Finally got all the old carpet pulled up out of the rental house. Had on masks and goggles and gloves hope we didn’t catch anything lol . Now to pull out the old cabinets , and scrub down the walls. I was able to clean up the bathroom fixtures ok was afraid they wouldn’t clean. Glad of that cause now we can use that money for other things that are needed. In the back bedroom we are going to build a closet in there since there isnt one and im sure most people will need another closet. I know I do. Lol
We may pick up the laminate flooring tomorrow and then get that all down. Joe has put down two houses of it so he should be able to get that one by himself too. Don’t know if we will paint first or go ahead and get the floors down and then paint, just have to spread lots of tarps .if we paint later.
Lots to do yet Andrew and Susan want to move in by end of June , I think we can do it.
So the start of this week is going to seem strange cause of it starting on Tuesday instead of Monday. It always confuses me . Does it you? Today seemed like another Sunday so today should be Monday lol nothing wrong with my mind is there?
Joe said he thought it was Labor day instead of memorial day. He said I worked him too hard. I don’t think so tho. Lol
I need to take some pictures now so it can be compared to later I guess. Hopefully we can do some more to the place as we go along later.
TAMMY-AMMY;;;;;glad that you are ok from the storms. We had lots of thunder and lighting and rain and wind but it didn’t last for very long yesterday morning.
So glad that your son is doing well after that accident . I know he has more bruises and bumps today than then , that is just the way it happens.
I agree you must make everyone feel so at home that they all want to stay with you. Good for them but don’t let it interfere with you and Joe. Me and my Joe had people living with us most of our married life..I know how hard it is to not want to help someone. Im the same way about helping. And doing. Joe says im always dragging home something or someone. Lol
So sorry I missed your birthday but belated birthday to you dear. Hope it was good.
I know you are very glad that this past week is done.
SHEILA:::::Did you get your car back today? Gosh I sure hope so . That would be dishearting to not be able to do all that you were going to do.
I have been keeping my eyes open for any sort of Coke items for you. So far haven’t found any. I had to clean out lots and lots of stuff out of the rental house..thought there might be something in there but so far no coke things of any kind.
I really hope we get to see you tonight.
JANET::::Sounds like you had a pretty good vacation and caught a few fish anyway .
I don’t think you will get to clean the pool this week they are calling for rain , at least some almost every day.
When Aaron told that boy that no they weren’t catching any fish , he should have said Heres your sign. Lol I wonder why people will ask you things that are really obivious?
Like your changing a flat and someone will walk up and say flat tire huh? Well duh!!!
What kind of dog is it that Megan has? Going to get rid of your grandbaby??? Oh my girl. So did Megan and Aaron decide on
Even if it is
Wow that is amazing on the bmi wow.
I just think that if you have to do all the teaching anyway might as well do it and besides the schools are so bad with no control , never know what is going to happen from one day to the next , and it keeps getting younger and younger kids doing all of this stuff. Lord help us please.
I know Joe and I are so thrilled that Andrew and Susan are going to rent from us. I know that is why we got this house. We really debated over it and it just kept being laid on us to buy it .And after we did we kept thinking that if we didn’t find someone to rent to that we would really be strapped for money lol .It was if God had it all planned out which I believe he did.
Yeah I have enough flower starts to let them have a good start on the yard ...and planting things all they want.
You have never met Andrew and Susan? I guess you haven’t they are super nice people .
ANDREW::::well was your ears burning? I was talking about you to Janet lol
I really need to do that pouch test, I have let the carbs get hold of me too and have started eating just a little bit too much late at night. Why do we do that when we know where it is going to lead to?
Maybe when you get moved in here we can help keep each other on the straight and narrow….we have good walking here , nice chip and seal roads and very little traffic except for a few four wheelers and golf carts.
ANGY:::::usually a bug isnt gotten by a group of people all at the same time but allergies can be . the pollen in the air is very very high. You would think that all the rain we have had it would be gone but not true. And the mold is high too. So it could be both. Joe is allergic to mold but all of my allergies are pollen, and dust mostly.
Oh my gosh that is a lot of money for water. Shame you haven’t had it up already . all the rain we have had would have filled it by now lol
So what are you grinding today???lol
CHRISTINE:::that web site The Daily Plate is pretty good isnt it?
You will get your energy soon. It just takes a while. Are you getting B-12 shots yet? I got my first one at one week checkup. And he gave me a prescription for it so I can buy it from the drugstore and give myself the shots. The vial is only 6.00 and will last quite a while something like 6 months if im not mistaken. But I get them every two weeks and doesn’t last quite as long.
Well all of you that work hope the week end was relaxing to you so that you can go back to work and do a good job.

