Jan C.
on 5/23/08 9:15 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Got the garden all planted and finished up the fence, Joe got the gate built ….isnt very big but will give us some fresh food to eat that we don’t have to buy . maybe can get more plowed up for a bigger garden by this fall and put in a fall garden ….

I got so worn down again today. Don’t know what is going on. I feel like I have fever and just get to where I cant go. Ever since Saturday and all the dancing I got so sore, you think it could be that it has the arthritis all flared up to where it is making me feel like this. You know when you that flares it swells and gets inflamed so would make some sense I guess. Don’t hurt in the joints anymore than the muscles and just all over.

Oh well ive felt like this before and didn’t die lol


Traci where are you ? are you feeling ok? I saw you on the board the other day talking to someone else but you didn’t come on the board.  Wish you would come back ,we need your knowledge about things.


I couldn’t keep awake any later than 8pm last night again so went to bed..Slept straight thru till 5am this morning, I slept so hard I have a head ache. If this keeps up im going to go to the doctor cause it isnt normal for me to sleep lol .


Congrats to Patty and the new baby? Is this a granddaughter? So glad that she and mom are doing fine.



NANCY : IT hasn’t rained all week down here. I am having to start to water things. But I have most of my stuff set up with soaker hoses and I turn it on and let it run for several hours. Best way to do a lot of things.

On the tomatoes it could be lots of things. From Too much water to several different pests. Are the ones on the patio covered and you water them? Tomatoes don’t require nearly as much water as other things do. So that would be my first guess but without seeing the leaves I don’t really know. Do you have a digital cameral? You can take a close up picture of the leaves and mail me to [email protected] and I can maybe tell you better what is wrong.

Your party today sounds like lots of fun …I guess Joe and I will just work around the house here. Since we live on the lake, that is where everyone wants to go then I guess we are in a good place. The weekenders that come down will probably set off a bunch of fireworks tonight or tomorrow night , we will watch them  if I can stay awake long enough.



SUGAR:::   hola   hope you party was a big hit….I know they had fun .

So sorry to hear about Richard having cancer. Hope they have caught it in time to cure it. Not sure which Richard you are talking about but doesn’t matter, will be keeping them in prayer.

Oh I hope you will be able to come up to Sedailia you will get to meet another bunch of good people that never get down to Springfield .

We need to do some of the road trips we talked about doing of going and meeting some of the people on here. That would be fun.

Yes I read that on Real Age too. Vit. K. is what they said from lots of green leafy veggies.

Love you too and hope you have a great day.



ANDREW::::Yeah I haven’t had my air conditioner on but once this year so far. And that was for other people. I freeze in the things anymore. Would rather have fans going instead if there isnt a breeze. I have to remember to take me a light jacket anytime I go to anyones house or out to eat or anything. Lol Like the little old old ladies do.


Hey Susan anxious to see you too. When do you think you all will be up do you know yet?

Yeah I think im going to start walking the highways and picking up cans again lol might make better than at a job and not have to use gas and good exercise too. Lol




            TAMMY   V    :::: HEY that is great on the weight loss. so have you gotten a protein drink that you are doing now? You don’t want to not do it since you will get sick if you don’t get enough protein in. Im glad that you have a good pcp to talk too.

Im sure if you email Margie and ask her it will be alright , several people are doing that. And she is saying it is ok. Just be sure and cancel your appointment if you do.


So glad your husbands mom is ok now. That can be so troubling when a parent is sick.


Oh I know you are just so excited that your son may move back to Mo. You will be closer to your babies than you were and wont be so far away that you cant go see them or at least if gas would come down some.

If gas keeps going up and up we wont be able to go to town and back before long.



RIANNE:::: WOW  I will try my best to watch that if I can get it. I am going to go today and practice to see if I can get that to work. That would be so very neat. And we would get to be at your wedding. Lol

Have fun and have someone to take lots of pictures. So you can post them for us to see. Ok?

Love and congratulations hope you will have as good of marriage as Joe and I have.

I couldn’t wish anything better for anyone. Or at least in my  thoughts anyway.











on 5/23/08 10:59 pm - pomona, MO

good morning Jan and board, I have been so busy I think I might over did it , I have been painting and trying to get the house done in town, but have just painted where I could reach and quit..I have to take another round of antibotics for under my boobs are heaing slow I guess I am to anxious otherwise I am doing good, doc said where the t is under the boobs are slower healing.. Please pray for my son and daughter in law, they have 3 children and have been married for 17 years and she left him and kids I just couldnt believe it, it is just not her to do that, my son is devastated, I think is because she wants to be a traveling nurse and , she would be gone 3 mo at a time and he didnt want her to do that, because there is 2 small girls  and the boy is 16..just pray it works out and she comes back. I sure wonder about Traci, where are you? my prayers are for everyone on here that needs them, love ya all.....vesta


Nancy S.
on 5/24/08 12:16 am - Knob Noster, MO
UGGGGGH!  Today is party day and it is RAINING!!!!  I have been glued to the computer screen watching the doppler move across missouri.  It looks like it will move on out of here by noon...I sure hope so.  Jan, I will take some pics of the tomatoes and try to upload them.  I am not good at that...that's why i don't have any pics on here...lol.  It's not that i'm shy, believe me.  The tomatoes on the patio are NOT covered.  I have watered them a couple of times when we haven't had rain.  Someone told me they DID require more water...so i have been keeping them moist...like i said...they are huge and have TONS of blooms, but the ones in the garden are just really not fairing as well.  They look better today than they did a few days ago...could they have just been a little shocky???  Who knows.  I will get those pics for you this weekend when the rain stops.  Thanks for your input.  I really value your "expert" opinion.  I'll take wisdom over a book any day!!!  Everyone have a great weekend, stay dry, wear sunscreen and bug spray, and be kind to each other...........

