It is midnight and we just got home. I am totally exhausted. We have been gone from the house since 8 am this morning all of this running around is harder on me than if we had worked in the yard all day or repairing the rental house all day.
Went into
Went to the support meeting and it was as always great, Glenna is such a great leader. We had samples tonight of our protein powder or protein what ever that each brought and you could swap or get something that someone else brought lots of different things ..I really scored too from Brenda and another girl they both brought the Citrical calcium chews they had bought and don’t like so I bought all of them from them 4 boxes. Wow.
Then the bummer of the meeting was the announcement that Glenna said she was going to have to quit as leader because she was going to have to go back to work…and her hours would be so varied that she would never know if she would be at the meeting or not. So she was resigning and was hoping that someone would take it over.
Before I knew what was going on seemed like everyone there said , Jan , Jan , Jan , she will do it , someone nominated me even I think and next thing I knew Glenna was giving me all the papers and stuff. Good grief I have never been a group leader before don’t know how well I will do , pale in comparison to Glenna for sure. I will try to do it to the best of my ability and if I cant do it we will get someone else. I don’t want to see the Circle of Friends go down that is for sure. I rely on all of you way too much..
Well I better get onto the rest of this post so I can get in bed and get started doing again in the morning.
NUTTI:::: yep we sure did miss you. Your trip sounds like it was loads of fun and the Current river is a beautiful place to be.
That is so sad that places of employment don’t have any loyalty to their long time workers anymore.
Well for you it wont be a big job to tighten your belt you have been doing that for a while now haven’t you lol. Don’t mean to make light of a serious situation but sometimes that helps some. I will be praying that he does what is best for you all and himself. And also that your back problems don’t persist. A lot of it can be the extra skin you have that is maybe causing you to have the back problems .
I hope to see you next month at the meeting so don’t miss it ok. That is when I fall on my face lol
SHEILA:::: wow so good to see you tonight. You are looking really great. You sexy little thing you. I hope you can get some use out of some of the clothes I sent you but if they are too big on you too or you don’t like them send them on to someone who can use them ok?
Oh yeah I know what you mean about the smoking and the discoloration to you walls and ceilings. If you go to scrub it down it will be black and dark brown stuff that you clean off. If people only realized that that is what they are putting in their lungs. Yuck…
I will be praying for you and the ear doctor and the procedure that you will have done Friday . I sure hope that takes care of the roaring. I know that must be driving you crazy.
Love you and will see you Sunday at
VESTA::::IT is a lot of work getting things fixed up but I really enjoy doing it at the same time. Wish I had the money to buy houses and fix them up and resale them. I would love that.
I confessed to everyone tonight at group about my carb addiction and was wanting someone to give me a magic cure I guess but I think that has to come from only you. I think we have to accept the fact that we are food addicts and no two ways about it. That by facing up to it maybe that is the start of learning and figuring out how to control it before it controls us again.
Yes would love the pepper plants. Never turn down anything that grows. Probably would be best to put them in some small pots if you have them. Would love to have them.
We will try to get down to one of your meetings before long honest I promise.
JANET:::: I am so very very glad to see you back from Vacation. I know you all had loads of fun and that is what you are suppose to do.
I can just see you getting all upset when the bottom of the fish trap broke and you lost Mikes big fish.
I am going to be praying for you for the operation to remove your gall bladder. You will feel so much better when you get that taken care of. . Then on to get your other problems taken care of as soon as you can ok?
Lol about the time you thing the kids are big enough to take care of their selves then they do something silly like Megan and Aaron did about the puppy. They knew that they couldn’t have pets and got one anyway. Silly kids but like I said we think we can quit worrying about them for awhile and they dump all their problems right back in our lap.
Tell My Jon that I bet his Daddy wished he was on vacation still too.
Im just glad he got a vacation this year.
ANDREW:::::boy if you had been around yesterday you could have gotten a good work out helping that is for sure.
Well I am determined NOW to stop the carbs. They are certainly addictive that is for sure.
Cant wait for you and Susan to get up here. Hopefully by the time you see it we will have gotten enough done that you can envision it.
We had to go renew Joes boat tag this morning too.
BECKY:::::I know you are getting really lonesome for people now this week aren’t you. It is either feast or famine.
We would have loved for you to be at the meeting tonight too. Was a good one as always
Oh by I am praying that Shawnee Mission sends in your paper work quickly and gets and answer from your insurance.
No I have never heard of the store called J Jills before either. Is it clothing or what?
Hey call me any time you want to OK

good morning...........
it was good to see you all of you last night....i only knew a few we had a lot of new ones....sorry i left so early but head was starting to roar and i didnt wanna be out after dark till i know ALL is ok with car...
Jan ....you looked GREAT and so did Janet, Sugar, Lana and Jane and her friend....and Glenna.... also thanks for doing the group i guessed i missed the part about u stepping down sure hope u get to come back some and see us..
Jan you will do GREAT as a leader, heck ur a great angel...look at me and the rest of ur angelettes as proof.. .smile
and i agree running around is harder than working out in yard or in house...i will go thru clothes today and i sure HOPE a bunch fit cos mine are ALL to BIG....wow to big? they are usually to tight LOL but what i cant wear i will sure pass onto some 1 else to use...i have a bunch of clothes i need to get rid of.... 2 more days till dr appt and PLEASE let this fix my roaring in my head...i know i sound crazy but its true and its getting VERY ANNOYING!!! and tks for the prayers....
Janet......Rachael said u called me Mona last night HAHAHAHA i love u ur so cute and sexy...u looked WOW and after seeing ur be4 pics WOW!!! good job and i will be praying for u to have a GREAT recovery from ur surgery thurs....
Lana...............as always you looked so GREAT.....Rachael said is that the Lana you always say u wanna look like? i said ya isnt she so cute and loveable....you have been my inspiration since my 1st meeting...thank you.....
Andrew.....you are so lucky ur gonna get to be Jan and Joe's neighbor and enjoy ALL her garden and flowers and friendships....
It will be so GREAT to meet many of you sunday at picnic...hope all is going good for every one and i will talk at ya all later
love and hugs
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Hi there~How is everyone today? I feel so wonderful this morning mentally! Physically, my gb is giving me fits and am glad its going to be out~WOOOO HOOOO....No more of this crap for me.
I had been debating all day if I was going to be able to make it, due to using Megans car and her and Aaron being in Springfield already and so on.....well, just so happens that when I was helping my dad yesterday at his motel, I still had 2 rooms to clean and I knew I wouldnt be done in time, cause it was already 4 pm-and he said to me-just come in early and finish them, and go see your friends, you need it and deserve it....YAY for me. Came home, jumped in the shower and left-and forgot my camera, so I could take pics for Tammy-Ammy, turned around, came back to the house and left again-it was 5:22. I made it to Boise De Arc or Ark at 6 pm. I told Joe I made it to Springfield-but it was the Boise place with the Hoods gas station and restaurant.....so-anyway-I missed my turn and knew it within 3 miles, but caught it again after circling Springfield-LOL... Oh well, I guess better late than never, huh?
