Hey I got too hot yesterday and was actually sweating lol ,,,,had to go sit down and drank a whole 16 oz of water in just a little bit.
Joe mowed today or tried to his old mower is on its last legs…Guess we will have to give in and go buy a new one. I just hate to. They are so expensive. But I guess it is less expensive and a lot less aggravating than this one. He has bought two used ones and after about the first couple of weeks they start giving him trouble. This one he has now sometimes will run and sometimes it won’t. And the blade needs to be sharpened or rather a new blade, he has sharpened this one down as far as it will go I guess.
Oh well something else to buy.
It is suppose to be up to like 98 today and muggy , well I guess we got our wish about wanting it to get over being so cold. Lol. Suppose to rain sometime today too.
I got all the carpeting up in the last bedroom all by myself yesterday…yea me!!!!
Couldn’t get it out of the house because it was too heavy for me to drag all of it at once. But it is up and in the middle of the floor. Joe said he would get it first thing in the morning and we would get the carpet out of the laundry room too. Good then that will all be out. and I can start taking down the cabinets..and getting them out of the house.
Janet so glad that you got that pesky gall bladder out and that much is over with.
Now to do the other surgerys you need maybe then your back wont hurt quite as much. Hopefully.
BECKY:::: hey the pysch guy did nt find out you were crazy? Wow you were good at acting huh? Congrats on getting the approval from him anyway .lol
The comforter from pennys sounds really pretty. Sometimes I wish I could sew but never had the time or patients to learn. I have tried before with a sewing machine and it makes me a nervous wreck. I can sew by hand and make almost as little of stitches as a machine , no I will rephrase that I use to be able to make tiny stitches. Not so any more. Lol
Hey don’t go to any extra effort for us ok? We are ok with anything.
I hope you can find out what is wrong with your eyes.
You are coming to the picnic on Sunday aren’t you??? Better since you live right there in
ANDREW::::mowing isnt one of my favorite jobs that is for sure. Hope you have your own mower . lol as you can see Joes aren’t working very good. I think we are going to have to buy a new one and don’t want to . lots more things I would like to buy.
I haven’t started the pouch test just trying to not do carbs. And I haven’t had any for 2 days now. It was easier today than yesterday but I was sort of tired feeling today.
I think I found the solution that works for me. I keep protein bars on hand and when I get to wanting something I open one up and cut it into tiny bites, then come and get only one bite at a time . that way im not gobbling it down and don’t eat near as much of it.
Sounds dumb but it is working for my feeble brain. Lol
Well people that aren’****ching them can laugh all they want but you put them on carb restrictions and watch them squirm too. Lol
Lol oh my gosh I don’t think I could stand you and Joe both in the same house. Hey don’t encourage him when you get here , he is bad enough by himself. Lol
Did you all hear from the nursing home today ?
DEBBIE D:::: that is great about joining the Y…sure wish there was one close to me. It is so far out of down here to go into town to do anything.
So sorry you are still sick. That sucks big time doesn’t it. Bronchitis I use to get it all the time but my trick is that I would get bronchitis when my allergies acted up and then would go down into the lungs….now I take an allergie pill(Sudafed ) daily and it keeps me well. I also take Echinacea 2 pills a day to help the immune system. I haven’t had any sort of allergy or sinus attack for about 4 years. And I use to have them 3 and 4 times a year.
Will keep Luke in our prayers for safety on this mission trip…God will be with him and protect him.
What kind of tomatoe plants did you get. Glad they are doing well for you.
Hope the rest of your day was good.
Go to water aerobics and work that junk out of your lungs.
Glad your garden is doing well. My beans are up about 6 inches tall already , went out and put some seven dust on them as I so a couple of holes in the leaves already. Just for safety sake I dusted all of the plants in the garden.
DEBBIE M: lol that is ok I don’t know where I am half the time seems like. Just for instance I bought this flower at the nursey,,,or I think I did. Lol I don’t know what it is, he told me and I forgot, I don’t know if it will come back next year or if it is just an annual. Now you would think I would pay attention and know what it was and all wouldn’t you? Maybe I wasn’t there that day. Lol I remember he said the name and it started with a P
Think my mind went to lunch .
Oh actually Andrew and Susan are moving into a rental house we bought ,not the guest house , lol we are all confused and messed up
Will be praying about the leak issue….Now you need to get well and stay that way , you hear? Enough is enough …We need to pray real hard for you my sister.
Heres to seeing you Sunday. Will be great.

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hey Everyone,
It really turned out warm again today, Im glad I got the grass cut yesturday, just got back in from farmington and its already heating up. We are getting so excited about the move, its gonna be great to finally get to go to a support group each month and be able to walk properly at a place where traffic wont run you over lol.
We been checking on a nursing home to put the FIL where we move, Jan told us of a place near there so we called, we are just waiting for them to review the FIL files and then call us back, we are wanting to take him up there when we go on June 12 for a visit, that way we dont have to worry about moving him and us at the same time. So hopefully it'll all work out like that, sure would be alot easier.
Jan I know what ya mean about the heat, I about got to hot yesterday, I drank a full 24oz bottle of water in a few mins, was to fast really cuz i felt it afterwards but I was so hot and thirsty. The rest of the day here Im just gonna stay indoors and pack and go through stuff, its nice and cool in here.
Well I hope everyone has a good weekend, Im gonna go get started here.