~Asking for prayers~Have a heavy heart right now~

on 5/30/08 5:39 am - Diamond, MO

Hello Dear Friends of mine,

I have gotten a lot of calls, emails and texts asking how surgery went. I am okay, everything went fine. I do, however, have to make a trip up to Columbia the middle of this month to see Dr. Suttmoeller and they will be scoping my pouch. I had to have a scan 3 weeks ago-and my ulcers on the staple line caused concern for my surgeon and since he is not specialized in the area of bariatrics, his office called them to get me in......Please pray for me. I WISH that was ALL I was dealing with right now, but unfortunately, it is not. What I am about to tell you is WHY you didnt hear from me or my family right away.

On Weds, my daughter, Stephanie came home from 3 nights at her friends house. She informed me that Friday they were having a party, and it would be starting out at Olive Garden and ending up at the Bridge. I asked her about her job-because her boss had informed her only 2 weeks prior that after her vacation, that if she requested anymore time off-he would remove her from the schedule all together, due to her requesting a day off every week (and she only worked Fri and Sat nights and an occasional Sun afternoon or Weds evening) Anyway-for over 2 months she took one day off-at least-and he said no more....Well, I asked her about that-and she got very defensive. I said-cant you do it a different night since you work and you will lose your job if you take that time off? She said no. I said yes, we have a car sitting in the driveway that you need to make pmts on and insurance to pay and with the cost of gas and such (and we live far from town and jobs she could walk to) that I really didnt have the necessary extra money to run her back and forth to look for a job or pay her portion of insurance and car pmts. Then she also had her cell phone bill. (she did lose her job) Ok-well, she ended up getting very mouthy and slinging the F word around and such and I grounded her. I went to pick up her cell phone off our breakfast bar/counter and she grabbed my arm and started twisted my arm trying to make me let go of the phone. She lost it. She said I was NOT going to ground her from her phone, from her laptop or from HER party. Period. She can do what she wants cause she is an adult and there isnt crap I could do about it (Im using nice words for the sake of the post) Well, Megan, my oldest daughter was here-and she got so upset when Steph was standing there twisting my arm, and I asked Megan to go outside and take the boys-well, Megan sent the boys out-but wouldnt leave me with Steph alone. Steph was scaring everyone (including me). When she heard my elbow pop, she let go of my arm-and I had her phone. I was late going to town and went to leave the house and Steph stood in front of the door and said I wasnt going anywhere until she got her stuff back-and started ramming into me-knocking me into the window sill with my back-and that was it-Megan lost it-and they started getting into it-and Megan ended up trying to choke Stephanie. Steph wanted ME to hit her, she did her best to get me to lay my hands on her and I didnt do it. By the grace of God-I kept my cool. I even got Megan off of her. It wasnt until I threatened to call the Sheriff that she got into the truck so we could leave to town. I had called my parents to let them know I was running late so they wouldnt worry about me-and its when Steph was ramming me around, and I put the phone on speaker and they overheard everything she was saying AND doing to me and to Megan.

She ended up not talking to either of her grandparents because when she wanted them to side with her about how evil I was-they backed me-and she was so upset that she sat outside the 4 hours we were there Weds. Well, when we got home-and she had to explain herself to Mike-he said, you need to call Eric (her biological dad) and she needs to move in with him NOW, not later-because I dont know how much longer I can handle knowing that she is putting her hands on you and bullying you and every time it gets a little worse. This is the 3rd time in a year that she has laid her hands on me or put her fist in my face.

