1/2 inches of rain out here within 24 hours. Our garden area has standing water between the rows. Making it really messy to do anything out there right now. The boys and I went out there last night to check on some seeds we had planted days prior-and I told the boys that right before we came in the house we would get a zuchini (sp?) and squash....well, Mr. Jon thought he would "suprise" me and picked 3 before he was like "HOLY COW, LOOK AT THIS ONE" as he was snapping it off the plant.....Jon, Jon, Jon-you HAVE to wait for mommy to tell you which ones to pick, some arent ready buddy....Tears filled his eyes, bottom lip quivers and his voice breaks up as he says-Mommy, I was just trying to help you so you wouldnt have to bend over and hurt your back....Ok-man, how can your heart not well up over that? He is so excited about all of our garden treasures. I cant wait until more things are ready-like the corn on the cob, because that is his absolute favorite and we planted 4 different varieties. We also planted potatoes, carrots, green beans, peppers, squash, watermelon, peas, garlic, onions and strawberries. There is so many tomato plants out there doing really well, that I think we will end up canning some this year. Oh yeah, we got pumpkins in there too....boys wanted them really bad.

Mike got a call from his sister last night about his dad. He had been doing a lot better, but now is back in the hospital and has been there for 10 days. They are transporting him to Phoenix this week and he has to have a biopsy of his lung. All they said is that his lungs are riddled with disease (??? What disease they didnt tell Mike) and he is on oxygen now. His prognosis is not good AGAIN and Mike said thats the worst he has heard his dad. Have already talked to the kids and if his dad passes, we will borrow Megans car and drive down. Although gas is expensive-airfare for round trip would still be over $600 WITH the emergency/death of a loved one rate. Mike doesnt want to go without me. I wouldnt want to go without him either. So I understand.

I am checking into home schooling Jon and possibly Darrel this year. I just cant stand the way the school is-and without anyone knowing me at the middle school (in the office) on two different occasions, I just walked in the front door (which CANNOT be seen from the office) and walked around, saw 3 different adults that worked there-and not one of them stopped me to ask why I was roaming the halls or who I was. That makes me nervous. Just to test them, when I had to pick up Darrel once in the morning, I walked over to the elementary school (right next door) and walked in and same thing-only saw more teachers and staff there. Anyway, so I am checking into that and will see what happens.

As soon as this tummy problem/diarrhea goes away-I am going to get started on floor to ceiling organization and cleaning of this house. Every nook is getting cleaned and I am going to sell anything I havent used in a yr or more (with the exception of family heirlooms, of course). I just cant wait to be ALL done and organized. Seems like its just been one thing after another lately and although I have been up to it in the past couple of months, something always kept me from starting AND finishing. I cant take it anymore. I want all boxes unpacked and I want all crap out of here that isnt being used. I am moving BOTH of Mikes hobby rooms into Stephs old bedroom and then using one for my sewing/hobby room and the other will be the office/spare bedroom for visitors. We are also going to be putting that trapped door in that room for the storm cellar.

So glad to see Sheila post. When you get the correct number, let me know because I called and didnt get an answer OR a way to leave a message.

Megan and Aaron are going to be mad at Mike and I-because I am making them pay to treat the house for fleas. We are now all getting bit by fleas and we didnt have ANY in this house until she was bringing over her flea bitten varment for me to watch. I wont let the boys bring the kittens in the house because I dont want them getting fleas. They have both begged Mike to EACH keep a kitten. Of course, they cant be attached to the same kitten, they each want their own-and I want the black one with the white at the end of her fur-really long hair and she is so mellow. With both boys begging, Mike ended up saying he would think about it (he just cant say no to them when they are like PAAALLLLEEEEZZZZEEE Daddy, they are so adorable, paleeze, paaalllleeezzze, I will take care of her AND you can use MY allowance to pay to have her fixed...oh man....he walks by me in the kitchen and says he thinks we will be stuck with a couple of kittens....

