I have got to tell you ......
It is cheating!!! That is cheating obesity and the co-morbidities that go along with it from destroying the rest of your life. So, I say, cheat away! I have enjoyed the life that I have gained after having my lap band surgery and losing 102 pounds. Call me a cheater if you want to but LIFE IS GREAT AFTER WLS!!!!!!!!!
i agree with everyone else on this plus the fact that it isnt any easier after a couple of years that is for sure , to keep the weight off you have to continue to eat right for the rest of your life , and to exercise, so how can all of this be cheating. I dont get them but that is ok we know how we feel and how they feel and i doubt if you will ever change their mind and i know we wont change ours. lol
So here's my confession. A year and a half ago a friend of mine told me she was going to a hornbostel seminar...I wouldn't go with her because i thought she was crazy and taking the easy way out...just wasn't successful at her dieting because she was "weak" and had no will power...I didn't say any of this to her...but I sure thought it....she changed her own mind about the surgery and to this day is quite a big girl. Then one day ...about 10 months ago...I met someone who had the surgery and was doing well....then another...then another. I started doing research....long story short, here I am. I guess my point is that the unknown is scary to people and often off limits. Ignorance forms opinions just as much as knowlege does and one cannot convince the other. You made your decision based on knowlege...don't waste your time having a battle of wits with an unarmed person!!!!
This is someone we both know...but it does not matter. I made the right decision for me. I would not change a thing! For once in my life, the 30 pounds that I have lost will stay off..never to come back! That is one thing that has never happened before. I feel so much better already that I am just going to keep on going until I reach my goal! There are uneducated people out there who have no idea what they are talking about!
Are the initials SG? I can't think of anyone else I know. If it is her keep in mind she has a really sarcastic sense of humor and it is difficult to tell when she is kidding. She used to give me grief and say I was cheating too...but she also supported my decision for me....so now i wonder if it is her. Hmmmmm...now i'll be going through the store leering at everyone wondering who was mean to my Meg