Jan C.
on 5/29/08 2:38 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hey I got too hot yesterday  and was actually sweating lol ,,,,had to go sit down and drank a whole 16 oz of water in just a little bit.

Joe mowed today or tried to his old mower is on its last legs…Guess we will have to give in and go buy a new one. I just hate to. They are so expensive. But I guess it is less expensive and a lot less aggravating than this one. He has bought two used ones and after about the first couple of weeks they start giving him trouble. This one he has now sometimes will run and sometimes it won’t. And the blade needs to be sharpened or rather a new blade, he has sharpened this one down as far as it will go I guess.

Oh well something else to buy.

 It is suppose to be up to like 98 today and muggy , well I guess we got our wish about wanting it to get over being so cold. Lol. Suppose to rain sometime today too.


I got all the carpeting up in the last bedroom all by myself yesterday…yea me!!!!

Couldn’t get it out of the house because it was too heavy for me to drag all of it at once. But it is up and in the middle of the floor. Joe said he would get it first thing in the morning and we would get the carpet out of the laundry room too. Good then that will all be out. and I can start taking down the cabinets..and getting them out of the house.


Janet so glad that you got that pesky gall bladder out and that much is over with.

Now to do the other surgerys you need maybe then your back wont hurt quite as much. Hopefully.




            BECKY:::: hey the pysch guy did nt find out you were crazy? Wow you were good at acting huh? Congrats on getting the approval from him anyway .lol


The comforter from pennys sounds really pretty. Sometimes I wish I could sew but never had the time or patients to learn. I have tried before with a sewing machine and it makes me a nervous wreck. I can sew by hand and make almost as little of stitches as a machine , no I will rephrase that  I use to be able to make tiny stitches. Not so any more. Lol

Hey don’t go to any extra effort for us ok? We are ok with anything.




BEVERLY    B::::: OH WOW  congratulations.  Now we will wait for the yells to come when you get that surgery date. Lol  maybe you will get it and can tell us on Sunday.

I hope you can find out what is wrong with your eyes.

You are coming to the picnic on Sunday aren’t you??? Better since you live right there in Sedalia .



ANDREW::::mowing isnt one of my favorite jobs that is for sure. Hope you have your own mower . lol as you can see Joes aren’t working very good. I think we are going to have to buy a new one and don’t want to . lots more things I would like to buy.


I haven’t started the pouch test just trying to not do carbs. And I haven’t had any for 2 days now. It was easier today than yesterday but I was sort of tired feeling today.

I think I found the solution that works for me. I keep protein bars on hand and when I get to wanting something I open one up and cut it into tiny bites, then come and get only one bite at a time . that way im not gobbling it down and don’t eat near as much of it.

Sounds dumb but it is working for my feeble brain. Lol

Well people that aren’****ching them can laugh all they want but you put them on carb restrictions and watch them squirm too. Lol


Lol oh my gosh I don’t think I could stand you and Joe both in the same house. Hey don’t encourage him when you get here , he is bad enough by himself. Lol

Did you all hear from the nursing home today ?




DEBBIE   D:::: that is great about joining the Y…sure wish there was one close to me. It is so far out of down here to go into town to do anything.

So sorry you are still sick. That sucks big time doesn’t it.  Bronchitis I use to get it all the time but my trick is that I would get bronchitis when my allergies acted up and then would go down into the lungs….now I take an allergie pill(Sudafed ) daily and it keeps me well. I also take Echinacea 2 pills a day to help the immune system. I haven’t had any sort of allergy or sinus attack for about 4 years. And I use to have them 3 and 4 times a year.

Will keep Luke in our prayers for safety on this mission trip…God will be with him and protect him.


What kind of tomatoe plants did you get. Glad they are doing well for you.

Hope the rest of your day was good.

Go to water aerobics and work that junk out of your lungs.




SHANNON :::: wow I know there is no way I could get that many calories in during a days time. Lol guess we could eat cake and that would do it , don’t know how long it would stay down. lol

Glad your garden is doing well. My beans are up about 6 inches tall already , went out and put some seven dust on them as I so a couple of holes in the leaves already. Just for safety sake I dusted all of the plants in the garden.



DEBBIE  M: lol that is ok I don’t know where I am half the time seems like. Just for instance I bought this flower at the nursey,,,or I think I did. Lol I don’t know what it is, he told me and I forgot, I don’t know if it will come back next year or if it is just an annual. Now you would think I would pay attention and know what it was and all wouldn’t you? Maybe I wasn’t there that day. Lol  I remember he said the name and it started with a P

Think my mind went to lunch .


Oh actually Andrew and Susan are moving into a rental house we bought ,not the guest house , lol we are all confused and messed up


Will be praying about the leak issue….Now you need to get well and stay that way , you hear? Enough is enough …We need to pray real hard for you my sister.