**Jan-Sage green is one of my favorite colors in a house. I just love it. I was actually thinking of putting that in my bedroom. Will see though. I would love to see all the before and after pics when your all finished. I bet its going to be awesome! Cant wait to see it.

Yes, those pool chairs are just like the kind on the cruise ships. They are really heavy duty, really nice ones. I am so glad I got them-even though it was a pain in the butt to get them in the Suburban! I just couldnt pass them up. We have patio furniture out there and then those cheapie type folding ones that you can lay on-you know the ones that you move and they fall? So, these you dont have to worry about falling or getting pinched-LOL....I just wish I had about 6 more!

On the car-I really dont know-probably not more than a grand. Yes, Mike is an awesome mechanic-but if its got too much wrong with it, Im sure he wont want to mess with it just due to all his bone and joint problems, its harder and harder for him to do anything mechanic wise-big job wise.

The boys and I will definitely be looking at the flowers you told me of. I have both areas, sun AND shade. I still have to get some baskets of flowers to hang from both of my shepherds hooks that the kids got me last year for Mothers Day-they look naked without anything hanging from them.

**Sheila-Im so glad your back. We were so worried about you. Your grounded for making us worry!!! Grounded, grounded, grounded!! I am praying for you. I really hope it all goes smoothly for you. Im glad you get some peace and quiet now at home. I know thats going to help you. Please take care and DO NOT make us worry like that again-ok?

**Deb M-how long is that going to last where you taste metal or sawdust? Is it a side affect and how long did they say this will happen for? Is it only when you drink or eat or is that foul taste in your mouth all the time? Girl, I am praying for you. I sure hope you feel better soon. So, what are you doing for your "special" anniversary? Have you decided yet?

**Bec-I definitely will check into getting volume 1 of that book. I went back and bought the 2nd volume 2 they had so I could send it to you-so now I have a spare. I bet that I will run across someone who will benefit from it-because it was laid on my heart to go back and get it. I will get an email to you hopefully after I get done running today. Thanks for all you do-and you are that special person to me (like your 81 yr old!) Love you to peices and thanks for all you do for me.

Well, I have to get out of here and get to my appt. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Debbie M.
on 6/10/08 4:59 am - Harrisonville, MO
Janet...the plastic/sawdust taste was only supposed to last a couple of weeks but unfortunately I get to be one of the lucky few that is going to have it stay longer.  It is a side affect and I only get the taste while I'm eating. I have found if I stay away from the more bland foods, I do better. Some drinks like ones with milk can be nasty, water has no taste and I drink gallons of it.  The burns in my mouth have healed now so I assume that taste will be the next to go. I do thank you for your prayers! I feel better than what I did...it gets better with each passing day!  I do notice that things that use to get to me don't seem to matter anymore and the smaller things that never got my attention seem to matter more.  Special anniversary?...you mean our 25th wedding anniversary? I'm seriously thinking about us redoing our vows this fall. I really need to get together with my pastor to get the ball rolling on that. Wanna come?...lol I know you have you hands full down there but if you need to get away, it could be an excuse....lol Well, I need to try and get those pics up...talk later...love u, Deb M

Sheila H.
on 6/10/08 8:14 am - Marshfield, MO
Deb you sound like me IF anybody  can do some thing longer or a diff way i can ...mom used to always say that....lol Now i NEED to VENT....... had court once again for the S.O.B. who broke into my house in dec... and of course he even has another stealing charge  on top of  the  2 ...   2nd degree burglery charges and a leaving the sence of a accident  and dui and property damage and a domestic assault charge...and lo behold once again he has no lawyer so they postpone it again........i was so MAD cos this guy never works and what money he finds or steals he does drugs and booze with....how long do i have to wait to get justice???? i mean come on....as long as he knows they will postpone it he isnt gonna come up with a 1,000.00 down for no lawyer... any way thanks for listening ...now my head is bad again...aggggghhhhh love and hugs


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