Jan C.
on 5/30/08 3:40 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Another day of work ,work ,work. Boy if anyone is bored and don’t have anything to do. Come see me. Got lots you could do. Lol but be sure and wear old grubby clothes ok?

This is hard physical dirty work. We got most all of the cabinets torn out now have some flooring to repair and moving where the sink was at, it was backed up into the corner , really hard to get too.

    So even tho the cabinets were really well built they were all arranged in a hodgepodge way that you couldn’t get into or anything and so tall that you would have to be 7 ft tall to be able to use them. Im really anxious to get the new ones bought and in place. We may go tomorrow and get some of the stuff that we need. Like all of the bathroom stuff, I love going to Lowes. My favorite store. But I sure can get carried away in there and spend lots of money anytime I am there. Lol I really need a guard dog to follow me around and make me leave some of the stuff alone lol.


Today , Saturday, we plan on fixing the floor in the kitchen under where the sink was needs repairing and getting every thing set up to put up new cabinets. Lot of stuff to level and such. Also plan on new kitchen light over where sink will be.


Got quite a pile of stuff to care off today to the Fire Station Resale shop. Leftover furniture, dishes, etc etc. That will make a big difference to get that all out of the way.

We will haul that all over there in the morning. Then hopefully one day next week will get all this metal hauled off too. The amount we have we should get about 200 dollars for it. , maybe anyway hope so.




BEV:::::sounds like you have some people that don’t want to hire service people huh?

That new Y will be great and hope you get lots of use out of it.

Yeah I don’t think they will send someone to your house to offer you work do you? If they do let me know I would like to fine a job like that , they probably will come and bring your weekly check to you too. Lol

Yeah I have had some Celebrity tomatoe plants too. I think that was the ones that did so great a couple of years ago.

Yep tomatos love the sun. wont hurt that it gets a little shade in the late evening. Just like to have lots of sun to put on tomatoes.

Well you have a packed house don’t you? 5 doggies??? Wow.

Be sure and get your vits and get back on them NOW!!!! Ok?



AMY::::: did you have the surgery yet? The one to remove the 2year old from the hip and was it successful?

Wow 50 pounds in 8weeks , when have you ever done that before???? Really .

So sorry the gall bladder is acting up.it isnt abnormal for patients that loose lots of weight in a few months. Just arrange to have it taken out, your wls can do it if he will.

Don’t worry about eating right now just get in your protein by your vial of stuff , you need to drink two of them a day to get it all in. and remember your water.

Take care and go arrange to have that gall bladder out before it get any worse. They will and you wont believe the pain they can cause.





TAMMY-AMMY::::I use to be hot natured all the time but now I freeze all the time but the last two days I have sweated…and I mean sweated. Nothing dainty or feminine about the way I was it was running in my eyes. Lol

My feet stay cold all the time too. I started doing all of the freezing stuff when I starte losing weight. Didn’t take long either about a week and I was cold, another thing that the surgery has done for me lol …anyway if you are worried about it being clogged arteries then you should go have it checked. I have been checked up , down and backwards for different things. And Im great except for Arthritis. I think my pcp is bumfuseled because of my age and im healthy as a horse.

Glad your nephew is finally home. Hope he has learned how easy it is to be locked up and ruin your life.




BEC:::::hey my friend Bec wins the prize for telling me what my plant was lol thanks Bec. Appreciate it. I knew that as soon as you told me but I couldn’t not for the life of me think of it. Lol

Oh if any of you wonder it was a Heilotrope. They smell like Vanilla and have beautiful purple flowers.


Unhuh had to do some stuff to show Paul you hadn’t been goofing off all week huh? As if you could . You are sort of like me and don’t sit still too long. Mine is a defensive motion tho , if I sit still too long my knees and back get real stiff and I cant walk well so I figure that if Im going to be up anyway I might as well be doing something.

Did you all have rain yesterday??? We didn’t just the humidity is 99% lol

That is one of my favorite stations. HGTV love all of their shows.




ANDREW:::::: hello bro .so how is the packing going? Hope you have heard from the nursing home and can bring fil up on the 12 , like you said that way you will have him all sit and not have to worry about moving him at the end of the month when you all do. Will be better on everyone. If you are able to do that and you need someone locally for them to call if something happens or they need someone there quick you could put down my number if you want to. Just till you all get moved up …

At least with the heat I don’t have any problems in getting down water. Today I drank 8  of 16 oz bottles. Lol got to guzzling didn’t I.

I am getting really excited for you all to get moved up here too. Lots to do ,lots to do. Lol

Don’t want you all to be disappointed in the house.








on 5/30/08 6:34 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

What an emotional day I had today. I think I cried until later in the afternoon and then just went numb. Dont think I have any more tears in there now......

