Whats Happening Monday - For Jan

Andy W.
on 6/2/08 1:51 am - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning Missouri,

Jan is still gone so I thought I'd go ahead and do the whats happening since it wasnt started yet.  I know we are all anxious to hear how the Sedalia Picnic went,  I hope they all had a good time and that the weather held out,  I read where some places up that way in Missouri got some storms,  here we didn't get any at all and it was really muggy and warm.   As for me Im staying really busy today trying to get things sorted out and packing for the big move, my wife and I are so excited about moving next to Jan and her garden paradise.  Keep my wife in your prayers,  she is working hard trying to get her dad moved to a nursing home up near branson, so far the one near Jan cant take him because he has dementia and is in a locked unit right now and Branson is the closest place that has a unit like that. 


Amy how is the little puppy?  I know they can be so cute but such a handful in the puppy stage.  Did Jason get some of the chore list done?  I sure know what that can be like having a big list, lately it seems my list keeps growing instead of going down, I get two things done and 4 get added,  ai yi yi  lol.   Hope you had a good Sunday at Church was blessed.


Angy how was your family reunion?  I just love going to reunions like that, seems there is always family you never get to see unless there is a big gathering like that or a wedding or funerals,  I have a few family members I havnt seen in years we are hoping to get to get to see sometime this year.   Hope your garden does well this time,  I so miss planting a garden this year but we saw no need to since we are moving,  hopefully we can help Jan do a fall garden this year, i really cant wait.


Nutti it sounds like you had a busy day of keeping up with the granddaughter while shopping,  thats always fun I'm sure,  I dont have kids of my own but love keeping my newphew sometimes,  he was such a handful when he was that age but was always a delight to take him shopping and stuff with us.  Congrats on the size,  I know it is a great feeling to get into a size smaller,  there is nothing like it,  keep up the good work.


Traci it sure sounds like the iron thing is giving ya fits,  sure hope you get that all leveled out,  Im only about 19 months out and havnt had any kind of problems so far, hopefully when I get that far out I still dont,  I know its really important to take the vitamins and protein shakes regularly,  I know someone who is about 5 yrs out and is having such health problems cuz she thought it ok to not take her vitamins or a regular basis, now she's paying for it.  Sure hope ya get your iron back on track and all, we'll keep ya in our prayers.


Beverly thats to bad you couldnt find them :(  I know they would of loved to see you,  hopefully next time, i know next time I plan on being there too,  cant wait for it.


Sorry this isnt much of a post really,  Im not that good in knowing what to say but hopefully its a place to start.  Hope everyone has a great day,  stay dry and cool.  Can't wait for Jan to get back so we can all hear how the Picnic went.

Bless ya's


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 6/2/08 2:10 am - pomona, MO
Tks Andrew.....Ohh we had a wonderful time, Beverly so sorry you couldnt find us we were at the covered place where they do the music, only one we could find....we had good food and great talks, everyone looks great, got some good receipes...everyone one was so glad to see everyone else, lots of good hugs..then we toped it off with Doc. H and Margie that was a great meeting also, very helpful. tks  guys love ya all.....vesta


on 6/2/08 2:41 am - Lebanon, MO

Well, another Missouri Monday is here and once again the threat of severe weather hangs over our heads. At least we had a somewhat decent weekend...except for that blow Saturday night anyways. Jason stayed home from church Sunday and got some of the majors knocked out on his list. Our storage unit hs now been emptied...now it's sitting like a hulking monster in my garage waiting to swallow me. It's just too depressing to go out and sort it today, so, I will wait for a day when I eel more up to handling the mess. Can sure tell there is nasty weather moving in today tho. The dogs and the boys are acting like they have been at the loco juice and my usually well behaved eldest needs another good spanking (he's had 2 already) and my usually ornery youngest is being a sweet well behaved little guy today. That only happens when the weather is fixin to break lol. I went to GNC yesterday o see what my protein bullets and cytosport drinks cost there rather then online, and MAN what a savings!!! Having the whole military no tax thing, along with the military 10% off retail plus the GNC preferred customer savings of 20% cuts the best price I found on that stuff by athird. That Cytosport Protein drink is really good...it's like drinking a strong Gatorade and there's no aftertaste either. You get 40 grams of protein per bottle too! It's a nice break from the grape flavoredhog pee of the proteing bullets lol. Well, I have to go track down a puppy. I fear he is desecrating some portion of my floor somewhere or chewing on some valuable family heirloom that the kids haven't yet destroyed. Have a great day everyone!

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 6/2/08 5:17 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Andrew and OH Peeps~

Hi everyone. I want to say CONGRATS to Bev and Donald for having their dates for the surgery. I remember getting my date and feeling sick to my stomach too-as Bev described. I think it was FINALLY the realization that the wait was almost over and the dream of getting the weight off was really going to happen....but then again, because I was waiting for over a yr, I kept waiting for the other shoe to fall and something to happen to ruin the dream-I guess because its something I had remembered wanting ALL of my life-you know? At any rate-the time will fly guys (ecspically Donald-since thats tomorrow-LOL) We will keep you both in our prayers, welcome you to our losers bench-polishing your places right now-and IF either of you have any ?s for us or needs to talk-this is the best place to post and get support, understanding and answers-use us-that is what we are here for and we have been there......your not thinking of anything we havent thought of, been through and can advise you on-even if you think your the only one-your not-I promise!!!

