Painted all day Saturday,,,or rather primed lol got the kitchen ready for painting will go on to the front bedroom so the smells there will be diminished by the time Andrew and Susan get here. Need to go to Lowes or Home depot tomorrow and get some sheetrock. Had to redo a part of the ceiling in the kitchen. Was all sheetrocked except a small section and they had ceiling tile there so we took down that and the ceiling tile in the hallway too. I hate that old stuff like that. I guess when it came out people thought it was great but sort of like the popcorn ceilings ==yucky…..
Weeded some in the flowers today too. Have lots of marigolds and zinnias up about 4 inches and growing well . they should be pretty real soon. All my lilys have big buds on them some of them have opened but not a lot of them.
Got a big load of furniture and stuff hauled off today to the resale shop. Still have more to go. Anyone need an old hospital bed with the rails and all? have to get that out of the bedroom maybe tomorrow. Cant work in there with it there.
When we were doing all of this it seemed like a lot but when you write it down it doesn’t look like much lol
My legs say it was tho so I think I will believe them.
Sunday I have got to finish the mowing while Joe does the plumbing in the laundry room and works on the floor in there. It is quite a mess cause his washer leaked for two or three years. Where the washer sat the floor is almost gone. Good think we have a lot of lumber on hand….People that build on to their places or tear stuff down and if it is good lumber we take it and re use it ,,,nothing wrong with it they just don’t want to take the nails out. now that is pretty lazy to me and a waste of another tree. Think Green man think green…
Joe thinks im weird now, I started taking my reuseable totes to the store to carry out my groceries. Lot easier to me anyway. He says what are we going to do for trash bags? I told him we get plenty from other places that I don’t take my bags with me…He doesn’t think so.
JANET::: oh my goodness girl what in the world are we going to do with you??? As if you don’t have enough pain already and you have to go and do that. I know that had to hurt. You must have pretty strong bones. Not joints but bones. That is what I have they said I have great strong young bones but all my joints are awful.
Are you still hurting today? Bruised ?
Wow sounds like you got some cute clothes. And really good deal. Where did you shop at?
Yeah you live right over there that all the bad weather comes thru at. That has to be tough, You get all the extremes first don’t you?
Hope you got to go to Boomtown days lol sounds like fun.
You know I think we all can look at others and see where they have gotten a lot littler but ourselves it is so hard to see. Need brain surgery too when they do the tummy surgery
No Joe doesn’t treat me any different except he is proud of the fact that I can move around and do things now, Not because he doesn’t want to do them but because he knows how much it means to me to be able to wait on myself and him too. I can do a full days work right along with him …wow that is something.
When I look at you I see this tall beautiful slim girl. That the last time I saw her she was hiding in baggy clothes. Lol but I still could tell that you had a great figure under there.
You know I think when you have the tummy tuck it will help your back a lot and Medicare will pay for it if you have rashes or if the doctors will say that it is the cause or partly the cause of your back pain. Same with the boobs. They can get them covered by medicare too if the weight of them is causeing upper back pain and shoulder pain. So you need to have surgeons and doctors have that listed in your chart. Vesta just had all of hers done and medicare paid for it. You might want to ask her how they went about it
Lol your scale may not lie but you may still be smaller , inches gone you know
TAMMY-AMMY:::::that is so sad about that boy, and since all of you know him it makes it worse.
You are so involved in doing for all your friends there. Can you imagine doing all of that a year ago?
How was the two family reunions? Hope you all had fun and enjoyed them
I know what you mean about Bubba joining the service. That would be hard to take in this day and time. But if he gets in the right thing he wont be going over to fright.
So in that case he would be doing himself good. But I know there is no guarantee that they will keep their word either. I will put the two of you on my prayer list.
CAROL::::: Hi, yes I answered you yesterday in my post but that is ok I have now written you and I see that Janet has answered you too. Good Janet , got my back haven’t you girl?