Went to the doc and everything good so far. They said I looked really tired and asked if I had gotten sleep-and I just told them that we had a family situation and I wasnt taking it too well. He told me to try and relax and I will see him again next week. Aaron drove the boys and I today all over-LOL....I think he was beside himself trying to figure out how to make me quit crying and trying to keep the boys entertained.

Mike was going to cancel his race tonite and I said no-go. I knew he needed to get his mind off of it too-and that he wasnt taking it much better than me, just isnt going to let me see how much it bothers him. He is still angry that she handled me that way. So anyway, I ended up with Megan and Aaron while he was racing so they could keep an eye on me. They were working in the office at the motel for my parents-they went to Branson for a couple of days.......anyway-I got to answer the phone a couple of times-LOL-that was the extent of my evening. When I went over to the office-it was to get on the computer and play a game my mom has on her computer that I love (online game) but I cant remember the name of it. Mike really wanted me to go watch him race-but it was so humid and yucky outside-I didnt want to be out there. Am not feeling so hot. I am still nauseated, alot. This morning I had HORRIBLE gas-and no-the gas x didnt help with that this morning-and then the scale said I gained almost 6# in 2 days? Yeah-I dont think thats from eating.....no, I know its from bloating and all of that. I do.

I finally got a chance to find out from Mel what happened at court today. They had to give BOTH kids back. The biological mom who signed off ALL her rights to BOTH kids-got on the witness stand and said that she doesnt know how to read or write and thats how come she signed her rights away, she didnt know what she was signing (wow!) Mel and Terry had a letter that she had written them 2 weeks ago and left on their porch, but that didnt matter. Please join me in praying for all of them. For Mel and Terry, but ecspically for Claire and Adrian. They are the ones who are really going to have a hard time right now-trying to adjust and unfortunately-their biological parents are about the worst there is, and didnt take care of them before-doubt they will now. My heart is absolutely breaking now. None of them are allowed to have ANY contact with the others-family or not-and they actually called Mel and Terrys house already the same night. I just know that those kids are so confused and Adrian, he gets so fussy when he isnt at home-they are not going to be able to handle it. Anyway-I need to change the subject-because my heart is breaking for them and the situation. I do know how they feel on some level.......

My little guy-the 5 yr old-he overheard me talking to the county and childrens services today and he overheard me ask (to verify it WAS what I was hearing, because I couldnt believe my ears!!) them-so let me get this straight, if Stephanie comes to my home in 2-3 days and I dont allow her to move back in, you can arrest myself and my husband for child neglect and you can take my sons out of my home until the investigation is complete-they said yes ma'am.....So, pretty much, Steph can do what she wants, because they claim she is an adult-and Mike and I have to sit and worry about losing our sons depending on how we react to her? Ok-so Jon is now asking if we are going to "lose" him and he freaks out if he cant see me or doesnt know where I am...he yells and yells Mommy, Mommy.......oh, I thought you were gone. Im glad your still here. Am I going to be lost? Who is going to take me? Oh, I feel so bad-I didnt even know he was standing there listening. I was taking notes and he had been in the other room with his brother.

We are going to be packing the stuff in her room up and I am going to let her have her stuff. Im sure that will be another rough day for me-but Megan and my mom said they would help-but I think that I will have them watch the boys and I will do this on my own. Not lifting anything heavy of course-but to just get organized and all of that. Have a lot to do anyway with the sale coming up. We figure we will do that in 2 weeks-and then whatever money we make from our sale-the boys and I will be going to MN with my mom for a couple of weeks. That will be nice and the boys love the zoo they have up there and they love to fish, so they will have a blast.

To top everything else off-Grandma Vera-her beloved dog died. She said Missy was her best friend and has been her companion for 8 yrs since her hubby died. Her family got Missy for her 2 weeks after her husband passed away so she wouldnt be lonely. Grandma isnt doing very good at all. Megan is going to offer her her dog-the one she was going to sell-but she is going to offer it to Grandma for free-and if Grandma doesnt want that one-Aarons brothers dog-a Golden Retriever (purebred beauty) just had 9 pups and they are ready to be adopted-and so they will offer her one of them if she wants.