Well, things are the same here. Still miss my daughter. For whomever has asked-she IS already 17 1/2. Will be 18 in January 2009. Like I posted before-the only hope I have of NOT being financially responsible for her until she turns 18 is to have her emancipated. I dont mind helping her with food and such-Im speaking about things like her driving and getting in an accident type thing-would make me responsible and I could be sued over it cause she is under 18. (although I cant report her as a runaway, I can not MAKE her come home and I cannot put her in treatment (without a lot of red tape) because at 17 they are considered an adult. I have called numerous facilities, law and child welfare-it is what it is.

My boys are trying as hard as they can to be good and stay positive. My little guy is probably having the hardest time, due to him not understanding WHY his sissy is gone, and overheard a conversation on the phone about it not being worth slapping the crap out of her and risk losing the boys over her allegations of child abuse because she got slapped across the face last year and swore up and down she wa**** not slapped. Oh well-Jon overheard and now asks several times a day if he is going to be lost too and such - and then, his bestest buddy, Clair-who Mel and Terry were in the process of adopting-got sent back to her scum ball biological mother and Jon doesnt understand and is very upset about it. SO, he has dealt with 2 loses of persons this week (along with the rest of us) but his age keeps him from fully comprehending and so he is acting out a lot more this week.

My hubby, bless his heart-got a sitter for the boys Saturday night (my oldest daughter and hubby) and he picked me up and said he had a suprise for me. He had a duffle bag packed and a cooler and all the fixings for camping! He took me up to Stockton Lake. We got there about midnite and I wanted to go fishing first-so we were fishing and one of Mikes racing buddies was already up there. So we fished and got stuck in one of the worst storms I have ever been in the middle of-shelter or not, it was lighting and cracking and popping that makes you jump-even the guys were jumping. Well-our tent was soaked (along with all the other campers there) and a lot of people were going to the shelters at 2-3 am due to the storm. It was rough. Anyway, after the storm, Mike was just going to pack the Suburban and come on home and I asked if we could just fish a little more-I was finally relaxing and gave us a chance to talk and be alone. We just had his vacation, but no alone time whatsoever. We have a lot to talk about and catch up on and he knows I am pretty devastated over the whole thing with my daughter-which he is too-but he cant stand the thought of her putting her hands on me and he worries about what will happen next-and he just doesnt like it. I cant protect myself against her without getting in trouble-but I can call the sheriff if she ever puts her hands on me again. Anyway-it was really nice of him to do that. My heart really wasnt in it-but I appreciated what he tried to do for me.

I got excited last night because I had a call from the friend Stephanie is staying with. One missed call. No message though. I sent a message telling her that I was in the house now and when she had time to please call me back if she still needed/wanted to talk to me. In the meantime my mom calls and says she just got off the phone with Stephanie and that she thinks that she wants to try and work it out to come home. Im pretty confused right now about that-but I was glad she wanted to talk to me. I was excited. Well, I get the call from her-and the only thing she kept doing was telling me how upset she is about my oldest daughter getting into it with her and that I better tell Megan to mind her own business and that Megan told her friend that she hit me, and she didnt hit me....she physically did not HIT me. She just twisted my arm until my elbow popped trying to get her phone from me-and then just kept banging into me with her body, like ramming me-so she is right, she never HIT me-she just laid her hands ON me and bullied me. I had to correct Megan. The WHOLE conversation was how I LET Megan choke her and so on and she is thinking about pressing charges against her. I was like, Steph, "I" was the one who took Megan off you. I did NOT tell her to do it, nor did I ask her to-she didnt care-thats all she kept complaining about-so after the 5th time of me saying I would speak to my oldest daughter and tell her NOT to call her friend OR text her-no more contact with Steph whatsoever- at least 5 times of saying that, I was starting to get mad-cause she just kept on and on and on....I finally just said- Is there something "I" can personally talk to you about thats between you and I? I cant control Megan anymore than I can control you. I said I would talk to her, but thats obviously not good enough, so if you dont want to talk about anything else...(pause) She said-Ok, goodbye and hung up. I just sat and bawled. Guess I thought she was going to be happy to talk to me. Not just sit and chew on me about her older sister. She said she isnt going to stand for anyone being mean to her best friend or her best friends mom. Period. Geez, I guess thats how my oldest daughter feels about me. She knew I couldnt slap steph across the face, so when Steph started shoving her like she did me-Megan lost it and it was on.......and I always thought Megan was a sort of wussy, the way she acts and HATES any kind of confrontation......but, I tell you-she can protect herself. Steph is a good 6 inches taller and all-and it didnt matter in the end.

