Jan C.
on 5/24/08 3:14 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Saturday started off pretty good but started getting dark again about 7am , then got black out and rained like pouring p—s out of a rubber boot. Got over an inch in less than an hour. Then the sun came out and was really nice the rest of the day only got to about 70 tho. So those on this day that wanted really hot weather for a sun tan don’t think you got it .

I think the cell that did this rain must have went across the state. Well I took two ibuprophen last night and two more this morning and I am feeling so much better. I will get me some over the counter prevacid or what prilosec don’t know which one there is but will do that and that way I can take this for arthritis when I need it. I think that is probably what the bad feelings I had for the last few days was , arthritis just inflamed and being like fever in my body. Hope so anyway . I hate it when I cant do all I want to. Joe is always telling me that I am over doing it .


I think Joe and I will go to Lowes probably Wednesday and get all the things we need to complete the rental house. Got a new credit card from them so will use that so we can get it all done quickly. Found out we can go to lumber liquidators and get the laminate flooring a whole lot cheaper than anywhere else. They always have some color on sale for 69 cents a square foot. I think this month it is a oak color and that ought to be pretty and clean looking.


The reason I say Wednesday as we are borrowing a trailer from this guy and taking all of the metal stuff from here to Harrison to sell. And will just stop back off at Lowes and get all the stuff that way we can carry all of it like cabinets and sink and tub surround, etc etc.





VESTA:::: GIRL you better watch it and not over do, you bust out those stiches and then get infection you will be very sorry.

Isnt that awful about your daughter in law seems so many people now days just can walk away and don’t seem to feel anything from it. Do you all know where she is? Was he home when she walked out ? that is so sad. I know your son is really upset and the kids too I would imagine. Will keep her and your son in my prayers.




NANCY :::::: well did it rain all day on your party??? Hope not and you all had a great big time of it.

It really isnt hard to put pictures on here in your profile. Don’t you put any on your computer? Ask someone to show you how it isnt hard to learn.

It could be shock on the tomatoes but that usually just makes them wilty for a couple of days. The yellow leaves with different designs can mean different things. Also are any of the upper leaves curled?




            TAMMY-AMMY:::::oh I know you were just beside yourself when you didn’t know …I remember how I felt when Joe had his wreck in 99 it still brings back bad memories . I was a nervous wreck after the Champlain of the hospital called.

So glad that your son is doing ok and doesn’t have anything that he needed to stay in the hospital for. Was the other boy ok?

Hope you got your pool up today. I hope to be able to get a big above ground pool this summer but I will have the company to come out and install it for us. And just leave it up all year. They give you instructions to do certain things to winterize it.




CHRISTINE:::::THE being tired easily is normal, just rest and let the body heal itself don’t worry that you aren’t doing a 5 mile run yet lol that will come with time.

That is wonderful about the blood pressure isnt it? Seems that happens just as quickly as not being a diabetic anymore does.

That was a cute picture you sent to us. Lol . don’t think I will ever get down to the smallest skimpiest one.




            ANDREW:::::did you get the rain for about an hour or so? It must have went your direction after it left here.

Moving is a big deal and a lot of hard work but gives a person a chance to go thru stuff and get rid of a lot of junk accumulated.

So glad that you started the 5 day pouch test. See it doesn’t take anymore than when you started to fill you up. You thought you had stretched your tummy but you evidently haven’t.

Well all of us that have had this surgery know that there is such a thing as an addiction to carbs. And my addiction comes out full force in the evening. I want junk then more than anything, and I buy sugar free or fat free and baked instead of fried but the bad part is that I eat way too much of it. Very hard to not. I don’t mean to buy any of it but when I get to the checkout there it is going thu on the belt ,way too much stuff, again.

Will be glad to see you all when ever you can come up….








Sheila H.
on 5/24/08 10:15 pm - Marshfield, MO
Morning every one.... when it rains it pours!!! i went to see my  husband yesterday as i hadnt seen him in over a month and we are getting marriage annulled... left there and was on way home a beautiful afternoon and was driving about 55 to 60 on a back hiway and steering wheel  locked up...i almost wrecked but didnt and then car died....well as luck would have it  after i managed to calm down and relax from almost wrecking... my cell wouldnt get no signal there so had to start walking.........nobody home and nobody driving by so walked about 6 miles in shoes with heels and then a guy finally came by and i was really nervous about catching a ride but i did...got home finally and then i called the guy who was supposed to have put axle joint in and he goes and gets the car...well it ends up being the idle something locked up then belt burned out and they cant get parts in till mon or tues and it will cost 150.00 just for the parts.....i am gonna be very upset IF he doesnt have my car back to me by monday afternoon...cos i work tues and i WANT to be at support group tues nite...so keep ur fingers crossed...even more things happened after that but i wont bore u all with details...just to say id wish id stayed in bed yest lol hope you ALL have a GREAT weekend!!!! love n hugs


on 5/24/08 11:41 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Hi everyone-Long time no see......I have missed you guys-but to tell you the truth, we have just had the time of our lives! This has been the best vacation we have had!!! The kids all had fun-our only complaint is that it sure went too fast and we didnt get as much time to shop as we wanted when we were in Branson.