Thanks. Hope you will decide to come to the
If you would ever like to go to our support meeting let me know. You could meet us somewhere and you could ride with me if you like.
I come out onto highway 65 either on Highway F or highway 160 so could meet you at either one or you could follow us in.
SUGAR:::::: LOL did you think we were talking about something else other than the reunion. What did you do today? You are going to ge****er logged takeing those grandkids to water world.
ANDREW:::::We didn’t get any of the storms either, kept looking like it but didn’t even get any rain. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow I will have to start soaking my plants. Lol
LOL isnt that the way it always is you think something is taking for ever to get there and then wham the time speeds up to warp speed and there isnt enough time left.
Get thoses boxes filled man,
Oh tell Susan that the color of the walls any color that I have seen goes well with it. Even tho it is green , it is light sage green which just blends really well with all sorts of colors.
I know it is going to be bitter sweet about leaving your home church. . I hope you can find one in Forsyth that you will like as well.
Hope you found you some tires for your car, that is always a tough way to travel if you have bad ones isnt it?
ANGIE::::: so glad that your clothing exchange did well and that you got to meet some new ladies. I just know your support group will flourish.
Wow 5 kids that is quite a handful isnt it? Are these your sisters kids ?
Be sure and feed them with that many at that ages they can get violent when hungry lol
KAREN::::: so glad that you all have started a meeting and place for you up in that area. Hope that some of you will come down to the Mo. OH. Board
Makes it nice to have someone to share the ups and downs of this life together doesn’t it?
Helloooo Mo
the last round of storms knocked our comuter service outa whack for a few days but we are up and running!
very happy to hear about angie's get together went! you go girl!!
Jan you make me tired I want to take a nap for you!
but oh such an inspiration! I am amazed at how much more I can do than I could before surgery and than I think back to how active I was for so long at higher weights and I feel discouraged because I cant do all of it now. I still have the knee's and hips and back of the 500+ woman I was .
just because Im smaller doesnt mean they cooperate any more....I still get that drunk walking thing...hate it when it happens at work...LOL...ran into a unit full of round caps of all color and sizes and than spent 15 mins picking them up....lots of bending over for that job!
with Dean not working I wonder how will I have the hernia repair and tummy tuck I wanted in Nov
I wonderered how I would make the 4.5 hour trip to Little Rock for my 1 yr anniversery...which Im so lucky to have on my exact date of June 27th... but Mr hubby got a retro check of his raise they never paid him of 2,000 so we can stop freaking out while we wait for the unemployment to start in another 2 weeks.he did actually say he better go looking.....Id really like him to take a break and do the maintenince work around here that has been neglected for yrs because of all his hours
so far I have a nice new laundry room the flooring he put down in the kitchen last year now goes into the laundry room. our pool is up and we have been swimming...today we had the grandbabies out there...baby Jax didnt stay long it was too cold but Miss Pixie stayed and played for almost 2 hours...and since she cant stand up in the pool guess who was her water horse? I think she is ready to swim....today I had her floating and jumping into papaws arms...she loves to swim.
tonight we splurged and went to see the new Indiana Jones movie...of which we did enjoy...being Indiana fans.
tomorrow we are going to go to the Joplin flea market for incsence and maybe a new shirt for myself...they have nice tiedyes and shirts with funny sayings....I like them for work.
and home for a swim and steak on the grill along with Zuchini...how I wish we had garden fresh zuchini but nope its store bought....but Ill enjoy it. I guess I have always been able to eat steak
since I first tried it...of course I like mine rare so maybe thats why??
I cant eat alot of other meats at all and what works one time may not the next...so I usually stick to the safe foods...LOL
not much variety but Ive learned not to mind. somethings are more important to me....like health and living....its why I had WLS and so I just let my pouch boss me around...
had yet another run in with an older lady I work with...uggggg....now its been hinted...strongly that I file a greivence against her because or our hostile work invironment clause in our union contract.
