I finished mowing this morning , while Joe was ripping out the floor in the laundry room of the rental house. Andy you are going to have a new house here before long lol We just want it to be safe and sound and will do more as we go along . Like we want to insulate the laundry room , it was evidently a small back porch and they framed it in and made a laundry room. It was pretty mish mash put together so Joe is trying to redo it some.
It sure has been hot out , muggy I guess. Oh yeah I weighed myself this morning first time since I started really working hard and I have lost 4 pounds. But could just be water as I am really feeling dehydrated , don’t know how since I drank 8 bottles of 16 oz each .
I transplanted 4 geraniums into a great big pot. I bought these pots from the feed store , they are what molasses in that they feed the cows. I don’t think those things will outgrow this pot this year. The other big pot I put this plant in that I bought in
It has totally outgrown the pot it was in and they said they don’t winter over so im going to keep it in a pot so I can take it into the greenhouse this winter.
Went over to look at the priming we got done on the kitchen I am going to try to start painting it and see if it covers good if not we will prime it some more. That paneling soaks up a lot of paint.
Hoed the weeds out of the garden and used preen on it so it wont have as many the next time.
Need to dust with some seven dust. Will have to get some on Monday when I have to go to town …have to get my Ultram. Doesn’t work entirely but does take the edge off. Lol
Well all of you saying that I work too hard must have gotten to me cause Sunday afternoon don’t know what happened but I guess as they say I hit the wall.
Bamm!!! Nothing I did helped any so I went and took a 2hour nap,,,,,me taking a nap??? Wow.!! Anyway after the nap I felt pretty good but was too late in the day to do much else so went and took my shower and put on jammies.
NUTTI::::::lol I took my own nap today so you don’t have to take one for me lol
Isnt it amazing how much more we can do since surgey. I don’t want to waste one single minute of my life just sitting anymore. I know what you mean about the joints hurting.
I have had the right knee replaced but still need the left one done and boy sometimes it just doesn’t want to work much. And now the right shoulder rotator cuff has a tear in it and that is giving me fits. But I think the left knee is hurting the worse right now maybe because I use it a lot lol .
I promise you that the drunk walking thing will get better as you get your center of gravity worked out …I know I have staggered a lot myself. More so right after losing the most weight than now. Don’t do it as often now as then.
Hey that is what Joe did today is put down a new laundry room floor in the rental house. He tore it all out and put in an extra beam even cause they were too far apart and with all the heavy stuff in there , w/d wather heater, and deep freeze he thought it needed more done to it . Plus we are going to insulate the walls better so it will be easier to heat and cool there too.
Wow you are lucky to be able to eat steak. I cant get any sort of beef to go down. lol not a lot of meats will, unless they are really moist and covered with some sort of something .
I don’t really care anyway, I use the protein drinks to keep my protein up where it is suppose to be and the foods I ear are usually green leafy veggies which I really really love.
Not laughing at you but I do know how you feel been there and done that.
I love the farmers market but don’t get to town where they have it most of the time.
I always forget what days it is and then I am always in town the day before or the day after. Lol
I have tried and tried to grow a Catalpa tree. I think they are a beautiful tree and Joe says the worms they have on them are great fish bait.
Ive never grown any tomatoes in the upsidedown planters yet….i was going to do so in a five gallon bucket but couldn’t figure out where to hang it. Lol.
BARBARA S::::: im with you girl about this wind. But can you imagine how hot it would be without it?
Im looking forward to the reunion too. I think it will be great.and maybe more will come this year.
Oh well if it does rain it will still be fun
SUGAR::::I have written to OH to ask them to consider Branson or
Well did the guys catch lots of fish?
Oh I bet Chelle will have a good time in Ca. Have you found you a van yet? I saw advertised yesterday and new Honda 8 passenger van…that would be good on gas and Honda is a good car too.
Talk to you later little sis.
DEBBIE D::::: I bet mama was crying to take Luke to go on a mission trip weren’t you? That is a long way to go for sure. But just think what a neat thing that would have been to do when you were that age..
