Whats Happening Tuesday - For Jan

Andy W.
on 6/2/08 7:48 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning Everyone,


Looks as if Jan isn’t back yet so I thought I’d start the Whats Happening again. Hopefully her and Joe are having a relaxing time away,  I know they both been working hard on their rental house to get it fixed and ready for us to move into.  We are all anxious to see the pics that she has from the Picnic, I know they will be good.   Sure hope everyone had a good Monday,  I know how Mondays can seem tough and long and drawn out.  It rained here a lot of the day so I was stuck inside most the day doing things.  I can’t wait to get everything packed and get moved,  our house is getting more boxed and cluttered by the day.  Im starting to give a few things away that we don’t need so we can consolidate and maybe get everything we will take in the largest U-Haul trailer instead of renting a truck,  that will save us a couple hundred dollars that we can use else where.  We heard from the nursing home today,  the one nearest to where we will be living can’t take the  father in law cuz they don’t have a lockup unit for Alzheimer’s so they referred us to their sister unit in Branson,  so they are looking everything over and hopefully will get back to us tomorrow about it all.  We really want to take him with us on the 12th when we go visit Jan so we can get him settled and not have to worry about moving him and us at the same time. 


Vesta sure glad you had a good time at the picnic,  sounds like everyone got some good recipes and big hugs,  I hated that we couldn’t attend but I know next time there is something up there I will sure be there with bells on.  Hope you have a blessed week.


Amy it sounds like you really have your hands full with keeping up with that new puppy  lol  and the kids all at once,  lol @ the loco juice,  that stuff seems to go around here too, especially on full moons,  I don’t know when the full moon is but you can sure always tell when its here cuz people just go loco  lol.  That’s so great you were able to get the powder like that so cheap, some of that stuff can be so expensive.  I buy most of mine at the walmart here cuz the GNC here seems to hike their prices up almost double.  Im fortunate that walmart here carries a couple different flavors of the whey protein powder that I use.   Hope ya didn’t find the puppy being bad somewhere . 


Janet so glad you were able to get away for a little bit and fish, sounds like you got soaked tho but I know for me getting away from everyone and fishing can be so calming and am able to get my mind back on track sometimes.  We will keep you on our prayer list that things work out with your daughter,  I know that has to be so tough on you so just keep hanging in there a break through has to come soon for ya.  Next time you talk to Mel, tell her I said “hi” ,  I havnt talked to her in ages.  I know she’s very busy with all sorts of stuff, I really have missed all of ya and its just so good to be back on the board here,  you really don’t know what your missing til your not around awhile and come back,  I sure wont be letting that happen again.  Anyway gurl, hang in there, there’s a lot of people praying for ya!!


Angy Im go glad you had a great time at you reunion,  they can be so fun to go to,  I miss going to the ones we had when we lived back on the east coast.  I know what ya mean about the garden,  I used to hate helping my mom do the green beans and the purple haul peas,  I’d do a few and try to get out of doing it anymore lol  now I just love it,  I really miss having a garden this year after having such a big one last year.  I really is so rewarding to be able to pick tomatoes and stuff that YOU grew yourself, the taste is SO SO much better then what you can get at the store.  I can’t wait to get moved and be able to help Jan with a winter garden and hopefully if its not to late get some of the peaches that are growing at her rental house and can them,  I use to hate doing that with my mom too, it was such a hassle when I was a kid  lol now I just love doing stuff like that.  Seems like my wife and I have switched roles almost  LOL


Deb your are definitely in my prayers,  I know God is in control of your situation.  Its really good to see you on the board some,  I know when I wasn’t posting for awhile God seemed to always lay you on my heart every now and then, amazing how God works.  Hope you got through the storms ok,  we had some bad ones here, especially the lightning and thunder,  it seemed like it was all right on top of us for a bit.  Hope the rest of your day went well. 


