Jan C.
on 5/22/08 9:05 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Got the fence up around the garden , Joe  will make a gate tomorrow. We got too hot and worn out to do any more than what we did. Got it tilled and cleaned out really well.

Tomorrow I will make the rows and plant everything. And lay down the soaker hoses.

Need to make a trip to Lowes for more stuff. Like hoses and plants , but veggies this time.


Sure has been some pretty weather this week hasn’t it? Granddaughter and her husband and two babies came down tonight for supper. I gave the baby girl her pretty princess pillow and comforter and told her It was hers and she wouldn’t let it go. Her brother tried to lay on it and she about had a fit. Lol boy she can hold her own that is for sure. I gave him a new comforter and pillow and all on his birthday of the Cars theme. He is nuts for that movie and also for just any kind of car. He says he is going be speed racer tomorrow.

Lol kids they are so cute …


Did anyone watch the first episode this year of (So you think you can dance)? Some really good dancers and lol some really bad ones too.  The try outs for it is like American Idol , I wonder if they don’t go out and find those really awful ones and pay them to be on there. Surely no one can dance or sing that badly and think they are good , can they? Are people that dense or nuts or what ever it is? Maybe so. Lol


I just woke up after falling asleep at 9pm which isnt like me at all. And I am so stiff I can barely move. I have been doing that a lot , well really almost every morning. When I sleep in bed I can barely get out when I wake up , now if I sleep in my big chair in a half way laying down position it isnt as bad. Wonder what that is? Weird. But it is like sore stiff muscles but all the way down to the bones.

Oh well it hasn’t killed me yet . lol




SUGAR::::Yep the picnic and the support meeting are the same day. That is why the picnic came about , because some of us or rather several of us that had our surgery around the same time last year decided to get our yearly appointments at the same time and meet up and talk in the park. So now Dr. H. has started not only doing a seminar on the first Sunday of the month but also a support meeting that day too. And told us that if we came to one of his support meetings that he would count that as our yearly appointment with him. So…….


Anyway Joe and I will be staying with Becky , we are going to spend a couple of days with her and her husband. They are two of the sweetest people.



Hope your fiesta lunch turns out nice. I know it will , you go all out for those things and your people that attend those have to know how much you do for them to make them so nice.



Thanks for putting flowers on Mamas and Daddys graves. I love you.




BEC:::::seems like time can fly when you don’t want it to cant it. I know you have had so much fun having your girls home but when they grow up it is amazing how well they can get along without us. That is a sign that you did your job right you know.


I haven’t been having any trouble with my email that I know of? I have been getting lots of it seems like. I don’t know why it would be kicking back your mail. I am getting email from other people. Has anyone else had trouble sending me email? Any computer geeks out there have any ideas.?



Wow twenty five dollars to mow your own yard, now that is awful. Maybe everyone ought to do like me and not have much lawn. When I see a patch of lawn I see digging all of that up and putting in another flower bed lol .



Will see you in about a week now. I am looking forward to seeing you and your hubby too. Love and hugs dear friend.




TAMMY-AMMY::::sounds like you and your sissy had a great time together. That is as it should be. So is she single or married or what? Kids? Is she living with you?


Am I being too nosey? Lol


So glad that you are getting some people interested in your support group. That is great. And 6 people will be wonderful and it can grow from there. Maybe you all could take turns coming up with a topic and leading that topic off each month, if you are nervous about it.


But that is what our Circle of Friends is , just getting together and talking about what has come up for us during the month that maybe someone else will have some insite into. It really helps to know that someone else went thru the same place you are now. I know you all will do really well.





DEBBIE  M::::Sounds like soon you are going to have a new baby to cuddle and love on. Sorry that your daughter is having a hard time tho.


Hope the electro leads will help David and his back, That is so debilitating to say the least.


Hey I did wish you Happy Birthday on your birthday or a day late maybe but I rember telling you happy birthday since you didn’t see it ……HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBBIE, AND MANY MORE.


Lol  That sounds like a neat idea to have all the birthdays and your anniversary all rolled  into one.



