I feel a little better!
Well I stopped the retching and dry heaves since yesterday and I do feel a little better! I still have the nausea but Margie called me this morning and called in three meds for me! Thats great except I needed them 2 weeks ago! I'll take what I can get! I just wanted to thank you all for the advice and if I start feeling bad I will definatly be calling her back! She is going to call me on Tuesday to make sure I am doing better! Thank goodness I have a dr or at least his nurse/wife that cares! I will update if anything changes and thanks again for the support!
so glad that you are feeling better have you not been able to take vits or protein yet???? if not there is still something wrong...dont wait too long you cant go forever without anything. How abou****er surely you are able to get that down???
Im sure Dr. H cares too that is what Margie does tho is take some of the burden off of him. we all care about you and worry too. so dont let it just go and go , take your clues from your hubby if you cant do some of what he does then there is something wrong. ok?
Oh no I didn't mean that Dr H didn't care I know he does he has taken good care of us. I was a little bitter because if I tell someone I am not feeling well there automatic response is "did you eat something you wern't supposed to" I guess when you are overweight everyone assumes you have no self control. I guess I should have specefied about who didn't care! Sorry! And the pills seem to really help I just wish I had them 2 weeks ago to help with the nausea. On Thursday I had to stop 2 times during a clients hair service to go "throw up" it was terrible. I am just glad I am feeling way better!!