I don’t have any ideas of things to do with Jake, Ask Sugar she is always doing things with her grandsons and she has one about that age. I think she just took him to
It is hard to make sure each child is really special isnt it. I don’t remember this because I was the oldest , but seems lots of younger siblings have a hard time living up to the oldest one. But all of my siblings have done so much better in life than I did I hope they still aren’t trying to live up to me,,,lol
Well if we lived closer to you Joe could fix that easy enough I would imagine. Doesn’t sound like to much of a job but it sounds like one of those things that is dangerous if it doesn’t get done ASAP… and in the meantime you might need to stay off of it.
Lol Painting is there anyone that really likes doing it? Not me….we are painting the entire inside of the house in a light sage green. Mainly economical reasons . we had two gallons of that color ,(it is the same color as the inside of our house) and this way I can keep a can on hand and no matter who needs it we will have the right color lol Joe ask me that about taking pictures of the house before ,,,
We haven’t gotten the cabinets up yet but will paint them and all the woodwork an creamy white color. Very pretty with the sage green.
And will put down oak laminate flooring.
Will keep you and your boys in prayer …ask Jake what he would like to do maybe he has something he would like. If you come to Branson holler.
JANET::::::WOW!!!! MAYBE A GRANDMA!!!! Wouldn’t that be awesome.? Didn’t know they were really trying yet? Would have expected her to want to get thru school first. Did they every get their apartment deal worked out?
Im so sorry that you are all bruised up from your fall. But glad that you were able to push thru it to go to the town thing.
That is the pits the way Steph has treated you . And your ex husband knew??? So I wouldn’t have any qualms of signing custody over to him completely. And I would do it fast .
Proud of you about riding the ferris wheel. That was quite a feat for you wasn’t it?
Yeah the doctor in
I would like to have the boobs fixed but I don’t want them bigger just fixed lol
I like my B cup that is what I always wore till I got huge. Now I just need the excess skin around the back and sides all pulled around or cut off or what ever lol
I wish there was some pill we could take or what so we could see ourselves the way we really are. But I guess all we can do is work thru it the best way we can. You ARE a beautiful young slim girl and you look great.
Cant wait for the pictures. Doesn’t your camera down load onto your computer?
ANDREW:::::::NO haven’t gotten all the painting done yet saving that for you lol
I am going to finish painting the kitchen tomorrow and down the hall way. It all just seems to be going so slow…we start doing something and find more things that need to be fixed but that is the way it is when you remodel. Was really hoping to have the kitchen done when you all came up this week but don’t know if that will happen or not.
Have you ever put in cabinets??? Joe has but he needs more lifting power than I have lol.
Joe spend all day today tearing the laundry room floor instead of just patching it he decided to tear it all the way down to the studs and see how they were well good thing he did cause one of them was pretty weak and there needed to be another one in there. So to make it nice and sturdy he got those in and will put the flooring in tomorrow. Then I have to go to town tomorrow and get my pain meds and will pick up some things that we need.
We are anxious for you all to see the place. Oh I have you a bunch , all you will ever want of the orange day lilies to plant anywhere there if you want them also a whole box full of daffodils that I am planting and you can have some of those too. We have really good dirt here too.
OH yeah you do still have the directions to get here don’t you? Mapquest can bring you right to our door.
We are building you another closet in the back bedroom too. Since there isnt one in there.
Well guess I will post this tonight so it will be here Monday bright and early….
Boy I am getting about tired of all this rain..thankfully we haven't had any severe weather here in Sedalia but it has been all around us..
Well I got my packet from MO Bariatrics with all my info in it, so now it seems like it is really real. I start my liquid diet on June 23rd..
I am so terrified it is unreal. But on the other hand I am so ready to begin to get this weight off me..
I am really envious when I read about all the things everyone can do. When I go outside I sweat so bad I can't even do anything. I even do that in the store before I can get my grocery shopping done. It is really embarrassing..