I just want to take a second to say thanks for everyone sending and saying prayers for us. I really appreciate you. Thanks for those who have sent me personal emails and those who have replied to my post-It means a lot to me to have your support and prayers. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am going to get off here and go relax. I am not feeling too hot today. Feel blah, like an eeyore day here. At any rate-you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and have a good day. Love, Janet

P.S. Andrew-thanks for doing the post for Jan and we are REALLY glad to see you actively on the board again-we really missed you alot.

on 6/2/08 5:30 am - Friedheim, MO
Thanks for starting the post today Andrew!   The Family Reunion was great.  I got to see family that I only get to see at this reunion every year.  One of my cousins had RNY several years back so I talked to her ALOT.  She is very proud that I am having surgery.  I am too!  Andrew I really enjoy the garden.  I never thought I would have a garden (too much work).  But it is just so rewarding!  To be able to go out & pick a REAL tomato (not one that tastes like cardboard) or cucumbers, peppers. . . and sweetcorn is the best!  (although I'm not supposed to have this anymore because of diabetes)  I used to absolutely HATE helping with the greenbeens when I was a kid, but now I love it.  Green beens are probably one of my favorite things to work up from the garden now. --  We can a lot of tomato juice(probably 150 qts or so every year)  we make salsa  it is sssooooo good, I think it's way better than what you can buy in the store.  & I usually freeze my green beens, corn and ocra.   I watched mom do all of this when I was young, and the past few years, she has been teaching me.  I love it.   With the way gas and grocery prices are going up, we will probably make our garden much bigger next year. Hope everyone has a great day!!!   love ya all!!!   Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Debbie M.
on 6/2/08 6:23 am, edited 6/2/08 9:11 am - Harrisonville, MO

Hey All.... Sorry I didn't make it to the picnic Sunday! I started the antibiotics for the leak in my incision and it caused problems somewhere else....I'm sure most of you that have had to take antibiotics in the past know what I'm talking about and with the radiation I had a few weeks ago...well, it ain't helping the situation. I just told David to put the money back and that we would use it in September for that get together...hopefully, it is still on! ANDREW...it was nice for you to step up for Jan...I hope she is enjoying her little get away! We have had storms here all day, this is the first chance I had to get online without taking the chance of losing my computer to lighting. JANET...didn't know your girl was that old...sorry, I thought she was only 16. My brain hasn't been working right since I got sick. Please know that I unsderstand and will keep the situation in my prayers, mainly praying peace for you! JAN...yes, I'm told that if you have to have cancer, thyroid cancer is the one to get. If I had my choice, I'd rather not have any type of cancer! With all the research I have done since the diagnoses, I have found though that it usually comes back...maybe in 6 months, maybe not for 10 years but somewhere, sometime it does raise it's ugly head again. I'm praying for the 10 years or longer! Right now, I'm real nervous about every little bump or knot I find but my Dr has told me that with time, I will get better about it. She says that I will learn what the bloodwork and scans mean and what is good and what is bad and that I will find some peace in that. I told her that I couldn't deal with any of it right now and that the Lord has taken it over. He will give it back to me when He thinks I'm ready! She just smiled! David says, I'm a tough ol bird and that I can handle a lot more than what I think I can. I told him, we will see! Told him I can't die yet anyway, I have no idea how I would explain it to my grandson, Timothy. Right now, I'm his world and I couldn't break his heart that way...I HAVE to more on! Well, time for the Hubby to get home so I need to start supper. Talk tomorrow! You all have a great evening!! Love & Prayers, Deb M

Tammy H.
on 6/2/08 7:13 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall.... Meant to post a bit earlier but we had one heck of a storm....And no warning at all...I was in the pool with the Princess and all the sudden a giant clap of thunder roared thru and scared us both.... Was busy all weekend and didn't get a chance to post....I had a great weekend with the princess!!!( my grand-daughter)....Her dad brought her Sat afternoon and we were out back in the yard....I got in the pool to cool off a bit then got out and helped Joe mow....And guess what....I MOWED MOST ALL OF OUR YARD ON THE RIDING LAWN MOWER!!!! Always before I was pretty much to fat to fit on it and motivate my feet and legs like I needed too.....I had a BLAST!!!!! I was riding thru the yard yelling woooo hooooo ...yeeee hawwww.....LMBO!!!!! Isn't it crazy at the lil things that can thrill us at times lol lol lol..... The Princess showed up while I was mowing so I let papaw take over the mowing and we came in the house to change her clothes so she could get in the pool.....It turned out to be a wonderful day....I enjoyed our time in the pool so much all I could do is SMILE and GIGGLE with her!!!! Kinda brought back memories of when my kids were little.... Janet....Know your feeling at a loss on what to do for or about Steph...Don't give up hope....Praying hard for you and the whole family!! Mel...Your in my prayers as well girl....Wish I knew something to say to fill the void I know both u girls are feeling right now..... Hope you all will take a sec to check out my post on the Bootheel WL Buddies Support group....I am so excited that we have a meeting place and that we might even be growing.... Please say a lil prayer that things will go good for us and that I will be a good leader for the group. Angy..Im looking forward to meeting you too....I too hope we have a great time.... Brend....Praying for you to..I hope your recovery is going well and your back on your feet soon.... Seems we are in for some more storms so guess I have to run... I hope you all are having a great Monday... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

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