Jan C.
on 5/31/08 4:49 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We will be leaving in a little while to go to Sedalia for the picnic, I hope a lot of people show up….Im anxious to see the people up in that area and some that aren’t. Like myself and Vesta.

While im thinking of it has anyone heard anything from Brenda? I hope she is doing ok.


Well it sure was hot and muggy out yesterday. I spent the day out back of the rental house under the big ole shade tree out there. Taking the handles off the old cabinets. Will see if I can clean them up and use them . They look nice just dirty. And it will save some money. New hardware for cabinets is very very expensive. Usually about 3 dollars a piece and a lot of them lots more.


Im really excited about meeting some new people today and seeing ones I have met before too.

Oh something I forgot to tell everyone is bring you a lawn chair to sit on in case we don’t have enough benches or seating . besides you know how uncomfortable those benches are.

You should see the peach trees out front of the rental they are so loaded down with peaches we had to put something under one of the limbs because it looked like it was about to break…there was a pair of crutches in the shed so used one of them lol

Have a crippled tree.



JANET::::Im so sad for you , I know it hurts all that you are going thru. But God is with you sweetie, and you know we are with you in prayers and thought.


That is so sad that courts will do that to children, now if they wind up really hurt or sick they don’t even feel bad about it. If something happens to those kids , if I were Mel and Terry I would sue the judge …wonder if you can do that. ???But they should be held responsible for their actions too don’t you think?


Oh that is too bad that Jon heard you on the phone, that feeling must have scared him, love him lots and hopefully he will forget.

That sounds like a great idea to get away for a while and away from the situation.

Get totally out of it .

Will continue to pray for you and Steph too.

Love and hugs





AMY::::: no don’t think I could handle a dog right now.not a puppy anyway.


That is cute planting all of your vines togethere lol. Will just have to guess wont you?

Maybe before long you will know when they start producing. I just cant feature your garden in a month or so. Lol




TRACIE:::: is there not something that you can take all the time and not get so bad?

Now quit being so busy and wearing yourself out. can you not take an iron shot once a week as a preventive?




ANDREW:::::  Im glad it is you moving and not me lol

I hate to move. Guess I will be where we are planted.

Yes we are BOB The Builder. Lol just don’t have all the tools he has.


That is ok about the phone number , I don’t know what I could do but could stop in and see about him once in a while until you get here.


I drank so much water today that I think my eyes were floating. I just needed more and more.





DEBBIE   M::::::::so very happy that you are doing ok. The doctor says so . Now we want to see you today at the park, on the motorcycle. Ok?

I have read and read all sorts of things on that type of cancer you had because they thought I might have the same thing here while back , and from what I read once they surgeryly remove it , it is gone.


Old ladies????not me, I can do so much now that I have lost so much weight that I feel like a kid , and you know the web site  REAL AGE…..when I take their test it says im really 12 years younger than I really am lol . and I feel like it and ever younger.


Will expect to see you today at the Park. And yes Vesta will be there,

Semi head count is on the board but several I know of that are coming haven’t answered. And on there.





ANGY:::::your garden must have got too much rain or you planted and then we had some cold weather ? it really wasn’t safe to plant till really late this year. My beans that I planted last week are up about 4 inches tall now.

Well did you ever get out there and help your hubby with the garden. Wish I was there I could give you some pretty tomato plants. I am takeing some to the picnic to see if anyone needs some. They are getting really big and pretty.











on 5/31/08 10:38 pm - Lebanon, MO
Lol, I wish my husband would LET me get rid of that puppy. He IS cute, but, i just think 1 dog is enough. Yeah, my little "melon" patch will be interesting. I wanted to plant all my vined stuff together so as to make things easier. I have it all spread out along a line, but, we'll see what happens. I'm kind of in trasition with my garden spots. The place wher Ihave my maters is where I will have either blueberry or rose bushes next year, the melon patch will become the mater bed and then I will have to dig up a new spot for my melons. I keep hoping the water company will get the lawsuit over with he sewer contractor so that I can get off septic and onto mainline, then I can put my melon patch over near where the laterals are and it will be out of sight. Today is church day and I am taking the kids to church by myself. With Jason working all last weekend, late hours all week and then working yesterday too, his "chore" list is miles long. So, he is skipping church and staying home to chip away at it. Time to go get ready now. Have a great day all.

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 6/1/08 12:43 am - Friedheim, MO

Good morning everyone!  Looks like a beautiful morning.   We have a family reunion today.  I can't wait to see all the family I haven't seen since last year.      Jan, We waited until until later to plant the garden, but we had those couple of cold spells, so I guess that's what happened.  Hopefully they come up this time, if not we'll have to give up for the year.         Janet, I'm still praying for you.  Hopefully you're able to relax a little this weekend and recoop from your surgery.   Take care of yourself!   love ya girl!           Skyler has a friend over & I gotta get them up & going to get ready for the reunion.  We're all going to ride w/mom & dad to try to save some gas.     Hope everyone has a great day.    Love ya all!   Angy   


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
Andy W.
on 6/1/08 12:52 am - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning All,

Hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday so far.  I can't believe its June already, this year is going by so fast.  It's gonna be a busy month for us with moving and all,  we are still hoping we can take the fil up on the 12th when we go visit Jan so we can get him settled in the nursing home up there,  he is real excited about going too.   I hope the picnic in Sedalia turns out nice,  I really wish I could of gone but with moving and all its just not possible with the gas prices so high, but I will sure be going next time there is something up there.  

