I feel yucky!
So I am like 5 weeks out and I feel like poo! I have been having Thiamine injections and got the last one today. I am nausous all the time. Everything tastes and smells bad and makes my stomach turn. Since there is nothing to throw up I strain and dry heave until a little clear slime comes up oh and I think my eyeballs pop out! I do this at least 5 times a day. I do it when I brush my teeth. If I stand for too long. Margie thinks it is the thiamine and I should be feeling better by tomorrow but I don't see that happening at this point. I am not getting in my vitamins or fluid and definately not my protein. I just cannot stomach anything. I feel weak and drained. My primary is thinking of putting me in the hosp for some fluids and antibiotics. I also have a lot of chest congestion but I have had a chest x-ray. I went to see dr H on tuesday and asked him if it was too late to put me back together. On the other hand my husband is doing great! If I am not better they will do a scope on me next week but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what is wrong with me? Is any of this normal? Or does anyone have any advice?
Bless your heart!!! That sounds awful! No, I wouldn't call that normal at all. I think you are doing the right things by going to your doctors. Is anything moving through your gut?? Is it possible that you have an obstruction like scar tissue that is blocking any of your openings...that could cause nausea because your normal gastric stuff can't get through. I think a scope is your best bet...its a shame he is waiting until next week, but it is a holiday weekend coming up and that tends to be how things go. I'm glad to hear hubby is doing well. I wish you were feeling better. I know how you feel about the dry heaves. I have done that 3 times now...dumping...it sucks. Nothing there to throw up...all you can do is go through the motions and then feel like crap for the next few hours. I feel for you girl....don't give up. Let dr H do a scope and make sure it isn't something simple he can fix. I have lost 40 pounds in 2 months....don't want you to miss out on that..............
DO NOT WAIT!!!!!!! Sorry to yell but dont put off finding help. I kept thinking that I was just being a baby and I almost died because of it. Your body cant take not taking in food or fluid for that long...I had an abcess in my abdomin which can happen after this surgery, it is one of the rare complications. Have them check all of that out. They did several CT's on me and ended up putting in a tube to drain it out. I had that for about 1 1/2 months. All of this is now a blur to me as I was so sick at the time that I can hardly remember it. But what you speak of sounds familiar. Are you extremely weak? Even my vision was affected because of the severe dehydration and starvation. DONT WAIT!!! My potasium levels were gone and they were amazed that my heart was even still beating by the time I made it to the emergency room. PLEASE get it checked out NOW...and YES I am trying to scare you. I would rather scare you and get you help than not! If it turns out to be something simple, I wont feel bad at all that I freaked out on you! lol! Let us know what is happening and God Bless you!