Today was day one with NO Carbs ! NONE I WANT TO EAT THE HOUSE DOWN BUT IM OK , NO REALLY IM OK lol
Joe worked on the plumbing some more today and I worked on cleaning out the little metal shed that im going to store flower pots and such in there. Will have lots of room in there to do so when I get everything out of there. Like the old ref that is in there. And all the stuff we are donating to the fire dept. resale shop.
I had stuff in three piles keep , donate and metal to sale. I think we have a lot of metal now if we can get someone to loan us a trailer. Lol
I am worn out again tonight. Was a lot of stuff in there to have to go thru. We burnt 4 wheelbarrows stacked high with junk to the burn pile.
We still have lots of the former owners stuff to go thru and get rid of. But I have most of it down and out.
You know makes you wonder what anyone would want of yours if you passed away.
The things that you like and enjoy would anyone want them or want to hang onto them .Would they all end up given away or thrown away?
ANGY::::so sorry that you aren’t feeling well . I think allergies can make you feel worse than just about anything I know of. For the chest congestion get you a cough expectorant. To make you cough and get it up and out of your lungs. But you need to find something that will dry up the sinus drainage too. Ask your pharmacist what a good over the counter med is for the symptoms you have. They can usually help you out as much if not more than a doctor can with things like that.
I think most of us that got too fat from overeating that Carbs were the problem. They are addicting, and most of the good tasting foods. Lol but they along with the over eating of them is what got us here in the first place.
Hope you get to feeling better sweetie get you something to clear up your head.
SHEILA:::: yes we had some new ones didn’t we.? Did your car do ok on the way home?
I worried about you after you left and was hoping that you did fine but I assume that you got home since you are on here posting lol
Enjoyed meeting Rachael and baby girl. The baby was a really happy little one and so cute.
LOL yeah don’t you love to hear yourself saying that , That is too big for me , I cant wear that it is way to big . Havent said those words for a long long time have you?
Joe said , you just love saying that don’t you ??? and then he laughs about it so I guess he thinks it is sort of neat to be able to say too.
Sure will be praying that your doctors appointment on Friday will make your head stop roaring , I can only imagine what all you have been going thru.
Cant wait to be able to see you again on Sunday.
SUGAR::::: you are right I am really going to miss having Glenna as our leader. I have a great example to go by to follow in her footsteps for sure.
Yeah I tried the brown outfit on again and I love how it looks with the shoes and the jewelry I have to go with it. I don’t know why I don’t have more brown stuff ?
Thanks again for helping me shop. Love you and trust your fashion sense.
Will be praying that you have a safe and fun trip today.
Hope Chele can get another car that will save her some money in gas as much as it is getting to be. And as much as I am afraid it is going to get to be. The other day we filled up and was 85.00 now that is stupid.
JANET::::How are you feeling this morning? Will be praying for you for the surgery for the gall bladder to be gotten out with no problems found. Just hope you will be feeling so much better in a few days.
You weren’t that late and it was such a great gift to see you walk in the door. Yea!!! I was hoping you would be there but knew it depended on so much. Tell your Dad thank you from us for letting you off early lol
Lol Loved the picture of Jon . that was so cute. You need to print that out and put it up for him later. Lol
Lol yeah Joe is something else isnt he? He keeps me laughing most of the time. Couldn’t ask for a better hearted person in the world tho. He doesn’t fuss at me when I do too much he just rubs me down some more and makes me feel better. Going to have to talk to him about tattling on me so much lol
Hey tell Mike that I think that would be a nice fashion statement for him to wear your belt.
You are looking so cute and getting so nice and trim. When I look at your before pictures and look at you now I just cant believe it , it has been an amazing transformation.
Yeah I know Joe and Jon would get along great together. Kids love him and usually gravitate to him like flies .
Hey I guess I need to talk to him about that reaction to me driving the bike lol unless he was afraid that I might go to sleep. Seems like here lately that everytime I get in the truck for us to go someplace I am asleep almost by the time we leave the drive way. Lol
I think it is that I just go and go and when I am forced to sit I go to sleep.
Will be waiting to know you are ok from surgery. Love you honey and so does everyone else. You are a big inspiration to a lot of other people too.
GLENNA:::: everyone is so sad that you are having to let go as the leader but know how and why and even tho it still isnt easy to take we do all understand , just know that you are going to be a tough act to follow you know.
Hope you love your job as we all know they will love you. And we expect to see you as much as you can .
TAMMY V:::: yes you really do need to go to your local support group, it really helps you and helps you with your problems because everyone or at least someone in the group will have had the same problems more than likely, it gives you validation to know that you are like someone else and this is how they got thru it .