Oh my poor Angel Janet, you are having to much stress in your life. I know it is very hard to do but don't worry to much about your daughter. She is doing just what she wants to do ...She knows she is making you miserable and she is delighting in it. That is what teenagers do..She is at the age where she knows it all or seems to think she does anyway..I raised 5 of them...and have the gray hair to prove it...but it all seems to work out in the end...
Jan I bet you are getting excited about having new renters and andrew and his wife are excited about having new landlords isn't it funny how the lord works things out...
I can't wait to be able to do things around my house..It needs painting also. I painted it about 6 yrs ago but now that I have quit smoking I want it to smell and look fre****old my daughter that lives with me when we get it painted she has to go outside to smoke..lol
I guess I had better get off here and try and get some sleep..Hope everyone has a great day....
Good Morning Missouri, I am back now from my sis's. We had a great time. And for the most part got all of her yard ornaments painted and even some edging put around two of her trees. She ALWAYS has things that need to be done... don't know what we will do next time I go. She has a nice big pool, it was a bit cold but my legs felt sooooo good when I got out. Paul and I got out at day break yesterday and planted the rest of the garden... we are a little late on it but maybe will make yet.... I have water over there now... it will be easier to keep it. We planted corn, pole beans, and cukes. My squash look so very nice, big beautiful plants! My tomatoes are looking much better too. I have some pepper plants but they are not so good and one cabbage plant the neighbor gave me. Jan, those luffa's have their runners now and boyee are they starting to take off... just since you have been here... I can't imagine what they are going to be like in a month! I'm not even having to direct them.... they are doing it on their own.... how great is that! The morning glories in that one spot are running away too.... I have to go out there and talk to them... they do not want to "run" where I tell them too! ~tee hee Something is eating my hostas again like last year! I just don't know what to do? I have to get out there this evening and weed all the new little spots and all the pots, I have done this year... seems like I have to do it every three of four days...that manure is good stuff for EVERYTHING! weeds too ~ha My hydreangeas are so beautiful! I am going to take some pics of them tonight if it will quit raining. One if them is just plain awesome! Well I have to get busy and do some cooking for Paul today and do up a bunch of laundry, a bit of house work. I will be going to the Dr. in Columbia with my sis tomorrow so I can help watch her young ones while one is in the office. He is a hemopheliac (sp) and has to do a long yearly check up. So will wait in the outer office with the other two while he gets checked out and then of coarse we will need to go to Hobbly Lobby, Michaels, and Sam's while there too. ~love those stores! I will be babysitting this next couple of weeks with my mil's small foo~foo dog while she vacations in FL. so will have an extra house guest! ~ha Went Friday for my 5th month of supervised visit. I was right where I wanted to be, the Dr. will be ordering a sleep study for me today so will get that done before the month is out. Then around 4th of July I will have my last PCP visit and will be ready to send in the paperwork to the surgeons office and let them submit... the six months has gone by fairly quickly.
Sounds like everyone is busy. Debbie D. every time you write about your boys I can just feel your feelings! Even though my girls are a bit older and graduating college this next May... I feel so much the same as you. Is is not so easy to just place them in the Lord's hands even though we know that He can take such better care of them than we can and knows what is most "bestest" for them. It's hard to let go. Praying for and wondering how Sheila is going.... Traci, I'm glad you are feeling better! Tammy~Ammy, girl it's hard to keep up with you! It is wonderful what you are doing for the family that lost their son/ brother! I pray the Lord will bless YOU for all the hard work and them too! It is great how your support group is coming along too! I'm excited for you. Andrew, I'm excited for you and Susan to get moved and settled... just know you will enjoy the scenery down that way! I could think of a bazillion ways to decorate with the colors Jan has picked out. You will have fun fixing it all up. Janet, I am so glad you found the book! I will e-mail you real soon and chat with you about that..... OH MY GOODNESS! a grandbaby! I'm to fat to do the skinny dance and not throw something out! ~tee hee but I sure am thrilled for you if that is the case! I just love to hear you tell what all you do that you could not do before... I'm so happy when anyone tells that... it's like I'm getting to do it too! How wonderful! Well I better get off here and get clothes in the washer I have quite a few loads to do today... that's what happens when you are out galavanting around! ~ha Have a wonderful day Missouri. bec P.S. I sure wish this thing has a spell check! ~ha
There are so many places around here to hold a confrence and it could really be a good thing for alot of us! The guys caught 7 fish and one was a big walleye. Havent found my van yet, going to look today! Going to ww tomorrow with Kenan if the weather is okay....cant wait to slide on all the slides!!!!!! Im going to have the boys start digging a hole for my pond, waterfall and fountain...going to put it right to the right of my patio as you come out the back door. I want some monkey grass for around the edges of it and around the edge of the other bed on the other side. So if anyone has some they are thinning out???? Chelle probably has some to thin out, I think she does every year. Did I tell you that her friend Julie is trying to buy her house? Then Chelle can move closer to work and school for the boys.