Thank you, everyone-for the positive thoughts, the sharing of hell raising teen years and the prayers. I really appreciate it all. I am so glad I have a place to go where people love and care for one another and can share. It means a lot to me to have all of you. Thank you. Love, Janet

on 5/30/08 9:56 pm - Lebanon, MO
Hello All, Anyone want a dog? 12 weeks old, pretty much housetrained, doesn't chew or shed, absolutely free! I let my husband get a second dog and I think someone should have had me locked in the nutward. I HATE this dog. He's cute, he's elatively well bhaved (he's a puppy afterall), but, I cannot STAND this dog. I love my little schnauzer girl and this stupid mutt just ain't cutting it with me. Well now, with that off my chest, how's everyone today? I had my folks over for supper last night and had a great time. Dad came back down from Nebraska cause they have been rained out all week. Sure could us some prayers in that department. Dad REALLY wants to move down here, but, he can't unless he finds a job. If he doesn't he'll be stuck there another 3.5, 4 years until he retires. I feel pretty bad about it since they bought the house down here to be near me and the boys. Anyways, he has some job apps in, but, there's been no takers so far.  Jan, I didn't manage to get the surgery in, but, a little crowbar action and some fire managed to pop him off lol. I'm sure he'll be right back in the same spot once he wakes up. Luckily I know some magic words that peel him off. Offering food or play outside seems to work every time. Well, today I must plant my moss roses and get my mountains of laundry folded. The hub has to work AGAIN (mutter mutter profanity mutter) so getting my storage shed emptied out is out the winow again. I will just have to putter around here and maybe go over and help the folks I guess. BTB, here's a funny, I planted watermelon, pumpkin, and cucumbers all in a patch together and they're all spouting, but, THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!!!!! Jason and I are joking that it's a case from the garden scene of "Second Hand Lions" when he plants all these diffrent veggies and they end up all being corn. Only prblem with that is I KNOW I plantd different seeds lol. So, will be interesting to see what happens. Well, I am going to go enjoy my last few moments of pace before the terrordactyls awaken. Have a good day everyone! Amy

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Jan C.
on 5/30/08 10:14 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Amy my grandmother used to say::: when they are young they walk on your feet , but when they are grown they walk on your heart.   So enjoy the feet stomping as long as you can.



on 5/31/08 10:09 am - Lebanon, MO
My 2 boys are the light of my life and the bane of my existnce and I wouldn't trade either of them for anything...unless someone wanted to borrow them for a couple hours, I'd be okay with that lol.

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Traci K.
on 5/31/08 12:09 am - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone! I'm starting to feel better from my infusions - just 2 more to go.  YAY!!  I also got that huge web site done, so feel great about that too!  Today I have grocery shopping to do, need to run and get some dog food and boatloads of laundry.  We rented some movies last night, so I'll probably watch movies while I'm folding clothes - or something equally as exciting as that!   Have a great day!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Andy W.
on 5/31/08 1:24 am - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning Y'all,

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  Its another warm day here, I just got back from getting a car load of boxes, by the looks of things you'd think we were moving or something  lol.  We've started tossing things that are no good, giving a few things away that we wont use,  its unreal how much stuff you can collect in such a short time, stuff I look at now and wonder why in the world I even kept it  lol. 

Jan it really sounds like you and Joe are busy builders, sounds like the kitchen was cabinets were arranged for a giant person or something lol  I know when its all said and done the house is gonna be so nice.  We'll be sure to bring our old work clothes when we come up on the 12th sounds like there's gonna be plenty to do,  just can't wait for it to get here.  We havnt heard from the nursing home yet,  hopefully monday, the home here prolly didnt get everything faxed til yesterday, we are anxious to hear from them so we can get the ball rolling.  We told the FIL that we are moving and he seems to be excited about it, he kept saying to be sure not to forget him, silly man.  I told Susan to be sure to give the home there your number, thanks so much for that, it'll put her mind at ease while he is there and us here.  I know what ya mean about drinking alot, i've been drinking more then my share of water in this heat, I just have to watch that I dont drink it to fast, it upsets the pouch some.  You dont have to worry about us being dissappointed in the house, we know its a work in progress, we are just so excited about moving there we cant wait.

