sedalia picnic
The girls and I had a really great time. I really enjoyed meeting and talking to everyone. It is wonderful to be able to put a person to whom you are posting with all the time. It was great sharing stories. Beverly I wish we would have known what you drove we would have stood out there and flagged you down. I wish I could have met you too. Maybe next time. Layla
Oh! Layla it was great meeting you and the others as well. I know you and the girls were getting tired. I bet you didn't have to rock either of them or yourself to sleep last night. I would like to meet with you again, maybe we can grab a bite to eat some night your in town. BTW you look great and wouldn't of ever believed you had been heavy at all. I hope the others all made it home safe I know they had some long drives ahead of them.
Nice meeting everyone and hugs.