Good Morning Y'all,
Well I guess its back to rainy days again, it's been so hot and sunny the past few days then last night we got some storms and its still raining a bit this morning, oh well, like Deb M said, the crops are getting watered.
I've started the 5 Day Pouch test again lol Im really trying to jumpstart my weightloss and keep it on track once and for all, that carb demon just keeps popping up all over and I guess thats one thing some of us have to deal with the rest of our lives but Im bound and determined to keep him under my feet, I really think once we get moved I'll be able to exersise and walk more and I'll be more active, one way or another this weight is gonna get off me lol.
Found a place to get some tires so I fixin to go take the car and get tires put on the front at least so we can travel with ease, also gotta get an oil change. Susan came home from work last night and said the AirSuspension light was on so I gotta check that out quick, geeze if its not one thing its another, silly cars have a mind of their own.
Jan tell Joe if he dont get the cabinets hung I'll be more then glad to help him do that, I've never hung cabinets but I can sure lift em up in place. Sounds like the floor in the washer or something had been leaking for awhile to make the floor like that. I know when its all said and done that house is gonna be so nice. We really are so anxious to get up there on Thursday, when we get to the nursing home in Forsyth I'll give ya a ring so ya know we are there. I have the route all mapped out in google maps, I've been reading it over and over lol I think I can get there with no problems. I can't thank you and Joe enough for all the work you are doing to get us moved into the house, just seems all of a sudden the time is flying lol so dont worry if its not near done or anything, long as I have a corner to sleep in I'll be good to go LoL Like Debbie D said, you guys are gonna be the best landlords in Missouri :D
Well I better get off here and get to town, y'all have a great day, stay safe.
God Bless Ya's,
Good Afternoon Jan and OH Peeps~
Wow, busy board today. I absolutely LOVE getting in and seeing how everyone is doing. Its one of the hi-lights of my day, and feels like we all stay connected.
I was up until almost 5 am this morning. Not feeling good again. Not sure if maybe I did hurt something tummy wise in my fall out of the Suburban the other day, so I am going to be checked out with the surgeon tomorrow. Dont feel flu-ish, just the worse diarrhea I have ever had. The other day I was vomitting too-but then yesterday I was just fine (prob cause I hadnt eaten anything at all the day before). Im keeping my fingers crossed that nothing is wrong physically. Although Im not convinced cuz the tummy is hurting pretty good. Please say some prayers if you could. Im also officially a lobster. Im burned so bad that I had to douse myself in Noxema and aloe vera last night too. My arms, chest and back got the worst of it, and then my face and neck a little. The clouds were over the sun a lot yesterday-and I know better-I know thats when I always burn. I dont tan. I have 2 colors-white and burned. When I peel, I am white again. There is no tanning for me. I am going to buy actual suntan lotion this year and see if that helps. I bought some new pool chairs-the kind that are real big and plastic and the back can lay down or stand up so you can sit up-they are almost $100 at the store-and I got them for $5 a pc at a garage sale last fall. I bought the last 2 they had-Love them. They are really comfy, so I plan on trying to tan this summer.