Well, she was REALLY nice to me all day yesterday. Figured that everything had blown over and her dad had said as soon as summer school was over, he would be here to get her and that he had kicked out all his room mates, so she now has her own room etc-but the catch is-that he isnt moving to Joplin like he promised her-she had to go to Vegas. Well, I guess it was about 5:30 or so when she came in to the couch where I was laying-feeling pretty puney to tell you the truth, back hurt worse than tummy area......and she asked if she could still go to her party tomorrow night (tonite) and I asked her if she thought that was a possibility when she just got grounded the day before and it was for a week? I said NO, there is going to be NO PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT FOR YOU, PERIOD....She said, well, I have something to tell you-and I dont want you to be mad-Ok-here it goes-she had been in her room all day packing her things and had already talked to her best friends mom and they said she could live with them (and never even called me to see what was really going on etc) and she was moving out. I was like-your moving out just because I grounded you? She said no, I dont like Mike, I dont like you-and I dont like living here. You guys dont listen to me and no one cares about me except Chans mom and her real dad. This is from the same kid who tells me that Chans mom lets her drink AND get drunk and this child is just 15, she wont be 16 for 3 weeks??????? IM A BAD PARENT? Chans mom said-Oh, Stephanie-your NOT a spoiled brat-they shouldnt have grounded you and yadi yadi. Yes, you can come live here with us and dont worry about a thing. She came and got her. Stephanie had told me on several occasions that it bothers her that Chan gets drunk and they let her and it bothers her that she gets away with everything-like being on the internet meeting strange men from different states AND meeting them.... It bothers her-but yet-thats where she wants to be? Im confused...anyway needless to say, I didnt get any sleep. My nerves are shot and I am sick. Mike had the dry heaves last night to-but held it together for me.....but I am devastated. She left me a note on her mirror about how much she loves us all, but she needs to be free and shes sorry.

So, I make calls today and guess what I find out? SHE IS considered an adult-I cannot report her as a runaway. I cannot make her come home OR go get treatment (we all believe she is doing drugs due to things we found in her room and the crowd she is hanging with and her boyfriend) Ok-so I cant do that BUT....IF she came to MY door tomorrow and I didnt let her in-Mike and I would go to jail for child neglect AND lose our boys until the investigation is over. I cant tell her to come home, but IF SHE decides to-I HAVE to accept her? ALSO-I AM FINANCIALLY responsible for EVERYTHING SHE incurrs, whether she lives in my home or not? Are you freaking kidding me? AND....NOW-IF you slap your child across the face for calling you a F`N "C" word-that IS considered child abuse?!!!! I cannot believe it-I cant! Which, I didnt-she wanted me to-but I didnt-but I asked the police and they said your not even allowed to slap your child across the face no matter what they say or do-even if you got bit-which she tried to do to me....I could call them to come and get her-but I better not touch her-she can slam ME all over the place-but dont touch her-or its abuse AND you risk losing your other children....excuse what I am about to say-but what the hell is this world coming to? Its no wonder society is the way it is today with the teens-the teachers and such are constantly telling them this crap and they know they have ALL the rights and us, as parents, have none. Im not trying to start a heated conversation on spankings or not-I dont mean it that way, I am just saying that they have taken MY rights as her parent, away-I cant even put her in a treatment center right now-but yet, I AM legally responsible for her financially? And I HAVE to accept what SHE wants and to hell with what is right for the rest of my family and children?

So, thats whats going on. With a very heavy heart, I am in here talking to you all, because I do get support and encouragement from all of you.

I feel like a failure. I love ALL of my children....even the son I didnt birth, I love him as much as the 3 that I did-and everyone has been telling me that its a testiment to how much he loves me that he chooses for ME to be his real mom-not his birth mom-he has not spoken to her or seen her in over a year now. He doesnt want to. No, we did not make him choose-he did that on his own and when he knew he was old enough to decide to see her or not-he didnt want to-and we dont make him. We ask him periodically, but he has asked us to quit asking. Anyhow-I feel like I failed Stephanie. Maybe I really didnt love her enough or hug her enough or whatever. I just dont know. My whole life-my #1 priority and pride in my life-are my children. I just live for my kids, I love them so much-you parents out there, you know how I feel.....I dont know where to go from here or how to feel anything different than being a failure. I have done everything in MY life-to give my children the childhoods that I didnt have or the security etc-that I didnt have-and I look and see that I have accomplished that, and I cant understand HOW or WHERE I WENT WRONG?