Heres to seeing you Sunday. Will be great.






on 5/29/08 3:18 pm - Wichita , KS
Hello MO peeps!  Sorry I haven't posted much we had the internet up and running for a while then we had to hook up the wireless part and just completed that this evening.  Things sure are different here in Wichita they have this cable company called Cox and they give you all the boxes and ect.... and you have to hook everything up yourself or pay $100 for them to do it.  The electric company wants you to read your own meeter every month and remember to call in the numbers by the last day of the month so they can bill you, I feel like we are doing someone elses job but not getting paid for it...lol I have a HUGE YMCA less than a mile from me and with my health insurance I get a free membership so I went yesterday up there to get a tour and man is it big.  They have a rock climbing wall for kids and an arcade, 2 indoor pools and one large outdoor pool with a huge water slide, a seperate floor to work out on and special machines just for kids which I thought was pretty cool.  They told me that they are building a bigger one then that one in the next suburb but it's on the other side of town.  I'm going to start going to water aerobics but I will sure miss my buddy Debbie since we used to go to class together.  I haven't found a job yet but I have to start looking more I haven't been real serious on my search but I know I have to get one soon. Jan, I bought one of those hanging tomato planters (Topsy Turvy) got it at Target.  I went and bought a tomato plant today it's a Celeberty is that a good one?  Thought about the big boys or early girl but I asked this guy for advise and he said he liked the celeberty better so that's what I went with there were so many to choose from it was driving me crazy.  I got some mircle grow potting soil for gardens and veggies and then some mircle grow tomato food.  I plan on planting this all tomorrow so we will see if I kill it or not?  LOL.....  Tell me where should I hang it where it will get a lot of sun? Jan, I live with my best friend who I call my sister since we have been friends for like 18 yrs now oh and we have 5 small dogs in the house at this time...... I'm still not unpacked and the house isn't in order yet but we're working on it just seems to take a lot of time.  It has rained a lot here and it's windy starting to wonder if Wichita isn't the windy city instead of Chicago?  We had some flooding the other day right up the street from us and they closed the street so that was scary.  Here in Wichita they have a lot of ponds and lakes especially in the newer subdivisions they are really pretty but I think they could be a problem with the flooding?  We have a big pond where we live just hope it doesn't decide to flood! Well, it's getting late and I'm sleepy my puppys are already asleep so guess we should go to bed?  Have a good one everyone!

on 5/29/08 9:31 pm - Lebanon, MO
Hello All, Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, but, I been dealing with some anger, regrets and depression issues lately. I may have worked through them...for now lol. So, the good news is that I have lost 50lbs in 8 weeks  ! The bad news is that I may have gall bladder problems ! Talk about a mixed blessing! By the way, do you guys know how hard it is to type one handed because there's a 2 year old on your lap? My youngest just woke up and he thinks that my lap is his easy chair lol. Anyways, it has been a month of wows and ughs. I was able to ride all the rides with my kids at SDC recently, I'm under 300, and I bought my first clothes at Walmart!!! The ughs are the potential gall bladder probs and the continued pukes n poops after every meal. Makes me not even want to try and eat. Thank goodness for protein bullets. For anyone like me who can't stomach protein shakes and powders, these are the way to go!!! They are made by New Whey and deliver 42 grams of protein in 3 oz!!! I split mine into quarters so I get full absorption, and even though they taste ucky (grape flavored pig pee lol) it only lsts a second and I don't have to suffer. Well thats it for me. I'm going to go have my son surgically removed from my hip so that I can get some work done! Have a great day all! Amy

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Tammy H.
on 5/30/08 12:33 am - Holcomb, MO
Morning Guys ~n~ Gals.... Haven't had much time lately to be on....So I thought while I had my coffee this morning I would jump on and say howdy to everyone..... Got a long day ahead of me and sure dreading it cause I got to take a lil trip somewhere and it's suppose to rain....Our news said we have chances of rain for the next 5 days!!!!  I hope it's scattered and not constant! We have a million things we need to do this weekend......For one Joe needs to work on his car, it's been messed up and he hasn't had time to deal with it and has had mine for almost 2 weeks now driving it to work. I DO NOT LIKE BEING WITH OUT MY CAR...LOL LOL.... Jan......I seen where you talked about sweating....I have always been so darn hot natured. In the summer I sweat so bad I hardly ever wear make up cause I end up wipeing it off and smearing it from sweating so bad!!! But for the past few months I have had problems being cold when everyone else is hot lol lol....My real issue is with my feet...They are ice cold most of the time....My sister is having a fit wanting me to go to the doctor. Cause even when I feel warm every where else my feet are like ice.  My mom has alot of heart issues and she is worried that with my feet being so cold I might have arteries cloggen up.....I have to wear socks alot of the time lately cause they get so cold they ache....But I figure it's just my body adjusting to not having the 200lbs it's use to having.... My nephew finally got to come home....We picked him up Wednesday!!!! My sister was so happy all she could do was cry.....We had a big ole skettie supper that night cause he loves spagettie.... Well got to get for now....Seems Im always in a hurry now days lol lol.... Hope you all have a great weekend... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Bec M.
on 5/30/08 12:36 am
Goooood Morning Missouri!  Seems like a big part of the day is over already ~ha... I got up just as it was getting light... got out there and did the push mowing, put some things away, straightened up some... have a few things to up carry upstairs but will have Paul hand them to me when he gets home... I have missed him this week!  He will be home around noon I think.  He will help me finish the yard if it is not raining ... they are calling for severe storms again this afternoon, and so hot too. Yes friend Jan... I spoofed that dear doctor! ~tee hee Really he was a very nice fellow.  Nearly all of what he said to me I already knew as I have studied and studied for nearly two years now and have this wonderful lady that answers all my questions! and so many others that I have learned so much from!  You all are great! I like to sew.  I just sent my 25 year old machine off and had it serviced.  The repair man called me and told me to be sure and hold on to that machine as it was such a good one and they don't make them anymore, it is a Singer SewFro.  No bells and whistles but a good solid machine.   I will have my daughter watch for the bedding at Penney's for when it goes on sale, or if I cannot find something appropriate it by then I will make it.   I seen this really cool idea on HGTV that I am going to do.  My mil saved all the infant baby dresses from my girls and she is going to send them back with Paul and I am going to make a window cornice out of them... they look like they are hung on a clothes line with decorative pins holding then onto small decorative garden fencing that you put around the top of the window.  They also took a dress and covered a small plain lampshade, brought the sleeves around to the front and pinned them....so cute! I am working on two large wall pieces... you take a thin board and hang 8 to 10 frames two wide and however many long you have pictures for.  I am using my girls 8x10 school picures, they go from K-12 grades.  Then you get a decorative metal scroll piece, they used a triangle shape (Hobby Lobby) and put it above the long board of pics... very "shabby chic" looking and gets all those pics out the book where you can see them. You could change the pics or use calendar pics to form a theme piece, a very versital piece of art work... My walls in that room are so big beings we have cathederal ceiling through out our house.  I am working also on decorating a new chandelier in that room too..... I got it at a flea market for $12.00.. I am going to paint it white and put crystals and new mini shades on it with pink feathers around the shades.   At this point in the process I am just collecting items.  I am still in need of a small armoire.  I just want one big enough for guest to put a few hang up clothes in and maybe their bag.  I've been watching for some time now but have not found anything... It would be fun to  redo one if I could find it cheap enough.... K-Mart recently had the perfect thing but they wanted $188 for pressed wood.... It was adorable with a oval mirror on the front and a nice victorian piece of scroll work on it.  I will keep watching. I have a small sewing chair from my great grandmother that is so old the wood glue has fallen out of the spindle holes... it needs a total redoing... think I will take it somewhere and have it redone or read up on how to do it myself.  I would like to strip it and give it a new finish... just not sure what I will do with it yet... I have also found a nice side table for that room too. Well goodness I've rattled on about that haven't I?  Enough already...~tee hee Happy... I would like to send you a word of encouragement.  I have not been thru what you are going thru ...but I would like to say that in all the reading I have done... I've followed several people that have said they had so many of the same feelings and problems you are having now and it was a fairly short lived thing... they worked through it and it got better, soon they were saying they were so glad they did what they did and are so happy now!  Take courage dear lady!  It will get better for you too! Janet I pray you are doing well today! Praying a speedy recovery and great outcome to this surgery!  I pray you are already seeing a difference! Well I better get off here and get busy... I still have a whole list of things to do... seems like I keep adding more to the list faster than I can't get things marked off! ~ha  anyone else have that problem? Everyone have a wonderful day! bec
Andy W.
on 5/30/08 3:54 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,

It really turned out warm again today, Im glad I got the grass cut yesturday,  just got back in from farmington and its already heating up.  We are getting so excited about the move, its gonna be great to finally get to go to a support group each month and be able to walk properly at a place where traffic wont run you over lol. 

We been checking on a nursing home to put the FIL where we move,  Jan told us of a place near there so we called, we are just waiting for them to review the FIL files and then call us back,  we are wanting to take him up there when we go on June 12 for a visit, that way we dont have to worry about moving him and us at the same time.  So hopefully it'll all work out like that, sure would be alot easier.

Jan I know what ya mean about the heat,  I about got to hot yesterday,  I drank a full 24oz bottle of water in a few mins,  was to fast really cuz i felt it afterwards but I was so hot and thirsty.   The rest of the day here Im just gonna stay indoors and pack and go through stuff,  its nice and cool in here. 

Well I hope everyone has a good weekend,  Im gonna go get started here.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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