Im so glad that Brenda is home. I feel bad that she is hurting and recovery is going to take so long-but I know her pups are glad to have her home, along with Dennis-and I think people recover much faster in their homes where they are comfortable. I wish I lived closer to stop in and help her out-cuz I would be there for her in a flash. Im just gonna keep sending her cards to let her know Im thinking of her and maybe make her smile.
I dont know exactly what to think, but I got a text from Stephanie today saying I love you. I text her back saying I love you too, and that was that. I guess maybe she feels bad cuz she knows she broke my heart yesterday and she knows that her biological dad parading around like parent of the year is like pouring salt in the wound. He text me 3 times yesterday first telling me he had Steph and Chan and then asking where we were cause I didnt pick up when he called. We were standing in line for the rides-wouldnt have ever heard him anyway. Then he text me saying that he had to leave at 7 pm. Like I cared. I didnt even reply. Anyway, maybe, just maybe-she will talk to me again. I can only hope and pray.
Jon was on the news last night!! He looked so cute-he was riding the last ride before we left Boomtown Days-those little cars that go around in circles-and they got a close up of him being a maniac and actually acting like he was racing the other kids-although the whole circle moves ride wise-they dont really pass anyone-LOL....We were able to tell everyone to watch that channel cause we saw them taping, and he looked so adorable!!!
I guess that word is getting around that we are doing more as a family and that I am more active, because in the past 2 weeks-we have had some of the couples we have hung out with before-calling and asking us to go on camping trips and fishing trips etc with them....Wow. So, thats been kinda nice. They all knew pre-op that we didnt do crap. I just couldnt. Now, I am looking forward to it-but we are desperately looking for a used car. ****IF anyone comes across a used car thats economical and reasonably priced, please let me know!!!***** We just cannot afford to keep driving that Suburban. We would be better off to buy a smaller car from a car lot and have payments due to the price of gas and filling the tank in the Suburban IS a car payment alone!
**Jan-still dont know if I am a nana or not. Yes, I thought they were going to wait too, until school was done. I guess it happens, just glad she is married. She had been on the pill-but gained over 30# in 3 months and didnt want to stay on the pill.
Yes, my ex knew-I cant believe I didnt post that. But, yes, she called him Thurs morning and talked to him about it-and he never called me to tell me what she was doing. When he called me the night she was outside waiting for Chans mom to pick her up-I told him where to go AND how to get there. He has never backed any form of parenting ever. He just wouldnt know discipline or responsibility if it slapped him in his stupid face. His famous answer is-Well, look how we were when we were that age. Ok Dumb *ss, but look at the WAY we were raised-hello? Are you in there? her upbringing was totally different because "I" made sure she wasnt raised like we were. He will have guardianship or joint custody with him being primary before the end of the month.
I fear heights ever since I was little. When I was 3, I fell out of a 3rd floor apartment building window-and almost died. In fact, the good Lord was looking after me, because I landed within 6 inches of the cement slab for the bottom apartments patio. That literally is my first memory. I landed on my chin-and it split me open from side to side. Still have the scar. Never would live in an upstairs apartment with my girls-and the one time we did-I put bars across the inside of both windows in Megans room AND placed big dressers in front of them. Dont think I will ever outlive my fear totally. I did good to get on the Ferris Wheel-but kept my eyes closed most of the time and Mike said I had a death grip on the bar.
Congrats on the 4#....it sounds like your drinking more than enough water. I have lost 5# in 2 days-so the weight I gained is coming back off. Probably doesnt have anything to do with being so sick, huh? LOL...
Wish the rain would stop. I want to get my pool done AND filled up. I want to swim....I want to do laps. I want to try and tone....Geez....such a little request.
Flower ?- What can I plant right now that would be okay for the rest of the summer, flower wise. The boys and I want to get some flowers planted, but have no idea what to plant.