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good morning Jan and OH peeps well glad to hear every 1 seemed to have a good weekend...i was stuck at home with no car so worked on painting kitchen and started the ceilings a little they are so BROWN from the smoking in here for years didnt realize how brown till i put up a lil off white paint and WHOA yuck... well did you find any safari stuff or dolphin stuff in house? lol do have GOOD news i got car back last night its making a humming noise Rachael says but if runs ok today going to work i WILL be there tonite and i will bring them scrubs i told u i had saved for you...i doubt i will recignize anybody since its been almost 7 months since ive been able to come....
ive had my son and his fiance and 2 babies staying with me last 2 weeks, they are trying to move into a trailor up here...by any chance does any 1 have a Breaker box with amps or just the amps for sale? last people took ALL the amps out with em so need that be4 they can move....and i hope thats SOON........love my kids to death but got too many people here and i need my space plus i have 2 room mates so 7. people here...get my drift? i know im a SOFTY and need to learn to say no more lol only a few more days till i go to the Dr and HOPEFULLY get some thing done about this roaring...then sun is picnic day YEAH
Janet i envy ur vacation but you deserved it and im GLAD you had FUN
well time 4 work so have a GREAT day
love and hugs
and BTW i finally made the 100 lbs lost mark!!!!!
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Oh, I am sooooo bummed today-what am I going to do without my hubby by my side today? I can tell you this-this vacation together was exactly what the doctor ordered, thats for sure. Would have been absolutely perfect if his dad wouldnt have been in the hospital and keeping us a nervous wreck. All in all, tho-we realized that no matter what, we cannot wait 5 yrs to get away together or as a family-its just too long.
Our time in Branson was a little bittersweet for me. I have never been small enough to ride the bumper boats and have always wished I could be out there with my family when they rode them-well, this year-I went out with the kids and Mikes back and neck were bugging him, so he stayed out to take pics of us, well-Megan and Aaron couldnt ride them, they were above the weight limit. I wanted to cry for them. I remember being the one standing there watching and wishing I could ride! So, although I was happy to be out there-my heart was hurting for them, because it took me back to the day when that was me standing there.......Oh, I hate to feel like that. Its like I havent lost the weight, you know? Or when we were fishing our last day at Stockton, there was a very large man out on the dock and he was so large (Like I used to be) that you almost couldnt see the metal chair under him.....I have been there. I just want to witness to them and tell them there is hope-cause I know they feel helpless and lost like I did-you can see it on their face. I know that look all too well. I hate that look-I hated feeling that way. I hated to be seen. I wished I could just blend into the background. Its one of my favorite things now-I blend in so much better than I did-and dont stick out like a sore thumb anymore. Ok-Im off that soapbox-just something I have been thinking about.
So Im not sure whats wrong-but when I have been sleeping at night, I have been going to bed before 8 pm and sleeping for almost 12 hours. I get up here and there, but nothing too major. Jon got up last night at 230 because he wet the bed. He was so upset-and said that he was dreaming that he was catching fish and he woke up wet. I felt so sorry for him-but told him that sometimes when we dream abou****er, we will wet the bed and that its okay, accidents happen, ecspically when you are only 5 yrs old, right? The first thing he asked me this morning was-where is Daddy? I said at work buddy, his vacation is over today-and he says-the other part of Team Corbett is gone? What am I gonna do without my fishing buddy? Whats daddy going to do without ME today? AWWWW.....Buddy, I am positive that daddy misses you today as well-Im sure of it. I know that daddy wishes he was anywhere but work today since he is the only one working today and now will be until they fill the open position that will be available when his employee never comes back from his vaca. He took another position and never told them about it-the employer that hired him told Mike about it. He is on his vacation right now and when its over, he is starting for the new company. Its not like the jerk is getting a paid vacation, cause he isnt-but he didnt want to get a bad reference, so he never said a word.
I have a few things to do around the house and then I am going to town to rent a wheelchair for Mikes dad. They are going to AZ today in their RV and his motorized wheelchairs that he has-dont do very well inside-so they take it for the outside areas they go to-but they keep the plain jane one inside for him-and they loaned it to me almost a yr ago-and I lent it to a friend and havent gotten it back (and yes, I have asked for it) so, I am going to the arthritis foundation today and renting one for a week for dad to take to Arizona. So, then I will go to the motel and help my parents today for a couple of hours.
