Abdominal Pain almost 3 yrs post op-HELP!!!

on 6/8/08 7:49 am, edited 6/8/08 12:11 pm - Columbia, MO
I had my gastric bypass surgery 7/18/2005 and have lost a total of 130 pounds. I am so greatful for this surgery because it has saved my life. I am only 44. 41 when I got the surgery. I had diabetes and was going toward kidney failure. I was on all kinds of meds from Diabetes, Depression, etc. Well now I have developed somthing else. I now get stomach pains after eating. I have had all blood tests-normal, ct scan of abdomen-normal, Endoscopy-nothing. I have to go see my surgeon this week. I am at a loss for this. I thought for sure an internal hernia. They were leaning more toward ulcers or hernia. I do not get sick after eating, just feels like really bad gas pains and my stomach feels so bloated, that my pants that I could get into again do not fit me anymore. I have not gained but 10-15 pounds back and do retain water. I have remained stable after gaining that back and on top of that I have to take Senna for constipation once a day. I feel like a nerve was cut or something and do not completely empty bowels. Never had this problem before until now. So, you can see my dilemma. I will let you know after Thursday this week what Surgeon says about things, but may have to do exploratory surgery, ugh! They took me off my Carafate b/c of no ulcer but left me on Nexium-the purple pill, yay my fav color, but hate pills. LOL! I would have this surgery all over again, because in my case and like so many of you all my health was going South. Any ideas? I am fresh out, lol!
Barbara S.
on 6/8/08 10:59 am - Freeman, MO
I have no answers for you but I can tell you, you are doing the right thing by going to your surgeon. Stay on the Dr.s until you get an answer. Please keep us informed.
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 6/8/08 12:14 pm - Columbia, MO
Thanks so much for answering my post, and I will keep everyone informed of what is happening to me. This way anyone else that I may be able to help with same problem will know what it is.
Jan C.
on 6/8/08 1:28 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Please do let us know what happens we all care ....



Tamara B.
on 6/9/08 11:12 am - southwest, MO
just a quesiton...have you ever used Ultrase MT20....aka, pangestyme?? It's used for folks with pancreas issues but helps after gastric-bypass as well.  I take it everytime I eat. If you are ahving gas or digestive issues this can help......if I do nto take it i have horrible gas...sometimes horribly smelly and sometimes just horibly painful.  Maybe this could help? Keep us posted.
openRNY 4/04
on 6/9/08 2:18 pm - Columbia, MO
No I haven't hon, but it is something worth looking into. Thanks for that information. I will keep all posted. Yes, this pain I went into the ER for was like gas but with a pain scale of 8-9 and getting worse by the hour. I tried not to go to ER but just couldn't help it. I was in so much pain. They gave me a GI ****tail as they call it and also gave me prilosec injections. I had to drink this horrible stuff also for the CT scan. Ewe! I hate drinking that stuff, but felt I had to so that it would show up on CT scan. I will keep you all posted. I asked my regular Doctor today about gastroperisis. I hoped I spelled that right? Diabetics get this as a side effect from the Diabetes. He told me that my Pancreas test were all fine also. So, I am at complete odds. As soon as I know I will post more. Thanks for sharing your info with me. Thanks!
on 6/14/08 4:49 am, edited 6/14/08 4:49 am - Columbia, MO

Ok folks here is the update on my Dr. Appt. They cannot find anything wrong with me, LOL! He suggested that if I have anymore problems, that I have an exploratory surgery with a scope under general anastesia. I am consulting with a Dr on Monday 6/16/2008 for a Pannilectomy or however you spell that? This could be done while under for the pannillectomy to remove the extra skin from my belly overhang from WLS. He wants me to consult with him on this. He thinks that it is an internal hernia from losing weight after they do the WLS. When we have the surgery sometimes when they rejoin things it looks alright then, but as we lose the weight we lose the fat also. Hence, I am much colder now than I used to be, lol. No more fat, LOL! This hernia comes from being hidden with under the extra fat and when we lose it pops out. He says this is very common for some people. I had a lap gastric bypass surgery. This procedure would only last 30mins-1hour for them to look and fix this problem while the Pannillectomy would take 2-3 hours under general anastesia. He also told me there were risks as this would be 2 procedures, but why not? I am already out anyway and no extra time spent in hospitals, LOL! So maybe Monday I will have some more answers for yah? Thanks for sharing what you know with me!

on 6/23/08 6:45 am - Columbia, MO


I am scheduled now for a pannilectomy-hope i spelled that right. The surgeon says I have 20+ poounds of hanging stomach skin and this could be causing me some problems also. It is pulling on my gastric bypass surgery and says that can have an affect. I never thought of that, hmmm?? I was to have this done almost a year ago by my wls doctor, but he left and they had no one to do this, so this other doctor is doing the pannilectomy. I am scheduled for this surgery July 16, 2008. My gastric bypass was July 18, 2005 almost 3 yrs to the date. I am scared. I know I should not be, but do not like pain. Has anyone else had this done? He says that I will have 4 drains after surgery and come home with a compression garment. Then on top of that, 2 weeks after surgery have to see a cardiothoracic surgeon because they found a granuloma in Jan 2005 prior to my wls. It is scare tissue my family dr tells me and not to be worried about it. This new surgeon is pushing for this Doctor to take a look at me. Yes, I am a smoker and this scares me. Have smoked since I was 17 and am now 44. EWE! I swear you fall apart as you get older! I know I have to quit smoking, because this absolutely scares me to death, but smoke because of nerves. I suffer from severe depression, panic attacks, and post tramatic stress disorder. I think this surgery is good for me, because of the extra skin hanging cannot get pants to fit right, LOL!

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