**Bec-I cant wait to hear from you about the book and if I got the same one or not. I suspect that you have volume 1 and I bought volume 2, but I truly love this book and I will hold onto it always. Sounds like you had fun with your sister. Im so happy for you that we are so close to the diet being over with and the journey officially starting. I just cant wait. I feel your pain-I had such a very long wait too-and the difference is-I didnt have anyone to talk to the first 9 months of my waiting, which made me even more depressed than I already was. When I found OH, I felt like my prayers were answered, even though I still had a long wait-it sure felt good to go somewhere and talk to people who understood! Cant wait to hear from you.
**Deb M-I had to smile when I read your post about dress up. Your daughter missed out!! I remember playing with my grandma and great grandma-and it was a blast. Some of my most cherished memories!!! You did that for Ms. Emilie. That really warmed my heart. It sounds like you are feeling better, are you? I have been praying for you Deb. I hope your doing great.
**Nutti- I dont think I would know you if I ran into you tomorrow! It sounds like your doing so wonderful. I am so glad things worked out with your hubby getting that back pay. I hate companies that do that. Probably got rid of Dean because he was up on the pay scale. Sounds like the underground over there. They did the same thing to some other friends of mine. Sorry to hear about the lady at your job. There always has to be one hooch, you know? Take it easy and take care.
**Deb D-thanks for the advice with the clothes shopping. I know your right. I just have to get used to wearing things that dont hide me. I guess when you spend ALL of your life pretty much hiding behind baggy clothes, somehow thinking in your head that your hiding how fat you really are-that its hard to change that. I wish the emotional changes came as easily the first year as the physical ones. I still do look at things that are too big. I know I do-but I dont do it to hide-it just became a comfort. I think once I get the tummy tuck and the apron off-that I will be more than happy to wear things a little more fitting. Im still a 12-14. Weighing 179. I hope to lose more, but if not-Im okay where Im at.
**Tammy-Ammy-Woman, take it easy. Thats a demand. Dont make me come there. Well, heck, I cant afford to-and Im sure you wouldnt want me to get a ride with a stranger, now, do you? Please take it easy. You have been on my mind a lot lately-so I know for a fact you have too much going on. Love ya and I will save some of those clothes for you. K?
**Bev B-Please dont you think that I dont have time to angel you. I do. I am so happy for you. I know how it feels when that realization sets in that this is really it-huh? Your scared, terrified even, but the thought of being able to do simple things-like clean the house, do the laundry-and not sweat like a pig is appealing, isnt it? I think those are ALL things that STILL amaze me to this day. The heat doesnt bother me ONE BIT anymore. Everyone we asked yesterday if they wanted to go to the Boomtown Days with us-said it was too hot and muggy-and I walked around and never broke a real sweat. I had a little glistening on my forehead-but I wasnt drenched like I would have been before AND I didnt have to stop to catch my breath. Whenever I saw someone big-who was sweating and having a hard time catching their breath, I wanted to walk up to them and tell them it doesnt have to be like that-I can show you. I dont mean that mean-I just always, I think-will have the vision of how I was-in my brain-and I would NEVER wish that on anybody-so I know how you feel. I am so happy to share this journey with you and you will do great!! Your ready!! I am polishing that seat for you. Love you angelette. I will send you an email with my number, so if you need to talk to me, you can call. Take care!
**Vesta-Oh honey, I could just feel your pain in the post. Im so sorry your going through that. I havent taken anything for my nerves, but my PCP told me to check with my pain management doc due to her having me on different meds. I know that you should be able to- and I sure hope it helps. I continue to pray for you, your son, grandkids and even your ex DIL....I dont understand how people snap like that after a life together, but I sure cant imagine EVER leaving my children, no matter how good of a man the father is-I couldnt live without my kiddos. Your in my prayers and please take care. When your up to it, I will pick your brain about the plastics, k? Love you and take care, ok?
Well, I feel like I am forgetting someone here. Im sorry if I do-I will try and make it up tomorrow. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet