WELL HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!! DO MOST OF YOU YOUNG KIDS KNOW WHAT MEMORIAL DAY IS REALLY FOR? I ask several kids that were down in this area for the week end and they thought it was sort of starting of summer holiday. One said the day the pools open. Another said was some sort of government holiday that you shot off fireworks for . Do they not teach any thing in school anymore about the history and such? Oh im off my soap box now. I just know that if I had kids now days that no matter what it took I would be home schooling them.
Sunday was really a hot one , even I got hot and sweaty out working outside. Joe and I cut down and pulled all the limbs from a big walnut tree that was shading my garden and nothing wants to grow under a black walnut tree we should have cut it before now. Not real sure if things will grow well or not.
I ordered some Vit K cream it is suppose to be good for thin skin and bruising and such. I am going to use it like crazy on my arms cause with summer here and me outside I keep my arms and hands looking so badly. Since surgery they bruise and tear all the time.
We will see if it works if it does will be really great.
We were under a tornado watch all afternoon into the evening yesterday. Got too hot too quick I guess. The sun was shining really bright but then it started clouding up .
And we had a good amount of rain but nothing near as serious as they were warning people about at least not down here.
SHEILA:::: that is sad that you are going to get an annulment. Hopefull it is the will of God and what he wants for you.
OH NO you might not get to the meeting in
When is it you go to get your inplant adjusted? Is it a surgery or can they do it all on the outside? Hope so anyway.
JANET:::: Sounds like you all are having a great time. That is wonderful that you all are able to get away and away from everything. The pollen count is very very high and that is probably what is wrong with the boys ,allergies not a cold. If I didn’t keep taking stuff all the time I would be sick as a dog. Allergies I think can make you sicker than any cold you ever had. And they last and last if you don’t find what works for you to keep from having them it will just keep happeing all the time.
Sounds like that gall bladder is saying you sure better get me out or im going to keep messing with you for sure. Surgery still on for the 28th…is the surgery in
We aren’t suppose to take iboprophen on a routine basis at all but Dr. Hornbostel told me that if my ultram wasn’t working to try a couple of the 200 mg gel caps and see if they help but to take the prolosec too and if stomach started hurting to STOP them …
We already have the house rented to Andrew and Susan, now we have to hurry and get it all fixed up for them. This was all a blessing of them needing a house to rent and us needing good decent renters. Seems God was at work in all of this.
SUGAR::::good grief you are going to be busy this week aren’t you? You are going to SDC on Memorial day??? Wow you are a glutton for punishment aren’t you?
I didn’t hear about Rachell hitting a deer. It happened Friday night? She wasn’t hurt was she? Did she have full coverage on the van? Don’t know why they wouldn’t pay if she did. You shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a good deal on a newer van since people are trading in their bigger cars to get the little ones. I will keep my eyes open for one for you . what kind do you want and what year?
That was sad about the flags on the graves. It was probably the storm. I guess. Did you all have that much wind?
The Richard that you are talking about is that Kathy that teaches your ss class , her husband? Will keep on praying. ….
ANDREW:::::I know what you are talking about the amount of stuff you can accumulate and fast.
God really works in our lives for the good doesn’t he? We were really worried about who we could get to rent here that weren’t smokers or drinkers. .So God provided you for us and us for you.
I am so glad that you are getting back on the straight and narrow. Sounds like you are doing well anyway with the shakes and all. How are you doing on the 5 day pouch test??/
ANGY::::Sounds like you have had one busy week end. And I bet the kids had a good old time in the back yard.
That pool will be a great thing for you to have , a good way to get your exercise in ,,,if you just get in and do exercises for an hour you will be surprised how much good it will do.
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
I hope everyone is having a great 3 day weekend.....Today is the last day of Mikes "official" vacation. We actually went back to Stockton Lake to finish up our camping and fishing week-and we loaded everything up at 2 am after making it through one round of thunderstorms right before dark, but we knew the 2nd round was going to be much much worse (our walkie talkies have the weather channel and we used it).....and it was. It took forever to get home because we had to keep slowing down or pulling over because we couldnt see the road. It was wicked, to say the least. We made it home at 5 am and its STILL raining here. At Stockton, they had to add 60 ft. of dock because of the rise in the water level. The road you usually drive on to unload your poles and such for the dock-its totally under water too-the new dock goes right over the road.
