Hello Miissouri.....Long time no talk to
Hello Missouri Friends/Family:
Sorry I haven't posted in a long while but I have been very busy at work as well as at home. Well you all remember I was in the hospital in April well two weeks after that my husband was in the hospital and had his gallbladder out. Two weeks after that they flew my father to Columbia from Ft Leonard Wood hospital for possible heart attack and he spent four days in the hospital...he is home now and suppose to be taking it easy for a month and then go back to see if the medicatio they put him on has opened up the cessel that is causing him problems, if not they may have to do open heart surgery. So it has been a very stressful couple of months. I just kinda scanned through the post this morning and seen that alot of my friends and family are needing some much needed prayer....well always know that I am continually praying for each and everyone of you and your families.
Work has been crazy, crazy....we have officially began summer surge and we are seeing anywhere from 300-400 soldiers a day and then of course on Monday and Tuesday evenings I am still working at the nursing home....I just love my residents at the nursing home and I just can't give it up yet....God put me back there for a reason and I can not question any of it...I just pray that I am bringing peace and joy and the Word of God to each and everyone of them....Even had a lady beat the daylights out of me and all I could do for her was tell her it was alright and that I still loved her....
I hope that everyone is doing ok...Like I said above I see that some of you are needing prayer and just please be assured that you will all continue to have my family's prayers and well wishes....Hopefully, I will get to sneak on here every once in a while from work and say hello and let everyone know that I am alive...
God bless to each and everyone of you....to all the new people good luck with your journey and always know that God will be by your side and help you through...."If God brings you to it, He will help you through it." Have the strength and encouragement that He provides for all of us and you will do fine...
God bless from here in good 'ole Ft Leonard Wood area,
Rachael Medinger