Well I better get busy, got a couple errands to run and need to finish studying my sunday school lesson,  Im teaching this week.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Janet I'll sure keep you and your family in our prayers, tell Mel I said hi and she's in my prayers too,  just remember no matter what God IS in control.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Debbie M.
on 5/31/08 2:17 am - Harrisonville, MO
Morning All.... First off....doc said the incision is nothing to worry about, just some stitches spitting up. She is putting me on some antibiotics for a couple of weeks, then she will see me again. The lump under the incision is scare tissue, thank the Lord! As far as the cancer, everything is looking good so far. She said she can't promise me that it won't come back somewhere, someday but for now, I'm good! JANET...Honey, I really wish I had some words of wisdom for you but my unruley daughter can still be a pain in the butt and she's almost 30. She never laid hands on me but I think she knew I would of put her threw a wall, if she had....I'm a no nonsense type person! My hubby and I raised our children like they needed to be, to you know where with the rules! No one was going to tell us how to raise our kids! We figured if we busted one of their butts for something they did and they turned us in....we would pay the fines, do the counseling but that that kid better be ready for us when we got back because they knew that they would have hell to pay...we got our bluff in early and pretty much kept them in line with it. Don't get me wrong, our kids had all the love and support in the world, we would of laid our lives down for them but we weren't putting up with any crap and they knew it. Our daughter for some reason just thinks she's a princess and needs to be treated as such. We don't buy into it and we treat her like we always have, no matter what she thinks. She is finally starting to come around though, with her third child on the way. We just sit back and smile tho because her daughter acts just like her and she's only 2!!  I know the laws are ridiculous now and we really wish the people that made these new rules would look at what it's doing to our kids and society but they won't, until it's too late! Please know that you and your situation are in our prayers!! I know shes just 16 and 18 looks to be a longggggggg time away but really it isn't and someday she will become a Mother (hopefully years from now) and you will have every right to spoil them rotten and then send them home to her!  Sweet Justice!! Just know in your heart that you have raised her to the best of your ability. Know that she knows, right from wrong and no matter what she says to you, your hubby, friends and family....you have instilled in her the goodness that has come from you and look at what a beautiful person you are...you don't think she has seen that? She may not admit to it now but I guarantee that child sees it in you, just like all of us do! Try not to dwell on what's going on with her right now...try to look for "the brighter future" in her and in your life as well!! Hang in there Mom, it will get better! Love you!! MEL...I hope and pray things are getting better for you as well! I have been reading and trying to keep up. Try to remember that GOD is in control and the courts have to see that you guys are the better parents! I pray your health is getting better as well! JAN...be careful with all the stuff your doing, don't let yourself get burned out or ran down! It's easy to do with us "older ladies"...lol Thanks for caring and keeping me in your prayers...I need all the help I can get both mentally as well as physically! I am trying to get better and stay better...I really am! We are really thinking about coming to Sedalia Sunday, we will just have to wait and see! VESTA....Did I read that you are coming to Sedalia? I sure hope, if we make it there I sure would like to see you there! How many people from the board are coming? Can we do a head count?  JAN...would you put that on your "What's Happening" post? Well, I'm outta here for awhile. I'm gonna get outside and see what I can do for the great outdoors....lol Love & Prayers, to All...Deb M

on 5/31/08 3:56 am - pomona, MO
yes Deb. I plan t be there, I am so glad you are doing good, and I cant wait to see you....vesta


on 5/31/08 3:16 am, edited 5/31/08 5:33 am - Friedheim, MO
Good afternoon everyone!   Not sure if I wrote this in my post yesterday, but I stopped by the psychiatrist's office yesterday on our way back home to get my psych eval fixed & they were not in.  So you know where I will be bright & early Monday morning.  lol   I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO BE A LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!   And to be on the losers bench!   Oh what a wonderful life!!!        Jan, nothing ever came up in our garden except lettuce & radishes.  We went to town early this morning and got what we could in plants & the rest in seed to redo the garden.  What a pain!  Lynn worked his booty off out there all for nothing.   He is tilling everything except the 2 rows that came up & we will be out there most of the day.       Andrew,  Lord I remember collecting boxes for moving.  I don't envy you for moving but it is so exciting to get into a new house.  And to be able to join the COF group.  That is so wonderful.  Remember to be carefull lifting all of those boxes - lift with the knees, not your back. lol  you don't need a bad back.    I don't know how in the world we collect so much stuff over such a short time, but I am pretty good at that too.  I am going to go through our house from top to bottom before my surgery & get rid of anything we don't need.       Janet, girl, I am praying for you and your family.  Hoping your daughter will come to her senses.  You are a WONDERFUL person.  Please do not ever doubt that or doubt what kind of a mom you are.  You love your family wholeheartidly & have done the best you could possibly do.  That is all anyone could ever ask or expect.  One day she will realize what she has done & what a huge mistake she has made treating her momma like that.  I never got physical with my mom, but I do regret treating her the way I did at times.  I was just a stupid kid & thaught I knew it all.            Tammy~ammy - I don't know what I was thinking last week.  I for some reason thaught our meeting was this weekend.  lol  silly me.  attack of the brain fart I guess!  I will call you a few days before & make sure everything is still on.     Christine - How are you doing girl?  are you on pureed yet?  Pureed food sounds really gross, but hey, we gotta do, what we gotta do.  Is it hard or do you have to make yourself eat?               I guess I should get out to the garden before Lynn comes looking for me.   I hope everyone has a good weekend.         ~Angy


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