I just want to go to this mildly pleasant job and earn my paycheck in peace....why is that a problem?
everyone else tolerates her boorish behavior but I will not and she cant stand it.
I prefer not to speak to her and vise versa...works well for me. she on the otherhand....well lets just say Im VERY glad I work on the other side of the department and i dont have to look at her or hear her voice if its not totally needed.
I guess Ill wrap this up...if I dont get to bed I wont be able to get up and go or sleep when I go to bed for Monday is a work day.
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Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Hi Jan & MO Peeps!
Well, we took my oldest son, Luke to Base Camp in
I’m trying to figure out what I can do with my youngest son, Jake (age 13) this week while Luke is gone. Jake leaves next Sunday for Brown Sea Training. It’s only about 30 minutes away but he will be gone until the 20th. I love Jake so much and he is such a caring kid. I know he feels like he’s always in Luke’s shadow. I try to re-enforce that he is exactly the person that God made and that God doesn’t make mistakes! I would really like to do something with him this week that he would like and we could do together. Does anyone have any ideas?
I also need to find someone to come out and give us an estimate on the cost to fix our deck. They need to dig a hole, pour concrete in it then put a new post in it. Our deck is covered and it is really leaning. My dh keeps thinking he’ll do it, however, I’m afraid it’s going to come falling down and really hurt or kill someone. Plus the fact that our entire roof is hooked up to it. Going to start calling tomorrow. Hope it doesn’t cost too much.
Jan: I HATE painting. What color are you painting the kitchen and the living room in your rental house? What color are the cabinets? Did you take pictures before you started?
Remodeling? Would be really neat to have before and after pictures. I think you and Joe will be the BEST landlords
Sorry I can’t keep up with everything that is going on with everybody. Please know I read the board daily and do remember you and your prayer requests in my prayers.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Debbie D.
Good Evening Jan and OH Peeps~
Hi there!! I thought I would take a minute and get in here and check on everyone and todays post. Am making my guys dinner-Jons favorite-corn on the cob and they are having cheeseburgers and I am having a chicken salad.
I spent from yesterday afternoon till this morning being sick. I havent been that sick in years. On the toilet and holding the trash can. WOW.....Anyway, Thank God I was better this morning, except for aches and pains-because we told the boys we had a surprise for them today-and we took them to Boomtown days. For a $5 button-you get admission and all the rides are free-along with some games, face painting, petting zoo, pony rides. Several concerts, fireworks. Today they had Incredible Hulk there. We had some exciting firsts today....Jon rode his first pony and I actually rode some rides with my guys today....I just about cried from excitement. Its been a LONG time-and made me ever so thankful for this surgery. I wasnt left out-sitting on a bench watching everyone else have fun. I also decided that since Mike, Jon and Darrel were riding the Ferris Wheel, that since there were only 2 allowed to a seat, that I would ride with Darrel. I am so afraid of heights its not even funny, but I figured that since my whole life had changed, that I was going to overcome that today and go on it with my son. Granted, kept my eyes closed for most of the ride-but I was still on it-LOL...
We went to go to get a funnel cake and lemonade and turned the corner-and there was Stephanie, the friend she lives with-Her biological dad and his partner-sitting right there. All looking at me. I just froze. Do I go over there or not? All I really wanted to do was go punch Eric in the face since he knew Steph was going to move out and didnt feel it important to give me a heads up-I am never speaking to him again if I dont HAVE to-and I wanted to grab Steph by the ear and drag her home. Not really-but you know what I mean. Since no one waved or anything, I just ordered our stuff and walked the opposite way. While we were standing there-they walked right past us too-and not a word. My heart just broke. She acted like she didnt even see me. Megan saw her at the mall yesterday and all she did was stick her tongue out at her. I almost let it get to me-and then I thought, No-I am NOT letting the DEVIL ruin my day.....I refused and asked God to give me peace of mind and let us enjoy our afternoon with our sons, as a family, and we sure did.