Tammy it sounds like you were having a  yeeeehawww time on the lawn mower  LoL,  I remember when I first started losing weight and I was able to get out and mow our grass, it was just a push mower but I was like a kid with candy  lol  I used to hate to do any kind of yard work but I love it now  lol.  The storm**** us too all of a sudden,  we go so much thunder and lightning it was crazy out for a bit,  it rained a lot of the day off and on.  Wow that is so great about your support group,  sounds like you’ll have a great place to meet, especially when you grow, you’ll have a nice room with privacy to meet in.  If I wasn’t moving I’d sure try to make it down there,  Im prolly about an hour and a half from  there.  Hopefully once Brenda recovers you can get her to visit the group,  she has a lot of good input and I don’t think she’s all that far from there. 


Speaking of Brenda,  has anyone heard from her since her surgery?  I know everyone is praying she have a speedy recovery.  Also congrats to Beverly and Donald on getting their surgery dates, Donald we will sure be praying for ya tomorrow,  hope someone will be able to keep us updated on you and lets us know that everything went ok,  weeeeeeeeeeee, everyone move over and make room on the losers bench  :D.  Brenda Nutt, that is a great pic of you and Dr. H, he’s such a great guy.  Layla and Barbara S, glad you all had a great time at the picnic,  I cant wait til next time,  I’ll be there for sure.  I hope I havnt missed anyone, if I did Im sure sorry,  Im not very good at doing this like Jan is.


Craig sure is good to see you posting on the board,  good to see spongebob is taking good care of ya  LoL  It really is so great to see how well your doing and that God has blessed you so much,  you really do deserve it bud.


Well I better get off here and get some sleep,  I was having a hard time sleeping so thought I’d go ahead and do this for Jan again,  hopefully she and Joe are having some relax time together.  Everyone have a great and blessed day.



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 6/3/08 12:31 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Andrew and OH Peeps~

Andrew, thanks for doing the post for Jan. I really am so glad your back. I hope you never shy away from the board again. My puter was out for 3 months and I really missed everyone. Felt out of the loop when I came back. I just love everyone and the way we all support one another. Its like an extended family-of very caring people. I cannot wait to meet you and Susan!!!

Well, I got another call from my daughter yesterday....I was so excited when I went to answer the phone, but my excitement didnt last but a minute. She was calling to inform me that she wants me to give her $120.00. Not for food or shelter or anything like that-she wants it so she can drop her math class in summer school. Each class costs $120 for summer school and IF you drop out or dont go-you have to pay it. I told her that I was NOT giving her $120 to drop out of the math class-she failed it 2 years in a row and I AM NOT doing it-she said WELL, I Just spent 3 hours in that class and I DIDNT LEARN ANYTHING so IM NOT STAYING IN IT....to which I told her that I was sorry she felt that way, but that I didnt have any money for her right now to quit class. I told her that I will give Chandlers mom money for food and etc- and I will give Stephanie money for things she may need-like shampoo and personal care items, but thats it. I will not be giving her money for class drop out. Well, she ended up hanging up on me-and she then called her grandma-her real dad and God only knows who else-and telling them that I am keeping her money from her and that she cannot get on with her life because of the games "I" am playing with her and asked them if they would give her the money. Her dad told her that he sent child support and to use that-and I said no. I am NOT spending it on that. Im not. Tough love I guess, but she isnt getting her way with this one. She can sit in math class until the 26th of this month and learn something. Right?

Well, it doesnt look like our inground pool is getting painted this year either. We really want to get it done so it looks pretty and all that-but the weather just wont cooperate AGAIN....and it will probably be July or August before we get 3-4 days of no rain so that the paint will dry and etc. Mike power washed the whole pool last night and scrubbed. He didnt get the bottom finished, but we plan on doing that tonite IF it doesnt rain today. Its suppose to tho. No snakes this time. We already pulled one out a month ago-but we did have a huge trantula and 2 of the biggest bull frogs I have ever seen!!! Tiny little frogs to!!! Smaller than the circle of a cigarette but. I took some pics of them. I have never seen them that small. Must have been 1000 of them on the walls and bottom of the pool. Anyway, the boys weeded around the area and I held the trash bags open and such. We are trying really hard to get everything organized and such. I am going to start on Stephs room next week and get it done too.