Jan I know what you mean about moving, I really hate it too so I really hope your prepared to have long term tennants cuz we are there to stay.   I hope your time in Sedalia went good, next time we'll be able to go too.  The packing is slowly but surely coming along,  things seem to be coming out of the woodwork, ai yi yi  lol

Angy are ya sure you dont wanna come and help us  lol  I'll be sure to bend my knee's when lifting,  I've been there done that on the back thing, sure dont wanna be down right now  lol Thanks for the advice  :P.

Well I gotta get to Sunday School,  have a blessed day everyone.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 6/1/08 3:48 am

Helllooooo Mo    what a good day to stay home and hide from the weather...I do hope those in Sedalia are spared what we have been getting all morning!  I spent yesterday in the KC area. I went and decorated my grandparents grave in Excelsior Springs and one of my BFF ...she died at age 22 from complications from spina bifida....she is in Orrick its been awhile since I had been to my grandfathers but now that my gram is also there and I CAN go now. from Carthage we took my mom, my daughter and my granddaughter...we met up with my mom's mother and one of her sisters...we all had lunch at Perkins in Liberty. and a nice visit at my grans. it was sunshine most of the day and HUMID but my mother insisted on going shopping ...I wasnt thrilled...had the 3 yr old granddaughter with us....so Pixie and I sat in the shoes while mom and Catriona shopped.... once they made their way to where we were Catie found a couple of things for me...like a pair of jeans with embrodery down the legs!!! and a size 22...mom bought them for me along with 2 shirts...I made out like a bandit and all I did was sit and entertain the Pixianator. oh and when I tried on the 22's...they fit....weird how different stores carry same sizes but fit differently....so from wal-marts I am officially a size 24 but at the dressbarn it was size 22 I have never been in the DB in Joplin.....guess I will be going there more often....oh and my jeans were on sale...from 49.99 to 18..something! so happy girls left the store. my Aunt and gran were very excited to see me....I havent seen them since I went up in Oct. my laundry room has been getting a remodel this first week of unemployment for the Dean. it looks real good Im very pleased...I hope he wraps it up today and starts working on the pool as soon as the weather permits. he did already dump 2 shocks into the water to get it started...now have to do the dipping of the leaves and cleaning and/or patching the liner as needed. usually takes a good 2 days to get it all cleaned out and ready for fill up and swimming. wanted to buy a new liner but not this yr...he will just have to patch it and worry about it another yr.   we have decided to paint the house as he does the general repairs he has put off since we moved in....LOL....he has always worked 6 and 7 day weeks...so not enough time to keep up the mundane things like paint and repairs while making memories with the kids and working...so now he gets to play catchup! and I get to WORK!...secretly I like being able to work and give him this time to be home and enjoy what he has worked so hard all these yrs to earn!  and already he talks about looking for another job....LOL  well Im off here...going to go find a book and jump back in bed for a read and a nap....Im pooped from all the driving yesterday and got to work in the morning! Have a great day! nutti





Traci K.
on 6/1/08 3:59 am - Sullivan, MO
Good afternoon!!! Boy - we went from winter to summer, at least with temps.  I know I had the heat going within the past month, and now - it's HOT and HUMID!  Whew!! Jan:  the issue with iron is that as post-ops, we have a very hard time absorbing iron at all.  I'm just about 4 years out, and only within this past year have I started having a problem.  Not sure why - but this time-frame seems to be extremely common in post-ops.  I have taken an iron supplement since Day ONE after my surgery.  I have always taken them.  Then my ferritin started dropping and that's what is giving me problems:  not my hemoglobin and hematocrit - those levels are actually well within normal range.  It's the ferritin, which is indicative of how the body is storing iron, that's my problem.   My ferritin bottoming out is what triggered my heart attack.  So serious stuff!  After my last infusion, I was taken 10-12 carbonyl iron tablets PER DAY!  And it still wouldn't hold that ferritin.  The infusions honestly are better and easier, IMHO, than taking a handful of pills every day (that ultimately don't work, or work as well, for me).  Okay, why would iron supplements work? (I'm sure you're asking )  I did some research on that (you know me - that's what I do!  LOL)  And discovered that when we take in iron, the majority of that is absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine and much lesser amounts are absorbed further down in the small intestine.  We don't have that upper part of the small intestine any longer!!!!   For the average proximal RNY post-op, we lose about 5 FEET of the upper part of the small intestine.  FIVE FEET!!  That's a lot, and that's all parts where nutrients and such were meant to be absorbed.  So what little bit we have left, isn't always enough length (thus, not enough time) for food/nutrients  to travel down through the small intestine, breaking down and absorbing.  We can absorb some iron, just not always enough or what we need to.  I guess some post-ops may have more small intestine that others, so even if their doctor removed 5 feet, they may have more small intestine left remaining than others.  There's no exact length that everyone has - it varies; the average is about 22 feet, but it can vary as much as 4-7 feet!!  So some are left with more than others; thus some have more length left to absorb more nutrients, even as a post-op. This is just another reason why YMMV (your mileage may vary) as a post-op, because our bodies are all a little different and some absorb things better than others.  No matter what - no matter how great you're feeling now, you still need to take those supplements every day and drink your protein shakes every day; because all who had RNY will and do malabsorb.  Well, gotta go let the pack (6 dogs) back in and give them lunch.  Have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY  7/27/04
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