Everyone looked so wonderful! Jan-your hair is to die for!!! Love all the curls, I wish mine would do that all over, not just behind my ears on both sides-LOL....Sugar-Amazing! Lana-As usual! Wish I could be that tanned without going to a tanning booth....Love ya. Jane-didnt even recognize you! I will get a copy of that pic sent to you sometime this week. Sheila-I am so sorry I called you Mona, why did I do that? Rachael even said when I was standing there that she didnt know if Sheila was going to the restuarant or not-and I knew she was talking about you-and I knew who you were....Im such a nimwit sometimes, sorry!! You look SO GREAT!!!! Tami-as usual, you look wonderful. Im sorry for the pain your having and I do pray its NOT a hernia....Thanks for always being an inspiration!!! Glenna, my heart broke when I was standing at Village Inn and they said you werent coming!! I wanted another hug and to tell you thanks for the great job you have done. I sure hope your schedule allows you to continue to come to the meetings...We love and respect you so much!!! I didnt know a lot of people there-I was taken aback for a moment when I opened the door and all the new faces were there. I sure enjoyed talking to Brenda N and her hubby and Joe at the restuarant. Jan, thats quite a character you have there.....he did tattle on you though and told me just how much you are in every day and all of that. I do pray that you will get that taken care of, but I do understand your wanting to wait because this is your favorite time of the year-and I know from going through the rotator cuff with Mike and he was strapped for 6 weeks-and couldnt hold his little 2 month old baby....it was horrible for him-so I understand.
Well, I am getting ready to go pick up Ms. Stephanie who has been at her friends house since Sunday night, and then I am headed to town to get busy on those left over rooms from yesterday.....then I have to go to the grocery store and so on-and then on home to get some chores done that have been ignored since we were on vaca. I still have bags in my bedroom of things I havent unpacked-mostly I just dont know where Im gonna put all the crap-LOL....gotta get it done though. Need to find Mikes belt that he wears to work-and I always hang it up with his ties-and its not there and I have no idea where it is.....I told him he could wear one of mine since we are sharing clothes now-but he didnt see the humor in wearing the "girly" belts-LOL....I said that no one would question him, they would just think he had a kinky side or feminine side-he didnt think that was very funny. Gosh, been back from vaca one day and lost his sense of humor already-whats the world coming to?
I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed myself last night. I feel like I got to see my "family" that I havent seen in such a long time. I dont feel like your just ANY old support group-and I hate that I have to miss so many meetings. I am sure hoping and praying that my ex's house will sell and I will be able to purchase an economical car- and be able to come up the day before or of the meetings and stay with Megan and Aaron and work it out that way-and even if I have Jon and they both work-I will let Joe watch my little character!!! (they would have a great time together!!) I showed some of you the pic of him all mad when we had to leave the resort-that is his favorite place on earth. He is already asking when we can go back-wants to count the days!
**Jan-thanks for being a good sport!! Jane started the nominations-but everyone second it-so we KNOW YOU WILL BE FANTASTIC at it!!! You know you have a lot of people who will fill in for you should you have to take a month off. Right? Your going to do great-dont doubt yourself. I was so glad to go to the restuarant with you and glad to have time to talk to Joe....We got to trade stories of fast cars and motorcycles!! I told him that when you get a bike-that he needed to just let you drive it - and I thought he was gonna fall out of his seat-his eyes got all big and he said NO WAY!!!!~ Is there something you need to share with all of us? Those pics you brought last night were amazing! WOW!!! You could REALLY see the weight loss with those cruise pics side by side like that. Amazing. You dont even resemble the old you at all! Again-thanks for taking over the group, and you look wonderful and I LOVE your hair....Wish mine would do that-I have to pay good money for beautiful curls like that!!! Love ya. Your like a favorite aunt.....(so is Lana and Glenna...just love you guys to peices!!!)
**Glenna-dont know if you will see this, but you made me tear up. I just wanted to run over and give you a hug! I sure hope we still get to see you at the meetings! Good luck at your new job though. I know that they will love you as much as we do-heck, how could anyone be in your presence and not just love the peices out of you? Whats wrong with Joey? Someone said something about the dog-is he okay? Is it his other knee?
**Nutti-Before I forget-I will say prayers for you guys for your financial issues. I am so sorry that happened. Its pretty sad, in these times, that a dedicated employee gets the ax like that, after all the years of sacrifice! Im so sorry-but CONGRATS on all the weight loss and your new lease on life!
