Debbie M.
on 5/28/08 5:51 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Morning All...

No Wednesday "What's Happening"??

Jan...wow, becoming leader of the Springfield meetings! So sorry to see Glenna go but I'm sure you will do fine! I have said for the longest time that I need to attend at least one of those meetings...maybe someday soon I will be able. When are they again?

Well, I finally have my yard back to a "handable" level. Since I have been sick, it really got away from me. I tried to keep up with what was right around the house but the rest of the grass, vines, weeds, trees took over! I thought I was living in a jungle! The grass was taller than my mower.

David is to take over the mowing today so I can work on other things, like transferring my ferns to hanging baskets, tending to my roses, planting my peonies and transferring my daylilies bulbs that I got from the old house we have, up on the corner.

I came across some real pretty flowers with great fragrances while I was out mowing. I need to look them up online and then try transferring them over here but I need to know when and how beforehand...don't want to kill them.

David had to go see a shrink today (Wednesday) because our insurance company wanted to make sure he was sane enough to deal with him getting these leads put in his back for the pain he is in. This must be a new scam that the insurance companies have come up with to make more money. It seems like they do it for everything that people have to get medically done anymore.
David was supposed to have those leads put in his back today (Wednesday) but the insurance company called and said, not until after he sees a shrink and takes the 400 question test. He is now set to have it done on June 6th, I believe. When they called and cancelled, David almost broke into tears. I felt sooo sorry for him, knowing the pain he has to deal with everyday! I sure hope he gets this done soon and it works for him!

Janet...good luck on your surgery hun, I will be praying but I know you will be fine! How is Mel, doing okay I hope?
Vacationing..had lots of fun, yes? I can't wait until David and I can go on one again. It has been so long! This year, all four weeks of his vacation was used to be with me during some medical crisis or some medical crisis of his own...poor guy! All work, no relief!!

Andrew...you and Susan moving in with Jan and Joe? What fun!! She will have more help with her yardwork and repairs and you guys can help support each other with your carb issues. I know how hard that can be myself. Who invented carbs anyway??...lol

Well, I'm outtie for awhile, take care all!!

Love & Prayers, Deb M

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