We all got a case of the giggles last night-we were fishing on the outside of the covered fishing dock area-and Jon had fallen asleep about 11 pm, at about 1 am, Aaron is reeling in a fish-and Megan had just caught one, and one of the little "thugs" that had been fishing on the other side comes running over (like they did EVERY TIME they heard us catching a fish or getting the net) and he runs right up to Aaron-as Aaron pulls the fish over the rail and the little punk says-Are you catching fish? And Aaron looks at him and says-NO......that struck the rest of us funny-and we were laughing hysterically. He didnt break a smirk or anything when he looked at the kid and said no.....The reason I call him a little punk is when I had walked over to use the restroom, and on my way back-the kid (all of 14 maybe) lights a joint-and blows the smoke right in my face as I walked by him. I flat out told him he was a little punk and if he were my kid I would beat his *SS....... His "uncle" was 3 feet from us and never even said anything to him-worthless peice of crap.
Jon caught a 1 lb 9 oz catfish all by himself-and then we got 11 good sized crappies.....we are going to be able to have a really good fish fry in the near future. We got to use our food saver for the bass that Mike caught-so no freezer burn etc-he got crazy and did our sandwichs with it yesterday too-LOL....they look like something that would go up in the space shuttle.
The kids are in the middle of moving...they are in limbo right now-but hopefully real soon they will be all done. Megan has put an ad in the paper for her dog, its just too hard to find a place that will let her keep him-even if she offers additional money for a deposit. So, Bis has been out here and I crate him when Im not home. He can cry and yelp as much as he wants to-and nobody can hear him-Hee Hee..........
Im going to spend the rest of today getting the house back in order. My dad and mom are going to be having a sale either this weekend coming up or next-so I have to get the rest of the boxes in my room marked-and then I have a box for Miss Tammy Ammy when she comes this way in July for a couple of days-and then what doesnt sell at the sale, I am going to put on Ebay. I finally got most of my stuff out of Mel and Terrys garage at their rental house-just have like 4 things left-and then I am done. Told Mike we are getting rid of storage this next month-no more money getting spent on a storage unit.
Glad to see Traci K back, checking in with us. Have missed you, Traci!!!~ Has anyone heard from Connie????????? I havent seen her on here since her dad passed away and I am wondering if she is okay. Will have to check and see if I have her direct email address in my addresses or not. She has been on my mind a lot.
This week has been awesome, to say the least. Even though I had already had the surgery last summer-its been a lot easier this summer-I dont get hot-in fact-Mike keeps the house too cold for me. I am constantly moving the thermostat when he isnt looking.....I can see thats gonna be a problem this summer. Yesterday the kids were griping about how hot it was outside-and everyone broke a sweat except me. I glistened barely-but no sweating and I didnt have to change-I was wearing jeans.
~~~~Good news- MY BMI Started at 65.8 and I am only a 26 now-and only less than 2 points above the overweight~~~!!!!! I was so freaking excited when I did my BMI and it said that!!!!
**Jan-I really have been thinking about homeschooling Jonathan. I HATE how the schools teach our children-and when they start school, they are already suppose to know how to write their full name, their address and phone number, abcs and 1,2,3s....what the heck? Not that I mind teaching my children basics-but it should NOT be a requirement-what do the teachers teach them....Mike taught Steph how to read~
With the ibuprofen, I guess that leaves me out right now-since my tummy hurts so much of the time-I wouldnt know if it was from them or not? I hope it works for you though.
Im glad that you found good renters, but Im glad that Andrew and Susan will get to be your renters-Andrew and Susan are going to LOVE living by you and he loves to plant-so you have it made-and we are going to be able to see Andrew at the meetings-How cool is that? I may be able to meet him someday????? No way!
**Sug-I am saying prayers that your daughters insurance will pay for the damage and fix her vehicle. I am also praying for your friend, Richard and his family too, in this difficult time. I sure hope they caught it in time for treatment to be effective.
Sounds like your gonna be a busy beaver this week-Holy cow woman!!!! Feels good to be able to go and go and go though, doesnt it? Have a good week and we will miss you if you dont get to post.
**Andrew-so good to see you back on a regular basis!!! Thats awesome. I am so glad that you will be Jans new renter. Your gonna love it out there and we are going to love seeing you at the meetings!!! (when I get to go to them, that is) Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!!!