My mom still wants me to go to MN with her this week-will see. I have a couple of appts that I dont think I will be able to reschedule-so I have already made some calls this morning to check that out-and mom said that maybe we can just plan on going after my appts are all taken care of. Plus, trying to help Megan and Aaron too. Kind of upset with them, to tell you the truth, because they cannot have pets at the apt they were living in, (a yr this month) and when they got the dog, they had planned on moving then (feb) but never did-and then their apt manager found out they had the dog (when we were in Branson as a matter of fact-they had my parents going over 2 times a day to walk him and feed and water him) but I guess he started barking and yelping and so the manager went into their apt and gave them an immediate eviction. So, Megan has been sleeping here, but Aaron works overnites and I told them that I just cant give him anywhere here where he can sleep in peace-so he has been going to his parents to sleep and she has been here. Im not sure where they will end up-they are talking about Nixa, Branson and Springfield. Will see. They are in Springfield and Nixa right now-Aaron is applying for a job for a forklift operator and they are looking at apartments. When Megan is sleeping here, I make her put Bis in the crate or put him on a leash so he doesnt chew............(he is a chewer). Anyway, I will prob keep him here for her until she either sells him or finds a place that will let her keep him.
Its so flooded out here again, you wouldnt believe it. We were getting thunderstorms again last night and this morning-and it has stopped raining, but looks like it could start back up any moment now. I bet it will rain off and on all week so I cant get that darn pool done now that we are home! Plus, our well or piping-whatever, looks like its coming up out of the ground-probably from all the rain. Crap! (didnt mean a pun there-LOL)
Okay, so I have to wrap this up and get ready to go to town. Have a busy day ahead of me and not feeling so hot today. Really tired and tummy bugging me.
**Jan, Megans dog is 1/2 poodle, 1/2 bichon. Cute little white fluff ball and has an awesome personality. He is a hoot! I so wish I could keep him, but just cant-he is still in puppy mode and Im just too old for a hyper, chewing dog-and dont want to mess with housebreaking or any of that pup stuff! Plus, I still have kittens to find a good home for. Megan has put an ad in the paper for Bis, so hopefully someone will buy him.
I know, huh, about-Heres your sign....thats NOT a fish I just pulled up on the dock you dingleberry-its a figment of your imagination. Mike said that he has never seen Megan and I with the giggles that bad-he said it reminded him of when we have been a little tipsy-we had tears rolling down our face-and I had my "seal" laugh, as the family calls it. Couldnt catch my breath. Even Darrel and Mike were laughing because of how hard me and Megan were. I tell you-it sure felt good just to be carefree and laid back-and not have a million problems to deal with or being pulled 20 different directions! The only thing I would have changed-is that I would have made the kids a little neater-as far as picking up after themselves at the cabin-I hate a messy place-so I was constantly picking up after them-ARGH!
No matter where Meg and Aaron end up that way-I WILL definitely let you guys know when I will be there visiting so we can all get together. Man, that will be so much fun to visit with you, Lana and Glenna-and anyone else who lives close to them!!! Will love it!
I know what you mean about schools-they scare me. I pray every single day when my kids leave. Plus-their school is in the middle of nowhere and you can literally walk in there and walk around and no one questions you! How scary is that???
**Angy-I will email you later today or in the morning. Yes, Dr. Suttmoeller can and WILL answer ANY and ALL ????s you have. He is awesome. He is married to the manager-Natalie Suttmoeller-and she is AWESOME....Tell them Janet Corbett says hi-and that I miss them, alright? I love Natalie-she is super! Anyway, I will email ya ok?
**Sheila-I hope your car is okay? Keep us posted. I do know what you mean about your own space. I dont think I could even have roomates-LOL....I like my dull, run of the mill, boring life way too much to be always having someone else up my rear-LOL....But, thats just me. I am still praying everything gets fixed with your health and that your car is fixed.
Im sure I have forgotten someone-but I have to get going. I will talk to you all tomorrow. I am praying for everyone who needs it. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet
Hi Everyone,
Hope your holiday weekend was good, it seemed to go by fast like always. Here we got a huge thunderstorm again, rained hard for a bit then stopped and was cloudy and humid all day but wasnt to bad.
Jan no wonder my ears were burning and ringing, I figured someone was talking about me lol. Sounds like you and Joe were busy yesterday, taking up carpet can be a messy messy job, wish Susan and I were closer so we could help ya, we'll be up in a couple weeks tho to help, sure can't wait. I dont know why we always let those carbs get a hold of us, I always tell people its like cocaine to us, they laugh but it really is, once we start eating carbs it seems we just can't stop. The 5 day pouch test really does help get off the carbs, it works nice and now just to stay off them so I can stick to the right menu and get the rest of this weight off. I really can't wait to get there and be able to help each other stay on track, once I get this weight off its still gonna be a daily thing on keeping it off, it really isnt that easy to do.
Well I gotta get up from here and get going, I have to take the car to get inspected and renew the tags on it, we almost forgot about it, Susan happen to look at the tags and realized they expire the last day of this month.
Everyone have a great and blessed day.