I know its long-thanks for listening. Any prayers are appreciated, as always. Janet

Jan C.
on 5/30/08 7:06 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Janet i sat and read your post and could feel your pain, I had one like that the other two were good kids and no problems but that one. Dont know what happens you raise them the same with the same set of rules and stuff. It is just that child and she is old enough to be held accountable to God that is for sure. Allyou can do is leave the door open to her. How long will it be till she is 18? Is she going to go live with her dad when school is out?  She sounds bi polar but i think you said that she had been dignosed as that. Know that i am praying for you and your family. We wont give up on her as she is your daughter. and maybe God will see to changing her there is nothing more you can do.  Call a lawyer and see what they say about you being legally responsible , the cops think they know it all but they dont. They think the law says that you cant spank your child and it doesnt.  Have her amancipated and declared an adult. she might go for that too. that way she has to be in control of everything for herself.  Love you and am so sorry that this happened when it did. Here is a big hugg(((((((hug))))))) from me to you.



on 5/30/08 5:23 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan, Stephanie wont be 18 until January 2009. No, she isnt going to live with her biological dad when school is out-summer school or otherwise. He once again broke a promise to her (suprise, suprise) when he told her that he was moving back here. He isnt. He does have a room for her, but she will have to move to Vegas and she isnt willing to do that anymore. She wont leave her friends/boyfriend for a relationship with her dad.  Yes, she was diagnosed with several issues-she has severe anxiety issues, bi-polar, OCD, and depression. I tried to get her counseling and they tried to put her on meds and she flat out refused saying that we were trying to make her a vegetable and control her mind so that she would do anything we told her to do.....my only option was to commit her to a facility in the middle of nowhere (somewhere by Buffalo, MO?****il she was an adult.  I did call 2 attorneys today-yes, we are financially responsible for her-or anything she incurrs, until she is 18, even though we dont have the right to list her as a runaway or make her come home, because she is an adult. Seems to me, if I cant get her help or make her come home-I dont think I should be responsble for anything she incurrs bill wise.  We are checking into emancipation and that will be the route we will take.  Thanks for the prayers. Love you.

Debbie D.
on 5/30/08 7:07 am - KS



I wish I was there to give you a big hug in person!  I am so sorry for all the heartache you are going thru.  How old is Stephanie?  Is she the one that has been diag. with Bi-Polar?  Who told you that you have absolutely no rights and yet are still financially responsible for her?  I think I would seek a second opinion thru an attorney.  I know attorneys cost money; however, maybe you can find one to will give you a free consult.  I would highly suggestion doing that.


When your elbow popped did you have that checked out?  Honey, you are so fragile right after your surgery and it really irritates me that your daughter treated you this way.   Please know you and your family are in my prayers.  Our God is an awesome God and I’m going to ask that thru all of your family problems that His name be glorified and that He will bring Stephanie back into a right relationship with Him.


Please take care of yourself and keep us posted.



Debbie D.

on 5/30/08 5:37 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Deb, I would so take the hug!  Please see my answers to Jan, so that I am not repeating everything again.  I talked to the county and the division of childrens services. I also have a friend who works at the turn around ranch, which is a facility for troubled teens and yes, unfortunately, it is all true-but we can emancipate her, which would legally release us from financial responsibility and if she should get in an accident or something, they could not come back and sue Mike and I-they wouldnt be able to since she would be emancipated.  I did not go have my elbow checked. To tell you the truth, everything hurts on me today-but my back and my tummy more than anything else. Yes, my arm, elbow and even between my shoulder blades hurt-but I will be okay. I am praying, believe me. I want nothing more than my daughter to be okay, great even. I want that, no matter WHERE she lives and with whom. If she can be happy and can find herself and love herself-heck, I would do anything for that-so I guess I have my answer, even though its not what I would pick for her-its not always what we want....I believe that I will be able to have a friendship/relationship with her one day-and that she will know that I really do and always have loved her. It really truly hurts so badly. I feel so helpless and I feel ashamed that this happened and I didnt prevent it or didnt do things different. I am so ashamed of that.  I am afraid for her. Very scared. She is such a follower and the crowd of people she is hanging around are not a good crowd. I know that I have to give it to God and trust that he will guide her and protect her.  I just know how so many of the situations with the internet and girls who trust guys for the attention and such and I worry about that every single day.  Anyway, thanks Deb for the hugs and prayers. I really do appreciate it. I KNOW there is power in prayer. I believe in miracles. Stephanie is the reason I believe in miracles. I have an amazing story about the miracles that God performed on her from birth to her 5th birthday!  Anyway, Thank you so very much.
on 5/30/08 7:46 am - pomona, MO
Bless your heart, my prayers are with you...vesta