Yes, I am still hurting. I knew that no matter what I did today I would hurt, so I decided to walk around and do stuff with my kids. I was hurting from being on the couch so much anyway. We learned a lot about turtles at the conservation tent too-so we got some educational lessons as well. We also got sun burned-all 4 of us.
**Jan, Yes-I am looking forward to the tummy tuck. Not sure about the "girls". I will be talking to Vesta about that. I believe I will go to Springfield and use her surgeon....I know too much about the ones in Joplin and the ones that I would like to see here, dont accept medicare.
Yes, I am very bruised up. The way that I hit my back and the back of my head across the running board-smarts like crazy and there are bruises and marks all over me. My legs, back, arms, neck.....plus my tummy was bothering me and I thought for sure I did something to my surgery area. I knew if I didnt feel better I would go to the hospital ER, but I felt better, just sore from being a klutz.....
Thanks for the compliment about being a beautiful slim girl-Bless you, doll!!!!~ Now, I just wish that I felt that way. To be honest, when I put on my new shirt today (one of the cutest Ive ever owned!~) I walked out and Mike said-that looks really good, plus-it covered my apron but isnt BAGGY...NO, NO, NO!!! I actually felt decent. Maybe on the verge of pretty. Its been a LONG time since I FELT pretty. Not sure I ever have. Very happy though. Plus-we walked around for hours-and I didnt have to take a break but once-because of my back NOT my FAT!!! AND....I didnt break a real sweat. I "glistened" a little bit on my forehead, but thats it!!! As soon as I can-I am going to post some pics from today in my profile.
Megan may be pregnant! I may be a grandma-a grandma...Me?! Well, I can say that I love babies and I will be an AWESOME grandma-but I will probably have my grandbabys call me nana.
We are having problems with our electricity, since Thurs. It has prob come off and on 50 times. Our whole side has. We have ALL called the elec company and they said they are trying to pinpoint where the problem is and want us to call EVERY time it does it-and I said, there is NO WAY I can, or I will be on the phone ALL DAY LONG! Just PLEASE fix it before it ruins my appliances, electronics and computer.
Well, I am going to close. Making dinner and doing some laundry. Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday. We are expecting rain AGAIN tonite. Dang it. Anyway-your in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Janet
Hey Everyone,
Wow what a warm day it turned out to be. Had kind of a busy day today, church this morning then fixed some lunch for Susan cuz she had to go to work, the rest of the day I've spent mowing the yard and working on getting things together for Thursday, we are so excited about going up to Jans this week. We have the FIL all packed, just gotta load his stuff up in the car and pick him up then we'll be off, we're gonna try to get an early start on Thursday so we can get him to the Forsyth Nursing Home before noon, I dunno how long it'll take to get him checked in and settled and all, then we'll be off to Jan's to help work on the house, just can't wait.
Jan sounds like you both have been totally busy, have ya got all the painting done yet? LOL . We're bringing our work clothes so it wont matter if we get paint on em and such, Im sure i'll get a drop or 3 on me lol. I thought Susan was the only one that took the reusable bags to put groceries in lol we go to Aldi's here sometimes and its hard to find boxes to put ya groceries in so she takes the old grocery bags lol Yeah I been filling boxes today, almost got the kitchen all sorted and packed, the next thing will be the big project, the office, we have 2 med. sized closets in there and they are packed with boxes, we're gonna sort through them and stuff we dont need will be given to good will or something, thats the room im dreading lol. Susan says she'll love that color on the walls, she's already got several idea's and stuff, it'll take awhile to get it all decorated cuz we'll prolly buy one or two things at a time but we'll get there and I know it'll look so nice, we are so excited. Yeah Im sure we'll find a church around Forsyth once we get settled Im sure. We didnt get any tires on Sat. but did find a place to get some after they closed lol we'll take the car in the morning and get them put on plus an oil change so the car will be all ready to go. It's coming quick lol
Well I better get off here and get a shower and relax awhile til Susan gets home. Hope everyone had a good weekend, another week on its way.