**Angy-sounds like you had a busy weekend as well-and having one graduate is hectic enough, but two? well, at least you didnt have to do the parties seperately, thats good-and teens being in bed by midnite? Whats up with that? I NEVER got that lucky here, unless they had been up for several nights and sleep depravation had set in-LOL..... Your appt is coming up soon, isnt it? Refresh my memory, if you will-have slept since you told me.
**Sheila-Thanks for the compliment-so we just wouldnt have recognized each other-LOL....You just look so wonderful-and I must say-younger. Im praying for you-that everything gets straightened out for you and you get a break. Take care and keep us posted!
**Tammy-Ammy-girl, you must be one hell of a host-since everyone keeps running to your place and you dont ever get to just relax with you and Joe-LOL...Please-tell me your secret-I dont ever want to do that here-LOL...Just kidding-your a heck of a sis and mom to always help them out. Im so glad your son is alright and yes-have your sis send me the pics from her cell phone. I remember looking at the truck Mike had been driving when he was T-boned, and just bawling-it was amazing he lived-the cab was literally smashed from the passenger side to where Mike was sitting on the drivers side! Send me an email with your sizes- PLEASE. Got a box started for you-but Im thinking some of the stuff is too big. Let me know....OK? Cant wait to see you in July!
**Brenda-Dont know if you will see this or not-but I am praying for your rapid recovery and I hope you arent in too much pain. Have been wanting to call and talk to you-but 90 percent of the time the past week I havent had signal-I pray your doing great.
**Bec-are you doing okay? I hope so-post when you can and let us know how your doing-k?
Well, I am gonna get off here-have some laundry calling my name-and then need to see when I have to go pick up Ms. Stephanie from her g-friends house that she spent the night with last night-and then get the Suburban unloaded-we didnt do it when we got home. Mike has some fish to filet-and there goes the day! Was hoping to be at Stockton until tonite-but the weather didnt agree. We are going to hopefully get our pool ready this week and get it filled and get the stuff ready for the sale-so the next week or two are busy for me (us)...Kids are out of school, so I at least have helpers. We are going to be doing a lot of burning too-we got a couple of burn barrels to do that. Mikes adopted parents-they are leaving for a trip tomorrow to AZ, and so we will be watching theirs and grandmas place too-and dogs.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Take care and as always-your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet
Hey Everyone, Hope everyone is having a nice holiday. Last night we got some hellacious storms, I thought the thunder and lightning was gonna come right in the house. It's still kind of thundering here, no rain tho but guess they say its gonna rain off and on all day so I wont be mowing the rest of the yard today.
Today is just a lazy inside day for me, the wife is at work and wont get home til about midnight tonight so Im just gonna piddle around here going through stuff for the move.
Jan so far Im doing good on the 5 day pouch test, the first couple days was kinda off and on but I guess thats to be expected being I was addicted to carbs again but once I got through that its going really good. I really recommend to anyone that needs a jump start or feels their pouch isnt working to try the 5day test, it really has helped me get back to the basics and jumpstart my pouch, I can already feel a difference. Last night I had a 1/4 cup of tuna and I barely was able to eat it all so I know the pouch is working, now to get back on track to losing weight. It'll be great to get there and be able to do some walking and stuff, around here lately our road has heavy traffic cuz of them doing work on the major hwy that goes by so I dont walk as much as I want.
Vesta I really can't wait to be a part of the support group, its something that I need very much, it'll be great to see alot of you there, we are getting really excited.
Tammy Im so glad your son is ok, the Lord was really watching out for him.
Well I guess I better get up from here and do a few things, hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Bless ya's
I LOVE that daily plate button you have in your signature! I clicked on it yesterday, out of curiousity and I stayed on that site for over an hour checking out different food nut info. I'm glad you put that in your signature! Thanks! I highly reccommend everyone give it a look. If you're curious about nut facts, it's got some good info.
I'm doing well, today is a tired day. Saturday I went all day at Nancy's party and was about average yesterday, but today I'm whooped! I am eating, which is nice. I think the extra calories (as few as they are) are helping with the energy.
I have my appointment with Dr. H tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be in and out in 10 mins, but I'm curious to find out what he has to say.
I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and took a moment to give thanks for all of our heros who are keeping our country free and to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice!
Best wishes!