Tammy H.
on 5/24/08 12:51 am - Holcomb, MO
Good Morning Guys & Gals... So far down here in the Bootheel it's sunshinny....Not sure how long it will be that way but hope it holds up for most of the day before the rain gets to us.....We are going to put our pool up today and it takes a bit. And we can't start till a bit later because Joe worked all week and don't have time to mow till the weekend so we have to mow before starting the pool.  Well guys....I got the worst scare of my life Thrusday.... I was laying down with the Princess and got a phone call from my son....He has been in Tennessee working and was on his way in and the him and the boy he was riding with had a wreck......He called me the second he got out and was only about 1 1/2 miles from my house.  I DID NOT BREATH FOR ABOUT 10 MIN!!!!  We got there and I seen the car I almost passed out!!!! My sister kept saying calm down sis he's standing up he has to be ok!! But I couldn't breath till I made it thur the big ole ditch and into the field to touch him, hug him and check him out for myself!!  His friend he works with had went to pass a car and the car sped up, there was other cars coming so he sped up too to get around the other car and then when they went back over to their lane he last control. They hit the embankment of a drive going to the field and it flipped them...They flipped 4-5 times end to end and the car landed on its top. They slid probably about 100 yards or so out into the field... After they stop moving and my son opened his eyes he said he was facing the driver and his legs were twisted and he was kinda confused. But then he smelled smoke and got scared cause he thought they had caught on fire. The first window he seen was the back drivers window so he pulled his self thru the back and busted the window out with his elbow.  After I checked him out and seen that nothing was super pad we took him to the ER ourself. I was really worried about his head and neck. My son is 6'61/2!!! He has to slump in most any car he rides in and the top of the car had been smashed in from where they had flipped. And he had a place on the back side of his rib area that had a mark that looked like something had punctured him. He said he felt pressure when he breathed so I was worried about a rib being broke and maybe poking at his lung. But we got to the ER and they x-rayed his whole right side and nothing was broken....The doctor said he had deep burising down his whole right side and he had mild whiplash. His elbow was cut up from busing the window but the chunks that were cut out were small. But somehow during the accident something sliced the underneath of his arm in several places.....Most will be ok and heal on their own but the one took 8 stitches.  If they had of wrecked just about 1/8th of mile farther down towards my house they would have hit a row of trees!!!!  I hope I never have to go thru something like that again....I don't even remember putting on shoes or going out the door or anything. After he told me he had been in a wreck and needed me the next thing I remember is seeing that car out in that filed upsided down and smashed up!!!! I AM SOOOOO THANKFUL HE WAS OK!!! Meant to chat more but took up so much time talking about my son that I will wait.....I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday weekend and a Safe one too!!!!!  God Bless each of you.... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Sheila H.
on 5/24/08 10:30 pm - Marshfield, MO
im so glad ur son is okay amen


Christine F.
on 5/24/08 3:01 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
Good morning strangers!  I'm officially a week out from surgery and other than getting tired quickly, I've feeling fantastic!  I've lost 10% of my body weight since I started my slim fast diet and my jeans that I was wearing before surgery are lose!  YAY!  My shirts are still fitting the same (due to the swelling from the surgery) but I expect that to change any day now.  I've tried food!!!  Yesterday I had 2 tablespoons of sf chocolate pudding and it was yummy then later in the day I had 3/4 of a VERY fluffy scrambled egg.  I would just like to say that I love the things that come out of chicken's lower regions!! lol  OH!  My other big news... my blood pressure is down near normal!  I went to the dr earlier in the week and my blood pressure was 118/88!  When I went in for surgery it was 152/99. Life is good!!   Here's a little funny for you guys!  I thought it was pretty hilarious!! Gastric Bypass


Andy W.
on 5/24/08 3:26 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone, Well looks as if the sun went into hiding here today.  It hasnt started raining yet but its really dark out like its gonna storm any moment. I dont really wanna start something outside and not be able to fini**** so I've just been working on stuff inside today,  there's alot to do since we are gonna be moving at the end of next month, moving can be such a chore lol.  Things seem to be coming together nicely so hopefully june will be go by fast and we'll be all moved, set up, unpacked  lol  sounds easy huh?


I started the "5 day pouch test" yesterday, so far so good.  Its not easy but I can already tell its giving my pouch the jumpstart it needed.  I am so craving carbs tho,  dang that carb demon, hopefully after today the cravings wont be as much,  people laugh when you tell them carbs are addictive,  its true, they really are.  Im getting in all my water which seems to help alot, and after drinking a protein shake I feel pretty full which is really good.  Hopefully this will get me back on track to losing the rest of my weight. 

Jan even tho I havnt lost all my weight, it seems I dont need the AC on near as much as I used too,  I actually burn Susan out sometimes  lol.  I do constantly have a fan going tho,  I cant sleep without a fan.  We should know this next week when we can come up for a couple days,  we are so excited,  we just can't wait to get there.   Hey thats a great idea walking the highway picking up cans  LoL  getting paid to walk   LOL. 


Well I better get off here and do some more stuff,  hope everyone has a wonderful  holiday weekend, stay safe.  Tammy I'll sure be praying for your that he recovers good,  praise the Lord he was alright. 


Bless ya's


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Tammy H.
on 5/24/08 2:03 pm - Holcomb, MO
Thank you Andrew for your prayers......Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

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