Well, I need to get off here. My dad just called and asked if I could come in and cut his hair so the boys and I are getting ready to leave.

****Has ANYONE heard from Sheila or Brenda? Sheila had a procedure last Friday and I havent seen her on the board-so I am concerned that something may have happened. I havent seen or heard from Brenda either. If you have any news on them please post and let us know ok?

As always-your in my thoughts and prayers. Any prayers for my family, including my daughter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and Have a good day. Janet

Tammy H.
on 6/3/08 2:01 am - Holcomb, MO
Andrew....So sweet of you to post for Jan.....Seems empty on here when you get on and don't see the What's Happening post lol lol...... I'm sorry you never got to make it to a meeting yet....But when ever I can manage it I make a trip to Springfield for a meeting now and then.... Have been wanting to make another visit for a bit now but with gas going crazy I just haven't been able too.....But I do have thoughts of our group or who ever can get away for a few days making a trip up for one of the COF meetings later on..... And if we do end up contacting our local news channel and they decide to do a lil story on us, I am going to invite WLS friends from each group....I will have to only do so  many from each group due to the seating, but I thought it would be nice to let people see that there are others having it all over and that your not alone when you do it....You might have to drive a little ways but there are support groups to help you thru. And there are plenty people out there that know where you are coming from..... Andrew....Once Brenda If any of you didn't notice, I posted about Brenda M on the board. I hope to have more info on her later this week.... Newbies...Welcome.....It is wonderful to see new faces on the Mo Board!!! Looking forward to getting to know you....I ope each of you find a support group near you and attend the meetings...Even with support of your family it is a great thing to be able to get with others that have had surgery and know where you are coming from and understand the issues you may deal with.....If you don't have a support group or know of one near you....Drop a line on the board and someone that knows of one will contact you..... And I want to say CONGRATS!!!!! to all the new LOOSERS!!!! Hang on you are in for the ride of your life lol lol....It is undescribable on how you will feel with all the changes looseing weight will make you feel and change your life!!! You will have WOW moments you never even thought about!!!! AND WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT EVERYONE OF THEM!!!!!  Well got to get off here and start on some house work.....About got everyone and all their stuff out of my house....Now I have several weeks of good deep cleaning to do.....I sure wish I was already done lol lol.... I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday..... God Bless each of you...... Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Shannon C.
on 6/3/08 5:12 am - Kirksville, MO
Hi Everyone!  At therapy yesterday I was told I could keep the braces off as I have improved greatly!  Thanks for all the prayers.  I still don't have feeling from about mid shin down but that can take moths for the nerves to regenerate.  The main thing is that I keep working the muscles.  So many people have asked me if I would still have had the RNY knowing that there was a chance for this to happen - I honestly can't answer that now.  I have had a very hard time coping with this paralysis these past few months but losing 168 pounds has changed my life yet I am still me - a wiser me Eating to live not living to eat.  Take care - Shannon



Rianne D.
on 6/3/08 12:47 pm - MO
Hey hey Missouri!!  I hope everyone had as wonderful a day as I did!! I began work today...I know I know...not something I'm supposed to be excited about.  But, I was...last night my adorable dog decided to eat one of my $1900 hearing aids...so now I'm working on replacing that as well as paying to get everything switched over to my name and all that jazz...getting my own health insurance and my own car insurance plan and all the jazz that comes with getting married.  *sigh*  I love my dog, but boy I wanted to shake his little head off!! I am going to be working back at Sonic....so that's cool.  I mean, I couldn't definitely think of a lot better jobs, but it's a job and it's EASY so that's good.  And, it's money..... I made $12 in tips today....so only $1888 left to go...*sigh*  Oh well, God never gives us more than we can handle...right?? As far as my surgery everything is going wonderfully, I'm down to 127 and loving it :-)  And married life is also wonderful....today was our 1 week anniversary of being married....so yay for that :-) I posted some pics in my profile so check them out when you get the chance...I'm off to finish my movie on disney channel before bed.  I'm working 1030-5 at Sonic then babysitting 7pm-11pm tomorrow...so yipee...... Love ya'll
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