Christine F.
on 5/30/08 9:50 am - Whiteman AFB, MO

I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this.  I was a know it all smart ass when I was a teen and I got myself into a little bit of naughty stuff.  I did have a failry stable upbringing and was able to turn it around myself as I got a little older.  I didn't get into heavy drugs, drinking and smoking pot was about it, but it was a nightly thing and to be honest, I loved it while I was doing it and no one could have talked me out of it.  The difference with me though, I was 18 before I started any of my crazy stuff. 

I can't imagine what you're going through.  You love you child more than anything else and you'd lay down your life for them without thinking and then the next thing you know they're turning around and you don't even know them.  Hopefully she'll see what's going on and straighten herself out.  How old is she?  If she's under 18, surely you can take legal action.  Heck, I'd call CPS and ask what you can do while staying within the letter of the law.

I'm so sorry.  I wish you the best, and I also wish your daughter the best. 


on 5/30/08 5:44 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Christine,

For fear of repeating everything again-our only option is to let her be emancipated, otherwise we are responsible, even though she is considered an adult now and I cant MAKE her do anything, including coming home. I know that she has a roof over her head, but I sure dont trust the "parent" that she is living with-and sure have a hard time knowing that she came and took something very precious away from me without even so much as a phone call-and if she thinks my daughter is so wonderful-doesnt she THINK that I RAISED HER THAT WAY? Hello???  Thank you for sharing though, I appreciate that, and the well wishes.

on 5/30/08 12:43 pm - Lebanon, MO
Janet, I haven't been in your shoes, but, my Mom aand Dad have...with me.I was the same horrible, consciousless hellion your daughter is and it took God snatching me up and givin me a good shake to get my attention. My folks were in misery and I'm the one that put them there. All I can say to you is don't lose hope, always look up and put your faith and trust in The One who can do all things. I changed, yur daughter can too. God bless!!! Amy

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 5/30/08 5:55 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Amy, Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I wont give up on her-I am really tired and I feel emotionally drained, but I have been praying constantly for her to be safe and even if she doesnt live with me, I do want her to be happy, healthy and safe.  God knows whats in my heart and also in hers and I know that he has plans for her-big ones, because she was the child that several doctors told us that she would never see her 5th bday and she almost died when she was born. They told us that she wouldnt live through the weekend, then it was the month-then it was till her 5th bday. She went deaf, blind and had a tumor in her head behind her ear that she was going to have to have removed and they told us at KC Childrens Hospital, that she would more than likely have brain damage. I took her forward in church, the whole congregation prayed for her-and know what? The tumor was gone 3 days later-and she was to have surgery the next day-they insisted we come up anyway and they ran every test under the sun-and it was GONE!!  When Dr. Gonzalez was talking to Stephanie (who was almost 4, he said-Stephanie, what did you do with the bump on your head? He was amazed that it was gone and was feeling around there-and she looked up at him and said that while she was laying in her bed asleep, God came next to her bed, put his hands on her head and he took it away-and then the angels danced around her ceiling and bedroom-and she wasnt even 4 years old-she told that miracle without missing a beat and my mom, myself and the doctor-all sat there with big tears rolling down our faces-and she bounced down off that table singing Jesus Loves Me and smiling!!! So, I do know miracles happen and I know she was one of them-  Thank you so much Amy for sharing. I appreciate it.
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