I wish you lived close to
I really am looking forward to Sunday and getting to meet you. I feel like we know each other all ready tho.
Joe and I hope to be there by noon. If anyone gets there before we do just wait. We are having to drive from down here to there. Lol
Just bring you something for lunch, if you want to bring something for everyone to share it will be ok but you don’t have to . If I bring anything it will be protein balls.
I will make another post about it with all the details later today ok?
ANDREW::::YEP I started on the pouch test yesterday and man that isnt easy you know? Don’t know if I will last 5 days of this lol
Cant wait to see and visit with you all , im sure we will have some thing for you all to help out with. Lol . bring some old clothes you don’t care to get dirty . Hopefully we will be to the painting stage when you are here . or maybe putting up the new cabinets.
I know I am excited about having a walking buddy . Maybe if you and I go walking all the time I can get Joe to doing it too. He needs to because it makes his back feel better when he does.
SHANNON::: yep girl that would be a great idea to post about your meeting there in
Im glad your Memorial day party turned out really well.
I am glad you are starting to feel some better. Not fun to have tummy problems is it?
Glad the garden is looking better. Mine looks like it got drowned the day after we planted it we got a gulley washer. But they are starting to perk up some now. Need to get back in there and hill up the cukes some more now.
Ohhh yes I love watermelons too. Last summer I lived off those little seedless ones yummy.
I am excited to be able to meet you too Sunday. Don’t have any idea what you look like , you need to get some phots on your profile and a picture of you as your avatar.
Hey Everyone,
Wow what a nice day it turned out to be. I got up early so I could get the yard mowed before it got to hot, I just got done a lil while ago, geeze this yard is like mowing a cow pasture its so thick, all the rain we've had hasnt helped any.
Well I started the 5 day pouch test again, it seems to be going easier this time around so hopefully I can stay on this and get this weight off once and for all. The first couple days tho seem so hard, those carb cravings just sneak up on ya and you want it so bad just like a drug or something.
Jan how you coming on the pouch test? After the first 2 days it should get a bit easier for ya cuz you can eat solid protein, i have found that drinking lots of water helps alot which I know you do, hang in there you'll get through it. It's just amazing how addicted we really are to those carbs, people laugh and think Im crazy around here but let them try NOT eating any carbs for a whole day, i bet they cant lol.
Congrats to Bec and Beverly for getting approved for surgery waaaaaahooooo, you'll soon be on the losers bench and on the road to a better life!!!
Deb like Jan said, we are moving into her and Joes rental house next door, gawd I dont think Jan could put up with me living with her, she has a handful with Joe Im sure LOL. I cant wait to get there and see what kind of mischief I can get into with Joe LoL.
Well Im gonna get off here and get me a shake, that heat has about drained me for the day, I'll do some things around the house the rest of the day, moving day will be here before we know it Yay!!!
Have a great day all,
Hi, Jan & MO Peeps!
Well, we joined the YMCA last week. Jake and I have been twice (dear hubby once). I have done water aerobics twice this week. Jake and dh have been doing the weights. I was going to go this afternoon and work on the machines with Jake; however, I’m not feeling too well. I think my bronchitis is back. I went last week and the doctor gave me the Z Pack. He told me I might need two doses of it. Think I’m going to have it refilled today. Makes twice I’ve had this stuff in the past 2 months. I’m sick of it!
Luke leaves for his mission trip to Japan a week from this Sunday. Please keep him and the rest of the students in your prayers. I know the Lord will take care of him. Have to admit I’m a little nervous and anxious about it too. Just can’t rush to his side if something happens while he’s over there. I know the Lord will be with him….just wish Mom could be too! lol
Jan, the pictures of your shade and flower gardens are beautiful! I finally got 2 hanging flower pots and planted flowers in my containers on the front porch. What a difference flower make! Wanted to let you know my tomato plants are doing great too. They are growing and even have a few blooms on them. I really hope they produce as well as Cottage Farms said they would. I want to try one of those heirloom tomato salad recipes I’ve seen in the magazines.
Janet, I hope your gallbladder surgery goes well. Your new pictures are amazing! What a beautiful woman you are – inside and out!
Beverly B – Congrats on your approval! Won’t be long before you’ll be a loser too!
Bec – glad your psych eval went well. I know it is nerve wrecking but it will all be worth it. I love JC Penny Outlet…just don’t get there as much since gas prices are so high. The comforter sounds really pretty.
I think I’m going to go lay down. If I feel better when I get up I may go ahead and take Jake and his friend to the Y later this afternoon.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Debbie D.