Mike suprised us with a few nights at Green Valley Resort and we have camped too at Stockton. We came home to bring Stephanie to my parents as she had to work this whole weekend, and we were gonna head right back out yesterday, but the storm we got here in the morning was wicked-and it rained off and on pretty much all afternoon. I did some laundry because we all needed socks and underwear (LOL)....we went through more than we thought we would just due to our socks and shoes and clothes getting wet from either fishing or the bumper boats and what not.

Not sure whats going on with me, but 2 nights in a row, I was asleep before 7 pm and tossing and turning all night long, not getting very good sleep, but still not getting up until 7-8 am, and thats just not like me. I have been back to vomitting anything I try to eat, and normally not eating just doesnt bother me much, but I have been getting hungry, which is rare for me-and so I eat, then I get sicker than a dog. Sure its probably the gallbladder, or hope so anyway.

Mike and Aaron caught some more really good sized Bass. We had anywhere from 1 1/2#-3 1/2#.....I still wished I wouldnt have lost the two that weighed 5# or more-both did! Your not gonna believe this-but the day after the basket broke and I lost the two trophy fish, I was carrying the minnow bucket full of live minnows off the dock-and the strap broke and I dropped all of them too, on the dock-and lost 1/2 in the water. Mike laughed and said that from now on, I couldnt touch anything that had live bait or fish in it!!!! Trust me, I agreed. I think it was Jan that asked if Mike got upset/mad when I lost the trophy fish-and the answer was no-he just got upset because I was so upset~I was devastated~like I said-they were the biggest fish I ever personally saw with my own eyes! I just couldnt believe that happened. Mike said-they are just fish-

Anyway, we are getting ready to head back out today-I just wanted to get on and say hi to everyone. Thanks for all the compliments on my new pics in my profile.....Im gonna have my daughter change my avatar pic too-but probably will be later in the week sometime.

All the kids and Mike and I have colds now....the winds and cooler weather by the water Im sure had something to do with it-but the boys have that runny nose constantly and not so much coughing and such, just that miserable runny nose and sneezing. Got them both on OTC meds, and it sure stinks to have a cold this time of the year.

For anyone who would want to guess-I filled the Suburban up the day we left for vaca-are you ready for this? It was $106.32!!!!!! We just filled up the other day to come home-and it was $92. We got a little over 11 mpg. Thats it! Thank goodness we had it though, because Megan had to leave 2 days early, and on the way she had all hers, Aarons and Stephs stuff in her car-and on the way home, we had all Aarons and Stephs stuff-we were loaded from front to back and top to bottom!

**Jan-I just wanted to tell you that there is a new generic Prilosec out there, its like $2 cheaper than Prilosec, and it is just as good. I take it everyday and when the generic came out-I tried it-and its every bit as good. Same dosage and so on-just a plain white box tho, nothing fancy. I thought we couldnt take Ibuprofen though???? My paperwork says no ibuprofen-is it okay if we take Prilosec with it? Is that what the catch is? I will try it if thats the case since I take Prilosec every day anyway. Mike gets Ibuprofen 800s from the doctor, I wonder if that would be too much? Think I will email my nurse at MOBAR and ask.

I hope you and Joe can get your house finished and get it rented out. May be able to see you more often soon-Megan and Aaron are looking at getting a place in Branson and/or Kimberling City. Megan applied at Dixie Stampede and Aaron applied at Bass Pro Shops in Branson. Its not all that far for when she gets her classes at MU this fall-she can handle that drive she says-so I may get to Branson more often to see my kiddos.

**Vesta-I am so sorry to hear about your son and daughter in law. Those poor kids. I will pray for that situation! In the meantime-you better take it easy and let the "girls" heal~ I had a girlfriend that had a breast reduction and she has scarring under them due to overdoing it and they didnt heal correctly-so give the girls time and you wont be sorry. Love ya and want you to be okay cuz you have worked so hard for this!!