ANDREW::::NO JOKE if you all have lots of cans , rinse them out crush them and save them and find a place to cash them in. There are some little places that take them and only pay a small amount and then they take trucks and trailer loads down and cash them in for lots more. It isnt just can either it is all metals that are being paid a lot of money for, don’t know why all of a sudden the price of all of that has gone so high. We are trying to find a trailer to help us make only one load down to Harrison to get rid of all of the stuff that was left at the rental house.



Hey you aren’t the only one that has ants in the car, someone else told me they had the same thing. But I could understand their situation. They have  small kids and you know how they drop stuff all the time. As bad as the ants are this year that would really attract them.



Really anxious to see you all again. have missed you and Susan.




SHEILA:::: oh wow I really hope that helps and stops the roaring in your head. Then we have to help you learn how to hear huh? Do they have classes for that or are you just suppose to learn on your own?


I will be anxious to see you and your grandbabies when ever. Hopefully nothing will happen that you wont come again. I will bring those clothes for you.


I know that you are going to get a lot of WOWS at the meeting. Since none of us have seen you since you had surgery.












Nancy S.
on 5/22/08 10:07 pm - Knob Noster, MO
It really has been nice this week for sure!!!  Looks like the start of another pretty day today as well.  We are supposed to have some scattered showers, but i can live with that.  Had some real gully washers yesterday.  It was raining so hard we couldn't see out across the yard.  I know my garden loved that.  My green beans are about 4 inches high now.  I'm so excited.  I have really gotten into canning and can't wait to do those up.  Jan...my tomato plants on the patio are really thriving...huge in fact, but the ones in the garden seem to be struggling and look ragged.  Some of the leaves are yellow.   What could be the cause of that???  Thought if anyone would know you would.  I know what you mean about the cost of mowing your own lawn.  We mow about 4 acres.  I'm starting to get like you and have begun digging up areas and planting.  I will be getting a sod cutter machine weekend after next to finally start this patio project.  As i keep looking at it I keep making the plans bigger and bigger.  I told my husband we should just do the whole front yard.  He didn't say no but gave me that look...  I have a big memorial/bring in the summer party tomorrow.  It has become an annual thing.  Hoping for nice weather as we are expecting about 40 people.  Bought the fireworks for it yesterday in Marshall at the black cat outlet.  They really had a good selection and some videos going so you could see what they do before you buy them.  Christine and her tribe will be here.  She and i have been brainstorming to come up with some rules for water balloon baseball.  I think we have it down.  I plan to park her in a chair with a protein shake and let her referee!  I know Meg wants to come but she and her DH of 18 years are getting their marriage blessed tomorrow....all together now...AWWWWWW...and then celebrating after, so I'm giving her a raincheck if she needs one.    Well, off to work...gotta earn that gas money......GEEZ...someone is really lining their pockets arent' they!  Everyone have a safe and fun filled memorial weekend.........

on 5/22/08 10:13 pm - Clever, MO
Hola  sis and all OHer's...hope all  is well this morning! I hear some thunder in the distance. Who's getting rain??? I hope it doesnt stop my Sr's from coming to the FIESTA today !   I went up yesterday and decorated for it and today all I need to do is finish cooking my dish and make tea and coffee. We arent having any entertainment for this one, just taped Mexican music....Mary my friend even had some Mexican hymns.    And of course we will play a couple of games.  My prizes for them are pickled cactus and hot sauce and a jar of jalapenos....It should be fun. Rick and I went to a friends house last night for a supper with them and 2  other friends. One of them has just found out he has colorectal cancer and now they also are thinking he has liver cancer too...waiting on results. Please pray for my good friends, Richard and Kathy. He will start treatments soon!  Well I hope to be able to come up to Sedalia on Sunday but will depend on how tired I am from my other trip.I dont get home from it until Saturday afternoon sometime...probably around 3 or 4. So I guess I wont make a reservation and will just play it by ear. Hey I just read on REAL AGE site that inflamation is playing such a amajor role in so many health issues. I am sure most of you know this all but go on thier site if you dont already get thier info..you get some good insight. Going to go and get my day going! I hope and pray everyones day is great and that the GOOD LORD blesses you all!!!