**Sheila-I am SO SORRY for calling you Mona to Rachael-I knew who you were-heck, I called you Sheila over by the trading table-I knew who you were-but now I remember saying Mona, but no clue where that came from. I know-what a lane brain! You look SO AWESOME! I am so happy for you. I pray that Friday goes well for you, I know that would bug me to hear humming in my ears all the time.
**Lana-what can I say? Thanks for saving me a seat and for going out afterwards. You always do make me feel so good and I just love you to peices! Cant wait until Megan and Aaron are there and I can go have lunch and shop with you, Jan and Glenna!!! Its going to be awesome! You look so fantastic! Love you.
**Tammy-Ammy-your gonna kill me, but I went all the way home because I forgot the camera and then forgot to take pics for you. Im sorry. Love ya and I will do my best to get some next month??? Will that be okay? SORRY, SORRY, SORRY!!!!
**Bec-I am praying for you! I am so happy that we only have ONE MORE MONTH~~~ WOOOOO HOOOOOO....and YAY! This is it. Its so close now. I am so happy for you. Love you and wish I would be able to go to Sedalia with everyone. They asked-but I just cant make it. Maybe one day soon?
Well, guys and dolls-I am getting off here. I am going to be having my surgery, so if you dont see me for a day or two-thats why, but will have one of my daughters call Jan or Lana to post. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet
Hey Jan and All, I wish that I lived closer to Springfield so I could come to your meetings. They sound like alot of fun.We have one here in Kirksville but I always seem to miss it. I need to go to one though. I am very anxious about Sunday. My Mom and sister and I are going to Booneville on Saturday and staying at the casino over night and then they will stay there and I will come to Sedalia.We have the room for two nights. Not sure if I will be there right at noon but I will be there. What is everyone bringing to eat?Not sure what I should bring. What else will we be doin? Just getting to know one another. What time is the meeting? And how long is it suspose to last? Sorry for all the questions. My son called me the other night and told me that he is thinking about getting the lap-band done. He is scheduled for a seminar on June 14th.The DR. he is seeing is in Lincoln, NE. He's pretty excited about it. I wish him luck.
Angy- I know what you mean by the carbs. That's my biggest problem with all of this. I always find myself eating them without even thinking about it. Shelia- I sure hope they are able to help you on Friday. I will be praying for you. I am looking forward to meeting you on Sunday. Sugar- When I lose all my weight will you be my personal shopper also?LOL, I am looking forward to meeting you on Sunday. Janet- I wish you luck on your gallbladder surgery. I wish you a speedy and pain free recovery. I think I had more trouble after my gallbladder surgery than after my by-pass. I will be praying for you. Ok gotta go,Mom and I are going grocery shopping. Might get a new blouse for sunday if I can find something I like. Take Care and God Bless, Tammy V.
Good Morning All,
Yesterday was kind of a busy but quite day. Had some errands to run and all which got done, I wanted to mow some grass but it was to wet and was raining off and on so guess i'll try that today. Im on the 5th day of the pouch test and it seems to be going ok, Im gonna start over on it tomorrow just to get a good boost, I do recommend that anyone needing a boost or a way to get off the carb binge to try the 5day pouch test, it really does work, it's not easy but if you stick to it like it says it will work nice for ya.
Jan it sounds like you had such a busy day, no wonder you were exhausted by the time you and Joe finally got home, I'd a been wore out too, I pretty much live a quiet shelterd life anymore lol, but thats gonna change when we get there, we'll be having to do everything at one time like you all so to save on gas and stuff. Sounds like the meeting was a good one, We so can't wait until we can attend too its gonna be so nice to finally be able to attend a support group and meet alot of the people that post and stuff on here, we really are looking forward to it. Jan I know you'll be great as a leader of the group, being a leader on the board here Im sure has prepared you for it, you'll do great, Im so thankful you agreed to it. We cant wait to get there too and see the house, its really gonna be so great to live there, ya just dont know how excited we are.
Well I better get up from here and get things going, before we know it the time will be here to move. Hope everyone has a great day.
Bless ya's