**Tammy-Ammy-I am so sorry about your son. Thank God he was okay!! I bet you were a mess!!! How scary! I hope that he feels better real soon. Take care of yourself too. Have missed talking/texting you!!! I will be back soon. I just got my phone back from Megan yesterday late afternoon, but where we are headed, we get no signal at all-so it doesnt even do any good to take the phones with us. We just leave them in the Suburban~

**Sheila-what are we gonna do with you? I am praying that things go well for you. Im so sorry you have had so much to deal with lately! Im so happy for you that you got a new baby girl though!!! I will keep you in my prayers that things go smoothly for you. Im so sorry your having to deal with all this junk-all at once! By the way-your pics look awesome-I would have never recognized you!

**Bec-I know your sad that you have to say goodbye to your girls. I know you had a good time-and they did too! Wish I could come to the picnic and see you too! Im jelous that Jan gets to see you!!! Thanks for the emails. I am still looking for that book. I went to 2 different bookstores and have had my mom look around here for me. Cant wait to get my hands on a copy of it. I am going to check on ebay and amazon when I get home from vaca. Thanks again. Love ya.

Well, I am gonna get off here and get in the shower and get ready to go. I hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

on 5/25/08 5:30 am - Clever, MO

Hello all! Hope everyones weekend is going great! Mine has been busy as usual but okay...even thru the storms yesterday..

My fiesta party at church on Friday  went well and we had a great time with lots of good foods. We voted on a name for the Sr Adult group. The chose JOY which stands for Just Older Youth! They all seemed to like the idea behind that name.  I have a terribly busy week planned. Tomorrow maybe SDC day with one of the grandkids, then Tues is shopping day with Jan and of course support meeting, Wed. I may keep 2 grandsons and church, Thursday I leave for a fun weekend get-away with a group from my bank, then hopefully Sunday will be the picnic at Sedalia! Does anyone need anything done for them while I am out running around???? Would you all please pray for my daughters insurance to pay for a run-in she had with a deer on Friday night? If it doesnt she may have a real issue with transportation. I need to find a great priced newer van to buy so she can have the Explorer to drive...anyone know of one? Hey sis, I went to put the flowers on the grave and all the flags were laying on the ground so I spent about an hour standing them back up, it just broke my heart that the national cemetery had them down. I guess it had been the wind and storm that had done it! I will close and everyone know that I am praying for all the health issues and other problems out there.... My friend Richard has found out that he does have liver cancer as well as collerectal cancer..

GOD Bless you all greatly!


Andy W.
on 5/25/08 3:44 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,

Wow what a storm we had for a bit yesturday,  it rained so hard for about an hour then just quit.  It was really humid afterwards but when the sun came out it got nice.  It gave me a chance tho to stay inside and work on things here.  We're getting some things done for the big move,  still have lots to go through but hopefully we can consolidate down enough where we dont have quite so much to move, you just wouldnt believe the stuff you accumalate in such a short period of time  lol.  


We are getting so excited about moving,  the thought of moving all that stuff makes ya wanna run but in the end it will be worth it all.  Where we are moving is so directed by God is amazing.  We had been praying about moving closer to the city to where I could go to a support group and be a part of that to help me stay on track.  God has really been dealing with me about getting closer to people that have had the surgery to help me get back on track and stay on track.  We really wanted and had been praying about the Springfield area because of the Support group there,  the one time Susan and I got to attend was such a tremendous blessing but as we checked into renting a house or apt it was so expensive.   Then I felt I better get back to the MO board at least, I really needed the support,  I dont think I was posting but a day or so  when come to find out  Jan and Joe had bought a rental place and were gonna need renters,  when Jan told me that a bell rang off in my heart  lol.   Then she wrote and told me about it that her and Joe had been praying for renters and its all just worked out since,  it really is an answered to prayers for all of us.  So looks like by the end of June will be residents of  Cedar Creek, MO and will be able to attend the Circle of Friends support group each month, woohoo!! We are just so excited to be able to live near Jan and Joe and their gardens,  thats like living in paradise!!!


Well I better get up from here and get busy,  gotta fix me another shake and get it down then get outside and mow the grass before it gets to high here.  Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.  


Bless ya's



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 5/25/08 4:23 am - Friedheim, MO
Hi Everyone!  Seems like forever since I've been on here.   This weekend has been CRAZY!!  Friday Lynn & I had to go to Cape & do alot of running around.  The kids had a graduation party with all their friends at our house last night, so we had to get all the stuff for that.  We had a huge pile of limbs & branches in the back yard which made a great bonfire.  Lynn BBQ'd burgers & hotdogs & smoked 2 chickens. It was delicious!  We told everyone that once they came, they were here for the night. So they brought tents & sleeping bags.  It was fun, I think everyone was asleep by midnight. lol.  Lynn has a few more days of vacation left, I think we're going to try to get the ground ready for a pool,  that's what our stimulus checks are going for.    I woke up this morning with a sore throat.  YUCK!!!     Hope everyone has a great Holiday!!!    Angy


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