Andy W.
on 5/23/08 12:52 am - Tulsa, OK
Good Morning Everyone,

What a nice day its started out to be here, we the windows and the front door up letting all that nice breezy air flow through. Wish I had a veggie garden to get working in but no use in starting one since we are gonna be moving by the end of next month. Yesterday we started going through things and got rid of some stuff that we don't need.

Someone posted a link in another message on this board yesterday about testing your pouch in five days. I read that and it sounds really good, Im starting it today, the way it is set up it helps you get away from the carb demons and gets you back to the basics like we been talking about.

Jan I watched So You Think You Can Dance, omg I about feel outta my chair when I seen the guy take his clothes off and dance in his underwear LOL Some of these people cant be for real lol.

Debbie M, its so great to see you still posting, looks as if you've done really well with your surgery, thats just awesome. Its mostly my fault that I havnt done as well but Im fixing that, Im gonna get this weight off one way or another, i refuse to go any longer like this. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!

Jan I checked the can place here and they are paying like .70 cents a pound, thats alot, just a year or so ago they were paying like .40 cents. Susan says Hi and that she's so excited about seeing you and Joe again.

Well I better get up from here and get busy, hope everyone enjoys the day.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 5/23/08 4:27 am - Kirksville, MO

Hey Jan and All,             I am pretty excited today! As of this morning I have loss 80 pounds. Go Me!!! I have had some troubles but I had a long talk with my PCP on Wednesday and she helped me with alot of things. I just love her.             I want to come to the picnic and meeting on the 1st. But the problem is I have an appointment with Dr. Hornbostel on the 10th. and with gas prices the way they are I can't afford to make the three hour one way trip twice. So I have an e-mail into Margie to see if the picnic and meeting can count as my appointment. Hopefully it will, if not then I won't be able to come to the picnic.           We had to go to Illinois last week cuz my husbands mom had to have a pace maker put in. She is fine now, it made her feel so much better. She has been in the hospital four times in the last month and a half. With pnemonia(sp),twice, then she blacked out taking the garbage out and fell and got a concusion and three broken ribs. And then she started having chest pain and they put her back in and decided she needed the pace maker. They said that her heart had skipped a beat thats why she blacked out.But she is doin alot better now.          My son has been putting in resumes her in Mo. to some places down by St Louis. They have decided that they would like to get a little closer to family. Right now they are eight hours away. He has gotten a few calls. But nothing for sure yet. I hope it works out. Three hours away is alot better than eight. Her parents live in Wright City. So they wouldn't be to far from them.         Well gotta go. Everyone have a safe and Happy holiday weekend. No major plans here. Take Care and God Bless, Tammy V. 


My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


Rianne D.
on 5/23/08 2:57 pm - MO
Hey hey guys and gals of Missouri!!  I missed yesterdays posting....so here I am today!  This won't be very long at all because I am exhausted!  A friend took me out last night for our last girls night where I wasn't a married woman and we had a blast but I didn't get much sleep at all!! I leave on Sunday for VEGAS!!  3 days until I am a new bride :-D  I am totally psyched bout that!  As soon as I get back from vacation/honeymoon I'll be posting some new pics of me.  Oh, and if anyone wants to watch our wedding ceremony, it will be broadcasted live at 8pm Vegas time on Tuesday evening....or there will be internet archives for like 3 months....here's the info abou****ching the wedding::: They'll access our website at www.vivalasvegasweddings.com, click on Live Webcams in the box at the top right of the page, and then go to Outdoor Gazebo   They must have Real Player installed on their computers.  If they see the prompt with Elvis, that means it’s working. Your ceremony will take place at 8:00pm Pacific Time.  They'll just relaunch their Real Players until you show up.  But, don't feel pressured into watching or anything...totally not!  Anywho, I love you all and will miss you while I'm away on vacation but I'll be thinking of ya'll and will be back soon!!
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